The Gallio Saga

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, so don't sue me I'm poor

Chapter 1

It was a year after Cell was destroyed, and Goku's death. Gohan was taking it hard. He would only come out of his room to eat, but he didn't really eat that much either. (Surprising isn't it?)

Chichi was getting really worried about her son, so she went into his room to talk to him. "Gohan, are you all right?" she asked. "I'm fine mom," Gohan said simply. "You are not fine, so tell me what's the matter?" "It's just that I could have stopped him, but I didn't and as a result dad is gone," he said sadly. "You couldn't have known that Cell would do that, look, sometimes bad things happen, but you shouldn't let it take over sometimes you just need to move on," Chichi said wisely. Then she walked out.

Gohan thought about what his mother said, and figured out that she was right. So, the next day surprisingly Gohan was happy! "What you said was true mom," he said. "I'm going to train with Piccolo," Gohan said. "All right, but be home by dinner!" Chichi shouted as he flew off. Meanwhile in space, a giant space ship was orbiting around the earth. Inside the ship was a big man. He had armor on, and a skull on the armor. He also had three gems on him. His name was Gallio. Gallio was a result of a ruined experiment. He was trying to fuse Jurian power with the human body, but the power was too much for his body and turned him into a power hungry fiend.

He stole the gems from Washu and he became more powerful. But like Cell, he wanted more power and a challenge. So, he wanted to drain the energy from Lady Tokmi, Washu, and Tsunami. "Sir we are picking up two strong powers on the radar," said one of his soldiers. "Good bring me down," he said. "Sir wouldn't it be better if the soldiers went?" "No if is the ones I seek then I must go," Gallio said. "Yes sir."

"Are you ready Gohan!" Piccolo shouted. Gohan nodded, and Piccolo rushed at him, he fried a ki blast, but Gohan flew in the air, and kicked Piccolo in the cheek. Piccolo grabbed his leg and threw him into a mountain. Before he could do anything else, a strong blast came straight at him. Piccolo quickly dodged it, only to knock in the head by Gohan's fist. Piccolo turned around and kneed him in the stomach. Before either of them could continue a strong energy started to come in direction. "What's that?" Gohan asked. "I don't know, but be on your guard," Piccolo said. Just then, a man came floating to ground. (Just imagine him wearing Kagto's clothes) "What the heck do you want?" Piccolo said. "Oh, just a namek and a kid. I'm looking for three goddess," he said. "Well none of them are here," Piccolo said. "What do you want with them?" Gohan asked. "Oh nothing big just their energy so I can become the most strongest being in the universe," Gallio said.

"Well you'll have to go through us first!" Piccolo yelled and charged straight at Gallio. Gallio jumped in the elbowed Piccolo in the head. Gohan charged also and started to do rapid punches. Gallio blocked them with ease, and kicked Gohan in the chin. Piccolo fired a ki blast, but Gallio wasn't there. "Where did he go!" Piccolo yelled. "Right here!" he said, and kicked Piccolo in the back, and sent him flying into a cliff. Gohan came from behind and kicked him in the head. But it didn't even put a dent in his head. "Huh not even a dent!" Gohan yelled. Gallio grabbed Gohan's head and threw him into a cliff. "Special Beam Cannon!" Piccolo shouted, and a corkscrew ki blast shot out of his fingers. "Foolish namek," he said, and slapped the blast sending to another direction.

"Oh come on is that all you got?" he asked. Gohan fired a ki blast at Gallio, but he teleported and grabbed Gohan by the neck. Piccolo rushed towards Gallio, but Gallio threw Gohan straight at Piccolo. Piccolo quickly caught him and put him on the ground. When he looked up Gallio had a sword over his head and charged. Piccolo jumped over him and kicked him in the back, and fried multiple ki blasts, and him. When the smoke cleared, he was still there. "Foolish namek," he said. "Masenko HA!!!!!!!!" Gohan yelled. Gallio quickly formed a shield to block Gohan's attack. "Gohan, this guy is too powerful we'll have power up," Piccolo whispered. "Got ya!" Gohan said. And two flaming auras appeared on them as their power levels started to raise.

"Ah yes I can do that too," Gallio said and he made his first gem glow. They charged at each other, and frenzy of punches and kicks began. Piccolo fried a ki blast, but Gallio teleported punched him the stomach. Gohan charged and kicked Gallio in the cheek. He went fly towards a cliff, but he quickly teleported right in front of Gohan and knocked him the ground. Piccolo extended his arms, one arm on his right hand and the other arm on his neck. "Gohan quickly fire!" Piccolo shouted. "Right, Kame Ha Me HA!!!!!!!!!" he shouted. Seeing no other way Gallio made his second gem glow. The blast hit him, but when the smoke cleared, he was still there!

"No way the Kame Ha Me Ha wave made direct hit!" Gohan exclaimed. Gallio quickly got out of Piccolo's grip and knocked him down to the ground. "What now Piccolo?" Gohan asked. "I'm not sure." "Should go Super Sayin?" (Sorry if I spelt it wrong) "Yeah try it," Piccolo said. Gohan started to power up, his hair became golden, his became a fierce emerald green, his eyebrows became golden also. "Ah a Super Sayin, I'm impressed," Gallio said. Gohan charged, and another frenzy of punches and kicks began. Gallio blocked all of Gohan's punches and kicks, and he punched him the stomach. Gohan countered by kicking Gallio in the chin, and punching him, four times in the stomach. He laced his fingers together and knocking him down towards Piccolo. Piccolo kicked him into a cliff, and they both fired multiple ki blasts at the cliff.

"That should do it," Piccolo said. When the smoke cleared there nothing but rock at first, but then the rocks flew in air, and it revealed Gallio still alive! "No way!" Piccolo gasped. "I never had to do this before, but I will! Dark Light Hawk Wings activate!" He shouted. (Sorry if the name is pretty crony.) Then he hr grew armor like Tenchi's Light Hawk Wings, but they were black. "Now to finish this," he said. He drew his sword, and charged so fast, Gohan and Piccolo didn't have time to defend. He slashed Piccolo 8 times, and cut off his right arm.

Gohan charged, but Gallio teleported behind him slashed him the back. When Gohan tried to punch him, he was gone. When he turned around, he saw him in front of him, and he knocked him down to ground. "Gohan, you have go to the next level," Piccolo said weakly. "I haven't mastered that transformation yet," Gohan said. "Just try." Gallio charged with his sword over his head. Gohan tried to go to Super Sayin level 2 but he just couldn't gather enough rage in time. Gallio slashed him and slashed him until Gohan was to weak to hold his Super Sayin form, and he just fell.

"Fitt, summon the dimensional portal," Gallio said on his communicator. "Yes sir where to two?" Fitt asked. "Dimension 2345667," Gallio said. After that a red and blue portal appeared in the sky, and Gohan and Piccolo were sucked in. "Now beam me up!" Gallio shouted. Then he disappeared back to the ship. Gohan and Piccolo when the portal closed landed in a carrot flied.

Author Note: So how was it, what do think is going to happen when Tenchi finds them well see ya next time!