A/N: Here we go, the first chapter/prologue. Chapters after this will be much, much longer.

Disclaimer: Do you think I'd be writing fanfiction if I owned them? Unfortunately, I am not in possession of Hook, Emma, Henry, or any other of my pretty, pretty friends. Until then, they're just going to be played around with a li'l bit.

Chapter One:
Where it all Begins

Oh, I miss the comfort of this house.

Where we are, where we are.

Where we are, where we are.

The floor under our feet whispers out,

"Come on in, come on in,
where it all begins."

A cliff overlooks an ocean, long tendrils of green grass swaying in the breeze wafting off of the crashing waves below. The sun is minutes from setting, and as it slips further down the horizon, a woman walks up to the edge of the cliff, holding the edges of her russet dress so not to trip over them.

She is followed by a young boy, perhaps no more than ten or eleven, his pale ocean blue eyes shining with delight and excitement. He skips merrily up to stand beside her and she lightly rests her arm around her shoulders.

The two stand and watch until the sun has finally fallen from the sky. Just as the last splashes of light are leaving the land, a green flash appears at the horizon, covering the ocean in a halo of green for a moment before winking out.

But now the restless seas are not empty, for a ship has appeared, its sails waving in the wind, a lone figure standing at the helm as the rest of the crew scurry around the ship. The boy smiles at the sight and hugs himself closer to his mother, and she smiles as well.

As the ship draws closer to the shoreline, the boy's smile wavers, and he looks up, brow furrowed. "What if he doesn't like me?" he asks voice quiet and questioning.

His mother looks down at her son and tousles his messy black hair. "He's your father, Killian. I don't think even a man as temperamental as Davy Jones could not love his own flesh and blood."

Killian's face brightens considerably and he skips forward a little more, teetering at the cliff's edge. Soon boats are pulled up and rowed to the shore, and for the first time, the young boy can see his father. He waves and jumps up and down eagerly, ignoring the 'calm downs' his mother is directing at him from behind.

The man standing up in one of the rowboats sees his son and looks surprised, but then overjoyed. Killian is just as happy to see his father; dark-haired just like him, with streaks of grey threading through the roots-he gets his eyes from his mother's side.

It is the first time Killian Jones sees his father, and it's also the last.

A/N: Reviews are what feed Captain Swan-obsessed fangirls.