As the days and weeks carried on, I could only wonder how much more time we would have on this journey before everything came to an end. How I would adjust to losing my companion…

That was a question best left for another day, I decided, as the cart rumbled on along the dusty path. Still, my thoughts would not give me peace, and for the hundredth or so time that I'd thought of this, the painful realization that the joys of this adventure would never be revisited in my lifetime came over me like a cloud of smoke.

The clouds above hinted at a downpour, and the small amount of light from the sun formed vague shadows on the clouds far to the west. "Lawrence, this is dreadful~!" Holo complained, poking her head out of the inviting-looking covered wagon. "I wish to drink ale until I pass out and to sleep in a real bed. How much longer must we travel before we reach the next town?"

"We should make it to Enberch by tomorrow," I assured her, also very much wanting for a more comfortable night's sleep. "Then you can have as much alcohol as you want, all right?"

"Very well. It looks like rain tonight," she noted, staring at the sky and appearing to stretch her ears.

"Yes, you should probably stay covered up."

"Are you implying that my fur will smell bad if it gets wet?" the wolf bristled, jumping to conclusions as usual. I laughed, turning back to look at her.

"Never, Holo. Your fur is the finest, after all."

Pleased with my answer, she grinned and crossed her arms. "Good, I see you've been working on your flattery." Her ears twitched before she crawled back under the cloth just as the rain began falling.