
His lips pressed up against Nico's and he couldn't help but push him further. Nico has barely been on the ship for more than twenty-four hours, but Leo just couldn't help himself-he was worried crazy and had to keep it all in. You see, they'd been going out since Leo started building the Argo II, and while people knew about Nico being gay, Leo was a bit more cautious about people knowing. Especially so openly. In short, he was horrified of what people would think-Piper and Jason in specific.

He had pictured Piper being perfectly fine with it, after all it was love and she's a daughter of Aphrodite, but Jason was another story. Something about Romans got caught under Leo's skin when it came to this subject .Either way, it didn't change how relieved he was when Nico came out of there alive. He could tell, everyone could, that something down there had broken a part of Nico. In turn, it broke a part of Leo too.

He hoped that he could fix a little bit of it in both of them right now, as they were pressed up against Leo's cabin wall, franticly pulling each other closer, as for neither has had access to the others lips for longer than imagined. Nico wrapped his arms around Leo's neck and Leo slowly made them back up until they fell onto his bed, his grip tight on the son of death's waist. They breathed heavily for a second while they pulled apart, a gaze into each other's eyes that spoke a thousand things. Nico leaned back into Leo and Leo pressed his lips against the pale boy's neck with hunger. The night ended with their cloths on the floor, and whispers of "I love you."

In the morning Leo woke up with the warmth of Nico in his arms and he couldn't help but let a smile spread across his face-after so long, he finally had him back. Last night there was some mention of telling people, but Leo figured that everyone had more to think about. Like Percy, Annabeth, the quest and really anything else.

Nico stirred in his arms and turned, smiling back at his boyfriend, "Good morning."

Leo pressed a soft kiss to his shoulder before saying, "Morning."

They lay like that for nearly a half an hour, just enjoying each other's warmth and comfort in silence, until Leo had started thinking. He panicked for a second, wondering what time it was and how'd it would look if they both came out from the same room. Nico had noticed the tense chill that spread over him and he ran his fingers through Leo's curly hair, which never seemed to be tamable.

"What's wrong?" He grinned despite himself, "Aren't I the one that has emotional trauma?"

Leo suddenly became serious and rather un-Leo, "That's not funny," he said with almost no tone, "It's serious what happened to you, and I feel horrible." He sighed and nuzzled his face into Nico's bare shoulder, "And then here I am still worrying about people finding out."

Nico reached out to touch his cheek, "Hey, don't worry. I'm sure people will take things just fine. They're still your friends, and you're still the same person."

He nodded, trying to believe in what the man he loved was saying, "Are we going to tell people or…" He trailed off, avoiding Nico's eyes.

Nico shook his head, "No. Not if you don't want to," He continued to run his fingers through Leo's hair, "But if somebody asks, I'm not going to say no and straight out lie."

Leo nodded, and in a whisper he agreed, "Reasonable enough."

"Come on. Let's go get some breakfast…after we get dressed"


After everyone ate (and forced Nico to choke down two servings) they all gathered around on deck to decide where to go next.

Piper had pulled out a map and said, "Nico, Leo, come on."

Leo's face was close to flushing white before she had said, "Nico knows where to go and Leo can get us there. So, what's the plan you two?"

Nico spoke up, not trusting Leo to let anything come out of his mouth, "We have to head south-east."

Frank gave him a weird look, "That's the most specific you can get. Honestly."

Leo sighed, as if Frank just rubbed him the wrong way, "The doors move with the place of central, or latest massive deaths. Particualy-" he cut himself short as if noticing he sounded bitter.

Hazel looked confused, "How'd you know that?"

Nico sighed, Leo wasn't exactly sharp when it came to-well, anything that wasn't technology.

Leo tried to play it off, "Nico told me." They all looked confused, "Am I not allowed to talk to people?"

Jason decided to get into it too, "No, it's just that-well, you don't even know Nico and all of a sudden-"

Leo cut him off, "Maybe we already talked about where to go and he explained it to me then."

Piper charm-spoke everyone into being peaceful, "Look, it's not important, let's just set course, okay?" She stood up with her (Annabeths & Leo's) maps, "Nico, do you think you can manage to work with Leo and figure out a more specific location."

He just nods.

Leo's knee brushes up against his as if he needed the slight touch to tell Piper, "I already looked some things over. We should be there in about two days and a half."

"What!" Hazel jumps up from her spot of deck, "We don't have that kind of time!"

Leo stands up to his own defense, "Well it's the best we can do right now! Upgrades have to be made, we're low on fuel, you know-" Leo cut himself short and stormed off.

What was wrong with him? This is not the Leo I know. Nico thought to himself as he chased after him.