
"Oh Sakura chan.. you truly don't know when to shut up. What a waste. You have so much talent, so many possibilities, yet you waste it all. That is why you're weak. That is why you're going to die.. all alone and by my bare hands.".

His words annoyed and infuriated her. They were so close now, merely inches apart. Sakura's emerald irises only reflected hatred and malice in those moments. As he drew closer to her, trapping her from any hope of escape and any kind of personal space, she placed a bit of chakra into her fist. It was still somewhat raised off of her bed so she took the opportunity to jab him in the gut whilst the stinging feeling of cold metal made its way to her collarbone. Oh it hurt, Kami it hurt. Sakura simply glared at the male before her with the white-hot intensity of a thousand suns. The kunoichi wanted to say something, do something to make him stop, to make the pain go away, and yet, she didn't. There was a small part of her that felt something 'different' from this kind of pain. Pushing that thought and feeling away, however, the young woman cleared her throat as if this were something of business and not what it actually was.

"You know, I'm getting pretty tired of this, four eyes." she stated with a sigh, almost as if she were bored.

That will piss him off and show him he can't mess with me...He's probably still just mad that Sasuke kun hurt me more than he ever has or ever could...

"You say I'm weak, and yet I believe I've proven you wrong on many occasions."

Trying to adjust herself so that this was not quite as uncomfortable, she pressed herself further into the kunai, causing more blood to spill and that sensation she felt earlier to come back. Sakura was going to show him that it didn't matter what he did because he couldn't break her will.

"You say you're going to kill me, and yet I don't see you doing that either. If you were going to kill me, you would have done it when you were told to."

She pressed herself even further into the cold metal, which stung like hell and felt amazing at the same time.

"However, you say that I don't know when to shut up, and that may be true. Naruto kun and Kakashi sensei say that of me often."

The young woman shrugged her shoulders as if this were nothing more than a game to her, and it kind of was at the moment. This is simply to prove a point. Go ahead and keep cutting me if you want, I'll help you push the damn blade in....

"Is that because it feels good..?".

It doesn't feel good! It definitely feels odd, demo I don't like it! Are you nuts?!".

"Baka, the amount of pressure that the blade is putting on you now should have you at least hissing in pain, and yet you seem to be enjoying it..".


"Or..maybe not just with my hands. It's so much more fun this way. Don't worry..I wont kill you yet. Originally, I had planned to keep you alive..but you haven't been a good girl lately, have you?"

His words made the young woman twitch in anger once more and her furious irises narrowed even further.

"Again with that weird talk. I'm not a pet or a toy, dammit! Stop it with this 'be a good girl' crap because it's annoying...As for your 'original plan,' I don't believe you. However, it would indeed explain why you didn't kill me. If your simple intention was to keep me alive so that you could screw with me, your ass is going to be in a world of pain. I'm getting quite tired of this and when I escape, I'll be sure to kick your face in a couple of times just to make sure you get the message that I'm a human being and won't stand to be treated as anything less...".

See, the thing was that Kabuto was right. Sakura indeed did not know when to just be quiet. Any ninja with even the smallest ounce of intelligence would have just stayed quiet, waited until he left, and then plotted their escape. They'd not let his words get to them either, nor would they let it show that it 'had' gotten to them, even if, in truth, they'd done so. Her words seemed to infuriate him and that was when the pink haired kunoichi began to slightly regret her words and actions. She was only making this harder on herself and yet, she couldn't stop. This was still fun in a very weird way to her. Not being cut up, of course, but the simple fact that she knew what kind of hold she had on the angry male so close to her. This was her advantage, and this was what she would continue to use against him, until it no longer worked, or she no longer cared.

The blade doubled its pressure, forcing itself past the tender flesh like a hot knife through butter. Sakura remained unaffected by it, except for the smallest hint of pain that flashed in her glistening orbs for a split second before disappearing back into the dark abyss of her mind.

"Since you so kindly gave me permission to cut you up..well, that is exactly what I'm going to do." he bragged.

"You really need to learn when to just shut up..." Sakura's inner self scolded her as it hissed in pain from the inside.

"Make it stop! Apologize, do something!".

Urasai! I will do no such thing! I'm not sorry. I'll NEVER be sorry for what I've said or done to him....

"Baka! He's going to kill us if you don't stop it! Whatever happened to playing nice and being a good girl?!".

That ended when I was called a possession! Besides, it sounds sexual and weird. Not that I'd ever think that he meant it in that way. Especially not towards me....

Finally, when the pain became too much to bear, the young woman hissed and backed away from it as much as possible, which was all about three inches behind her into the wall that he still had her practically pinned to. "Urasai, baka!" she said aloud, meaning to direct that at her inner self and not towards the man in the room with her. Soon after, her chin was forced up before Kabuto stepped back, freeing her from his entrapment as he backed up towards the door, lazily pushing up his glasses with one hand before tossing something at her.

A kunai...? Is he serious...?.

"Consider it an act of kindness towards the enemy, but I really hate to break and beat you so easily.".


"Although, frankly speaking, you're in no shape to fight me.'.

Keep running your mouth and I swear to Kami I'll cut you with this!.

"Considering your legs, you'd have to crawl and stumble over here just to get the chance to attack.".

Is he insinuating that I won't do it?! Or is this simply a new piece on our board...? What are you up to, Kabuto san...?.

" about I just let you keep the kunai for a later date. There's no rush. I hope you don't do something silly like try to kill yourself. Suicide isn't your style, cherry blossom. Please have patience, death will come to you soon. I apologize for such an agonizing wait, but really, its necessary.".

The slight chuckle at his own words sent Sakura back into her rage. Oh, now he'd done it. The girl quickly shot some healing chakra into her legs. Just enough so that she could move without pain, temporarily, probably about a minute tops. Rising from her bed, she took the weapon, blood dripping from where it had, only moments ago, inflicted pretty bad wounds upon her. "You think you're beating me? You think you still have the upper hand? You think you just have all the cards in place and that you're making your way so fast across that chess board? I don't think so..." In anger, Sakura bolted forward, wasting no time for her injuries would soon remind her of their existence. The kunai was swiftly thrust into his leg before it was ripped out. The young woman stepped back and narrowed her eyes, surprising even herself as she followed the example of Anko Mitarashi.

She licked the blade, feeling the sweet yet metallic taste on her tongue. It definitely was not something she usually did, but she felt the need to add insult to injury as Kabuto had done to her so many times before, just in the past week. "It's pretty sad. You let your guard down because, once again, you underestimated me. Giving me a weapon just so that you could look superior was pretty dumb of you. Now you get to deal with that pain in your leg and know that I'm the one that caused it. That weak and fragile girl that you have the nerve to refer to as your possession caused you pain and the next time you see me, I'll kill you with it...Not myself, because, like you said..." That was all she managed to say before the temporary fix caused by the chakra diminished.

Sakura fell to her knees, practically choking from both her bleeding injuries and the intense amount of pain that overwhelmed her from her legs. Shimata! she growled internally, trying to focus enough to send more chakra to her legs so that she could at least get up and back to the bed. "Suicide isn't my style...Demo ridding the world of people like you is..." "You're a baka! Baka, baka, baka! Now you've done it. He's totally going to kill us now. Why didn't you kill him when you had the chance?! While he was sitting there gloating, you had the perfect shot at his throat!" Sakura only grinned to herself, laughing internally. Why, she had no idea. Because if I kill him now, what fun is that..?.


He forcefully leaned closer to the secretly fragile yet openly stern and unrelenting girl beneath him, not that his offers of mercy were very plentiful or obvious. She was still alive though, and that was a grace in itself. Kabuto was sure she realized that he didn't know why he spared her, despite his words which said otherwise. And yes, the rationality behind it certainly factored into part of his decision. A large part of what he had done, however, was pure instinct. He had wanted, dare he say needed, her alive. Was that simply for the pleasure of toying with her? He wanted to believe so. It was unlikely, however, because although he enjoyed hurting her it was hard to inflict very serious injuries. Not because she put up a struggle, either. He even went so far as to feel possessive over her. But why?

And why was he questioning himself so much now when he never did before?

He gazed confusingly into the kunoichi's.. his kunoichi's.. emerald hues. His feelings were hidden well, as they almost always were. In her eyes he saw a burning, fiery rage and a scalding passion of heated intentions. She was beyond angry. But for a moment, it almost seemed as if she could see through his shielded expression. Impossible he though, dismissing it almost instantly.

His proximity and the words he chose specifically to annoy her was what he suspected drove her over the edge. He definitely felt the chakra packed punch, but it didn't come as much of a surprise to him. He expected her to act irrationally in her emotional state. His piercing blade pressed deeper into her pale, delicate skin at each of her movements, even as her attack shook him for a moment.

"You know, I'm getting pretty tired of this, four eyes"

Her words appeared incredibly bored, as if he wasn't affecting her at all. Yet he didn't believe that. He watched as she adjusted herself into a more comfortable position, or at least a tolerable one considering how close he was. He didn't care for physical contact, nor did it bother him. It was simply another one of his tactics. But then why did a strange feeling course through his veins when every time she breathed, he could feel her skin come so close to touching his? The only way to ignore it was to act normal; he had to tell himself it didn't affect him at all.

Somehow he knew there was some sort of fear behind her boldness, not that she would admit it. She was good at not letting her fear control her. However, she wasn't stable. In fact, she was a little crazed. Angry. Bloodthirsty.

But whose blood was she thirsty for?

He knew she wanted him to stop, no sane person would want to feel his kunai slice through their flesh, yet an unusual look crossed those eyes he had been drawn into earlier..something he couldn't place. Not that it mattered. She wasn't going to get what she wanted.

"Again with that weird talk. I'm not a pet or a toy, dammit! Stop it with this 'be a good girl' crap because it's annoying...As for your 'original plan,' I don't believe you. However, it would indeed explain why you didn't kill me. If your simple intention was to keep me alive so that you could screw with me, your ass is going to be in a world of pain. I'm getting quite tired of this and when I escape, I'll be sure to kick your face in a couple of times just to make sure you get the message that I'm a human being and won't stand to be treated as anything less..."

"Yes, you are a human, but you are still mine. The threats are bold, but futile. You can't do anything."

His blade skimmed her soft skin, slicing it with a soft screech. He dug further and deeper into her body, the sharp point slowly forcing its way two full inches inside of her shoulder before moving towards her neck. His eyes scanned for her reaction, noticing every shot of pain that revealed itself through her shining emeralds. Every miniscule flinch that shot through her weary body drove him deeper into a state of pleasure. He began to lose a sense of where he was, who he was with, and what exactly he was doing. All he could think was just how much fun this was. His hands became entangled in her pink hair, gripping it tightly as he pulled her head back. The weapon sank deeper near her collarbone as he did this, and although she made sure to hide it, he could smell the fear on her skin mix with her natural scent. His body instinctively pressed closer to her, closing what little distance had still been left. Each breath of hers was shallow, but he could feel it on his skin. That full contact felt much more intimate than he had ever though possible. The electric buzz shocked his skin, and suddenly she shouted out. Both of these brought him back to his senses and he didn't hesitate to jump back, breaking their contact. He barely even pondered her words; he hadn't been talking, but although it made no sense to him he couldn't think straight right now. He was too shocked over what had just happened, the feeling that had overwhelmed him. His eyes widened slightly, although he did his best to appear guarded. But he had never lost himself so much. He had tortured many people in the past, but never, never did it feel like that. It almost worried him. He was one who depended on his control, his rationality, and he had lost that. It was a mixture of pure bliss..and a living hell. She could use this against him, which meant he had a weakness. A vulnerability. And that was very, very bad.

Backing into the door, he attempted to regain complete control. He tossed his kunai over to her. Maybe he had underestimated her, maybe he just wanted to make it a bit more fun. Maybe he just wanted the weapon out of his hands after all that had happened. It was probably a combination of all three. His judgement had been clouded and as a result he hadn't expected her retaliation. Another mistake on his part. He winced slightly, narrowing his eyes as a numbing sensation coursed through his body. When she ripped the blade from his flesh, a lot of blood rushed out to follow.

It was even more unexpected when suddenly her lips met with his kunai, having a taste of his blood as she carefully licked the blade. Such a sadistic act was usually done by someone by him, but not her. He wondered what her true motive was. Would she go this far just to prove a point? Just to aggravate him?

I know I would.

Suddenly, pain seemed to finally register within her. She collapsed, her legs giving in due to the strain she had placed on them when they were already heavily damaged. And frankly, she looked pathetic. Just as pathetic as he probably did, giving her his weapon and having it turned against him.

"Suicide isn't my style...Demo ridding the world of people like you is..."

Was she asking to be killed? His leg may be injured, but both her legs were in much worse shape. He didn't need his kunai to hurt her again. However, he didn't really want to. There was no motivation, other than making her apologize, and he didn't need to hear that. He was back to rational thinking. Sort of. He sighed softly.

"Rid the world of people like me? I suppose the world might be a better place."

His back slid down the door, allowing himself into a more comfortable position so he could properly heal himself. His hand hovered over the wound, assessing the damage and apply the right amount of healing chakra and repairing the torn skin until the bleeding ceased.

"That kunai seemed to be double-edged, you hurt both of us that time. How reckless..yet intriguing. You would go to such great lengths to get some revenge on me? You're reminding me of the Uchiha, not the calm and calculating kunoichi you have the potential to be."

In his own, twisted way he had complimented her. Whether or not she saw it that way wasn't important. He was acknowledging she wasn't entirely hopeless and would never be an easy opponent, even if he had tied her up. He continued to watch her, considering what he should do next. Rationally, he should just leave her here as is. She would be in a lot of pain and learn her lesson. But..he had always been drawn to heal her, for reasons he didn't know. The respect he had for medic nin, even on opposing sides, must have run deep. Or maybe, just maybe, having her alive and well wasn't so bad. Cutting her up to rid himself of these problems didn't work when he ended up enjoying it so much. That was just as much of a problem as his emotions.

Without thinking about the consequences and the possibility of it being a complete mistake, he stood up. His leg was fine now, that wasn't the problem. The problem was that he began to approach her, and didn't even hesitate to kneel next to her and reach out for her right leg. His hand again glowed with healing chakra, and for once he was completely silent. There were no sarcastic remarks this time.

Have I gone completely mad?

Well now, its hard to become something that I've already been for so long.