A/N: This is it. It's been something else. And, hey 100 reviews!

Congratulations to Lushcoltrane for being lucky #100. I can't wait for you to redeem your prize. This should be good!

BIG THANKS to all of the followers and reviewers and also anyone who already from earlier on decided this story was going to be one of their favorites. You don't know what that means to me.

By the way, a recent guest reviewer was taken aback by the quality in the story and felt that nothing else on the site would compare. But that is nonsense. There is TONS of talent here. If you're reading this, I strongly suggest you start by checking out the fics written by your fellow reviewers. And don't forget to take a peek at their favorite lists, too; you're sure to find something incredible no problem. These gals and guys know mad writing skills when they see it because they are first rate writers themselves.

We encourage one another and if one of us has a problem; we help each other out (blocks, grammar, etc.) This is a safe place; a domain where creativity is encouraged - where you are free to be yourself.

I am excited for my next projects. Can't decide what I want to do first...

It gets pretty kinetic and I try to use the page break lines to keep the whole "dream within dream" stuff straight since I can't use visuals like the movie does.

Anyways, thanks so much EVERY ONE OF YOU

and enjoy...


Cobb woke up with a cut on his head. He must have hit it on a rock on the way down. It looked to be some kind of underground cave. After searching for a minute, he located Tori and helped her up trying to keep her head steady.

"Tori, are you alright?" he asked.

"I'll be okay, I think" she winced. "Where are we?"

A shrill scream that echoed through the cave was then met with a livid Jade pinning Tori to a wall. Once she focused and recognized the form as friendly, she hugged her tightly.

"Jade!" Tori said. "Are you okay?"

"No," her speech was right now truncated by a stammer. She was scared beyond belief.

"Where is he?" Cobb asked.

"I...I...think I lost him," Jade sighed holding her chest.

Freddy burst out from behind some rubble and grabbed Cobb by the collar.

"You think these clowns can beat me? You're nothing more than glorified thieves. You have no real power in here."

He turned to Jade.

"Not even you," he sneered.

"But I do," a small voice appeared out of nowhere.

Cat came up from behind Tori. Everyone is shocked to see her.

"Cat, why are you here?" Jade asked.

"A projection?" Cobb asked, looking at Jade.

The redhead turned to the blonde man and narrowed her gaze.


"The more fresh meat, the better" Freddy licked his lips.

"Not this time!" Cat brushed past her friends and reached out to touch his face.

Before his knife hand could make contact, his arm stiffened. He looked at the childlike girl with utter horror, dropping Cobb from his grip.

"What are you doing?" he growled.

"What is she doing?" Tori asked Jade.

The raven-haired girl was just as beside herself.

The girl mustered up her courage to look the devil in the eye. "It's time for your nightmare, Freddy!" Cat exclaimed.

Freddy's let out a horrible scream and everything got dark.

Tori, Jade, Cat and Freddy were dangling from a rope suspended over about a hundred maniacs. They were in some kind of asylum where the ceiling stretched forever.

The madmen below were salivating at the tantalizing nubile young women just hanging like meat in a butcher's window.

Freddy sneered as he saw that he was the furthest up the rope and begun to playfully cut the fibers one by one.

"NO!" Jade screamed, she looked down at her helpless Tori below her, dangling over hell itself. The things she imagined they had in store for them was too difficult to fathom.

She climbed her way up the rope, but Freddy tries to stomp her hands when she gets close enough.

Using the distraction, Tori grabs a hold of the rope and starts to ascend it herself.

"Hold on Tori" she heard Cat's voice.

Suddenly, Tori felt the rope leave her hands and she shut her eyes, preparing for the worst.

After coaxing herself, Tori opened her eyelids and saw that she was still holding onto the rope only this time she was above Krueger. She jabbed her heel into his temple, sending him falling but he gains a grip once again. Only now he's face to face with the last person he wanted to see.

"Suck it bitch!" the Goth spat.

Jade raised her hand and, with open scissors, stabbed Freddy in the eye. She gritted her teeth and because this was a dream; Jade was able to exhibit enough force to break the sharp blade in half, leaving a large piece of shiny shrapnel protruding from his face.

The would-be Springwood Slasher howled in the agony this 120 lb. brunette just unleashed.

Looking from above; Cobb cuts the rope, sending the girls and Freddy hurtling to the bottom.

Tori and Jade wake up with a start. Cat smiles, standing over them.

"Are we okay?" Tori asked the redhead.

"I got you two out in time," she smiled back. "But we're not done yet."

"What do you me-" Jade stopped when the girl she was talking to vanish before her eyes.

"And she's gone," Tori sighed. She turned to Cobb. "Why is she gone?"

Eames almost dropped his remote when a petite redhead manifested out of thin air.

"Hi," she waved.

"Hey," he said nervously. "Who are you?"

"I'm Cat," she grinned looking at her sleeping friend. "You gonna wake Jade up now?"

Eames chose to not argue with the bubbly apparition and initiate the kick for Jade's dream. He had her body wired to receive a mild electric jolt to wake up.

He gave the button a press and the hospital room melted away around them.

As Arthur witnessed Jade opening her eyes, he shakes Tori awake and kicks Cobb's leg.

"Ow, fuck!" Cobb blurted out after hitting the floor. "Couldn't think of a more gentle method, Arthur?"

The thin man folded his arms. "I don't do gentle."

Tracy sat up, pulling off her electrodes. "Did it work?" She leaned over to see Tori sitting up, lost in Jade's arms. She smiled at the embracing girls.

"I am not doing this again," Cobb shook his head.

"What's with him?" Tracy asked, indicating the sleeping Officer Vega.

"Oh, him?" Cobb replied. "He's fine. He'll wake up in a little bit from my calculation. We'll be long gone."

"Thank God," Eames added. "Well Tracy, dear" the big lug grinned. "It's been fun but I must be off."

"All good things to those who wait," she shot back.

Eames, Arthur and Ariadne filed out, waving to Tori who mouthed the words "Thank You," unable to break her union with Jade.

Yusuf and Cobb packed up their arsenal and began to leave but Dom hesitated.

"How you holding up?" he asked the couple.

"In heaven," Tori told Jade's ear. "But it still hurts a lot."

"Thanks," Jade said misty-eyed. "For everything."

Cobb nodded. "Happy to help. You know; your dad was right, Tori. You two look cute together. Bet you're gonna start a family one day."

Tori shrugged and Jade shot him a look.

Cobb took out a top from his pocket and spun it on the snack tray. After a few seconds, it toppled over. He smiled.

"What's that?" Jade asked.

Cobb shrugged. "A reminder...about how delicate this all is and not to take anything for granted."

"We won't" Tori said sincerely. "Not anymore."

"Good," he replied, scooping up his totem and putting it in his pocket. "You guys take care."

And with that Dominic Cobb was out the door and as far as he was concerned, he never met anyone by the name of David Vega nor anyone of relation to him. And vice versa. Discretion is how he always liked it.

After a few moments of holding and kissing one another, the two began to notice they were being watched. They quickly looked and acknowledged their biggest fan and just recently their saving grace.

"Hey..." Cat said in as soft-spoken a tone as manageable. For her.

Jade and Tori looked at each other and back at Cat, each holding out an arm for the redhead to join in the love. She squealed and eagerly sauntered over to take part in the big hug of hugs.

"Cat?" Tori asked. "How did you do what you did back there?"

The girl shrugged and beamed. "My mom gave it to me. She calls it a gift"

Jade snorted. "All my mom gave me was a big pain in the..."

Tori tapped her girlfriend hard in the shoulder.

"OW!" Jade exclaimed. "What the fu-"

The Goth stiffened and turned around slowly, following Tori's finger pointing behind her.

The trio saw Jade's mom, Mrs. West, standing in the doorway holding a get well bouquet for Tori.

"Hey...kids," she smiled awkwardly. "How are you feeling, Tori?"

"Better now," Tori smiled at Jade.

Jade cleared her throat "Hey, mom. I need to tell you something..."

"Hello Jade," Mr. West said coming up behind his wife. "Sorry, we haven't been introduced."

"I'm Tori," she smiled shaking Mr. West's hand.

"She's my...girlfriend," Jade blurted out.

The Wests exchanged glances.

"Well?" Jade asked. "Say something!"

"Okay, sweetheart" Jade's dad put his hands on his hips and used his most "fatherly" tone. "Your mother and I are very disappointed."


"If she's your girlfriend," Mrs. West commented while parking the flowers by the window. "Then you should have been giving her flowers."

Tori punched Jade in the arm, chuckling. Jade on the other hand thought she was going to pass out.

"Don't worry," Tori squeezed Jade's hand. "She's actually done more for me than you could imagine."

Tori was going to say more when the sound of her father groaning filled the room.

"Jade?" he asked confused. "Oh, good; you're back."

Her parents looked like they were missing something.

"Have a good nap dad?" Tori asked.

"Yeah," he yawned. "Never slept better although I've never been so thirsty in my life." He walked over to the pitcher of melted ice and drank about two thirds of it.

"Dad!" Tori moaned out of embarrassment.

"Sorry sweetie," he contritely said wiping his mouth. "So everything went as planned?" he asked the girls.

They discreetly nodded.

David leaned in close to whisper to his daughter.

"See; I told you they had everything in hand. You just had to stay here."

Tori rolled her eyes. "Right, dad."

Ryder Daniels was parked at the hills; the Hollywood sign in plain view. He was playing the old "out of gas" routine with a Northridge girl.

He got out his pickup truck and laid a red and green blanket he had rolled up in the backseat in the bed of the truck.

The girl was easily led by his charm and the two laid underneath the stars.

Ryder goes to put the moves on the hapless blonde but the shaking of the truck was killing the mood. He looked around, thinking it was a rock slide but then saw the truck was moving backward.

Ryder swore he engaged the parking brake.

He tried to move put the blanket rolled up tightly around them on its own. The two screamed, wriggling with all their strength and couldn't get themselves free.

They watched helplessly as they saw the bottom of the cliff enter their sights and begin to descend to their deaths.

"Guess he wasn't getting lucky tonight," Freddy laughed from the edge of the cliff, looking down.