Disclaimer:We don't own Wild Kratts, and probably never will!


Zach stared blankly at the ceiling from his bed. Once again, his plans were foiled. Kaput. Destroyed. Disintegrated. Obliterated, and every other large word meaning utterly ruined. Another...very long day. He groaned. Why was it so hard for an evil villain to make a living?

Because there would always be those do-goodie heroes to mess everything up...like today for example. Zach was out at the edge of Australia- on a huge continental cliff, mind you, with Donita. The were looking for both the varieties of fish and amazing corals of the reef.

"It's not like the enormous plant would miss a few pieces" is what Zach had said that morning. Considering that his newest invention, the shark sub, had been destroyed and the sharks towing his new shark sub were freed, and they nearly took the plunge to deep rock bottom, he had every right to be laying there, loathing. And Donita, of course, had blamed him and his "Poor excuse for inventions and bad schemes".

Zach had mumbled something about it being her idea and had nearly been thrown off the boat they Hadley used to get out there in the first place. Donita's fancy- pink- yacht.

Though, he gave credit to the Kratts for being humane and pulling him out from the depths before he actually could sink down.

Anyway, Zach was sick and tired of the Kratts always winning. Even when he had be up on one brother, the other always seemed to come out of nowhere. Always having eachother's backs and giving them one up on Zach every time. Getting rid of one was useless. Been there done that.

Several. Times.

It just didn't work and then their little tech team was aways there for extra backup. Even his own daughter was in on keeping them one step ahead!

'No' Zach thought, 'If I was gonna ever win I would have to snub out their successes from the beginning...'

Then something hit him like a train in his head, and the creative gears started to turn.

"The very beginning" he whispered, jumping out of bed and going over to his desk where he always kept notes. He flipped on the black lamp hanging out of the wall and opened his book and started scribbling down ideas in a way only he could understand, just so he wouldn't immediately forget.

He smiled, not wanting to stop. "This just might work after all...it will to work"

What he intended to have been a quick drab continued on, page after page until he had the plans for his newest scheme. No, no, it was much more than that. It was a plot that would change the world as he knew it and his insane plan was definitely risky. Incredibly risky. But if it would give the very slightest chance...he would be ranked the top-most evil genius in the world.

"Without each other...they're not gonna be able to stop me"


"Kate, I'm sure it's nothing to worry about." Chris said, trying to comfort his 'daughter'. She had a nervous look on her face, and her eyes were red from tears of fear.

"But...did...did you SEE the way VDad looked at me?!" She asked, trying not to burst into tears again.

Chris was busy with Martin at the time trying to pry the door open to Zach sub that afternoon, and Kate was watching nearby. Even though she had long since forgiven her father, she still was a little nervous around him.

And then, once the Kratts had him lifted out of the sub, he turned around to see his surroundings, and then he made eye contact with her! His face went cold, and emotionless. Like a sinister serial killer. Perhaps...that's what he was planning!? He had already tried to take her back several times, this time...had he had enough, and wanted it done quickly?! Kate usually a happy go lucky, bubbly kid, but tonight, she was deeply frightened.

"I could tell...in his eyes...right then and there...he had had enough. I wanted it to be over. What if...what if he wanted ME to be over?!" Kate couldn't help but start crying again, thinking that the unthinkable might happen to her...or her family.

"I don't think so, Kate." Chris said as he hugged her tightly trying to get her to calm down. "I've know Zach a little longer than you have, and I don't think he'd stoop that low."

"But...but still. If not me...what about YOU?! Or Mommy?! Or Uncle Martin?! Would he try to hurt you...to hurt me?!"

Chris looked into his daughter's green, bloodshot eyes.

"Even if that were the case, which I'm sure it isn't, he would still not succeed. I'd make sure of it. Remember what I told you all those years ago? I promised you that I'd always protect you and keep you from harm."

Kate seemed to smile at that, remembering her father's promise to her. A promise that was more solid then stone.

"I'll never leave you, Kate." Chris finished, hugging his child tightly and rocking her in the hover chair.

"I'm never going anywhere." He said with a smile.