Hi! This is going to take place over the summer when Patricia visited Eddie in America. I'll try really hard at updating- I'm not very good at that.

"Hello?" Patricia Williamson held her phone with her shoulder as she received her luggage from the baggage claim at LAX. Her surroundings made it very hard to hear Eddie from the other line.

"Finally you answered your phone! Are you at the airport yet?" Patricia's favorite teenaged boy said into his cell phone.

Patricia rolled her eyes at the question. "No, Eddie. I'm still 20,000 feet in the air where I get great service! Best signal I've ever had! The flight attendant thought it was a great idea to use my phone on the plane to take a call from my common sense lacking boyfriend."

"Ha-ha, very funny, Yacker." Eddie said over the horn honking heard in the background. "I'm about to pull up to the main doors, wait outside for me."

"Okay, see you in a second."

"One. Yacker, I don't see you yet."



Patricia laughed when she heard her boyfriend yell mean words at a driver near him. "I'm going to assume that you're the one in the Jeep flipping off the driver behind you."

"Bingo." Eddie said as he pulled up, shut his phone, and got out of his SUV to greet Patricia. Grabbing the girl's luggage as he quickly kissed her cheek. "You don't know how much I've missed you."

"A kiss on the cheek? Slimeball, I haven't seen you in 2 months and that's all I get?" Patricia smirked as Eddie slammed the trunk door.

"I'm irresistible, I know." Eddie laughed as he opened the door for her. "So, aren't you going to get in the car, Yacker?" Eddie motioned for her to step into his green Jeep Wrangler.

"This is so odd, this is supposed to be the driver's side." Patricia laughed as she sat on his seats, her feet resting on one of Eddie's leather jackets he had left on the floor.

Eddie walked around the car and into the driver's seat after closing Patricia's door. "So, Yacker. How was your flight?"

"It was nice, I slept through the first 8 hours, and the other 2 and a half I was wondering what it was like here. It's exactly how I imagined it from all your stories." She grabbed his hand and intertwined his fingers with hers. "I did miss you, a lot, you know."

"Missed you too. I didn't get to hear you yack for a whole 2 months! Quietest two months of my life." Eddie teased as they drove out of the airport and into LA's summer traffic.

"So, what are our plans for the day?" Patricia stared out the window to take grasp of her surroundings. She had only been in the states once before, at age 14 when Piper's music group had come to perform at an international classic music festival. Patricia hated the festival, obviously, so she had played games on her phone most of the time.

The sun was unusually comfortable to the teenager who had lived in the cold and humid city of Liverpool most of her life. The wind made her dark red hair fly, and she was okay with that. She wasn't usually crazy about sticking her head out the window, but she decided she would now.

"Yacker, are you paying attention?" Eddie snapped Patricia out of her LA trance after he had been talking for a good 15 minutes.

"Oh, yeah, sorry. I was looking outside, it's so pretty! Let's go there!" She smiled brightly at her boyfriend.

"Well, if you would've been paying attention, you would've known that my house was about a 5 minute walk to beach, that's where you're going to meet my mom, Elizabeth, and my step-dad, Nicholas, but you can call him Nick." Eddie made a left turn into a large, gated neighborhood.

"This is where you live?" Patricia's eyes widened and her mouth gaped open in astonishment.

"You see that house right there? With the black version of this car?" Eddie questioned.

"Your parents own a black version of your car?"

"No, that's my friend, David's, car. He's my next door neighbor, and he's also the first friend of mine I told about you." Eddie pulled up into his house's driveway.

"Man, why'd you tell them? We could've told them we were cousins and make out right in front of them! It would've been the funniest thing to see their faces!" Patricia said as she unbuckled her seatbelt and hopped out of the car, proceeding to the trunk.

"That reminds me, you never got your kiss, Yacker." Eddie smirked as he pulled Patricia's luggage out of his trunk.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" The girl said as Eddie cupped her face in his hand and pressed his lips to hers. The kiss was short and simple. Patricia and Eddie weren't huge fans of those really long and deep kisses, because Eddie and Patricia knew it would lead to something much more than a kiss.

"See, it would've been nicer if I got that at the airport, Weasel." Patricia laughed as she took her bags from Eddie. "I can take my own trunks, thank you very much."

Eddie laughed while he closed his trunk's door. To compromise, he took one of Patricia's suitcases in his left hand, and her left hands in his right as they walked into his house.

Yay, me! I wrote a fanfiction I'm actually okay with posting! If you guys have any tips on writing, feel free to message me them or leave them in the reviews! Thanks for reading!
