
Chloe pov:

It's been 3 years since they left me. I remember that day so clearly, no matter how many times I try to forget.


It's been a week since we arrived at the safe house kit has brought us too, and I couldn't be happier with my life! I am currently sitting on the couch in the library reading up on the charms and spells of necromancer. "Eh hem." I heard. Startled I slammed the book shut and jumped ever so slightly. I looked up and saw the gang (Simon, Derek, and Tori) all standing there, "hey guys, I looked for you earlier but I couldn't find you. What's up?" I asked. "We've been talking", started Simon, "and we don't want you here anymore." There. The very words that shattered my heart. After that I asked Kit to drive me home and he gracfully obliged. What hurt more is that my aunt chose to stay behind with them and wouldn't look me in the eyes. I left that day, never said goodbye to my friends or the guy i had futily considered my soul-mate. " Apartment building on 21st street please", i said to kit. When we arrived i stepped out of the car and, not looking back, walked up to my suite. I took out my key and unlocked the door walking in, "hello? dad?" i called. As i stepped furthur into the house i felt a light throb in the back of my head. Concerned now, i walked to my dad's study. I was suddenly hit with the overpowering stench of rotting flesh. "dad?!" i whispered now panicked and worried. I finally got the nerve to turn my fathers chair around. I screamed. It had to be the most horrific sight in my life. "daddy" i whimpered, there slumped over in his chair was my dead and decaying father with a bullet hole in his left temple and blood everywhere. Terrifying.

End of Flashback

I'll never be able to unsee what i saw that day and it still haunts me even now.

Them leaving me broke my heart.

Them leaving ruined my life!

Them leaving, killed. My. Father.

I hate them. And all the pain they've caused me, and I hope to never see them again.