Hello, readers to my author's note of this story. The only things that I have to say before you read this is:

One, I am trying not to make this a cliche and I thought of this scene in my head and just had to write it. Please stick with me because as the story goes on, I am slowly and carefully planning the story. I promise I will make this a nice and fluffy story.

Two, there is gods involved and one OC named Chris - it is still Jasper all the way.

Three, completely Jasper. If you don't like that, then you don't have to read this. Please, no flames; just if it's commenting about some mistakes but other than that, it's no help at all.

I do not own PJO. But please enjoy!

As Piper's sore shoulder blades pressed against her cushiony chair, a sigh was dragged from her mouth. Her fingers pressed against her forehead, rubbing her temples to ease the headache that wouldn't go away. She propped her heels onto the desk and she slammed the base of her skull against the chair, her nose pointing at the ceiling. The bright screen from her computer against the dark night sky was putting black spots in her vision and a dizzy haze in her mind.

That was how Piper knew she had been at work for too long.

But she knew that she couldn't leave until the rough draft of the dress was finished. In her earlier years, she would've told herself that she wasn't going to end up at all like her brothers and sisters—obsessing over fashion. But something had stayed in her heart and she knew that as she grew up, it was something she still looked forward to. It was like her cure to her ADHD—or even the cause of it to drag her away from the real important things. She blamed it on her mother.

Reluctantly, she heaved up, stretching out her spine as she pulled her arms above her head; she felt and heard the pops that snapped in her back and the tension that was released from her once hunched-over shoulders. Piper let out a small sigh of relief. She turned the swivel chair away from her laptop screen with her heels and stopped at her floor to ceiling windows that revealed the beautiful city of Manhattan below. The sky was a dark blue with small strips of gold and pink, washing the streets with even more light. Dozens of twinkling lights blazed from both the cars and streets and the sky.

Piper leaned back against her chair again, letting her eyes glaze over as she stared at the magnificent sight. Eventually, she told herself that she had to get back to work. Piper wondered if it could be possible to charm speak herself. Before her eyes could glaze over at that thought, she waved it away, turning back around.

Her office was so big, she could feel the view of being alone when she wasn't creating or decorating or when she wasn't in meetings. Piper didn't like the feeling and sometimes she wondered what ever changed in her to have a career like this. She didn't think it was a bad thing, of course, it's just that she never saw it coming. Piper resented the kind of people with the big fame and with all of the attention and glamour. And now she was practically one of those people with a big clothing line and company.

The floors and ceilings were white marble with black leather couches on the far side of the room, set in front of volumes of magazines with her designs on the front. She wasn't sure why that was there because rarely anybody actually met her in her own office—mostly in a conference room—so she also had her sketch books and pencils and her other notebooks set around.

Piper got up from her chair, her skirt falling down to her knees, and made her way over to those couches barefoot. Hey, if no one came into her office, she could be barefoot if she wanted to. She padded over to the fuzzy purple carpet that was underneath the couches and glass coffee table. It was soft as it filled the spaces in between her toes.

Piper fell into the couch, lying out across it. She rested her folded hands on top of her forehead and let her eyes close. She took a deep breath and the pain in her head finally subsided. She turned her head to the side, her cheek pressing against her sprawled-out smooth brunette hair, looking at the nearest sketchbook. There was a doodle of a dress on a soft female figure. Piper also couldn't remember when she obtained the talent of art; she guessed it just came to her when all she could cross-hatch was clothing.

Piper raised herself to a sitting position again on the edge of the hard and pressed cushion. She slid the sketchbook closest to her and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. She fished around the magazines and papers for a pencil. Holding it gingerly in her hand she brought the tip down to the soft paper. She wasn't sure what she was drawing, she just let it come to her hand.

She finally caught up to the lines and knew that she was drawing a person; a man. Now more interested in what she was drawing, she became more enveloped in the drawing. Finally, the man looked familiar—too familiar that it made her gasp and set it back on the coffee table, her mind lost in thought.

There was still one minor detail that needed to be added to his squared and confident face. She wasn't sure if she could bring herself to finish it, though. She crossed her knee over her other leg and rested her elbow on it as she brought the pencil to her mouth and bit on the eraser. It was a habit she couldn't bring herself out of. She stared at the sketch, thinking back to when she last saw him. That was years ago, when they were teenagers, and thought they were in love.

Although she was a daughter of Aphrodite, that didn't mean her love stories always came out perfect. This was the line between her brothers and sisters and herself—she couldn't stand those melodramatic, clichéd movies about love. They were impractical and she knew how it always ended in reality: heart break. But Piper knew the lesson unlike others. The lesson of learning to get over your pain and moving on to something that could have you forget about what happened.

That's how Piper survived her love that was broken away from him. She found someone that she knew she could actually stay with and although she sounded a lot like her mom, Piper was in love with a mortal.

But now…now she appalled herself, drawing him. She hadn't thought of him since they broke up and suddenly he was the main point of her thoughts. She sighed and her fingers went back to rubbing the bridge of her nose. Piper knew her mother was involved in this somehow.

Aphrodite didn't think she really belonged with Chris, her mortal boyfriend. This was why she avoided her mother majority of the times because all the love goddess could talk about was her ex-boyfriend. It was the other reason why she always kept Chris away from her mother—the other being that she was a goddess.

Now that Chris was in her thoughts, she could picture his awkward, but lanky, figure. His dark hair and his smile and his green eyes—it brought a smile to her lips.

But then again, that drawing was staring right at her. Just like his personality, he always dragged her away from everything else. It was like she was drunk off of him.

"Oh, no," she groaned quietly. She stood up, her hands forming into fists. "Stop it, Piper. You are better than that. You will not fall for those same feelings again. Forget him." she told herself through gritted teeth as she made her way back to the window, staring up at the sky again.

The gold was slowly mixing with the dark blue, turning it to cerulean-blue color. Staring at it made her feel like she was staring back in his electric eyes again.

Something popped in her chest, making her body tingle and yearn to look at the unique curved shape of his eyes. And then the crescent moon-like shaped they formed when he beamed at her…

Piper scrunched her nose, her lips pressed into a tight line. She growled as she stomped her foot. "Stop it, mom!" She yelled at the sky.

Her overwhelming feeling for him started to fade away suddenly.

"Gods!" Piper exclaimed in a low whisper as she stalked away from the window and back to her computer. She thought of continuing her work again, but then caught a glimpse at the time at the bottom corner: 1:02 A.M.

Her eyes widened and she finally told herself that it was time to call it a day. Besides, she needed to hurry and see if she her favorite café wouldn't close so that she could get a cup of coffee. On that note, Piper saved all of her work and closed down the programs. As her laptop was shutting down, she packed up her notebooks and papers except for the sketchbook she had drawn her ex-love on. She just set it on top of the others, his face still showing. With her office neat, she slipped her laptop in her bag and stepped into her white sneakers.

Piper hung her messenger bag strap on her shoulder, her bag hanging by her slim waist. She made her way to her large double doors to her office, her keys jingling in hand. She stopped her hand on the doorknob before she could open it. She could feel the drawing staring at her, like it was tauntingly whispering her voice to come back and finish it.

It's just one small line, she thought. Her shoulders sank in defeat and she gently walked back, her footsteps silent. Piper played with her keys, the only soft noise in the office. It sounded like bells as she slowly placed herself on the leather couch again. Carefully, as if the action could kill her, she picked up the pencil and hesitantly set it on the paper.

Her heartbeat picked up the pace a little, as if it were running and it had tripped and was now hurrying to keep up, as she drew the small and faint scar through his lips.

Piper walked faster on the small sidewalk next to the busy streets and she rounded a corner. She prayed to the gods that the café was still open. Not only was it because their drinks were good, but it was because Chris worked at this specific shop. She found that the lights were still on, but barely any customers were inside. As she opened the door, a bell rang above her, announcing her presence.

It was warm inside, making the small coolness leave her bare shoulders. She wore a white tank top tucked into her skirt because it was 70 degrees earlier and the weather was wonderfully nice that afternoon. She didn't know she was going to near an all-nighter.

A man at the counter with light brown hair with streaks of gold looked up. His brown eyes widened and he pushed his black glasses, which had slipped from looking down at a magazine, up. A smile was brought to his face when he saw Piper.

Piper smiled sweetly back. She walked up to the counter, placing her hands on the surface.

The man straightened. "Why hello, Miss Famous, how may I help you this late in the evening?"

Piper chuckled and her smile grew broader. She leaned forward. "Maybe you could make me a cup of coffee?" she raised an eyebrow.

The man nodded and began to turn. Piper caught his sleeve and pulled him closer to her. She kissed him and he returned it gladly, cupping the back of her skull to deepen the kiss.

When they parted, Piper added, "And maybe you could tell me where my boyfriend is,"

Chris smiled. "Right here," he said and gave her another kiss. He parted and turned to make Piper her coffee.

Piper wasn't exactly a coffee lover most of the time. But when it's been a long day and she was tired, she found that she could agree with her father and Chiron and Coach Hedge: coffee was the rush to help you forget about all your troubles.

He slid the cup towards her and she gripped it in her hands, letting her palms warm too. She took a drink from her plastic cup and her system immediately wakened. She felt her body relax and she let out a sigh when she pulled the cup away from her lips. She tucked another loose strand of hair behind her ear and she let Chris hold her hand as they leaned across the counter.

They shared the normal conversation about each other's day.

"Very tiring," Piper said. "I just want to go home." She tilted her head and stared at him. He made her feel comfortable, letting herself be free. He made her happy in a way.

"Me too," Chris said softly. "My shift's almost done. How about we go to my place. You can stay the night." He got closer to her.

Their smiles touched as they shared another short kiss. "That would be wonderful." She said.

Eventually, Chris locked the register and took off his apron, hanging it on a rack in the closet. He unplugged the machines and turned off the lights as they walked back into the night. He locked the door behind them, double-checking it before they walked to his apartment hand-in-hand.

Finally, he unlocked his own door and they stepped in, laughing about a story he had told about having some trouble with a customer.

"Oh, my gosh! I can't believe it almost exploded!" She exclaimed as he closed the door behind him.

"It was shaking and rumbling and it—" He doubled over with laughter. "She—she thought that I was…er, had to use the bathroom,"

Piper burst out in a bigger fit of laughter. He was the only person that had ever really heard her guffaw like this. Except for Jason and Leo, a small voice said. There was a flicker of emotion that made her heart sink. She didn't show it to Chris because she covered it up. He didn't know anything about her past life—not even her being a demigod.

When Piper broke up with him, and she moved on, she didn't bring Leo with her. He would've reminded her too much of the past memories and maybe even urged her to make up with him when she knew she couldn't. Along with her ex-boyfriend, she hadn't seen Leo since that heart-breaking day.

So instead of telling him the truth, she kept smiling as Chris continued his story: "And…oh, man, it was hilarious."

Piper grinned and said, "I'm gonna change."

He nodded as he pushed up his glasses and set himself on the couch that was in front of the T.V. Chris' apartment was small because his paycheck wasn't as large as hers. But she didn't let that come in between them. She like his small and cozy place and its smell that she took in; she always felt like she was breathing Chris into her. But also, deep down, it gave her the feeling that she was back in her cabin at camp. It didn't have all sorts of feminine products and the smell of perfume invading and choking the air, but its comfortable and familiar aura is what brought back the feeling of her cabin.

She stepped into his blue room and looked around as if she wouldn't have the chance to look at it again. Piper liked looking at his mortal room. It was so…normal. Her hand was resting on the doorframe but she pulled away as she slowly made her way to his bed. She sat on the edge, her hand now caressing the soft sheets that had not been made that morning. A small smile played her lips and she slid her feet from her sneakers and then got up to stand in front of his drawer—Piper had kept extra pairs of clothes there for moments like these.

She slipped off her skirt and left it on the floor as she pulled on baggy sweatpants that immediately put her in a state of grace as she smooth felt rubbed against her calves. Piper then peeled off her fitted white tank top and instead of wearing her own shirt, she opened his own drawer and found an old red shirt of his. Piper brought it up to her face, burying her nose and mouth into the cotton and taking a deep breath. Eventually she actually put the shirt on and Piper, being neat, folded up her work clothes and placed them on a nearby chair.

Piper made her way back into the living room where she saw Chris sitting on the couch in front of a T.V. that played a basketball game. She went around the other end of his beige couch and slid the remote control away so that she could sit next to him. She curled into his side and he placed his arm around her.

Chris looked down at her and she slid her chin up, her cheek still pressed against his smooth shirt. His gaze was lost in her.

"You have the most beautiful eyes," he said softly, the both of them forgetting about the basketball game.

Piper felt a pain in her chest. That was what her previous boyfriend had told her all the time. It used to bring rapid bees to her stomach—butterflies was just an understatement. Now it just made her miss him even more. Piper knew her mother was messing with her again because she hadn't thought about him since years ago. But what nerved her was that she allowed it. She let herself miss him and want to see him again.

Piper didn't show it again and covered it up by giving him a small smile and then pulling Chris in for a kiss. Their lips moved together and her fists balled up tufts of his shirt. He pushed her down, pressing her back against the couch. She smiled against his lips but felt something hard press against the small of her back.

In her ears, she heard the T.V. volume grow louder. None of them paid attention to it as they kept kissing the other.

But what Piper heard made her think that it was louder to her own ears:

"Wow! That Jason Grace has shot another perfect three-pointer!" A commenter exclaimed as the crowd on the T.V. was in an uproar.

Piper's eyes snapped open and she froze against Chris.

"How does he do it?!" Another commenter asked, baffled.

"I don't know Travis, but I do believe he is one hell of a player. It's almost like he controls the air himself!"

Piper's breath had left her lungs. She sat up, bringing Chris with her as he kept himself against her lips. She was trapped in him, almost forgetting about what she heard, but she then dragged her body away from him. He was confused, but she couldn't listen to him.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"No, no," she said breathlessly as she stared at the T.V. Low and behold that on the playback, there was Jason Grace, his body poised perfectly as he shot for the big points. His blond hair seeming gold under the bright lights and the sweat gleaming on his body that seemed stronger with more muscles than when she last saw him.

Piper knew that Jason Grace was back in her life once again when she felt her heart contract inside of her chest.

So like I said before: I am not specifically and detailed sure about where this is going, but I've got ideas so stick with me here. But I will make sure it is a good story nonetheless. Also, this is still definitely Jasper - my first Jasper story alone, in fact. Please review and tell me what you think!