AN: To all those reading I need help thinking of a name for Harry's dragon (a picture of which will be on the Facebook page) so please put your name idea in a review.

Wrath of the Sun

Chapter 3


Laying on his back, eyes closed, he muttered the only thing he could think to say after what had just happened, "Ow."

"That would be an understatement." A familiar voice said amused as he shot up and saw his parents smiling at him while they rested in some sort of misty void.

"Mommy! He exclaimed happily as he ran over and hugged them "Daddy!"

"Oh my little hero!" Hecate exclaimed as she hugged him back while Apollo ruffed his hair proudly "You haven't even been trained yet but you're already slaying monsters and finding yourself a dragon familiar."

"Of course he is," Apollo said proudly "he's my son, he has to be awesome!"

"Um…where are we?" he asked as the surge of excitement at seeing his parents wore off.

"This is simply a dreamscape where we can meet with you without breaking the ancient laws." His mother explained "You'll be waking up soon and we just wanted to tell you how proud we are of you getting to Camp on your own."

"Of course Mommy!" he said happily "Like Daddy said, I'm the son of the two most awesome gods so I have to be awesome!"

"That's my boy!" Apollo cried out happily causing Hecate to sigh in amused exasperation and pinch the bridge of her nose, muttering "Boys." As the dream started to slowly fade away. Shooting up with a gasp he looked around to see he was in some sort of infirmary with Will dozing in a chair next to his bed and his little dragon friend resting on Will's lap.

Reaching out he picked up the little dragon from Will's lap but the motion woke his big brother up as they stared into each other's eyes for a moment before Will surged forward and hugged him tightly. "Damn it Harry don't scare me like that!" will ordered shakily "Do you have any idea how scared I was that you wouldn't wake up?!"

"Sorry big brother." He said, looking down regretfully as his little Dragon, who still needed a bloody name, copied the action.

"You'd better be sorry!" an angry voice called out as he looked over to see the blonde girl from the group he had tried to save glaring at him "It's your fault Thalia's dead! If you'd been able to do anything right then she'd still be here!"

The girl would have likely said more but the medic who was treating her apparently did something that caused her to let out a loud yelp in pain as she looked at the glaring medic stunned, "I wouldn't recommend insulting a son of Apollo like that when one of his brothers is the one supposed to heal you." The medic told her coldly before walking away "And until you get some common sense into that thick skull of yours you can just heal naturally."

"You can't do that!" the girl exclaimed.

"Yes I can!" the medic snarked before walking over "Hey there little bro, I'm Michael Yew. Now lets get your…holy shit your already healed!"

He looked down at his chest in shock along with his brothers before Will snapped his fingers and exclaimed "The Apollo healing factor! It must be amplified by your Hecate powers!"

"What factor?" he asked confused while his dragon chirped.

"Every child of Apollo heals faster than normal," Will explained "yours must be enhanced by the blood of Hecate that runs through your veins."

"Ooooooooh." He said with a nod as he shakily got to his feet and followed his brothers out, studiously ignoring the ranting blonde back in the medical bay.

"Now we'll take you to see the Camp Directors and then show you around little buddy." Will explained as they walked down the steps and onto the front porch of the building they were in as he blinked in shock at another centaur, this one with a snow white horse body, and a pudgy little man in a tiger print Hawaiian shirt.

"Sir," Michael called out as the two turned over to them "Harry's awake."

"Hello young one," the centaur said with a smile at him "my name is Chiron."

"Hi Mr. Chiron." he said and walked over, shaking the centaur's hand happily, not at all surprised at the man's horse half.

"You're not surprised that he's a centaur?" the pudgy little man asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Nope." He said happily "I met another centaur in England named Firenze who was really nice."

"Really?" Chiron asked with a raised eyebrow "Did you meet him going to a party or…?"

"A party?" he asked confused "No I saved him from a poacher who was going to stuff him. He sounded more like a sch…a sch…." He frowned as he couldn't remember the word.

"A scholar?" Will suggested helpfully.

"Yeah that!" he said happily causing his brothers to chuckle at his exuberance.

"Interesting," Chiron hummed thoughtfully "I thought I was the only Centaur who wasn't wild. I'll have to look into that sometime. Anyway, you recovered rather quickly."

"We think the fact that his mother is apparently Hecate enhanced his Apollo healing factor." Will spoke up "We're just not sure how much since we only just noticed he was fine."

"And what about the young Ms. Chase?" Chiron asked them curiously.

"The loudmouthed blonde brat?" Michael asked with a dismissive snort "Until she learns to keep her mouth shut and not go about treating the children of Apollo like garbage she can heal on her own."

Chiron sent his brothers a stern look, "Now Michael, just because someone upsets you doesn't mean you can just ignore their medical treatment."

"No Chiron, she has to learn that her actions have consequences." Michael said with a scowl "She goes around saying that it was Harry's fault that the Thalia girl died and that he couldn't do anything right. Until she learns to treat our family with respect she can learn that her actions have consequences she may not like."

When the centaur looked about to protest again the pudgy man spoke up "Oh hush Chiron, they're right and you know it. I'm honestly going to be amused at how the daughter of Athena reacts to this given how arrogant the rest of her siblings tend to be."

"Come on Harry," Michael said, picking him up and placing him on Will's shoulders "let's show you around the camp and then introduce you to the rest of our family."

"I have more family?" he asked eagerly as the trio walked throughout camp, his little dragon resting in his arms.

"Everyone here is family Harry," Michael said with a grin "but you have a lot of siblings here."

"So what's your dragon named Harry?" Will asked him as they walked over to the strawberry fields.

"I can't think of a good name." he said with a pout as his two brothers chuckled at his expression. The laughter was silenced though when a gaggle of giggling teenage girls who wore very expensive looking clothes saw him and started exclaiming about how cute he was as they bull rushed the trio of Apollo children. "Run!" he exclaimed, his dragon squawking in fear as Will and Michael took off running in fear from the horde that was after them.

Eventually they managed to escape the horde and hide in a sword arena as he lay panting against a wall, having leapt from Will's shoulders so his brother could go faster and all three were tired, even his little dragon lay panting sprawled out on his head. "Who…were…they?" he panted as stared wide eyed at his brothers.

"The daughters of Aphrodite." A wheezing Michael explained "While some are sane most of them are giggly gossips that care more about looking good than actually training."

"But monsters hunt us," he said in confusion "wouldn't they rather stay alive than look pretty?"

"Most of them are born without an ounce of logic." Michael told them seriously "Their Cabin Leader, Silena Beauregard, is alright and actually enjoys training as well as fashion but most of them are rather annoying." Before he could respond a loud squeal nearby sent a shiver down their spines as they took off running and the hunt was on again.