I'm baaaack! This is Destiny's Pawn, the sequel to Demands of Fate! I'm so excited for this part of the story! Thank you to everyone who stuck with me through the first one. I hope you all enjoy this one just as much!

Disclaimer: I don't own The Empire Strikes Back, or any of the original characters of the Star Wars Universe. I only own my OC('s).

Chapter 1: Three Years Later

Three years.

It had been three years since they escaped Corellia. Three years since Dillon betrayed them, and three years since they returned to the Alliance.

A lot had happened in the few months after they returned to the base. After their injuries were treated, Mon Mothma personally congratulated them on their heroism. She informed them that, despite his complaining after they rescued him, Xandor personally commended their actions on Corellia. Serena knew he still didn't like them, because ever since their rescue she'd only caught glimpses of in the past three years, but she was thankful for what he did for them when they returned.

In addition to Xandor, Leia also supported the group, claiming no one else could have done better. The Princess made a compelling argument to Mon Mothma, who couldn't deny the success of the mission, despite some of the mistakes made. The others just stood there while Mothma seemed to be considering something, still exhausted from their adventure, despite the time they had to rest and recuperate. After noticing this, Leia immediately insisted that they all get some rest, to which Mon Mothma agreed.

After approximately a month, Mon Mothma decided to thank each of them formally in front of the entire Rebellion. The ceremony was very similar to the one after they destroyed the Death Star. Each of the Rebellion's leaders seemed very impressed—so impressed that each one of them was offered a promotion, aside from Leia who was already a prominent figure in the Alliance.

Luke was offered the position of Commander. Everyone knew he deserved it, and cheered loudly as he declared he would accept the honor. He deserved it even before he went on the mission for his rescue of Leia for destroying the Death Star and saving the Alliance. If that wasn't enough of a reason to give him the promotion, he was also brave, and strong, and easily inspired loyalty. Serena remembered how happy he was when he accepted the position as Commander Skywalker, and how proud he was to have a greater impact on the war with the Empire.

Han was made a Captain in the Alliance, which he accepted somewhat reluctantly. He was reluctant to remain with the Rebels ever since Serena told him about their run-in with the bounty hunter Bossk on Corellia. Despite his callous nature, he truly did care about what happened to his sister, Chewbacca, and the others. Serena knew he didn't want to put anyone in danger, despite his claims that he just "wanted to pay Jabba back". She knew he worried about what Jabba would do to them if he wasn't careful, but she figured even the Hutt wouldn't be stupid enough to send a bounty hunter in the Rebel base, if the Hutt even knew where they were. However, in spite of his many attempts to leave, Leia always gave him a reason to stick around a little longer, and Serena doubted he ever would try to leave.

Chewbacca, on the other hand, immediately declined any promotion. He was required by his life-debt to protect Han, and taking a position in the Alliance would distract him from that obligation. Han rolled his eyes at his friend's decision, grumbling that 'he could take care of himself'. Chewbacca just brushed off Han's concern, and remained at his best friend's side.

Wedge also declined any promotion. He didn't want to be stuck watching others fight, or be responsible for anyone. He just wanted to help the Alliance in the best way he knew how: by flying. When Serena asked him about it, he responded with, "I'm going to help the Alliance by doing what I do best—following orders." Since he seemed happy doing just that, she didn't try to change his mind, no matter how worthy of the position she thought he was. She was glad Wedge was happy with whatever he decided to do.

Finally, Serena was offered a position as a Lieutenant, which she accepted eagerly. She was honored that the Alliance trusted her enough to offer her a position, even though she had only recently joined. It certainly wasn't a huge promotion, but she was thankful nonetheless. She never imagined that she would rank in the Alliance, and it was humbling having people look to her for orders, even if she only had a few under her command. Despite having the position for many years now and the surprising amount of work accompanying the position, she still smiled a bit every time someone called her 'Lieutenant Solo'.

She could only imagine how much pressure Luke was under. A Commander was responsible for more soldiers, meaning he had more people depending on him to make the right decisions. She barely had any time on her hands, but somehow they both managed to make time for each other, spending most of their free time together. Even with their busy schedules, they still found a way to make the best of the time offered to them, and their relationship had lasted three years, but it moved slowly. It felt like they barely saw each other anymore.

Despite barely seeing him, she didn't care. She lo—liked Luke and was willing to suffer through their busy schedules. She shook her head, flushing. She had almost slipped up earlier as well. Even though they had been together for three years now, she didn't want to assume anything. Since they barely saw each other, they took their relationship slow, because they didn't have much of a choice. She was too afraid to tell him how she truly felt about him-how she always had to catch her breath when he would simply brush past her, or when leaned in to kiss her, or how her heart skipped a beat when he smiled at her.

She shook her head, forcing herself to return to her duties.

A few months after their promotions, the Alliance had to move their base again. The Empire finally managed locate their base. Fortunately, the spies the Rebels had in the Empire managed to warn them in time to evacuate. It was Leia's idea to go to the ice-planet Hoth. The planet was completely unoccupied, due to its harsh climate. However, she doubted the Empire would think to search for the Rebels there.

Leia was right.

Three years later and the Empire had no idea where the Rebel Alliance was located. Leia chose their new destination well. Serena hadn't had a lot of free time, however, as the Alliance truly was spread very thin. She had to help Luke, as she ranked below him, in keeping everyone under their command busy.

Starting last month, Han finally had enough of waiting around and decided to try and finally finish repairing the Falcon. There had been an unfortunate training accident about a month ago that left the Falcon in bad condition. Han and Chewie repaired most of it, but the ship still wouldn't run. Her brother was determined to change that, however, and then leave the planet, much to her, Leia, and Luke's irritation. She was getting worried that Han was getting serious about leaving. After three years here, she had grown attached to the Rebels, especially Luke and Leia. She knew if Han did leave, she wouldn't know who to choose.

Han was working on the Falcon right now, while Serena was finally able to take some time off and see Luke. Luke planned this night a month in advance, and she was excited. It had been a few weeks since they'd been able to take time off and see each other, not counting the many times they saw each other when they were working. She made her way to his room, where they agreed to meet, smiling as she made her way in. She walked in...to see him in his snow suit.

"Luke?" She asked, looking at him dejectedly.

He turned around, looking guilty. She knew what was coming. He'd done this to her a lot lately—but she'd also done it to him a few times. The Rebellion needed someone to scout the area, and Luke was chosen for this patrol. She could tell he was exhausted, but she knew he wouldn't complain. He never refused the Alliance, and while it could be irritating, his loyalty was commendable. Everyone was overworked, and it was only fair that he did his part, as well.

Still, Serena couldn't say she wasn't upset. She was hoping they would be able to see each other, like old times before their promotions. She felt like there was never enough time anymore, and she was getting tired of it. It was times like these that made her wish he was still a simple pilot.

He sighed, running his hand through his hair and looking upset, "Serena—"

"You have to go scouting, right?" She said calmly, not wanting to show her disappointment.

"I—Yeah. They did this at the last minute. I'm sorry, but...you know I have to."

"Yeah, I know."

He just stared at her for a minute, feeling terrible. He knew she understood, but he could tell she wasn't happy about it. Truth be told, he wasn't either. He wanted to stay with her, and enjoy the evening, but he took his position seriously.

He moved towards her, opening his mouth to make more excuses, but he wasn't able to come up with any. He felt terrible, seeing that disappointed look on her face. He knew she was looking forward to this night—so was he. Still, when General Rieekan approached him and told Luke he was assigned for scouting tonight, he wasn't able to say no. The General was an understanding man, but Luke doubted he would let Luke get out of scouting because he had a date.

He looked at Serena. He knew she wasn't angry with him, but couldn't help feeling guilty. Her brown eyes were downcast, and she seemed a lot smaller. He noticed she was shaking a bit from the cold temperature, even though she was dressed warmly.

He couldn't resist, even though he knew he had to head out soon. He gently pulled her toward him, and she relaxed in his embrace.

Luke was so warm, especially in his snow suit. She could smell caffa on the suit, and knew he'd been drinking it just before she entered. She knew he must have seen her shivering, and being the gentleman he was, wanted to warm her before he left. This was why she cared so much for Luke. He was always so sweet.

After a moment, she reluctantly stepped out of his embrace, and smiled softly, "You should probably get going."

He nodded, "I probably should." But as he moved to step past her he couldn't resist moving in and kissing her. Serena was stunned for a moment, but that moment quickly passed and she returned the kiss.

The room was cold—all of Hoth was cold—but as soon as their lips met the temperature seemed to spike up several degrees. He meant for it to be a simple kiss, but Serena seemed to sense his expectations and quickly reacted. She responded eagerly, effectively changing Luke's mind as he gave in to her wishes. It had been too long since they were able to do this, and they were both reluctant to end it quickly.

His lips were chapped, and she could feel their roughness upon hers. Even though she kissed him many times, she always felt as if it was their first. She gasped into his mouth, and it seemed as if the moment would never end. His hands were on her hips, keeping her pressed against him, as if he was afraid she would let go and leave him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him securely against her, assuring him that she never intended to. Even though she was disappointed in Luke a few moments ago, that was completely forgotten after his lips met hers. Serena felt lightheaded, and she didn't know whether it was from the way he was kissing her or the length of their kiss—probably both.

Eventually, the moment ended and they pulled apart, with Serena leaning against him for support, still feeling the effects of their kiss. Nobody had ever made her feel the way he did. Luke seemed disoriented as well, simply staring at her as if he never wanted to leave.

Her cheeks flushed, she barely managed to whisper, "Don't you have to be somewhere?" She smiled, letting him know all was forgiven. After that kiss, she was willing to let this slide.

Luke, his blue eyes still staring at her intently, sighed, "Right. Just one more thing."

He kissed her once more, though it was over before she could react, and quickly made his way out the door before it got out of hand once again. She laughed as he walked out the door, determined to finally go scouting. He was a few minutes late, and Serena wondered what the General's reaction would be, and what Luke's excuse would be. She should have felt guilty for making him late, but somehow, she just couldn't. This would be her payback for missing their date.

After a moment, she left the room as well, heading in the opposite direction. She decided that since her free time would be spent alone, she might as well return to helping the Rebellion. The former smuggler decided looking for Leia in the Command Center would be her best bet at finding something to occupy her time.

It did not take long for her to find the Command Center. As always, it was filled with Rebels, all dutifully working despite their exhaustion. A few droids scurried past her through the still opened door, almost knocking her over. She quickly moved out of the way, and searched for Leia. The Princess wasn't hard to spot, despite the large crowd of people. Serena quickly made her way to her friend.

As she approached Leia, the Princess kept her attention on the monitor in front of her. Only when Serena cleared her throat did Leia acknowledge her.

"Serena! Sorry—didn't see you there." Leia shook her head, seeming tired, but she looked at the Lieutenant curiously, "Weren't you supposed to be with Luke?"

"Yeah." She replied somewhat sadly, "But he was assigned to scout out the perimeters of the base, so I decided to come here and help you."
Leia looked at Serena in concern, "I appreciate the offer, but I think you should take advantage of your time off. You deserve it."

Serena shook her head, "No, Leia. Honestly, I'm fine. I'd rather help you here."

Leia rolled her eyes at the girl's stubbornness, but didn't argue further. She knew it would be pointless and a waste of time. Serena immediately went to work after their conversation, determined to keep herself occupied.

It kept her distracted, but every so often her mind wandered to Luke. The weather was getting worse here all the time, and it was getting more dangerous than ever to scout. She knew he was capable, but couldn't stop worrying about him. She would never forgive herself for letting him go without her if something happened.

She had been working diligently for at least a half hour before she heard her brother's voice, "...there's a price on my head. If I don't pay off Jabba the Hutt, I'm a dead man."

She frowned. So Han was planning on leaving? Now? She honestly didn't think he would do that. Without even letting her know in advance? Did he think she was just going to drop everything and leave with him? She couldn't do that. She'd worked so hard for the Rebellion.

General Rieekan seemed disappointed by the news, as well, "A death mark's not an easy thing to live with. You're a good fighter, Solo, and your sister is a damn good Lieutenant. I'd hate to lose you two."

You're not going to. Serena thought, determined.

Han nodded, "Thank you, General." Though he tried to keep his attention on the General, his eyes kept flickering over to where Leia was working.

Serena glanced over to Leia, who looked upset about the news. The Princess stared at Han when he turned away, and Serena swore she saw hurt in that gaze before Leia quickly masked it into irritation. Leia looked like she was considering something before she stormed up to Han.

Han seemed pleased she cared enough to approach him, "Well, your Highness, I guess this is it."

Serena could see the anger in Leia's eyes and almost felt bad for Han before she remembered she was angry with him too, "That's right."

Han's cocky expression faded at Leia's anger, "Well, don't get all mushy on me. So long, Princess."

Before he left the room, though, there was one last person he needed to talk to. He spotted Serena not far off, glaring at him. He frowned, this conversation wouldn't be pleasant.

Serena saw Han walk in her direction, but returned her attention to the monitor, ignoring him. She knew he saw her glaring but didn't care. He was just going to abandon everything they worked so hard for. Did he even care that she was happy here? Did he even care about Leia? Or Luke?

"Hey, sis."

She continued to ignore him, keeping her attention fixed on the console. However, Han wouldn't just give up. He simply stood there until she finally sighed and acknowledged him, "Han."

He rolled his eyes, "I know you were listening to me and the Princess back there."

She still didn't look at him, but responded, "And?"

"And you know we gotta get outta here."

She rolled her eyes, and turned to face him, "You really think I'm going with you?"

Han's eyes widened. She never spoke to him like this before. Honestly, he hadn't even considered the possibility she wouldn't go with him. He knew she would be angry, but she always stood by his side, and he was doing this to protect her and Chewie. Didn't she get that?

He realized he just stared at her for awhile in shock, and she glared back, "Oh, come on, sis. I know you're angry, but—"

"I just can't believe you, sometimes. Why didn't you tell me?" She cut him off, some of her anger deflating as she asked the question.

He was thrown by the question. She knew he wanted to leave, he just didn't tell her the exact date, "Why does it matter? You knew we were leavin', eventually. We just stayed here a little longer than we usually do."

"That's the problem, Han!" She shouted, causing a few of the nearby Rebels to turn their attention to the siblings, "I can't just leave anymore. They need us—both of us!"

He rolled his eyes, "If this is about the kid, then why don't you just bring him along?"

She glared, "You don't get it, Han. We can't just leave these people. I'm a Lieutenant, and Luke's a Commander. You know he'd never leave."

"They'll find someone else to take over. We gotta pay off Jabba or he'll be on our tails forever."

"Do you even care about Leia?" Serena whispered, and Han stiffened at the question. She'd obviously brought up the wrong topic. He looked irritated now, no doubt remembering how the Princess acted as if she didn't care he was leaving. Before he thought about what he was saying he responded.

"I don't know what you're talkin' about, sis. We're leavin' as soon as the Falcon's finished. If you wanna come—fine. If not—well, no skin off my back."

She felt her heart sink at those words. Would he really leave all of them behind? She knew he loved her, even though he'd never say it out loud. It was one of those unspoken things she just knew. He always looked out for her, ever since their father died—and even before that, if she was being honest. He obviously wanted her to come, and some part of her wanted to just drop everything and go with him. Still, she knew she just couldn't anymore. She'd gotten in too deep, and some time in these last three years, the Rebellion had become important to her. She actually believed they could make a difference. Was she willing to give that up so she wouldn't lose her brother? Or Chewie? She couldn't imagine life without them.

She felt like she was going to cry, as she watched Han storm out of the Control Room. Leia watched Han leave, as well, before looking at Serena. Without hesitation, the Princess approached Serena.

"Are you alright?" Leia asked, looking both concerned for Serena, and furious with Han.

Serena let out a shaky laugh, "Honestly...no. I think I'm going to take advantage of that break after all." She walked away from Leia quickly. Determined to get out of there as quickly as possible. She needed time to think and sort this all out.

Leia watched Serena exit the room, and clenched her jaw. Han must not have gotten too far. She knew she couldn't just let him leave after everything he did for the Rebellion. Without another thought or word, she turned and ran after Han, determined to change his mind.

Finally Chapter 1 is done. So sorry it was late. Clearly, everything did not go as I planned, and I was suddenly too busy. (And if I'm honest, I wasn't really busy this week, but I've gotten obsessed with Supernatural, so that's to blame for the lateness, as well. :P). Still, sorry this chapter's a little short. I hope you like it, regardless. I made sure to include a little Luke/Serena to make up for the delay! Thanks to everybody for reading! :) If you liked it (or didn't), why not leave a review? ;)