Authors Note:

Review please

Disclaimer : I own nothing of the Transformers and profit not at all from this story.

Storm strode down the hall of the Nemesis towards her quarters and her berth. It had been a long two days. The decepticon leader Megatron had ordered an attack on the autobot's base. Storm was a flyer and had been ordered along with most of the seekers to provide air cover and a distraction for the real attack. Storm and about 300 other seekers were included in this fake attack to draw out the forces for the Air Commander Starscream and his flyers along with a troop of ground forces to attack.

It had sickened the young seeker to know she and the others had been chosen for lack of skill and use. Being thrown in front of the front lines to be slaughtered wasn't what I signed up for thought the young seeker. Shuddering slightly wings shaking Storm hurried into her room shutting the door. Sagging down on the berth she held her helm in her hands as her processor whirled back over the battle. It had been the first time she had seen action in the war.

Shaking she remembered the seeker flying beside her who had gotten shot through the spark. One second she had been nudged out of the way of an oncoming plasma shot that would have taken out her wing. She had banked and turned to see her rescuer just in time to see another bolt hit him. Just like that he was gone graying and crashing into the Cybertronian turf. The rest of the battle was a blur for the seeker who had gone into pure survival mood.

She couldn't stop the memory from replaying in her mind. Long into the night Storm sat shuddering holding her helm wondering why she had ever thought joining the decepticons was a good idea. She had seen without a doubt how ruthless the decepticons were to prisoners and even their own troops. That distraction attack squad had only 10 return and 7 were in med bay in critical condition. Storm and two others had only a few minor scratches on them. One never went to medical bay unless it couldn't be helped. The medics were more likely to experiment or purposely mess up unless you held a rank of some importance. Storm had noticed when the squads were forming up that the ones sent into the diversion attack were all new recruits or ones she had seen training and were almost useless.

" I should have known" whispered Storm in the quiet darkness "If I stay here I'm going to die here."

It had been yorns since Storm had been thrown in an attack with the label of collateral damage. Since then she had become a very dangerous seeker. After that night Storm had determined since leaving really wasn't an option she would have to become useful enough that she would never be one of those mechs or femmes that were sent in with their commanders full knowledge of them being more likely to be off lined than come back. Storm had trained hard. She was a master of aerial combat. She had also developed a tactic that most seekers never used. Storm had two swords and would unexpectedly drop to the ground and engage an enemy in hand to hand. Her smaller frame was turned into an advantage.

Any seeker or grounder foolish enough to challenge the young seeker had learned their mistake in the form of a trip to med bay. Storm was in every way the picture of a dangerous remorseless decepticon. The only things that belied that picture was her decepticon challengers weren't off lined permanently and her troop under her command mostly came back intact. The decepticons around Storm would never believe once she had sat up all night and mourned her choice of becoming a decepticon and an unknown seeker who had saved her life. Since that time the decepticon hadn't thought about that in a long time. The war had raged on and destroyed her home.

Storm stood on the platform looking out over the red sky and mass of rubble and rust that Cybertron her once beautiful planet had become. Many comrades had come and gone in that time. Storm had been there in the battle on the day the autobots left Cybertron. Their forces were scattered and they had left hoping somewhere to find the allspark and restore their home again. Megatron had left as well and his life signs had disappeared.

Starscream had taken over command of the decepticons and sent them looking for the allspark and Megatron. Storm and many of the others knew Starscream wasn't actually looking for Megatron. Storm suspected he might have had something to do with the malfunction on the leader's pod resulting in them losing its signal. Storm hardly cared anyways. A few orns ago a signal had come through inviting autobots to Earth a planet with sentient life. Storm hadn't left Cybertron before not knowing where to go. Thinking maybe other decepticons would head to the signal to fight autobots Storm decided it was time to leave. At the least she figured I'll have a good fight before joining the well of sparks. Taking one last long look at her former home Storm stepped into her pod setting coordinates to this planet Earth. Simultaneously she sent a signal on an obscure decepticon channel with the simple message

"I am Storm I'm going to Earth."

Not one to admit it Storm had become a bit lonely. Hoping someone might be out there she activated the pod. Slipping into stasis for the long trip Storm off lined her red optics.

When she was close enough to Earth to research on their internet Storm learned about the planet. Determining it would be easier to hide on Earth as one of their vehicles she selected two alt modes. Her ground vehicle was a black with dark green stripes Aston Martin. For her air mode she selected a stealth jet.

Alarms started going off warning of impact with the ground.

"I'm here" sighed Storm.

Its time to see if anyone else came. The pod came to a metal jarring halt and kept rolling metal crunched her wings and Storm cried out in agony. When the pod finally stopped rolling Storm checked her damage. Painful alright but not bad I can fix this she thought. When the pod had cooled sufficiently for Storm to engage sensors she sent a perimeter sweep around the pod. Lots of trees and various organic plant life was detected. At the very edge of the sensor field a blip of a Cybertronian signature was detected. Determine faction ID ordered Storm. An error message flashed across the screen.

"Slag" muttered Storm" I'm walking into this blind." "Initiate pod opening" Storm ordered bringing her weapons online and ready for action.

"Stand down now decepticon or you will be taken offline" boomed a commanding voice.

Weapon system error damaged upon entry flashed in her processor.

"Scrap I'm so dead" observed Storm.

Should I go down fighting or should I surrender decisions decisions. As the pod came apart Storm put her servos in the air.

"Don't shot I/m not going to attack you" called Storm.

" We'll see about that decepticon punk."

Uh oh only on autobot called decepticons punk on a regular basis. As the pod came fully apart Storm could see that yes indeed it was Ironhide standing there. Her sensor feeds were telling her she was surrounded by autobots. "If I survive this I'm never going to live down being captured thought Storm Keeping as still as possible so as not to anger the volatile Ironhide or was that yep Optimus Prime was here to. Definitely not the time to try anything, best to wait for a more opportune moment thought Storm considering her options.

"Walk over here now" ordered Ironhide.

Storm had become a dangerous decepticon but was not well known. Her youth being an advantage she decided to try a little deception here.

"Please don't shot" she stammered letting her optics go wide and frightened.

Internally she was running battle plans through her head.

"Don't try that innocent crap with me" ordered Ironhide "your coming with us."

Hmm he didn't buy it. Since I'm currently outmatched I think ill have a little fun here. Shaking half with pain from her damaged wings and half in an effort to continue the deception Storm slowly walked in front of Ironhide. Ironhide kept his cannons aimed at her head and the medic Ratchet came up behind her. Storm only knew him by reputation. Off lining her weapons systems Ratchet stepped away.

"Her weapons are offline" Ratchet stated simply.

Optimus Prime stepped in. "Take her to base and put her in the brig I'll send Prowl to interrogate her later" he ordered.

Ironhide nodded and nudged the decepticon seeker forward.

"Move it decepticon punk try anything and you will regret it" he ordered.

Content to wait for a more opportune moment Storm went along quietly. It was a long walk through the woods to an airstrip with a cargo plane. Storm observed the small sentient and rather squishy looking humans waiting. Upon sighting her not a few weapons were pointed in her direction. Not very intimidated and faintly amused that these small humans thought they could do anything against her Storm hide a smile. Still giving the defeated and scared look Storm obeyed Ironhide and stood still.

The other autobots had for the most part simply transformed and left but Ironhide and Ratchet stayed. With Ironhide once again putting his cannons in her heads direction ordered her to stand still. Ratchet went to work at her neck wires. Storm had expected this. She was going to be put into stasis. Trembling for real now she stood very still. Honestly being captured wasn't her worst fear. Storm didn't like being at the mercy of another. But if she was still awake she new she wasn't completely helpless. Knowing that if she was to ever have any hope of escape and living she didn't fight. As she slipped into stasis she thought on the bright side at least this is more interesting than watching Cybertron's ruins fall apart.