I wake up to small fingers trying to pry my eyelids open and I know that Karen's awake. Shame washes over me as I think of the position she's found me, passed out next to a bottle of liquor with tear stains decorating my cheeks.

"Daddy?" She whispers right in to my ear. "Are you awake?"

I nod slowly, waiting for the ever present rum induced nausea to settle in.

"You gotta get up. Momma says we're opening presents now."

I sit up slowly while cradling her body to mine, realizing quickly that I'm in a bed that is not mine. I take in my surroundings, recognizing that not only am I not in my own bed but that I am also not in my room.

"Karen," She looks up at me with the biggest smile on her face. "Where are we?"

Her eyebrows immediately turn inwards.

"We're at home, Daddy." She says with her head tilted to the left in confusion. "And breakfast is almost ready."

She jumps up from the bed and runs from the room before I can question her any further so I climb out of bed, rapidly throwing on garments that look like they belong to me. A Navy shirt, fitted sweat pants, and gyms shoes. I rush out of the room and down a small staircase to an epicenter of commotion. The landing of the stairs leaves me standing in a grandiose kitchen where someone is holding a crying baby, Olivia Pope is organizing breakfast platters, and my daughter is nowhere to be seen. Just as I turn to hightail back up the stairs Olivia turns to me.

"Don't even think about. It's almost seven and the girls want to open presents." She pauses to look me up and down. "Well, at least you're somewhat dressed. You know that people are coming over for breakfast, right. Don't you want to put on something a little more…festive?"

All I can do is stare. There's too much happening. There's a baby screaming. My ex is standing in front of me talking about a breakfast party. I have no idea where I am. All rational has been lost. I walk right past her, ignoring my name being called, and out of the front door, picking up a set of keys that are hanging on a hook below my name. I hear someone questioning me from the door but I jump in to the car that is chirping from the remote and peel out of the driveway as soon as possible. I vaguely know my surroundings so I make my way towards LAX. I need to go home.

I'm sitting at a small café near the White House wallowing in self-pity. I had a four hour flight to realize how flawed my plan was. Leaving my daughter with people that I hadn't seen in decades, expecting to stroll in to the White House that apparently someone else was in control of. I have no idea what's going on but I do know that trying to push my way in to the Oval is not going to do anything but get me arrested. Samuel Reston is president. I never thought that I would say that in my life. Politically, everything is as it would be if I had never ran. Personally, I have no idea what the hell is going on.

"Mr. Grant?"

I look up surprised that anyone here would recognize me and, moving to take a seat across from me, is none other than Tom, my old secret service agent.

"I thought I might find you here." He says with a wiry smile.

"Excuse me?" I'm more confused than I was a minute ago and I didn't think that that was possible. "You thought you might find me here? In D.C.?"

"C'mon. My car is running around the block. If we're going to talk we should have some privacy."

I follow him without hesitation. If there is anyone that I should trust it would be the one person who's job description was to protect me at all cost. After I am settled in to the front seat of his car, he turns on the heat and begins driving a familiar circle route that we often took when I was president. If I needed to clear my mind or wait for an okay on a location, this was the route that we took. I look at him expectantly, waiting impatiently for him to begin explaining. When he fails to speak I assume that it's all on me.

"Tom…" I pause to give him an opportunity to speak. "What the hell is going on? I fell asleep last night in the White House as president and I woke up this morning in Toluca Lake as…God, I wish I knew what I was."

"You just have to take it day by day." He replies with a small smile on his face.

I'm either going to kill him or myself.

"What do you mean take it day by day?!" I'm nearing hysteria at his nonchalant answer. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!"

"You're experiencing a glimpse."

"A glimpse of what, Tom?"

"That's what you have to figure out." He looks around before pulling in to a park and leave spot at the airport that I didn't realize we had entered. "Go home. It'll hit you."

I'm going to lose my mind.

"Need I remind you that my home is under someone else's control right now?!"

He laughs softly and ignores me.

"You have a flight booked back to Los Angeles that leaves in forty-five minutes. Go home. You had a hint that you are conveniently ignoring." He checks his watch. "It's Christmas. Go be with your family. You have time to figure it out."

"Time? Time? Time!I'm in the middle of passing a huge bill! What kind of time are we talking about?"

"Fitz, you'll be fine. Once you get it everything will be okay. My job is to make sure that your life turns out the way that it was supposed to, that you end up with the people that you're supposed to. I guess you could call me a professional shipper." He chuckles under his breath and checks his watch again. "If you don't leave now we're going to be in some big trouble."

He reaches in to his coat and hands me a plane ticket but I'm almost certain that he's lost all of his marbles. What the hell is a shipper?

"Good luck, man. I'll see you on the other side."

I get out of the car and he speedily pulls off, leaving me alone with no answers once again. Thanks for the help, Tom.

I'm lost.

Not just metaphorically like I have been all day but also physically. In the moment of my hasty exit I hadn't thought to remember where the house was so I pulled over at some corner and started walking, hoping that someone could give me directions.

"Excuse me? Sir!" I interrupt a couple climbing out of their car, making their way in to what I presume is their house. "Can you tell me how to get to Linden Avenue?"

He laughs and turns toward his female companion.

"Well I'll be damned." He cackles. "Abby, look what the cat drug in."

The redhead rolls her eyes and continues in to the house without paying me a single thought. The man walks towards me and grabs my shoulder, pulling me towards the entrance of the house.

"I figured that you would be by here sometime today. Liv called earlier, worried sick." His accent is strong as he speaks, prompting me to flip through my mental rolodex of companions.

I follow him, without much choice since he's practically dragging me along. We enter and he pulls me in to a back room with a mini bar and pours me a stiff drink. This side trip might work out for me.

"What's going on, man?" He questions, motioning for me to sit down. "You take off Christmas morning, not a word to anyone about where you're going…"

He trails off waiting for me to take up for myself. I use this opportunity to look around. There is a picture of the two of us in golf club regalia smiling brightly which takes me off guard.

"We're friends?" I ask, still dazed by the fact that I'm in a strangers house.

"Of course." He nods emphatically, misunderstanding the tone of my question. "You can tell me anything. What's the problem?"

"I'm having a bad day."

That's really the understatement of the century. He looks like he's thinking it over, though.

"Well it's not Olivia, is it?"

A light suddenly cuts on in my head.

"Olivia is my wife." It comes out almost like a question.

The only response I get is laughter.

"You keep saying that. Make it a personal mantra of some sort." He stops talking to laugh some more. "Man, I can't imagine what your life must be like sometimes. I mean all I do is work with her and sometimes I want to kill myself."

He takes in my face before continuing.

"I'm sorry that's not what you want to hear. Look, Fitz, remember last year when I almost had that thing with my client? Remember what you said?" He looks at me expectantly before continuing. "You said don't screw up the best thing that's ever happened to you because you're a little unsure of yourself."

I nod my head slowly, trying to appear attentive.

"Think of it this way, at least you only have two kids in the house now." His laughter punctuates his statement.

With that I'm being ushered in to a car and dropped three houses down from where I left mine. Apparently I wasn't far from "home" at all. As I slowly unlock the door I'm praying to every deity in the world that everyone is sleeping. After locking the front door I try to slowly make my way to the kitchen when a body comes flying at me from the living room. What I wasn't expecting after that was the harsh slap that would follow.

"What the hell wrong with you?" Olivia yells as she moves to turn on the light. "You left a seven o'clock this morning without a single word about where you were going or when you were coming back. It's almost midnight Fitz. I called all of our friends, the police, the hospital…"

She stops to take me in.

"Where were you?"

I take a minute to think what the best answer to this question might be.

"Fitz! Where were you?" The annoyance in her voice is seeping through every word.

"I was in D.C."

She takes a step back and I can tell that she's about to explode. It's crazy how even after all of these years I can still read her like a personal bible.

"As in Washington, D.C.?" She's too quiet and calm as she speaks.

The kind of quiet that lets me know that there is no way that this will not end in a fight. I nod slowly, my head bowed in shame.

"You flew to Washington, D.C. ON CHRISTMAS?!" She moves closer as she speaks. "What were you doing, Fitz? What was so important that you had to fly across the country on Christmas?"

"See…here's the thing," I pause, searching for a way to proceed. "This isn't my house."

She rolls her eyes and walks away, leading us in to the kitchen.

"I'm serious. This isn't my house. You aren't my wife." I continue.

"That's not funny anymore, Fitz, and-" She stops suddenly, staring behind me.

"Daddy, I was waiting for you to come and tuck me in." Karen says in a small voice behind me.

Olivia walks past me and stops on her knees before my daughter.

"Karen, Daddy'll be up in a minute. Why don't you go back to bed and he'll be right there, okay?" Olivia says softly, kissing Karen's head as she brushes her hair behind her ears.

Karen's nod is imperceptible, nonetheless, she turns back the way she came, leaving Olivia and I alone yet again.

I'm expecting more yelling but Olivia moves to sit in one of the kitchen chairs and buries her head in her hands. When she does finally look up at me her eyes are glossy with tears and she looks like she's aged five years in five seconds.

"You spent hours putting together that doll house for her and you weren't even here to see her face when she opened it." She wipes her eyes to prevent from crying and then continues. "You missed Christmas, Fitz."

I stutter a little before I can finally get the words out but when they come she looks relieved.

"I'm sorry."

She nods and makes her way to me, slowly placing her hands on my cheeks, she kisses me softly.

"You're okay, I'm okay…its fine…just let me know when you're going to have a midlife crisis and fly across the country on a holiday so I can be mentally prepared to kick your ass." She looks at me for confirmation so I nod quickly while I'm not in trouble. "Let's go tell Karen goodnight. It's been a full day and she should have been in the bed a long time ago."

I follow her to Karen's room where she leaves me standing outside of the door. I look to her for reassurance, which is crazy because I've practically been a single parent to Karen her entire life and by some weird twist of fate now that Olivia's become part of my life, I suddenly need her encouragement to be with my daughter.

"Tucking her in is your job and you know it. Plus, you missed her entire day so go be a good boy and put her to bed." She continues walking away as she speaks.

I sigh before entering the room with Karen's name blazoned all over the door. The contrast between the room that she's in now and her room in the White House is startling. This one looks like a castle fit for a four year old princess and it instantly makes me feel bad for letting Mellie have all of the say when designing Karen's room. I want to ask how she likes this room in comparison to the other but I have a strong feeling that just like everyone else, she'll have no recollection of us belonging in another world, another life that's a lot less perfect than this one seems to be.

"Hi, Daddy."

"Hi, sweetheart." I move to sit on the edge of her bed. "You ready for bed?"

"Mhm." She says as she nods. "I just missed you today, that's all."

I know she's not guilt tripping me on purpose but those few words still dig a deep whole in my heart.

"I'm sorry, baby girl. I promise to make it up to you." I say tickling her sides to wipe away the sad expression on her face.

"Alright, Karebear, settle down. You're supposed to be getting ready for bed." Olivia's voice comes from the doorway.

I promptly ignore her, wanting time to ask Karen about her day. I'm not sure where I am supposed be but if Olivia was right about anything tonight she was right about the fact that I missed Christmas with my little girl.

"Momma, can you sing me a song?"

That got my attention, my head instantly whipping towards the door to find no one there but Olivia.

"One song and that's it." She says walking to the other side of Karen's bed. "Then you lie down and go to sleep."

Karen nods once and grins, burrowing in to her covers as a sign that she's ready but as soon as Olivia opens her mouth Karen jumps up.


"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

She shakes her head at me.

"Nothing it's just that…" She hesitates glancing down at her lap. "I was hoping that you and Momma could sing together."

She catches me off guard with the moniker again and my face must betray me because she quickly tries to retract her request.

"It's okay if didn't want to I was just wonderin'…" Her voice trails off in a desolated tone.

"No, no…um…I'll sing if, if, Olivia's singing."

Olivia's head snaps up while I'm speaking, a hurt look in her eyes. Did she not want me to sing with her?

"How about a Whole New World?" She asks softly. "That's a good one."

Karen nods excitedly and burrows back in to her covers as we start the duet. I've never felt more like a man with a family in my life.

Olivia is in the bathroom getting ready to go to sleep while I sit on the edge of the bed contemplating what to do. I'm trying to act as normal as possible but I honestly can't figure out what this glimpse is supposed to be. I hear Olivia clear her throat and I look up at her anxiously.

"You called me Olivia."

I'm sure my face displays my befuddlement.

"That's your name…"

"No, that's not what I meant." She rolls her eyes. "You called me Olivia to Karen. You've never done that before. I've always been her Momma. Always."

I take this time to look her over. Her hair is wet and dripping on to her pajamas like a small child, the curls framing her face to create a picture of innocence. She's wearing what looks like my Navy sweatshirt and a pair of leggings and it's hard not to notice the huge ring on her finger. It's not so big that it looks like she's wearing a skating rink on her hand but big enough to match her personality and big enough to say 'Property of Fitzgerald Grant'. It's funny how yesterday I was married to a different woman and I never had thoughts like this. I never thought about marking Mellie, letting people know that she was mine. I spent a majority of our marriage trying to make sure that people knew that I wanted nothing to do with her.

"It's just that," I pause not knowing how she's going to take this. "Mellie is her mother."

I can see how flustered she's becoming. Her cheeks are turning pink like a natural blush. I know immediately that I've said the wrong thing.

"Mellie has never been her mother." She insists vehemently. "I'm the one that woke up to feed her every night. I'm the one that was there for her first word and her first step…her first day of school. I'm the one that's with her when she's sick or having a bad day. I am her mother, Fitz."

I can see how hurt she is but having some kind of back story would have helped me immensely.

"I'm sorry." I feel the inadequacy in the words as they come out but what else I am supposed to say.

She scoffs at me, walking away.

"What the hell is wrong with you today?" The rhetorical question hangs in the air. "You know what, don't answer that. I want you to think long and hard about it tonight on the couch."

I'm rummaging through the cabinets again, hoping with everything in me that the time before I hadn't looked thoroughly enough and missed any type of alcohol, when a voice startles me.

"It's three o'clock in the morning. Why are you down here making so much noise?"

I turn quickly, trying to identify the voice.


"Nice try, Cassie, and you know she likes being called Aniston now." An eye roll accompanies her statement. "Apparently that's less juvenile so don't call her Annie to her face or she'll freak out about how she's independent now and doesn't need you treating her like a child."

Cue another eye roll and this time a hair flip. I'm shocked to see how grown up she is. The last memory that I have of my younger sisters is from their sixteenth birthday, five years ago, so having this woman in front of me has knocked the wind out of me.

"Why do you look so shocked to see me?" She asks eyebrows furrowed in sarcasm. "Oh yeah, because somebody skipped Christmas. I'm surprised Libia didn't hand you divorce papers the second you walked in the door. I don't think she enjoyed a single moment with you gone today."

I chuckle under my breath.

"You think it's funny that your wife didn't enjoy Christmas because you tried to be Houdini?" The anger is apparent in her voice.

"No…it's just…" I pause taking in her adult features. "I always thought it was cute when you guys called her 'Libia' when you were younger, you know, because you couldn't pronounce the 'v' and it just…it just reminded me of simpler times. That's all."

She shakes her head with a small smile on her face.

"Can I ask you a serious question?" Her face has sobered up but she looks so much like child again. "And don't say 'wasn't that a question' because not even Karen finds that funny."

I chuckle and give her an affirmative nod.

"Do you ever regret taking me and Anne?"

I'm confused by her question. Does she mean now? Does she mean when they were younger and I took them to the park? Take them when?

"I don't understand what you're asking me."

She sighs heavily before continuing.

"I mean-" She cuts herself off in frustration, running her hands over her face and through her messy curls. "It's just that you and Libby gave up so much. Especially Libby. I mean you just…you just left. You went overseas and then you guys had that huge fight and she still married you so that you'd have a better chance of getting custody of us and then she adopted us in case anything happened to you and I...I just wanted to know if you regretted doing all of that. By the time you were twenty you were married and had custody of two six year old girls. And don't try to pacify me, okay, because I know that we were the reason that you and Libia split up a few years ago and now you guys are fighting again and I know it's not for nothing. So, I was just wondering…do you regret it?"

I ignore her question, partly because I have no idea how to answer it but partly because I'm still trying to sequence all of the information she's just given me.

"Why do you think that we're fighting? We're fine."

She gives me a look that makes me shrink back a little bit. I bet she learned that from Olivia.

"You sleeping on the couch is clue number one. We all know that when you guys aren't sleeping in the same bed that she watches the news and reads and you pace all night." She looks down and begins to mumble. "Plus the last time you started sleeping on the couch Libia moved out and you got someone else pregnant so…"

Her expression catches my attention. Karen is the one puzzle piece that wasn't fitting but Cassie's face tells me that she remembers all too well what must have happened.

I haven't done this since I was younger. Annie thinks that I'm being childish and nosy but I don't understand why she's not the least bit curious as to why Libby left. Fitz' shouting calls my attention back to what I'm doing. Hiding in a pantry. Mature, right?

"How many times do I have to say that I'm sorry?!" His entire face is red as he continues yelling at her. "'Cause I'll say it as many times as you need me to."

"Sorry doesn't fix anything, Fitz. You hooked up with Mrs. Perfect to prove something to me and all you did was prove that you're an asshole."

Fitz sighs and moves to lean on the counter that is the farthest away from Libia.

"Why don't you just leave then, huh? You didn't have a problem walking out a month ago, what's the difference now?"

She chuckles sorrowfully.

"I left because I thought we needed space. I didn't leave so that you could become a philandering whore. I thought you would still take in to consideration that I am your wife."

"No, you left so you wouldn't feel guilty about messing around with Jake and now you're upset because I slept with Mellie."

Libby comes across the kitchen and is in Fitz' face in less than a second.

"I didn't leave because of Jake. Jake is a nonfactor. Yeah, we had a good time together but at the end of the day one of us came home with some baggage and it wasn't me. Don't try to make that my fault that."

Fitz sighs heavily and takes her hands, clearly trying to calm her down.

"I don't want Mellie." He moves his hand to tilt her chin up towards his face. "I have never wanted Mellie. I've always only wanted you, and don't think I'm trying to blame you because I'm not, but seeing you with Jake just set me off. He's been hitting on you for years but I didn't think that, as my friend, he would ever act on his interest. I can't even tell you how irate it made me seeing touch what's mine. So, being with someone I knew that you hated as much as I hated Jake in that moment seemed like the next logical thing for me to do."

She shakes her head at his explanation.

"Yeah, but Fitz, you know me better than that or you should after all of these years. The very first time that we were together I said that I wanted you to be the only man to ever touch me and that didn't change because we were fighting. So, yes, I messed around with Jake but it was never anything serious and it was never going to be anything serious." She moves away from his grip as she finishes, her voice incredibly soft and broken as she speaks again. "Plus, I didn't come home pregnant."

Fitz runs his hands over his face and through his hair, sighing in frustration and anger.

"I don't want her, Liv."

"That doesn't change the fact that she's pregnant with your child!" She shouts as fresh tears make their way down her face. "You were supposed to have you first baby with me. That's a right that should be reserved for your wife not the whore that's hoping that she can cash out and become First Lady."

Fitz turns away from her, gripping the counter tightly with his head bowed, as tears begin to run down his face as well. I suddenly feel terrible about snooping. I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't be hearing this. To see the two of them so vulnerable makes me want to burst in to tears. For all intents and purposes my parents are Fitz and Libby and I never doubted that at my graduation, at my wedding, the birth of my first child, that Libia and Fitz would be there together. They have always put on a united front for us. Libia handled meals and our after school entertainment while Fitz helped with homework and extracurriculars. They always put us to bed together. They are our parents. Libia tried her best to help Annie and me when we got our periods and Fitz mustered through "the talk" which ended with a giant hug and a halfhearted warning. I never thought that one day I would look up and Libia wouldn't be here with us. I never thought that one of my parents would leave.

"I don't want you to be angry," Fitz whispers after drying the tears from his face. "but I asked her to keep it. I know that my first child should have been with you, I know that, but Mellie's pregnant and she's wants an abortion and I won't do that. I can't support that. I just hope that when I bring this baby home in nine months that I'll you to be there with me."

"You're asking me to take care of the child that you created with that whore." Her voice is incredulous when she speaks. "You slept with her, got her pregnant and now you want me to play mom?!"

Fitz sighs before walking closer to her.

"I know that I'm asking for a lot. I know. I just…I don't want children with anyone but you and it's a little late to be saying that, I do realize that but, Livi, I don't want anyone but you." He closes the gap between the two of them. "I'm asking you to brush one more thing under the rug and I will spend the rest of my life trying to build you the perfect house around it."

Libia sighs and leans forward to rest her head on his chest, nodding slowly.

"Fitzgerald Grant."


"Don't make this the one thing in my life that I regret when I'm eighty."

"Livi, I promise."

She shakes her head and wipes the tears from both of their faces.

"Don't make me regret you." She utters once more leaning up to kiss him gently.

"I promise." He reaches out to bring her face to his. "More than all the words in all the books in the entire world."

"So...do you regret it?"

I shake my head at her wistfully.

"Never and don't ever think that we're fighting because of you guys, okay." I lean over the island, pulling her in to a hug. "I wouldn't change it for anything."

She smiles, squeezing me one last time before heading towards the stairs.

"I love you, bro."

"Love you, too, Cassie."

And then I'm alone again.

It's five a.m. and I haven't gotten a wink of sleep. Really I've just been pilfering through things in the house and analyzing the pictures on the shelves and walls. I just stumbled upon a bookshelf filled with movies and home videos but then there is one in particular that catches my eye so I carefully pull it from the shelf to find the nearest device to play it on. The back den has a VHS player all set up so I pop in the video and make myself comfortable on the couch as I hit play.

"Alright, man, the camera's on." Jake's voice comes from behind the camera as the view shows nothing but grass.

"Great, you fixed it half way through the party."

"Don't complain. I told you, I'm a Navy man, it was going to get fixed eventually." The camera turns to point towards Jake. "We wouldn't want to miss the beautiful Miss Olivia, now would we?"

"That's my wife you're talking about asshole, watch your mouth."

The camera turns to focus on Fitz and follows him as he swaggers in to the backyard where a party is full swing. The camera is still as Fitz makes his way to the DJ booth and requests a mic.

"Um…excuse me, is this thing on?"

There's a chorus of laughs and the cacophony of sound is swiftly hushed at the sound of his voice.

"I'm looking for Olivia?" His head swivels around until he lays eyes on her across the yard. "Livi…I've been hearing that the reason that we're both here is that one, it's your twenty-fourth birthday but two, because apparently we've been married for five years. I was a little confused when I heard the last one though because I don't even know where I am. I'm sure that this isn't my house and you're not my wife so would you like to explain to me what the hell is going on?"

The camera zooms in on Olivia's face as she throws her head back in laughter.

"No, what I really came up here to say is that I love you Livi Grant, you are grace personified and there is no one in the world that I would rather wake up to every single morning for the rest of my life." He pauses to make his way towards the piano, which had been brought out for entertainment purposes. "Now I have two beautiful little girls who love you almost as much as I do, but they didn't quite make the cut off, and they have a little present for you."

He stops so that Cassie and Annie can come from behind the piano to give Olivia two very large bouquets of lilies. Olivia giggles and freely gives each of the girls hugs and kisses. After settling the flowers in her hands they make their way to the piano where they both sit poised to play.

"And I have a little gift of my own." Fitz adds as the girls start a melody together.

As Fitz begins to sing Olivia bows her head however the camera catches the tears glistening on her cheeks as Fitz pulls her in to serenade.

"I can't imagine life
without you by my side
This is love baby that I'm feeling
and I'm hoping
that you're feeling the same way
things tend to slip my mind
like how you like to wine and dine baby
with romantic lights you mean a lot to me
in so many ways
have I told you I love you
have I told you you still mean the world to me
have I told you I love you
I'll be your wishing well
tell me what you want baby"

"That's probably my favorite tape. You don't sing on camera very often."

Olivia's voice brings me out of the reverie of the tape causing me to pause abruptly and face her.

"I didn't realize you were standing there." I answer quietly.

Instead of commenting she shuffles over to the couch and tucks her body in to mine. I wrap my arms around her, pulling her as close to me as she can possibly get. Her tiny body curling in to mine perfectly.

"I'm sorry about what I said earlier."

There's no need for me to elaborate. I'm 100 percent positive that she knows exactly what I'm talking about. She responds by trying to fold herself farther in to me, nuzzling her head in to my chest.

"I don't want to talk about it."

I kiss the top of her head. Rubbing her body for comfort.

"I don't want to fight anymore, Fitz. I'm so tired of fighting." She whispers through my shirt.

"No more fighting. I promise."

With that she kisses my chest and before I know it she's asleep and so am I.

Finally after 3,000 years there is an update. Since my last update I have had my 18th birthday, graduated from high school, gone on a family vacation, moved 3 times (twice out of state), was on a talk show, and started college so there wasn't much time for writing. I also have four different versions of this chapter written because I had no idea how I wanted this to go which is another reason it's been so long.

Anyway, the next chapter shouldn't be too far behind but reviews motivate me to write more *wink wink*