Hello, all of you amazing, perfect, lovely people! You guys are epic! The support I got... just wow. I expected a bunch of angry reviews and stuff... instead, I got a couple story favs/follows and author favs/follows. Every time you guys would say something supportive, the first thought that went through my head was "WHAAAT?" The point: I LOVE YOU!

As you can tell, I'm in a much better mood today (tonight?). Truth be told, it's because I feel like a HUGE weight has been lifted off of me. For the past few weeks, I've been absolutely devastated by just about everything in life, and I feel like I let everyone in my life down. I can never please my family enough, and I can't ever be everything my friends want me to be. So having to tell you guys that I couldn't finish this nearly killed me.

Several of you said you care more about my well-being than the story. Each time I read that, I cried. I'm not even joking. I really did. How am I doing? I'm sucking at life. My favorite horse is dying, my brother is moving across the continent on Sunday, we may be selling our house, I may have to give up my half-lease on a horse named John Wayne, and I'm entering 8th grade, which, frankly, is kinda terrifying to me. BUT I have you guys. I have God, my dogs, I have riding lessons, I have friends, OMG I HAVE BOOKS, and I have FANFICTION!

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG, GUESS WHAT I JUST FOUND OUT?! Well, those of you who have read my profile know that I have 6 sisters and 4 brothers. WE ARE ADOPTING 3 MORE CHILDREN! I won't be the youngest anymore! :D :D

Anywho, let me get to the point of this A/N. I have decided to rewrite Cinderella. A majority of you guys want that, but I'm not doing it because I feel pressured to. I would never have proposed the idea to y'all if I had not thought it through long and hard. Some of you don't want me to rewrite it. Let me assure that it will be almost exactly like the original, but with better words, longer paragraphs (more details), and no loose ends.

Some of you want me to continue this story. I am SO SORRY! I won't delete this story, because there's a chance that one day I'll get the inspiration to come back to it.

I'm not sure that it's legal or following the site rules to post a new version of Cinderella without deleting my original. Sadly, I'm going to delete it. BUT, thanks to the EPIC new Recovery button, if I decide I hate the new version, I can bring back the old! :)

Also, I've been reading a lot of John Green stuff, especially his FAQ page for The Fault In Our Stars, because his answers are very intellectual and thought-provoking. The point: reading that stuff makes me feel like my writing is complete crap in comparison. The point of the point: I'm going to do a rewrite of Cinderella, then finish up In My Shoes and The Nature of Stars and whatever else, and then I'm off to FictionPress. Maybe... who knows. I'm kinda bipolar, so by tomorrow, I may think that FictionPress isn't worth my time or something. Who knows...

But I have a FictionPress account under the same name as this, and I've posted, but I'm deleting because those are very old posts. I'm working on a story now that I'll have posted who knows when.

ANYWHO, the next month or so is going to be hectic for me on this site, so be prepared for a LOT of Cinderella updates starting either today or tomorrow!

Again, infinity thank yous to everyone! And a special shout out to xXxJaceInWonderlandxXx and JR (Guest). I love y'all and I'm sorry for all this trouble. I really truly am, and I will be replying to all the PMs I got. I didn't expect so many, so I was kinda overwhelmed! THANK YOU!

Love Always,


P.S. I really am sorry.