Author's Note: I apologize for how long this took me! It took me forever to come up with an ending to this story I was happy with, and didn't want to post it unfinished, because personally, unfinished stories drive me crazy. Here it is finally and I hope you like it.

Week 1-4

They had been trying for a year when Spencer thought about giving up hope completely. It was too hard to just wait for it to happen, considering last time it happened after only one night. It only added to his aggravation that Parker was constantly coming up to him, asking for a baby brother. He'd have to somehow get revenge against Garcia for that.

One afternoon at work, he'd gone to JJ's office to talk to her.

"Spence, are you sure this time? I really don't want you getting your hopes up again."

"I don't know how to describe it, I just have a really good feeling."

She sighed. He'd had several false alarms in the past year, and she knew how every single one crushed him. "Just promise me something? If it's negative again, you won't get upset and shut yourself out."

"I promise."

She bit her lip. "Morgan has a meeting tonight, right?" He nodded. "We'll get out of here normal time, stop by the store, and go to your place."

"Thank you."

"So," she said, leaning back in her chair, "what did you two do for the big anniversary?"

"That," he started, pointing a finger at her, "is none of your business."

She rolled her eyes. "Not that. I really, and I can't emphasize enough, really don't want to know what you two did. What'd you get each other?"

"Well, the first anniversary is typically the 'paper' anniversary."

"Spence, do not tell me you gave him a sheet of paper."

"Please. It's like you don't know me at all."

"What'd you do?"

"Well, a type of paper is photo paper, so I gave him a photo collage of us and Parker over the past year."

She thought to herself. "Very nice."

"And he got us tickets to go see my mother before Christmas."

"Not too shabby. Did you actually get out of the bed and breakfast?"

He rolled his eyes. "Yes, for quite some time actually."

She smiled. "Good. We'll meet at my car at 5."

When Spencer left her office and she was sure he was out of earshot, she called Garcia.

"PG at your service."

"Hey, Garcia. It's me."

"What can I do for you, Thing 2?"

"Listen, I actually need a favor…"

"Sure, anything."

She sighed, turning her chair around and lowering her voice. "Next time you have Parker? I need you to tell her to stop with the 'baby brother' comments."

"It's all in good fun."

"Yeah, until they've been trying for a year."

"They have not…"

"Since right after the wedding, actually."

Garcia suddenly felt like the biggest ass on the face of the earth. "Yeah, no problem. I'll watch her for them this weekend for their date night and stop it. God I'm such an idiot."

"You didn't know. And please, don't let Spence or Derek know I told you?"

"Of course."

After work, they stopped at the pharmacy and went straight home. Spencer had told Derek that he and JJ were going out after work and that he'd need to pick up Parker from daycare. Once inside, Spencer opened the back door to let Clooney out and turned to JJ.

She held the box in her hand. "Promise me that you won't let this get to you, whatever the answer?"

"I promise."

She shook her head, holding out her pinky. "Promise."

He groaned. "Really, JJ? Wrapping my pinky around yours doesn't make the promise any more vali-" She gave him a stern look and he wrapped his pinky around hers. "Promise."

She sighed, handing him the box. "Good luck."

He nodded, walking into the bathroom and closing the door. She silently prayed that the test brought good news, or that he'd be able to handle himself if it didn't.

When he emerged a few minutes later, she looked up at him.

"What's the verdict, doc?"

He held up the test, shaking his head. "I'm sorry. I really thought my feelings were right this time."

"Don't be sorry, it happens."

He shrugged, throwing it in the trash and opening the back door, whistling. "Clooney."

"Spence, if you need to talk-"

"What is there to talk about?" he asked, closing the door and locking it. "I thought I was pregnant, I'm not. It happens."

"Are you sure?"

He nodded, smiling slightly. "Don't sweat it. I'm fine."

She walked over, hugging him. "I'm here if you need to talk."

"I don't, but thank you."

She rubbed his back before grabbing her keys and leaving.

He bit his lip, taking a deep breath to calm himself down. He knew it was risky and a long shot, so he knew he shouldn't have gotten his hopes up, but something about that time felt real. He wiped his eyes, shaking his head and starting dinner.

"Honey, I'm home," Morgan said, walking in and setting Parker down.

"That joke is never going to be funny, no matter how many times you try it," he said, walking to the living room and crouching down beside Parker. "Did you have fun at daycare today?"

She nodded, handing him a picture she'd painted. "I drew!"

He smiled, taking the paper and looking at the squiggles. "Awesome, what'd you draw?"


Morgan sighed as he hung up their jackets, shaking his head. "Princess, let's go wash your hands for dinner," he said, picking her up and walking to the bathroom.

Spencer sighed, walking to the bedroom and putting the painting in a drawer with the rest Parker insisted on making for the sibling she wanted. He wiped his eyes, rubbing his temples.

"Pretty Boy?" Morgan said, knocking on the door. "Timer's going off."

Spencer shook his head, walking to the kitchen and pulling the pans out of the oven, shutting off the timer.

"Everything okay?" Morgan asked, buckling Parker into her booster seat.

Spencer nodded, making their plates. "Fine, why?"

"Just checking." He pusher Parker's chair in as Spencer set her plate in front of her.

"If you feed Clooney your vegetables again tonight, no dessert," he warned.

She pouted, eyeing the carrots on her plate.

Morgan thought for a second, then pushed half of the carrots off. "If you finish all of those, you can have dessert."

Spencer was confused - he didn't know how to take it that bargaining was the only way to get their daughter to eat the healthy food on her plate. Since it ended with her actually eating them, he decided he wasn't going to be too concerned about it.

After dinner, Spencer set Parker in front of the TV at her table with a bowl of jell-o. He turned on her favorite show, Yo Gabba Gabba, and sat on the couch, resting his head on Morgan's shoulder.

"You know, Catherine was telling me that with how advanced she is, she might be ready for preschool soon."

Spencer smiled. "Really? I think I can take credit for that one."

"Watch it," he said, flicking his nose. "She could've gotten it from me. She said it's because she's so independent, but enjoys being in groups. That didn't come from you."

"I don't mind groups. I just prefer not to be in them."

"Done!" Parker announced, setting the plastic spoon down in her bowl.

"Good job, Princess," Morgan congratulated her, getting up and grabbing the bowl, kissing her forehead. He walked out to the kitchen, washing the bowl and throwing the spoon in the trash. In the bin, he saw the corner of a pregnancy test box. He sighed to himself, not needing to read it to know the results.

Once Parker was in bed that night, they laid down together. Most couples unwound at the end of the day talking about what happened at work – considering they worked together, they had to have small talk on different subjects to keep it interesting.

"Hey, Spencer," Morgan started, biting on his lip, "did anything happen today?"

He thought to himself and shrugged. "Nothing significant."


He sighed, knowing that Morgan could read him like an open book if he lied to him. He'd only gotten better at profiling him since they had been married. He took a deep breath, exhaling. "I thought maybe… maybe I could've been, but-"

Morgan rubbed his back. "It's not your fault."

He sniffed, cursing himself for getting upset. "But it was so easy last time. I didn't even try and it happened. Why is it so hard?"

He hooked his finger under his chin. "Look at me."

He sighed, wiping his eyes and looking up at him.

"Sometimes, it just takes a lot of work to make something happen."

"It's been over a year, Derek. Something's obviously wrong with me if it hasn't happened in a year."

"Nothing is wrong with you. I'm not going to give up hope that this can happen for us again. I don't want you to either."

He bit his lip. "You still want to try?"

"As long as you do."

He exhaled, curling closer as Morgan wrapped his arms around him.

"It'll happen eventually. Somehow," Morgan said, rubbing his arm and humming softly.

Spencer nodded, slowly drifting off to sleep.

It had been a few weeks since Spencer's latest breakdown, and he'd decided to stop over-thinking it. Yes, it had been a year, but maybe it wasn't happening because he wouldn't stop stressing about it. He'd taken a brighter outlook on life, and stopped looking at the negatives and saying that he couldn't.

One particular Sunday, after their standing Saturday date, Morgan took Parker to a play date with some of the kids from her daycare center. Spencer had offered to join him, but Morgan had decided to let him sit this one out, considering one of the mothers was pregnant and he didn't want him to get upset. Spencer decided he'd spend the morning getting things done, such as the grocery shopping and cleaning up the house. After putting away the groceries, he bit his lip, reaching for a purple box on the table. He knew better than to get his hopes up, but just like last time, he had a good feeling about this one.

When the three minutes were up, he took a deep breath, pacing the bathroom. He promised himself that this time, he couldn't let the emotions get to him – in fact he wouldn't let them get to him. He closed his eyes, taking another deep breath, and reached for the test, picking it up. He opened his eyes, looking down at the test. Seeing the word 'Pregnant' in the window was means for a double and a triple take, making sure he hadn't simply missed the word 'Not' in front of it. After three looks, he confirmed to himself that it did actually say that he was pregnant. The smile plastered on his face was far from fading as his phone rang in his pocket. He bit his lip, taking it out, and when he saw it was Morgan, answered it immediately.

"Hey, are you on your way home?"

"Yep, Parker's tuckered out in her carseat. She should be down for a little bit after we get home so we might actually have a few minutes to ourselves."

"That sounds amazing. How about some hot chocolate and relaxing on the couch?"

"Now that sounds amazing. I'll see you in fifteen minutes. I love you."

"Love you too," he said, hanging up. He smiled to himself as he walked to the kitchen, putting the water in the kettle and setting it on the stove.

Morgan walked in some time later, a fast asleep Parker in his arms. He walked to her bedroom, tucking her in and setting her turtle in her arms. He tiptoed out and closed the door, walking to the living room and sitting on the couch, where Spencer handed him a mug of hot chocolate.

"Thank you," he said, kissing his forehead.

"Any time," he responded, sipping his own.

A while later, they were lying on the couch, fingers laced and Spencer's head in his lap. With his other hand, he absentmindedly played with Spencer's hair.

"Are you excited to go see your mom next weekend?"

He smiled, nodding. "She's really excited to see Parker again. And Parker's been saying 'Nana' so well lately, so I can't wait to see my mom's face when Parker says it."

"I'm sure she's going to love it, like my mom when she says 'gamma'."

"I hope so."

"So," he started, changing the subject, "I've come to a conclusion, and I want you to hear me out."

"I'm listening?"

"You know, maybe… maybe we don't need to have another baby," he suggested.

"Oh?" Spencer responded, looking up at him.

"Well, obviously, it would be nice, but we've been trying for over a year now and nothing's happened. Maybe it's a sign or something? I mean, we're not exactly young."

"Excuse you?" he snapped, swatting his arm.

"I'm not exactly young, and maybe, you know, we should accept that."

Spencer shrugged, playing with the ring on Morgan's finger.

"Besides, we're a perfect family, just the three of us," he said, kissing Spencer's forehead.

"Funny you should say that, actually."


"Because, according to this," Spencer said, pulling the test out of his pocket, "we're a perfect family, just the four of us."

Morgan looked down at him, taking the test from his hand. "You're serious?"

"Read it."

Morgan glanced at the test and saw the word 'Pregnant' in the window. "I stand corrected. Just the four of us." He bent his head down, kissing Spencer's forehead softly.

Spencer smiled, taking his hand and resting it on his stomach. "One thing though?"

"Hm?" he asked, running his hand over his stomach and smiling.

"I am not going to be the one telling the team this time."

"It would be my pleasure. When do you want me to tell them?"

Spencer thought to himself. "Three months is generally the time when people share that information with the people they care about, because it's when the risk of miscarriage is decreased considerably. Think you can keep your mouth shut for a couple months?"

"The question is, can you keep it a secret from JJ?"

"Only one way to find out."

That week at work, they were able to avoid detection and keep it a secret. Spencer thought to himself that they only needed to do it for another two months before they could tell the team. On Friday afternoon, they left work early to go home and pack for their trip. When Spencer finished packing his own bags, he went to Parker's room to pack for her.

"Parker, do you want to bring your purple dress, or your green dress to go see Nana?" he held them out to her, knowing that 'no' couldn't possibly be an answer here.

She looked between them, then grabbed the purple dress, throwing it into her bag. "That one!"

He picked it up, folding it and putting it into the bag. "Do you want daddy to bring some books to read to you on the flight?"

"Please, daddy!"

He smiled, looking through her bookshelf and picking up some books, putting them in her backpack.

"Papa can pack some movies too, Princess," Morgan suggested, leaning against the door.

"No, book!"

Spencer looked at Morgan, very proud of himself. "I win."

The next morning, they woke up early to make it to the airport. Once they boarded, Spencer buckled Parker into the window seat so she could watch the clouds. After they got over the takeoff, Spencer took out a few of her books, reading to her until she fell asleep mid-flight. He smiled, tucking the books into her backpack and resting his head on Morgan's shoulder.

Morgan smiled, kissing his forehead. "Feeling okay?"

He nodded. "I'm feeling great."

"You're not feeling sick?"

"The symptoms don't really start until the second month, which by the way, I am definitely not looking forward to going through again."

"It can't be that bad."

He looked up at him. "Really? Getting sick morning, afternoon, and night for several weeks isn't that bad? I'm going to have to take sick time to avoid detection. Not to mention not being allowed regular coffee and the whole other mess of symptoms that are going to make you wonder why you married me."

Morgan smiled, shaking his head. "Because I love you, and I'll continue to love you through everything."

"We'll see if you're still saying that when the mood swings kick in."

After they landed in Vegas, they unpacked their things at the hotel, and made the drive to Bennington. Spencer had called ahead to be sure his mother was having a good day. Once they arrived, Spencer opened the backdoor, unbuckling Parker and picking her up.

"No, walk!" she whined, poking him.

He groaned, setting her down. "Fine, but you have to hold daddy's hand."

He held out his hand to her, which she quickly took, squeezing it.

"Besides, you shouldn't be doing any heavy lifting," Morgan teased, picking up Parker's backpack.

"Watch it," Spencer warned, walking inside.

When they walked to her room, Spencer let go of her hand. "Go get her."

"Nana!" Parker shrieked, running into her room and hugging her leg.

Diana smiled, sitting on her couch and pulling Parker into her lap. "Is daddy reading to you every night?"

"Uh huh!"

Morgan unzipped the backpack, handing several papers to Parker.

"For you!" Parker squealed, handing her the stack.

Diana flipped through the pictures, smiling. "They're wonderful, thank you."

"So," she asked, getting up as Parker was doodling in her coloring book, "how far along are you?"

"…What are you talking about?"

"Don't even try it, Spencer. A mother knows."

He smiled, blushing. "We just found out last week. We haven't… really told anybody yet. You're actually the first."

"Take good care of him this time, Derek. He was too skinny when he was pregnant last time."

"I promise," he said, wrapping his arms around Spencer's waist.

"Skinny? I gained seventy-five pounds carrying her around for 9 months, 2 weeks and 4 days!"

Morgan rubbed his stomach. "Don't worry, Diana. He'll be well-fed and taken care of this time around."

Spencer swatted his hands. "Oh, so now you're teaming up with my mom?"

Morgan smirked, kissing his cheek. "I always told you, Pretty Boy," he lowered his voice to a whisper, "paybacks are a bitch."

They spent Christmas at home, and had Garcia show up Christmas day with her arms full of presents.

Spencer groaned. "Garcia, you didn't."

"I did and you can't scold me! She's finally at the fun present opening age and I will not have you ruin this for me," she said, walking in and setting the presents beside Parker.

"Mine?!" Parker asked, looking up at her.

"All yours, kitten. Except for this one," she explained, plucking up a box and handing it to Morgan, "for your parents."

"Is this safe to open in front of my daughter?"

"It's fine," she said, rolling her eyes and sitting beside Parker, handing her a present.

Morgan opened the package, holding up its contents: a statue. "…Thank you?"

"Is that a fertility statue?" Spencer asked, looking over at her.

"Yes, it is. I hope it helps."

Spencer and Morgan shared a look as he went to put it away in the bedroom.

"What'd Daddy get you for Christmas, princess?" Garcia asked, watching Parker tear through her presents.

"Kishen! Books!"

She gasped. "A kitchen and books? That's awesome. What did Aunt JJ get you?"

She pointed to the easel in the corner, complete with finger paints.

"Oh, I'm sure Daddy loves that."

Spencer nodded. "Definitely plotting revenge via gift to her cousin Henry."

She ended up staying for Christmas dinner, sticking around to help put together several of Parker's toys. She didn't notice that Spencer only had one cup of coffee the whole time, or that Morgan stole several glances at his stomach. That night, they laid down in bed, Spencer curled up on his side beside Morgan.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm getting comfortable. You know, you nearly blew it with Garcia today."

"Excuse me?"

"All those times you were looking at my stomach? Come on, Derek, you can't keep doing that."

"I can't help it. How can I not be proud? It took us long enough."

Spencer rolled his eyes. "Well, when we get back to work? You need to act as if nothing happened. No more staring at my stomach. No more arms around my waist. None of it."

"So, what, you're going to take all of my fun?"

"You can do whatever you want when we're home. Just nothing at work."

Morgan kissed his forehead. "Fine."

"Oh and one more thing?"


"You're going to read one of the books in the study about pregnancy, because I love you dearly, but I am not putting up with questions every ten minutes this entire time. I love you, but I will hit you."

Morgan smiled, shaking his head. "If that's going to keep me safe? No problem."