A/N: last chapter :3 final had remembered and had the modivstion. so, I was fixed on posting this since I've been hoarding it for awhile in my Docs...hope you guys like :)

Disclaimer: no own Wild Kratts(Kratt brothers and PBS), Luara (SWB), canon characters, and Kate belongs solely to co-writer WKSF1 :) I just work here. ;)

When Chris finally came nearer to the time Machine, Martin was still nowhere in sight.

Bending with his hands on knees to catch his breath, Chris looked all around with his eyes, realizing Martin really was nowhere! Then again... things were starting to black out a disappear. But why? The future! It was being changed this very minute! Young Martin must have realized that Chris was just fine.

Chris finally stood up straight. But he realized that something was glowing... but it wasn't the street lights. Why did it feel like his hand was cramping? Wait... it was his hand! It was glowing! He... was starting to disappear! But why!? Wait... this particular him was disappearing. It was happening! The future was being restored!

The effect was causing him and some things around him to fade, but Chris made a mad dash for where he knew his brother was, despite his body becoming half transparent.


Chris was more than relieved to see his older brother standing by the time machine they had come in. Martin looked up from where he was leaning on it and stood quickly, running to meet Chris with an embrace. "Chris! I'm disappearing! And you too..."

"I know" Chris said quickly, not knowing what kind of reassurance you gave someone at a moment like this. Looking at his brother as he knew him now for what would be the last time, the future they knew was fading, but the one they knew should be right was becoming apparent.

Martin stopped holding onto the little brother he had just met after many long years. Now he was going to loose him all over and this time, everything he knew and loved along with it.

He couldn't help the sadness that crept its way into his heart. He had the right to be sad, right? His whole future and life was about to become nonexistent.

Suddenly, their surroundings changed. In a swirl, the two brothers stood together, back to back as the watched all around them. They were flashbacks...but none from this life. Both brothers knew though. The were the flashbacks and memories of the times that were suppose to happen before the future was altered.

Images of the two laughing and playing in the yard of a nice house, pictures of two brothers spending a cold winter together under a blanket with hot cocoa. Suddenly they were older. Going to school, then to college together and starting the career of their dreams. The shared dream they both had and wished for now. It was reality. Saving animals and protecting them, all the adventures and trouble they got into as a team. then the duo meeting the loves of their dreams...

As all of this passed within a matter of seconds, the brothers smiled, just seeing all this was a great relief that neither thought they'd ever really be able to put into words. Then suddenly the fast flowing images surrounding them in a eye of a tornado like way slowed down.

Martin was the first to look around as the rest if the images vanished. He blinked and looked at himself before turning to his brother. "Hey...where are we?" he asked shortly.

Chris could only shrug. Weren't they suppose to have disappeared already?

"Uncle Martin, cut it out!" a familiar voice arose from nearby, laughing sweetly.

Martin turned around to see Kate run past him and Chris, her pursuer being Martin Kratt. He laughed as he chased the laughing preteen through the wooded area with the water sprayer. He chuckled as well, not seeming to even notice the transparent siblings that were standing and watching right by to him.

"Now, Kate, if I did that, the guys would loose! I can't betray my team mates!"

Chris and transparent Martin exchanged curious glances before jogging after the two people.

"Hey, I think this is...our present future" Chris said, trying not to have confused his brother. "This is where we are suppose to be"

The followed the others until they came to a clearing- nearby a lake, a giant turtle ship was set down on the clearing's edge. It looked like a perfect summer day scene- Chris saw himself filling water balloons, chatting happily with another red-headed member of his team.

Chris smiled. "Jimmy Z" he said knowingly, but he had no idea where he had gotten the name from.

"I think the girls are waiting to ambush us, so we have to be ready" Chris secretly plotted. "Kitty and Koki I saw heading into the woods near the lake side, so we have to keep an eye out..."

Jimmy Z winked.

"...Who's..." Chris started, but Martin finished. "Kitty Carlo."


"I don't know, but she...seems important. But that's not her real name... uh... Laura Wilkinson! That's what her real name is!"

"Why is she nicknamed Kitty Carlo, then?"

"I have no idea."

Transparent Martin suddenly jumped back at seeing that a blonde haired, deep blue eyed young woman literally ran right through him!

"Take that!" she hollered, throwing a water balloon at Chris, which made his bangs flop down.

"Oh, Jimmy!" Another voice sounded from the side, and a split second later a purple water balloon came out of the nearby tree and soaked him.

"Ack! Hey!"


Transparent Chris turned around to find another older girl with a black ponytail and wearing a yellow one piece come dashing out of her hiding place.

"Koki, where is she?"

"I think her 'oji' chased her into the forest." an African American replied, pointing her thumb into the forest.

The other nodded in understanding. "Ah...her tio."

Both girls were about to go assist, but it was unneeded help. Both Martin and Kate came running out of the forest into the edge of the clearing. As soon as Martin was spotted, a woman with blond hair and a light blue swim-shirt and blue shorts jumped out from hiding, tackling the unsuspecting man with a laugh. She was ready to soak him with one of her water balloons. The temporary captive shielded his face, preparing for attack, but thankfully his teammates got there first, pelting them both with water balloons.

Martin was able to get away, but was chased, he was forced dangerously close to the lake. As soon as he got near, a random attack from behind was enough to trip him up, and he fell in with a shocked yelp.

Laughing erupted from both teams as the gathered at the lake front. Chris stood there, grinning widely and it didn't take a genius to know who had pushed him in. Martin came out of the lake, simply grinning. He grabbed Chris and started dragging his younger brother towards the dock. Chris squirmed to get out of the hold, but Martin kept going and tossed him into the cold lake water.

Chris swam up to the surface, clinging to one of the supporting poles for the dock. "Martin!" he tried to yell, upset, but failed as he couldn't help laughing.

The Martin and Chris from the future also found themselves laughing along with them before the caught themselves.

"So...this is our real future, huh?" Martin stated so more than asked. "Wow...look at all the friends we have."

Chris nodded, turning to sit down behind the bush they were leaning against. He sighed. "Yeah. Look at the lives we made for ourselves. It's too perfect. No wonder our old home was nothing like this."

Martin turned, squatting next to his brother, watching him carefully.


Chris turned to look at Martin with a forlorn look. "I...I just wish we didn't have to just disappear like this. I-it's not fair...I just can't believe this is it and nobody will remember. We technically never even existed to them"

"But we know. We know everything and won't forget."

"It won't matter in a few moments. Our time's up, bro..." Chris said looking honestly defeat.

But Martin didn't frown at the statement. He simply, gave Chris a small smile, not meant to be encouraging or reassuring. Just one that said "We're in it together no matter what happens"

And Chris got that message. The sad look that had grown into his features couldn't be helped much, but knowing he had finally found a truth in his life was something and knowing that his real future was actually the one meant for them...made it easier.

Silently, the unspoken got through to both brothers as they looked back again on 'their' real lives.

"I think...we did really good. All the decisions we made, ya know?"

Chris nodded once as he was nearly completely gone, the beginning of twilight was edging over the tree line in the sky. "I know we did" he whispered distantly. "I don't think I'd of wanted it any other way"

Martin nodded, barely being able to see the form of his brother. His own form was practically not there either. "Me neither, bro. I don't think our old life would've been worth this...I'm glad...I got to know you for awhile."

He sat down next to his brother and put an arm over Chris's shoulders.

"Me too."

Then they were gone. Two brothers alongside each other, together in their last few moments. The scene faded away in a loud flash of lightning along with them.

A doctor came walking quietly down the pristine hallway of the floor he was on. It was his shift and it'd been very busy on this night. his dark brown hair was matted to his forehead and wasn't neatly combed as it had been earlier that night. He ran a hand through it to at least try and fix the strands.

It was late night, but some determined and persistent staff was still busy and working with patients that needed them, no matter how tiring a job it was.

A young boy sat up, exhausted, on the solitary bench. The only one in the wing of the hospital, for some reason. His feet swung quietly and the couldn't really touch the floor. His father had left him eight minutes ago to attend his mother in the room with the wooden door. He had kept himself awake at the early hour, somehow resisting the urge for the sleep his body desperately needed.

The doctor slowed his pace a but as he approached the boy, smiling calmly. "Martin?" he asked, bending down on one knees to be level with the boy.

A pair of tired blue orbs looked up into his brown questioningly.

The doctor always felt a sort of happiness doing this. He enjoyed his job. "Would you like to meet your brother?"

The blond-haired boy nodded once, hopping off the bench immediately. He was obviously tired, but excitement was apparent.

The doctor walked him into the room across the hall and opened the door for him to go inside. The lighting was dimmer and not nearly as penetratingly white as out in the corridor. He walked up to the high bed, peeking up at his mom. She held a small bundle in her arms. Martin clambered up to sit on the bed with his mom as his curious eyes searched the moving folds of the soft blanket she held so carefully. Then his blue met the round, chocolate brown of his new kin. His mom smiled warmly. "This is Christopher, Martin. Chris. Say hi to you're new little brother."

A/N: There you have it, guys ^^ hope you enjoyed the ride here. Tell us your thoughts