Title: Possession

Author: mojoco

Rating: R

Disclaimer: These characters are not mine, they belong to JJ Abrams and Bad Robot Productions.

Author's Note: This will be the last chapter, at least for awhile. I might write a sequel eventually, and maybe add an epilogue. Thanks to everyone who provided feedback, I would love to see reviews of this last chapter!



Sydney's eyes fluttered open to rest drowsily on her husband, who crouched before the sofa she lay on, his green eyes filled with concern.

"What are you doing sleeping down here, baby?" he asked, running a tender hand over her brown hair.

"I must have dozed off," she murmured. The truth was, she hadn't wanted him to hear her cry. Earlier, she'd suggested they open the bottle of champagne, but he'd only shaken his head, saying he just wanted to go to sleep.

"Katie, I'm sorry about how I acted before," he said.

"Don't be," she replied. "I'd had a lot more time to think about things than you did."

"Still," he said, his voice soft.

"Come here," she said with a smile. "Lie next to me."

"Here?" he questioned. "You could come to bed."

"Just lie next to me," she urged, and he obliged her. So rarely had he ever denied her anything. He lie on his side beside her, pulling her to him, his arm draped over her.

"Marc," she said, her voice soft. "Earlier when you asked me if I was pregnant--"

"Let's not talk about it." Lying against him, her back to him, she couldn't see his eyes, but she could hear the pain in his voice.

"You just sounded so happy," she said, her eyes filling with tears.

"I said let's not talk about it." She bit her lip to keep the tears from spilling over.

"I--" she finally managed. "I meant it when I told my mother that you'd make an amazing father."

Instantly she felt him tense up against her. "Sydney, why are you even talking about this?" Not Kate, not Katie. Sydney. "You know it can't happen for us."

"I-- I thought it could, though," she confessed. "I really thought we were safe here. Our own little paradise."

The tension left his body then, and he planted a tender kiss on her cheek. "Maybe we can still find somewhere," he whispered in her ear. "An undiscovered island that no tourists visit."

She smiled. "A cabin in the mountains." She rolled over to face him, caressing his cheek.

His hands moved to her waist, pulling her closer to him. "Somewhere where we can call each other Michael and Sydney, because no one will be around to care or know the difference."

"Let's not wait around to find out what my mother knows, Michael," she rasped, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Let's leave tonight."

"Syd," he laughed. "Where would we go?"

"Doesn't matter," she said recklessly. "We'll keep moving till we find the perfect place."

His expression grew serious as he regarded her. "Are you ready to do this, Syd?" he asked. "Start over, just like we did last year?"

She only smiled at him. Truthfully, she didn't think he even wanted an answer. Were she to attempt one, she would have had to say so much.

"Just like we did last year," he'd said. Except they weren't in the same place they'd been the year before. Not even close.

She closed her eyes, smiling as she remembered the two of them a year ago, longer. Two years ago, three. Meeting with him at the CIA.

"I'm not trying to play you."

"We'll see."

She blinked and another memory was there. Out on a mission, a familiar voice in her ear.

"Who am I talking to?"

"Your invisible friend."

"My guardian angel."

She laced her fingers through his and remembered taking his hand that night at the pier, when she knew so little about him. Only that he was the one person who she didn't have to lie to. The only person she could trust.

"You realize this is going to change everything," he'd told her the night they'd first kissed. In a way it had. It had freed them to talk about how they felt each other. After that first kiss, it had become okay for him to kiss her if he felt like it, to take her hand if it felt right, as long as they were in private. But in other ways, it had changed nothing at all. They'd already been so emotionally entangled with one another that for all intents and purposes, they might as well have been sleeping together all along.

"You can't even exist anymore." Those had been the magic words that had really changed everything. It hadn't been long after those words were spoken that they'd realized they were it for each other. The only people they would really know for the rest of their lives.

But again, in some ways, very little had changed.

In many ways, this last year, their first as husband and wife, had been the hardest. Oh, hell. The truth was, they'd never had it easy. But it was hard to regret any of it. Yes, they'd already spent a fair amount of time running and hiding. But always with the hope that maybe someday they'd have everything they wanted. A mountain, a beach, a family. She had no idea if any of that was even possible for them. But the thing about Michael? He made her believe that it could be. He believed that she was capable of anything, and deserved everything. Sometimes, just for a minute, she knew that it was true. As long as she was with him.

"We won't be able to be completely rid of Marc and Katherine Chadwick, you know," she finally said. "At least not for awhile."

"Of course not," he said. "We'll need their names, their passports, their drivers' licenses, at least until we get where we're going."

"I wouldn't even want to be completely rid of them, would you?"

"Of course not," he said again, a teasing glint in his eyes. "I mean, it was Katie who made love to me over and over on my wedding night."

She smiled. "Marc who told me that I was the best thing that ever happened to him."

Michael smile, and, sounding a little choked up, said, "Michael would have told you that, too."

Neither of them said what both of them were thinking: that neither would have gotten rid of Marc and Katie, or any other minute of the past three years, for one simple reason: all of those moments had gotten them to where they were that day.

