It would be fate, or bad luck, that would cause the beginnings of the army Jon Snow was beginning to build up, with just the men from Winterfell, to leave on the same day Sandor Clegane, along with Hand of the King, Davos Seaworth and the Shadow, arrived, ready to slaughter everyone but Rickon Stark.
Davos didn't want to carry out Stannis's command. He had never liked many of the things Stannis had asked of him, but this was the worst. Sansa Lannister was with child, for the love of the sea Gods! And he knew something of the Clegane's, just by reputation only. Gregor Clegane was nothing short of a monster. His brother seemed to have some redeeming qualities...
And of course the Shadow. Davos didn't know where the hell it was, since it for sure didn't travel with them. But he could be sure that the thing would be waiting for them at Winterfell when they arrived, ready and waiting to make sure that both he and 'The Hound' did as they were told.
Meanwhile, Tyrion and Sansa were set to leave Winterfell and meet Jaime and Brienne at Riverun, before Jaime and his new wife headed to King's Landing and himself and Sansa set out for Casterly Rock. Sansa wanted to look in on her uncle's now widow, Lady Rosalin Tully.
Tyrion had received a message from Cersei, who was now a Lady again because she was wed to child husband, Robert Arryn. He didn't quite know what to think about all of that. Cersei was now living with her husband in the Eyrie. Tyrion had no doubts whatsoever, that that would be temporary. Cersei would want to be at King's Landing with Jaime, new wife or not, and if she had to poison that that tit sucking child husband of hers, to achieve her goal, she would.
Tyrion had also received confirmation from his uncle, Ser Kevan, that he indeed was the heir to Casterly Rock, and that himself, Sansa and their unborn child, were welcome with great haste. He tried not to think of his father's wishes, which were to indeed not leave him Casterly Rock, wife or not.
What Tyrion did not realize, was that Sansa had changed her mind again. The death of Shae by that horrible dragon, had changed her mind again. She didn't want to sit back and wait! Shae had once been a friend. Her mother had once been alive. And she did not think she could wait to meet Jaime's new wife, pull her aside and secretly ask for swordplay lessons.
Jon Snow was ready to leave with the scant army he has amassed here at Winterfell, in search of new men in other parts, while they headed to King's Landing. Arya was going and not much had been said to dissuade her. Sansa suspected Tyrion did not like her little sister. Bran thought about ordering her to stay, but then thought better of it, remembering his sister's hellish temper. Rickon had no opinion at all.
The villagers that were staying behind, wanted Visarys gone, since he did kill a beloved pub keep's wife. But now Sansa had to figure out how she was going to leave Tyrion and make him understand that she could not trust Jon Snow to avenge her mother's murder?
She and Arya would have to do it.
They now stood outside, she and Tyrion, saying goodbye to the men, and some women, that were serving as nurses for the probable wounded. Shae was in disguise, sort of. She wore cloth on her head to disguise her hair and kept away from most others. So many people were busy saying goodbye to loved ones, that no one noticed her. Not even Tyrion.
Paddock was carrying Bran and Rickon was saying goodbye to one villager. Sansa grasped Arya's hands.
"I cannot believe Jon is allowing you to go with him." Sansa said.
"He was the first person to ever teach me sword play. I will stay close to him. And I will send letters."
"Don't. We wouldn't want Stannis to intercept them." Sansa told her. Arya tilted her head.
"So you are going to stay with Tyrion? You aren't leaving with us? It's for the best, Sansa. I will avenge our mother, never worry."
Sansa smiled wanly and bent down to hug her sister. She would avenge their mother as well. She then turned and found Tyrion and took his hand, leading him back inside. To their bed.
Tyrion had not expected to be with Sansa at anytime before their daughter's birth. He had been prepared to live with that, albeit unhappily.
That was why it was such an unexpected pleasure to be made love to in such an ardent manner by his Sansa. He moaned and succumbed to her softness, while Sansa arched her back and thrust her creamy breasts towards his face. Their flesh blended as one as he pleasured his stiff probe with her movements.
Then, Tyrion fell into an exhausted, sated slumber. Sansa climbed out of bed and moved towards the goodbye letter she had written, days before. She placed it next to a vase, and was just about to dress when the unthinkable happened.
Sansa heard screams.
The Shadow son of Stannis Baratheon had infiltrated Winterfell and began slaying the villagers on sight! And the ones the Shadow missed, Sandor slayed as Davos's carriage continued on to Winterfell castle itself.
Jon could feel the danger and he summoned Visarys to fly into the village and help! He spotted the Shadow and blew fire on it, but the crafty being, managed to evade direct blasts!
Jon turned towards the army he has amassed.
The crowd yelled and rushed Davos's carriage! He was pulled out flailing and fighting, just as the Shadow reached the Winterfell gates and began killing people right and left!
Arya could see that her knowledge of swords, was no match for this demonic monster, that she had half thought was fable. But she knew she was looking at the thing that had slain her mother and uncle! She looked around wildly as it approached her, but someone who looked a lot like Shae Fraust, grabbed her and together, they ran for cover in the woods!
Jon chased after it, along with several men, while Sandor, stepped over the dead and entered Winterfell by a side door! Bronn and his men, thinking that the danger was in the woods, ran after Jon and his men into the forest.
But Paddock saw Clegane and picked up a sword to try and stop him-too late! Sandor reamed his sword through the poor squire's chest, then turned it hard, before pulling it out savagely! Paddock was dead before he fell to the floor! Servants were running about and Sandor shoved two of them out of the way, as he headed to the second story floors.
Sansa was shaking Tyrion awake, when Sandor kicked in the door! Sandor ignored their state of undress, as he grabbed Tyrion by the hair while Sansa screamed!
"UNHAND ME THIS INSTANT!" Tyrion yelled, but he was dragged down two flights of stairs, with no care to bruising, and then dragged down stone steps until he was shoved into the dungeon! Sandor locked the door, then took one of the torches on the wall and set the ground on fire!
Tyrion coughed and rattled the cell door! Bloody hell! That rapist had come back for Sansa and their unborn child! He had to get out of here and help them! He also had to get out of here before he died!
"PADDOCK! BRONN! PADDOCK! BRONN!" Tyrion screamed, until he could scream no more. He soon passed out.
Sansa ran through the rooms on the upper floors, still stark naked, looking for swords, any swords! Sandor was now with Stannis Baratheon! How could he come here to do them harm? How? Yes, he had left here an accused killer, but if he had any caring for her...
Sandor burst through the room she was in and Sansa flew at him, attempting to pummel him with her fists!
"WHERE IS MY HUSBAND? HOW COULD YOU BE LOYAL TO THE DEMON KING?" she screamed. Sandor easily deflected her blows, then picked her up and threw her over his shoulder, giving her bare buttocks a good slap for measure!
"King Stannis is the one and only king now. And the sooner you accept that, the longer you'll live, little dove." he growled and hurried out of the room with her. He took the back servants stairs as Sansa pounded his back, while being tangled in her own hair.
Once outdoors, her carried her into the woods and soon set her down. Sansa shook her head and her hair tumbled about. She continued yelling, forgetting her nudity.
"What did you do to my lord husband?!"
"You mean the imp? He's gone. He got away from me and he ran, without a thought to you." Sandor lied. Sansa backed back.
"You're a liar! He wouldn't do that! He..."
Suddenly, the sound of dragon footsteps could be heard. Sandor grabbed Sansa, placed an arm around her waist and dragged her behind a tree. They stared as Visarys stomped by, then stopped and emitted a fireball(apparently just because he could), then took to the sky again.
"That bastard Snow doesn't appear to have that much control over him." Sandor murmured. Sansa wrenched out of his grip and began to run back towards Winterfell, clutching her breasts protectively as she ran! Tyrion was still inside the castle someplace, hurt! She just knew it!
Suddenly, the Shadow appeared before her. Sansa stopped dead in her tracks. This...this...THING had killed her mother and uncle. And she was powerless to stop it. This is not how she imagined revenge would be.
Sandor took a fat tree limb, eased over to the fire that Visarys had made, then lit the branch. He walked past Sansa, placing her behind him.
"Not her. The others but not her."
The Shadow emitted a grotesque, skeletal smile. It was the first time Sandor could say they he remembered that thing having a face!
The Shadow roared, then charged at Sandor! Sandor flung the fire branch at the thing, and watched it connect with it! The Shadow began flailing and screaming loudly, before it fell to the ground and soon, dissolved into a pile of ash.
Sansa stared at the embers. It was dead. Gone. She looked up at Sandor.
"That thing killed my mother."
"I know, dove." Sandor said. "But it is gone."
"And soon King Stannis will be gone. For his part in it. Swear to me that you will help me kill him! Swear it, Sandor Clegane!" Sansa shouted emotionally.
"I swear!" Sandor growled and covered her lips with his own, pulling her into his arms. He quickly removed his codpiece and fell to the ground with Sansa. He entered her, burying himself deep inside of her and soon, they were sending one another to heights that only they could experience.
Neither saw Shae watching from behind another tree. Arya had gotten away from her, in search of Jon Snow and Bronn. Shae frowned, then removed her scarf and shook out her hair. She was not going anywhere now.
Meanwhile, it was little Rickon that smelled smoke coming from the dungeon and began screaming! Jon Snow, Bronn and others, had lost the Shadow and returned to the estate, only to find poor Paddock's body! Bronn and many of the other guards, hurried into the dungeon to let the prisoners out, and found Tyrion instead!
They carried him out into the fresh air and Tyrion coughed forcefully, before being able to speak.
"Sandor Clegane has kidnapped my wife and unborn daughter. And I want them back and Clegane dead!" Tyrion croaked.
But things would not quite go as planned.
Tyrion found Sansa's letter and realized she had planned on running off with Jon Snow's army.
Shae returned, ignoring the gasps of surprise from onlookers, as she approached Tyrion and told him of what she saw of Sansa and Sandor in the woods. Tyrion realized he would be a fool to delude himself into thinking there had been a second rape. Sansa herself had confessed that she was unsure there had ever been a first one.
He also realized that in a way, this had happened because he had not taken a harder line with his wife. Tyrion had begun his marriage to Sansa Stark, pitying her. Pitying her for her forced predicament with him, while all the time, wanting her.
Then Daenerys Targaryen gave him the perfect excuse to lure Sansa into his bed. And he believed that it was a place she wanted to be and stay.
But this letter said otherwise. He would work through forgiving her for Clegane later. He had to think of the unborn child. His daughter. He had to think of her since Sansa hadn't, when she had so carelessly spread her legs for that burned mongrel.
Bronn had found Clegane himself and was suspicious to see him with Sansa, on horseback, riding on a road leaving Winterfell. He could only come to the same conclusion that Tyrion himself had. And he didn't like it.
Now, at that moment, Sansa was back in the room she shared with Tyrion, behind lock and key. She had glimpsed Shae and her mouth had opened in surprise, but there had been no time for comment, as Bronn took her to her room and locked her in.
Sansa had to explain to Tyrion that Sandor had saved her life today! That he had avenged her mother and uncle's deaths by destroying the shadow murderer! And...
Sansa noticed that her letter was gone. She was about to sit down on the bed, when the door unlocked, and Tyrion entered. He closed the door behind him, not bothering to re-lock it.
"My lady." he said, staring up at her.
"My lord." Sansa answered. "I have many things I want to tell you."
"Shae Fraust told me. She said she saw Sandor Clegane save your life, then ravish you on the ground. She also noted that you seemed to enjoy the act." Tyrion said calmly.
Sansa took a deep breath.
"It was a moment, Tyrion. I don't know what to say."
"You were planning on leaving with him and our child."
"I know. I was coming back once Stannis was dead! Sandor was going to help me avenge my mother! It was more than just that Shadow that killed her and my uncle!"
"I am aware of that, Sansa. I am aware of how you are feeling. What is going to happen now, is the following: we will leave Winterfell on the morrow. And we will stop at Riverun to meet Jaime and Brienne. Then we will continue on to Casterly Rock. You will let Jon Snow and wherever your brother Robb is hiding, do the 'avenging'."
Sansa blinked.
"Do you not care about my feelings at all, my lord?! At all?! I will not just sit by and let that demon king get away with what he has done!"
Tyrion moved towards her.
"I don't expect you to 'sit by' and do anything, dearest. I want you to remove your clothing and wait for me on our bed...on all fours. And when I return, you will understand that you are a Lannister now."
And with that, Tyrion left the room again and locked the door. Sansa was shocked! How DARE HE! She should've left with Lord Baelish the minute he offered!
Sansa turned towards a window, her chest heaving with rage and she looked out.
Sandor Clegane was down on his knees. His hands were tied behind his back. Bronn wielded a large sword across the back of his neck, and the 'Hound' was no more. Sansa backed back, appalled! She then closed her eyes and began slowly removing her clothing.
It would be almost moments later, that Sansa would stare out of the window at the be-headed body of Sandor, while biting her lip. Tyrion stood on the bed and pillaged her softness, as his hands held her hips in a firm grip. He had almost lost himself in excitement at having Sansa in this fashion.
Pleasure was beginning to creep into Sansa's senses, and soon something akin to a moan and sob escaped the lips she had given up biting. Her body began answering his call and Sansa soon realized that Tyrion's lust and longing for her was unbridled and inexhaustible.
It would be morning before their many bouts of passion sated Tyrion and he finally slept, while Sansa lay beside her husband, not knowing what to think or feel. It was not hatred, but she now was left with the uncomfortable realization, that Tyrion was more than capable of being very 'Lannister'.
Meanwhile, in the Kingdom of the Mountain and the Vale, Cersei put some milk of the poppy in her child, lord husband's drink, before watching him fall into a probably coma. She then turned and left the room, heading back into hers.
Soon, she had gathered more than a few trunks together as she addressed her new handmaidens.
"King Stannis has insisted that I return to King's Landing to help oversee the wedding of Lord Davos to Lady Tyrell. Do not bother my Lord husband. He is resting now."
At the same time, Davos was imprisoned in the rank, fire stained walls of the Winterfell dungeon. At least that was what was sent in the message to Stannis. He breathed in heavily and addressed Melissandre.
"What do you think?" he asked.
"I think," Melissandre said, "that it is time for the other Shadow children to take their place in this kingdom. Their father has died."
Stannis nodded. He had plans to send shadows to Winterfell, Highgarden, Casterly Rock and the Mountain and the Vale...for now. His 'grandshadows' would keep things in line for him, very nicely.
The next installment will be titled, Blood of Shadows, where in which Jaime, Brienne and Robb come into the story. Also, it will be a trying time for Sansa and Tyrion, as they both struggle to understand her betrayal of him with Sandor Clegane and welcome the birth of their child.