Well, here we are again! I am just playing with what SM wrote. I cannot believe how many people have read my version of what happens after Breaking Dawn. The amazing reviews I have received and still receiving from The Nessie Chronicles.

For those that are reading this little bit here, you need to read The Nessie Chronicles before starting this one. And for those that are reading this one, I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it.

Few things I picked up from the twilight encyclopedia that SM wrote Nessie turns out to be five in April 2012 as this is when the story starts. Also; Jacob's birthday is in January, not April as I had thought, so I am just going to gloss over that but I will make sure he has a birthday next time lol.

Also to keep in with the M rating, I'll try and keep the lemon-y goodness but I don't want to get my story deleted as I enjoy writing it as you enjoy reading it. Hopefully you are all alright with that.

I hope you all review after each chapter because as you know each review makes me write better and gives me a little buzz inside.

and lastly - I must apologise for taking so long to get this out there. I like to keep a few chapters ahead. I used to update alot previously, but I had a lot of spare time on my hands as I had surgery. I will update as much as I can.

So here we go.

The Nessie Chronicles; Part II

I stared at the clock and the time for leaving my home was getting nearer. Alice had already done my hair and Rose my make up. I wasn't nervous. I was just excited to be seeing my Jacob down the aisle. I had a little more time until I needed to get into my wedding dress and I picked up another journal I had written. The times I had experienced…well…there were ups and downs. The ups were fantastic but the downs…I knew by picking up this thick journal that the memories that were still raw ebbed at my thoughts. I stared down at the journal, my fingers hesitating at the corner, waiting to pick it up when finally I realised I had done it without realizing. I always took time out of my day to write little notes down of each day that I have lived. I stared at the day I had written after the wedding.

I knew what I was going to read soon…..I felt a small lump in my throat…


Wednesday the Fourth of March

"Hey midget!" Emmett's hand slapped me on the shoulder, he looked at me as he rounded the kitchen counter I was leaning on. "When is Jake back?"

I looked up from eating my buttery toast that Esme had made me. "I don't know. I got a text from him last night saying he loved me but nothing else." I was in the main house, waiting for Lottie to pick me up for school.

Emmett nodded his head. "And what is going on with you?"

"Nothing," I replied back a little too quickly. Emmett noticing of course and trying not to smirk. Today was Wednesday, Jacob had left on Sunday, after the wedding and was meant to be back yesterday. And he wasn't. Alice had to rearrange the tickets for Seth and Jacob so that they could leave when they wanted so I knew something was happening but I didn't know what. I felt a little lost without him and in the few days that he was gone I could feel myself getting a little bigger, only a fraction but I knew that this pregnancy wasn't going to be normal. My hands started to travel down to my lower abdomen when I realised Emmett was watching me from the corner of his eye so my hands found my toast and water instead. I was still finding what food that did not agree with me and it had been a learning process in the last few days. Dad had done another ultrasound on me after school yesterday and he mentioned that he could see that the baby had grown and progressed to another two weeks within a spate of four days.

"What are you thinking that is giving you that 'special' look? You know…." He crossed his eyes and stuck out his tongue.

"Emmett, that is just sick."

He shrugged as he leaned his elbows on the counter. "Don't change the subject. What's up?"

"Nothing is up," I pronounced the p whilst rolling my eyes.

Emmett rolled his eyes back. "I know there is. You have only left your room to go and see Lottie, you have hardly talked to us, even Eddie and Bella won't tell us what's happening-"

I slammed my hands on the table, leaving a dent on the surface. "Emmett! Stop going on!" I snapped.

Emmett's eyebrows creased as he straightened his back. I could see him thinking about what to say next. I didn't give him the chance as I jumped down from my stool, grabbed my plate, dumped them in the sink, turned and walked away. A blur appeared in front of me, making me stop in my tracks; Emmett leaning against the wall. "I'll give you a pass on the bratiness but you need to-"

"Tell you what is going on? No I don't. I am sorry I snapped but I can't….I just can't," I made a motion with my hand from my head. "I need to get to school." I walked past him, hearing Lottie pulling up the drive. I could feel tears well up as I ran towards the door, grabbing my school bag along the way, leaving Emmett catching flies. I saw Rose on the stairs, me avoiding her eyes bursting through the door. I ran out in front of the blue car as it came to a screeching halt in front of me, Lottie, wide eyed and gripping the steering wheel as my hands fell onto the bonnet of the car. I saw Lottie breathe deeply as I ran round to the passenger side and jumped in, Lottie glaring at me then her eyes flicked towards the door. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Emmett at the door with Rose, shrugging his shoulders. Lottie looked ahead and sped off down the drive. It was eight thirty and we needed to get a move on. I slumped in my seat, staring out the window watching the trees melt into the road.

"Missing Jake?"

I nodded.

"He will be home soon. It is obviously important why he has been delayed," she said carefully.

"I know. It's just that I really miss him."

"You have been away from him before."

"I know, it was more life or death. But I have another reason…" my hands found my stomach. "I am being selfish, I know. I just wish he would tell me more."

"I think the reason he can't is because he is dealing with something serious. Something that he has to be careful what he says and does. You were right to mention what you thought about Rebecca but he and Seth need to do their thing."

I nodded again. I patted my stomach. I was feeling delicate today. I threw up the steak I ate last night because it was slightly rare and now I wanted to change the subject. "How is Clynt doing?"

"Oh he is fine. He is coming in today for a few hours, just to see how he gets on. We have double gym today."

I had brought my things with me, we were going swimming again. "Shouldn't be a problem, we are swimming."

I could feel Lottie nod and I sighed again. She leaned back into her chair. "Look! No hands!" She waved both her hands as the wheel moved by itself, Lottie keeping her eyes on the road. I snorted. "See. I induce laughter," I gave her a look. "Oh come on Ness. Time to man up. You have to cheer up cos people are going to start asking what is going on with you. Graham already asked me yesterday. I told him it was blob week-"

"You told him what?"

"I told him it was blob week," Lottie caught me from the corner of her eye. "Oh come on, you know I think its funny!"

"Oh….you told him I had my period…"

"And that shut him up but we can't keep using that excuse. Graham might be a bloke but he isn't that slow on the uptake."

"You are as subtle as a brick."

"Thanks. Compliment appreciated."

"That wasn't a compliment."

"I took it as one. Anyhoo. Speaking of Graham, Did you know that he and his girlfriend have split up?"

I turned to look at Lottie. "When did that happen?"

"Sunday. You were away seeing Jacob before he left. He didn't have anyone to talk too so he came to my house. He is telling people if they ask but I didn't want people putting their foot in it."

"Why have they split?"

"They both had enough. It was amicable and they said they will still be friends but they called it a day."

"How is Graham taking it?"

"Hard. He has been in a relationship with her since he was fourteen. She is a nice girl but some things are just not meant to be."

I nodded again as Lottie made small talk, I wasn't really listening as I was thinking about Jacob until Lottie clicked her fingers in front of my face, making me jump. "Hey!" I objected.

"You are not listening to me," Lottie snapped, her face hardening for a second then she softened. "I was saying we have training today after school. Do you remember?"

"Oh yeah," I vaguely remember packing my hockey gear in Lottie's car yesterday when she dropped me off from school.

"I need to spend some time in goals. You will be taking my place, try not to get banged about."

"Yes sir."

"I mean it Ness. We talked about this yesterday. You need to stay out just now until they understand what is happening with you. Your Dad doesn't want you playing competitively so I need to train up Emma."

"Have you figured out what you are going to tell them?"

"If your pregnancy goes on the way it is, then I reckon you will be spouting out a bairn in three months."


"Bairn," Lottie rolled her eyes. "It means child. The last month and a half you may not get away with so you are going to have mono or something. I am tempted to tell everyone its syphilis," the corners of her mouth upturned.

"Don't you dare," I smiled for the first time. "When is our next game?"

"Don't know yet. I'm assuming that they have to draw us out the hat to decide who we are all playing against. I haven't heard anything yet. You my dear, will have to be very careful."

"Do you think I should sprain my ankle later?"

"I think that we should leave that for a later date. I mean, you are pregnant, but you need to see how far you can go without getting wiped out and you just need to avoid people. I mean, you look paler than normal."

"I was really sick last night. Esme cooked me a steak, rare, just the way I like them and I was ill all night. My body is really rejecting any type of blood."

Lottie kept quiet as she stared on ahead, putting her hands back on the steering wheel as we reached the town. "Have you wondered if your body is able to cope with being pregnant?"

I bit down on my lip. "I don't know." I was glad she was asking honest questions. Mom and Dad had been reluctant to discuss this subject with me. But that was my best friend; direct.

"You are only five."

"Maybe. Carlisle thinks I should progress well. I haven't told the others yet. Emmett was nagging at me to tell him what was wrong."

"Hence almost throwing yourself onto the bonnet of my car."

I looked at her sheepishly. "Yeah. Its hard cos I want to tell them but I want Jacob there with me when I do."

"That's understandable. You do realise that if you are progressing fast then they are going to be able to hear an extra heartbeat."

My hands touched my small bump again. "I never thought of that."

"Well, you are what, six weeks?"

"More like seven now."

"Within days?"


"Then in no time you will be fourteen, and who knows how astute vampire hearing is cos the heartbeat might be heard before that."

"I know," I looked out the window, passing Newton's store. We would be at the school soon. "Carlisle thinks that once the baby is born, that he or she's growth rate shouldn't be as quick as mine. Should almost be normal."

"Well. Its small steps. You have accepted it now. You are happy with Jacob and you are both happy about the baby."

"I know. I was worried I wouldn't love the baby, or know what to do but I am with Jacob and I know we are able to do anything," I smiled again. "I know that we are able to cope with anything. I know I am going to have to tell people, family first. I know that I am going to have to say that I didn't know until I got contractions…you know…with my friends, I can't say that Mom and Dad had a baby, Jacob wouldn't have that."

"And that does happen. There are people who just think they have put on weight then bam! Baby is in the toilet!"


"People think they need to go the toilet and then there is a baby! It happens, well it appears to happen in those real life magazines or on Jerry Springer. I think that's one way of telling people. It's either that or you all move away and you know Jacob can't move just now."

"I understand my family are going to have to move at some point. Mom and Dad are going to Dartmouth so they are going to be away for a while, they are going to drift away eventually. Or hide from the public. Carlisle is thinking of moving hospitals as he has been there for a while."

"Esme is ok. She hasn't worked with the residential home for a while, she has a few more years there. Where do you think Carlisle will go?"

"Possibly Port Angeles, maybe Seattle. He has been at Forks hospital for seven years so the move might happen this year, maybe next. He likes working in the emergency rooms, he can catch injuries before the average doctor can. I don't think anyone has been asking questions yet so I don't know."

"You don't know much, do you?" Lottie chuckled as she turned into the school.

"Thanks. I just want to talk to Jacob," and suddenly my phone rang in my pocket. "That's funny," I chuckled as I seen the caller ID. I slid my finger across the screen, my heart picking up its beat. "Hello."

"Hello gorgeous. Is it almost nine over there?"

"It is, I'm just about to head into school."

"Are you alright? How's the bubba?" I smiled at his name for the baby.

"Made me sick after eating a rare steak. For the rest of the night."

"Oh baby. I'm sorry I couldn't be there."

"When are you coming home?"

"Now honey. We are boarding. We should be home by the time you finish school."

My heart lifted, knowing he was coming home. "Define we?" I asked.

I could hear Jacob covering the mouthpiece of his phone. "Three of us. It's a long story. I ended up spending a night in police custody."


"No charges, nothing," he hesitated. There was something he wasn't telling me. "I need to get her home. Rachel and Paul are on honeymoon but Emily is home with Kim and they are all prepared to look after Becky. She needs some TLC."

"That bad?"

"I can't go into it just now, I will tell you all once Becky is settled. I will get to the main house, around seven I am hoping."

"Ok, I have hockey practice after school."

I could hear Jacob take a sigh. "Hun, you can't do that just now."

"I'm not going to be in goals and I will just avoid everyone. I have to be seen doing normal things Jacob. I have swimming later."

"As long as you don't push yourself."

"Carlisle said I should be fine during the early stages."

"Well, I trust the doc. You just take it easy just now….I've rearranged the appointment with the minister to Thursday at seven. So that I have time to get rid of the jetlag and catch up with the p-boys."

"I take it that you are out of earshot?"

"Oh yes. Seth is with Becky just now. We…its just been a difficult couple of days," he sighed again. "I'll speak to you in depth about it all later. I need to go, the plane is boarding."

"Ok Jacob. I love you."

"I love you too. You just take it easy, you hear."

"I hear you! I can't wait to see you. I miss you so much."

"I know, I miss you too." I could hear the call over a tanoy system, calling all passengers to the flight Jacob was catching. "I have to go."

"Ok. See you later."

"Later," Jacob said and we hung up at the same time. I sighed a comforting sigh, knowing he was going to be home soon. I looked at the phone not realising that Lottie had already pulled into a parking space outside the school. Our friends waiting on the usual bench.

"Everything ok?" Lottie asked.

"I don't know. The impression I am getting is that Rebecca has not had a good time of it. Jacob has asked Emily and Kim to look after her when they all get back. And I don't know what that means. I know she doesn't know about me, she definitely doesn't know about the wolves or vampires but Jacob as Alpha may get to change that. He got arrested but he didn't go into it but he should be home tonight."

"Well, at least he is coming home and you don't have to wait for another night."

"That's true. I just wonder what's going on."

"Patience is a virtue!"

"I don't have a lot of patience!"

"We know!" Lottie took the key out of the ignition, getting out of the car and I followed. I heard the familiar beep of the car locking as we walked over to our friends. I noticed Clynt sitting in the centre, wearing his cowboy hat. "Hello you!" Lottie ran over to embrace her friend. "How's the peanut?" she tapped his head gently.

Clynt smiled and I caught up with Lottie. "I am fine honey. I have some bruising and quite a lump but no damage."

"That we can see," Steven gaffawed. "You still drool."

"Only over fit men! But my darlings!" he grabbed both of our hands. "I heard you two, Gemma and Adeline were worse for wear."

"Yeah, there was a tree on the road, we needed a few days off just to recover."

"Enough about us Clynton! How are you actually feeling?" Lottie subtly changing the subject.

"I am alright, I get blinding headaches now and then but that's the norm I suppose. I can still get it up so I am happy about that!"

"Clynt!" Megan exclaimed. "I don't need to hear that!"

"None of us do!" Graham winced."

"It's just about a matter of time before we turn you Graham!" Steven winked at him.

Graham held out his hand and flicked his wrist. "Maybe, but who's to say it would be with you," he put his hand on his hip making us all laugh.

"How long are you staying for Clynt?" I asked.

"Just until third period. Dad is picking me up after that. Got to take it easy."

"You always take it easy," Steven snorted.

"Says you!" Kirsty swatted him on the shoulder. "Oh! Did the wedding go ok?" she asked me.

"It was wonderful," I smiled reliving the day. "It was nice seeing Rachel and Paul getting married. The Quileute service was amazing."

"Maybe we will get to see it when you get married my lovely," Clynt winked.

"I think Jacob and I want to have a traditional service."

"But! Its part of Jacob's heritage!" Clynt exclaimed.

"That's what we have decided. We may throw in a few things," I dismissed, not smiling. This wasn't something I wanted to discuss, and they didn't know we had brought it forward. In fact no one knew apart from Mom, Dad, Alice and Lottie. I looked down at Lottie's hand and she wasn't wearing her engagement ring. Clynt picked up the tone and changed the subject.

"Well, when I get married, it is going to be as gay as the day is long."

Lottie giggled. "Clynt, you are gay as the day is long!"

"And who says you are getting married?" Steven gave him a mock scared look.

"Me, but I never said I was getting married to you," he stuck his nose in the air then giggled his camp giggle making us all laugh again. "Come on you guys, lets go and get this day over and done with." We all moved with him as we trudged towards to the school. I looked over to the other side of the parking lot, noticing Julie with Cian, Conner and...Blaire? what were they doing with her? "Why is Julie over there?"

"Well," Steven sighed. "Cian and Julie are officially a couple, Conner has been spending a lot of time with Blaire."

I could see Lottie shake her head beside me. "So she is just spending time with them?"

"I think so," Steven stared straight ahead.

"Everything ok?"

"I don't know. Over the last two weeks I have heard from her once." I could tell that he didn't want to talk about it.

"Clynt?" Megan was walking next to him and I was thankful she spoke.


"Are you still going to commentate?"

Clynt stopped dead in his tracks making Lottie bang right into him. "For fucks sake! Warnings people! Gravity doesn't like me enough as it is I certainly don't need any help!" we all turned to stare at her outburst.

"Oh did someone get out of the wrong side of bed this morning?" Graham teased. Lottie just pursed her lips at him, her face hardening. I noticed for the first time that she had small bags under her eyes.

"Of course!" I could see Clynt staring at Lottie from the corner of his eye, and quickly continuing. "Although I think I need danger money but a knock to the head isn't going to change that," he resumed walking again, Lottie giving him an irked look making Graham snort.

"Lottie, how can you be so graceful when playing hockey, kicking some ass at Tae Kwon Do but yet you find difficulty walking in a straight line."

Lottie gave him a look, her face softening and smiled. "I have no idea."

"I think you need a carer," Graham ducked the hand the Lottie swiped at his head. "And a disability badge," he ran a few steps ahead.

"Cheers mate. You know, that's not the first time someone has suggested that," she replied walking up the stairs into the school.

I was happy watching them all exchange mocking words. It was keeping my mind off tonight.

"Nessie! Get out of the way!" Lottie bellowed from goals. I was day dreaming as the ball landed at my feet, Gareth charging towards me for the ball. We were playing against each other, but playing with one goalie. And Gareth was still charging.

I dived out of the way. "Ness!" Megan shouted, her arms in the air. "What are you playing at? Your head isn't in this!" she harrumphed as she charged at Gareth who now had the ball. I looked over at Lottie, and through her helmet and metal guard, I could see her roll her eyes and I could hear her muttering. The idea of this was to have two teams, one defending the goal, one trying to score and roles reversed every ten minutes. But Megan was right, my head wasn't in the game; I looked at the large clock hanging above Lottie, reading six thirty. I knew that Jacob was back, he sent a text an hour ago saying he was and I just wanted to go home.

I also had the impression the Lottie was torturing me.

Ok, she wasn't really. But it felt like it.

We were all getting tired, Lottie barking out orders, me not saying a word, Gareth, Greg and Graham protesting at how hard Lottie was pushing us all, although I noticed none of the girls were complaining. Emma shot in another goal past Lottie who was cursing at missing it. "God!" she threw down her stick in frustration, Emma looking a little scared. "Rusty or what!" she took her helmet off, she was also wearing a gumshield so I knew she wasn't using her powers. She spat out the gumshield into her hand, stretched her mouth then patted Emma on the back. "Well done girl! You keeping firing in shots like that the other teams won't know what hit them!" Emma smiled, also looking a little relieved. Lottie stepped forward, looked up at the clock. "Ok, I think we can call it for the day," I could see Greg and Gareth breath sighs of relief. "Practice again on Friday."

I was tired, Lottie was flagging as well; that was the fourth goal she let in during practice although I don't think it helped that we had a grueling swimming lesson just before, Adeline and Graham were sleeping on the bus on the way back.

"Thank god for that!" Graham sighed as we trudged back, he nudged me slightly, "I think someone is channeling Hitler," he snorted, Adeline giggling and nodding in agreement, her bruised legs were now a green colour and I knew she was suffering today.

"Agreed," Kirsty echoed. Greg had checked her to the ground and she was holding onto her side. Lottie had told them to not hold back. She wanted us to get used being roughly handled although I had managed to dodge the enforcing team quite well. I didn't work up a sweat but I still needed another shower as I could still smell chlorine from the rats nest that was formed on the back of my head. Lottie's hair was worse than mine, but she and the rest of the girls jumped into the showers to do their thing. I was doing my thing when I looked down and through the soap and water, my little bump looked as if it was glowing.

It wasn't of course but to me, it was amazing. To the observer; I looked quite bloated and I got a couple of stares from Megan and Kirsty when we were swimming earlier. I got out of the shower, got dressed and managed to get a comb through my birds nest of hair. Megan, Emma and Kirsty said their goodbyes as Lottie made a big deal about drying her hair. We heard the boys shout their goodbyes as they left leaving us three girls behind. "Lottie, Ness….," Adeline said. "I got a text from Embry saying that we are all to meet at the Cullen's house. Is this about Jacob and Seth going to get Rebecca?"

"Yeah. I think Jacob wants to tell us what happened but it I'm getting the impression that Jacob wants to put something past us."

"What do you think it is?"

"I don't know. We shall see. Lottie would you hurry up!"

Lottie turned round and stuck out her tongue. "All done," she threw her things in her bag and tossed her hair in my face, knowing fine well she was trying to annoy me. I assumed Gemma would already be at the main house, just them waiting for us three. We walked quickly to Lottie's car, dumped our things in her boot, and we got in. We drove in silence, listening to the radio on our drive back to main house and as we arrived, there were numerous cars outside so I assumed that they arrived in human form and I also gathered that everyone was going to be here. "I think it's a meeting," Lottie murmured as she stopped the car behind Sam and Emily's four by four. I could sense Jacob was near and I grabbed my bag and ran up the drive, leaving Lottie and Adeline behind me. The front door opened, all six foot seven inches of Jacob appeared; I missed his russet coloured skin, his teeth white and bright, and he was smiling as he saw me running towards him. He was wearing a white t-shirt that showed off the colour of his skin and dark blue jeans. Jacob stepped down, holding his arms out to me as I discarded my bag, throwing myself into his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist, my arms around his neck, taking in his woodland scent, feeling whole again. I kissed his neck as he took a sniff then kissed mine both of us reaching around to kiss each other. His soft lips meeting mine, his tongue meeting mine, playing, teasing. His hands gripping onto the curves of my bottom, squeezing tight.

I could hear the crunch of gravel pass us. "Oh my god! Get a room!" Lottie pretended to retch as she walked past.

"I plan on it," Jacob growled as he kissed me one last time and placed me gently on the ground, taking my face in his hands. "I have missed you so so much," he kissed me again. He pointedly held onto my face and into my eyes. Have you eaten today? You still look pale?

"I miss you too Jacob," I kissed him again. Yes I have. It's been a hard day and I feel a little wiped but I am fine.

Hockey wasn't too rough?

Little bit; for the others, I did my best to stay out of the way.

Ness. I think we should tell them tonight, once I have told them about what has happened.

I thought for a moment. Emmett was asking me this morning what was wrong. Alice was giving me funny looks yesterday.

I also think that we should tell them that we are moving the wedding forward.

Wow! Big day for news then.

Might as well tell them all while we are here. There are other things I need to discuss. Keith caught me earlier, he told me that he and Lottie are engaged. I had to pretend that I didn't know.

Cool. So are they announcing that today?

I think Keith would like to. I don't know how Lottie feels. I assume she is alright with that.

I take then that when you mean everyone…I don't want to steal their thunder, can we wait another day? Its not going to harm any one. Who is all here?

Ok. Tribal elders, imprints, all wolves, all vamps. We need to talk about a few things and Seth and I have a story to tell. He bent down to kiss my stomach and I swatted him away. He stood up straight and kissed me on the nose then embraced me again. He took my hand as he led me into the living room. And he was right; everyone was there. My family were sitting around the large table. Jacob was going to take centre stage, Seth next to him. The ladies were sitting on the sofas, Leah and Sue were here with Billy and Grandpa, Leah had stayed for a few extra days after the wedding. The room looked smaller with everyone in it. I could see Mom and Dad sitting next to Emmett and Rose, Alice and Jasper next to Rose and Carlisle next to Mom and they were facing the sofas. I waved at Ben and Tia who were joining us today. Gemma, Adeline, and Lottie were sitting on two sofas, with Sue, Leah and Billy on the other. Jacob and Seth standing at the fire place, the rest of the wolves sitting on the floor by their imprints legs, Colin and Brady sitting on the kitchen counter eating sandwiches that Esme had made. I noted that Kim and Emily were not here.

On the large coffee table there was tea, coffee and all sorts of sandwiches, biscuits and cakes which the plates were half full as the boys had helped themselves to it already. I sat down next to Lottie, grabbed some sandwiches, cakes and a lovely cup of decaf coffee. I placed my plate on my lap as the room went silent as Jacob took command of the room.

"As you can see, we are back. It hasn't been an easy few days, but Seth and I have a story to tell…"

Jacob's POV

"Jake," I felt someone pushing me.

"Five more minutes," I swatted whoever was pushing me.

"Hey man! You need to put your seatbelt on, we're landing," I opened my eyes to see Seth grinning at me. I had that 'just awake' feeling and I felt like I slept with my mouth open. "You were seriously snoring man! Those guys had to put their earplugs in and I thought the air hostess was going to come and plug your nose. I heard them suggest it," he snorted as he ate his complimentary peanuts. I was kinda hoping he would choke on one; that would have entertained me for a minute. I reached around for my seatbelt and clicked it in. I could feel the plane descend and the sun shining brightly through the windows.

I hadn't really appreciated being in first class. We had left Sunday night, flight was delayed by four hours and it was now Monday morning and almost there.

I leaned back in my chair, sighing as we descended. I was feeling antsy; I didn't get the chance to patrol as I didn't want to change into my wolf seeing as Nessie asked me not to, and I couldn't get to sleep so I worked on the accounts at the garage, they needed doing so at least I got that out of the way. This was going far too slow for my liking; I looked ahead as one of the tanned air hostesses had been trying to catch my eye the entire flight. She was practically faceless to me. She could have been pretty or a face like a slapped backside; it just didn't matter to me. This was also the first time Seth had flown so he was gripping his seat a little. I snorted, I found that funny, better than him choking on a nut; he was going on his own white knuckle ride. I felt the wheels hit the ground, a little rough and I peered over to Seth who had his eyes squeezed shut and I had to stifle a laugh.

As soon as I was able, I grabbed my messenger bag, which looked a bit poofy to me but Alice insisted it looked cool, my bottle of water and was out of the plane as soon as they opened the door. I knew Seth was on my tail, so to speak.

And wow it was hot! The hot air hit me as I descended the stairs, Seth on my heels. At the bottom there were two girls in grass skirts ready to place a ring of flowers over my head. I figured I would let them and I could take them home for Ness. Seth was smiling at them as they put the flowers around his neck. We walked as fast as we could, reaching customs and this is where it got tedious. I was in a queue of people as we had to show the guys in uniforms our passports. The one that looked like he was sucking a lemon looked at my passport for what felt like a life time. He looked at the picture, then at me, then at the picture as Seth was checked out and stood waiting for me. I towered over him and he could tell I was getting impatient as I folded my arms. He smirked as he handed it slowly back to me and I stormed off to join Seth to pick up our luggage.

Now, I was happy to throw anything into my small suitcase, but no, Ness wasn't having any of that! She rearranged everything, even getting a bathing suit that Alice bought me ages ago: like I was needing that! I picked up my suitcase, following Seth who started to walk towards the exit. He stared at the duty free as he passed but I wasn't interested. I stalked towards the exit. My eyes scanned the area; cars and taxis lining the road with men and women holding signs out for the people they were going to be driving. I spotted a man holding a sign saying: BLACK/CLEARWATER, I nudged Seth and pointed at him. The man was wearing a light blue Hawaiian shirt teamed with cargo shorts and flip flops. I could tell by his race that he was native to this area. The man smiled nervously as he saw me coming. "Uh, hi," he started.

"Hey. My name is Jacob Black, this is Seth Clearwater. You're the driver," it was more of a statement than a question. The man nodded as he took my suitcase from me and deposited into the trunk of the car, he followed this with Seth's.

He was stronger that he looked as he lifted them in with ease. "My name is Bane," I heard Seth snort. Bane raised an eyebrow. "You think my name is funny?" he smiled, he wasn't being sarky. Seth laughed out loud this time. "It means long awaited child. Mom had me late on in life."

"Sorry, it's cos it rhymed."

"I know," he rolled his eyes. "Everyone has a good chuckle when I introduce myself. Where would you like me to take you? You have me for your stay."

"Excuse me?" I snapped my head up.

"When…." Bane took a piece of paper out of his pocket, his eyes raking it until he found what he was looking for. "Miss Cullen hired the car; she wanted a driver for the whole stay. When I saw the amount I was being paid, I figure you can have me whenever you need me!" he laughed. He passed Seth and me a piece of paper. I looked down to see it was his mobile number. "Any time."

"Alice," I shook my head. "Could you take us to the Kahala Hotel please?"

"My god! You must have some serious dough to get a room there!" I shot him a sharp look. "Hey! I didn't mean offense dude, just don't go advertising it!"

Seth clapped a hand on his shoulder, making him propel forward slightly. "No worries, we can look after ourselves."

Bane looked us both up and down with his eyes. "I have no doubt," smirking as he opened car door, allowing us to slide into the back of the car. The car itself was a silver Mercedes with a tan interior and it was nice and cool. Bane slid into the driver's side, started the engine gliding out the airport. "So what brings you two out here? you on your honeymoon?"

Seth coughed and I could see Bane winking at me from the interior mirror. I snorted; I had to admit, it was funny. "No, no, no!" Seth shook his head. "We are here to bring someone home."

"Oh, ok. We have a 'no question' policy," Bane nodded. "Besides, you both look like decent guys."

I looked at Seth who nodded. "I am here for my sister. She married some Samoan who is an exec at some computer firm, I only met him a couple of times, bit of a schmuk. The way Rachel sounded it was as if he didn't have alot of money although he got a promotion a whilt back. His name is Kiliona Vailalo."

"Vail?" Bane pulled a face, the car twitching slightly as he reacted to the name. "Are you sure?"


"That's what he likes to go by."

"Then yes," Seth leaned forward in his seat. "What's up?"

"Well, he is a ruthless business man. Rich as hell. I am not entirely sure that he is legit either. I heard he bribes cops, city officials," Bane swerved over to the side of the road, ignoring the honks of horns from passersby as he came to a stop. Bane turned around in his seat. "You got the right guy?"

I showed him the address on my itinerary that Alice had made up. "This is where my sis stays."

"She has long dark hair, looks like a native Indian."

"Hey!" Seth objected.

"Actually," Bane narrowed his eyes. "A little like you," he pointed at me, he took the paper from my hand. "That's the address of his estate."

"Estate?" I queried.

"Like I said. Rich."

"And Becky said she couldn't afford the plane ticket," I muttered slumping back in my seat. "Do you see her often?"

"I drive for some of the head honchos from that firm," I looked him up and down. "I wear a suit!" Bane rolled his eyes.

"And why are you not wearing a suit today?" Seth smirked.

"Because it wasn't requested."

"You can request that?"

"Oh yes. It's part of the questions you are asked."

"I wouldn't have minded you wearing nice little chauffeur hat," Seth added.

"Never mind about that. Have you ever seen her?" I pulled out an old picture of Rebecca and showed him.

"Oh that's her alright. But a bit more, glossy?" He took the picture from me. "I haven't seen her in months though. And the last time I saw her she didn't look great."

I frowned. "Have you ever driven him?"

"Yes, a few times, in a different car of course. And some of the other bigwigs. I know the address but it's heavily guarded."

"Why would it be heavily guarded?" I asked. "If this guy just deals with computers."

Bane shrugged. "I dunno dude. Like I said, he has people in his pockets. Dealing with more than just computers. I heard he is into dealing arms."

"Arms?" Seth shrugged.

"Guns, heavy machinery. Black market stuff." I put my head in my hands and breathed deeply. "How did your sister meet him?"

I spoke from through my hands. "She met him in a bar in Seattle. She never liked the way of the res."

"Res?" Bane looked confused.

"We are from the Quileute Reservation, La Push which is near Forks," Seth explained.

"No idea where that is, it is like a tribe?" I could hear the wince in his voice as if he was sincerely trying not to be unintentionally racist.

"Yeah, you could say that. Forks is a few miles from Seattle. We are on the coast line," Seth continued.

"Mmm," Bane pondered. "So you have no idea what this guy is like?"

I shook my head, my hands now rubbing my temples. "Becky brought him back once, he didn't say much and then next time I saw them was when they got married. They got married in Seattle, in City Hall. After that she never visited."

"And you never found that strange?" Bane asked. I shot him a look and he put his hands in the air. "Hey man, not judging."

"I never questioned it. Becky always said how much she wanted to get out of the reservation, how she hated being there. Dad never stopped her because that was what she wanted."

"So what has made you question it now?"

I looked up. "My fiancé. She pointed out that no matter what that she should have been there for her sister, her twin sister. Ness pointed out a few facts which is why we are here."

"Ok then. I'll take you to the Vailalo Estate, we can do the hotel later," Bane turned to face the front and took off, joining the traffic.

We found ourselves winding up roads, the traffic becoming less, the scenery becoming greener, housing becoming sparse. We would pass the odd ornate double gates with looping driveways. I could still see the ocean, which looked appealing and I realised no matter where I turned, I would see the ocean melt into the sky. I felt the car slowing down as we came to the end of the road. I looked around and noticed that this part of the island was much denser, in sense that it was covered in trees and to the left of the road, it looked as if someone took a knife to a hill side and cut; the side being over fifteen feet tall with grass and trees growing on it. Once the car ground to a halt, I got out and I could see how high we were. I could clearly see the airport we had come from, high buildings in the city itself, the harbor and adjoining islands to Honolulu; it was nice to look at. I turned to face the two guards that were protecting the large wrought iron double gates. The gate itself was intricate in design which each tip at the top met with a point. There was a booth at the side; in front of the gate, I presumed for the guards. I checked out the oncoming guard; he was wearing body armor, a helmet and was dressed in black. Given how hot it was, he seemed quite comfortable.

And he was armed.

"It seems that you have wondered off the beaten track. You should have taken the right at the bottom of the road," the guard cautioned. He was holding a large automatic gun, with ammo clipped to his belt, another bulky rectangular object, radio to his chest. His partner was in the booth and I could hear him radio to someone, presumably to the house. The house I couldn't yet see due to the dense thicket of trees and the hill verge to my left. I could feel the threat looming, my senses on alert. "I suggest you tourists get back into the car and turn around."

I stalked forward; I could hear Seth get out the car. I towered over the guard and I folded my arms. "I am not lost. I am here to visit my sister. Rebecca Black. Well, Rebecca Vailalo."

"Mrs Vailalo?" the guard narrowed his eyes. He inclined his head to his partner who radioed up the main house.

"My name is Jacob Black. I wish to see my sister."

I could hear them enquiring through the earpiece the guard was wearing. I could hear the response before the guard could issue me with his. "Mrs Vailalo does not wish to see you today. She has expressed that you don't come back."

"But that wasn't her that replied on the radio," I raised an eyebrow.

The guard shifted his stance. "There is no way-"

"I have exceptional hearing. Why does she not want to see me?" I demanded.

"We do not need to give a reason. Now please leave."

"No." I stepped forward. "I believe there is something wrong and I want to see my sister." I could feel my hackles raising, getting more and more pissed. "Now let me in," I growled.

The other guard raced out of the booth, gun in hand. "You heard my comrade, get out of here!" he shouted.

I moved quickly towards the gate, pushed it with my hand, testing the waters a little. It creaked as it moved forward, I felt a hand on my shoulder making me let go of the gate allowing it to snap back. "I told you Sir," guard number one started. "Leave!"

I smirked at them as I pushed the gate with half of my strength; it groaned then it gave way as it lurched forward.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" I heard the sound of a gun getting ready to shoot. Then I heard the second gun being ready to load

"Jacob!" Seth warned.

I turned around to find both guards standing, aiming their guns at me. "Oh yeah, you are really going to shoot me? I am going to see my sister."

Before I could turn back round, guard number one shot at the ground, missing my feet by inches, I could feel the air around the spot ripple and I automatically took a step back. I could feel the anger bubbling in me, the wolf fighting to get out, to rip this bastard apart-

"They shot at you?" Ness squeaked, interrupting my story. I nodded and if she could go any paler, she would have. Her hands went to her stomach subconsciously.

"JAKE!" Seth ran forward and at some point Bane had got out of the car and had ran in front of him. Seth pushed him aside as if he was swatting a fly but the second guard ran over to him and pointed his automatic weapon at Seth's chest. There was no way of knowing if we would survive bullets to the head or chest, not something I ever wanted to find out.

"We will call the police to take you away, Sir," Guard number one threatened as he walked over to me, placed the barrel of the gun under my chin making my head snap up with the motion. "We may not shoot to kill but we will certainly shoot," he then pointed the gun to my knees. "Your sister obviously does not want to see you so I suggest you leave." The guard was looking around me, I swear he could see the tremors of heat rise from my body as I had to fight to stop myself from phasing.

"Come on guys," Bane got up from the ground. "Let's do what the nice men with the large guns say," he walked carefully to his car and got in.

"Jake," Seth stared at the gun pointing at him. "Come on."

I closed my eyes, stopping the quivering as I forced the phasing to stop. I slowly moved to the right and walked towards the car, narrowing my eyes as I passed the second guard. "We will shoot if you come back," the second guard threatened.

I looked up at the cameras that were placed on either side of the gate and I stared….yeah get a good look at this face. Seth had already moved and was in the car, me sliding in next to him. Bane did a tight three point turn and I watched as one of the guards moved the gates back, the other training his gun on the car. Bane took a deep breath. "Wow, that was intense."

I let out a low growl. "What the fuck was that about?" I asked more to myself.

"I don't know Chief; all I know is that Rebecca really didn't want to see you."

I gave Seth a sharp look. "Thanks. Something isn't right…."

"Ya think?" Seth rolled his eyes.

Bane sped down the hill, meeting more houses as we descended. "Have you and your sister had a falling out?"

I looked into his eyes through the interior mirror, he was being sincere. "No. She and my sis had an argument about her not coming to the wedding then Dad got onto her. Sometimes we can go for months without contact but she is usually ok on the phone but not the last time," I stared out onto the scenery. "I have to go back."

"Are you mad!" Bane shouted. "They will shoot you!"

I sat back in the chair, contemplating. "Bane, can you just take us to the hotel. We will call you when we need you," I said quietly.

Bane stared at me through the mirror. "Ok. Please don't think of going back there," he pleaded. "I don't want my clients getting shot," he smiled nervously. "It's bad for business."

"Thanks for your concern man," Seth patted him on the shoulder. "Sorry for pushing you back there but we will come up with something."

Bane nodded, losing the smile. "I have my wife and children to think about, she would kill me if I got shot, providing getting shot didn't kill me, then my mother in law would have more ammo to try and get at me," he smiled weakly.

We reached the hotel, Bane taking out our suitcases and handing them to the bell boy. I wasn't really paying attention and grateful to Seth who handled getting us booked into our room. We stepped out of the elevator, the bell boy moving quickly in front of us in his bright red uniform. He slid the key into the door, handed it to Seth who tipped him and he left just as quickly. I strode into the room and whistled.

The room was the top floor of this hotel, the living room was three time the size of mine, with a bar, widescreen tv the size of the wall and plush white sofas, the wall facing the outside view was not a wall but panes of glass with two huge double doors that led to a large balcony. It was open plan as there was a dining table set for eight people. I wondered into the bathroom; the bathtub the size of my actual bathroom. There were three bedrooms as I wondered around, each room with king size beds, tvs, ornate tables and glass sliding doors to look out onto the blue green ocean. I couldn't take much more in as I sat down onto the bed, sliding my phone out of my pocket. I scrolled down to Becky's mobile number and listened as it connected. It rang out for the sixth time and I was about to give up when it connected. "Becky?" I whispered.

"Jakey?" she was rasping, like she had no voice.

"Becky? Are you ok?"

"No, you have made him very mad," she whimpered.

"I don't care. Are you alright?" I stood up, and started to pace the room.

"Why are you here? It's not safe."

"Ha! He is the one that should be concerned for his safety. We are here for you. There is something wrong if you can miss your twin's wedding. You know, the sister you shared a womb with for nine months, the sister that you are inseparable from?" my vioce dripping with sarcasm.

Silence, I could hear Becky chewing her lip. "I can't leave here. He won't let me."

"Why not Becky?"

"Because he likes to be in control," Becky faulted. "Oh god!" she whispered. "He's coming."

I could hear a door creak "What are you doing on that phone 'ilio whine?" slap! I heard skin on skin contact, the phone dropping to the floor, a loud bang then the phone went dead.

I dropped the phone onto the bed and burst through the door into the living room. "Seth!"

I searched around for him, he ran through from his bed room with only a towel wrapped around him. "What's up Chief?"

"Rebecca," I stared at the phone that was left abandoned on the bed. "I called her, she sounded scared Seth, he knew, I think he hit her."

Seth was by my side in a blink. "Do you want to go back? We could phase-"

"No!" remembering my promise to Ness; although a promise I may have to break. "No phasing, not for me anyway," confusion passing though Seth's face for a moment before returning to normal. "You could though," I begged him.

"Anything Jake," Seth folded his arms across his chest.

"We need a plan."

AN - Hey folks! first chapter. please review!