A/N: Hello again my wonderful followers. My plans for an original story... got put on laziness leave. However, this is something I just can't abandon. I hate people who never update and then never explain why, and I hate hypocrisy. So even when things look bleak, know that I'll update!... eventually. I'd also like to add that a dear friend of mine found slight amounts of my projecting myself onto Alexei. I hate when people do that, and once again I hate hypocrisy. So if anyone feels that Alexei is pretentious, annoying, or any form of trope that causes people to shudder at any mention of the "Dreaded OC", tell me. I'm begging you. I want this to be a success. Finally, does anyone know how the magic system in Negima actually functions, beyond "bibity bam" and lightning flies? Because I had plans since chapter one to include a heavy Nasuverse influence if I couldn't figure it out. Which will be evident to anyone who knows anything about the Fate/all that shit universe from the start of this chapter. This particular choice was inspired by reading stories such as The Oncoming Storm and Springfield, PhD: A Different Paradigm, which both delve into Type/Moon's staple world without actually being a crossover. Also because I read way too much stuff in the vein of The Hill of Swords, In Flight, God-Slaying Blade Works, etc. But enough of that.

ChaosMagemon (formerly DarkPaladinmon): Once again, your faithful reading carries me to a new day. I won't be giving spoilers for future chapters, but hopefully this will be up to your expectations.

So, without further ado, here's "The Great Baka Rangers and the Secret Library Island Final Exam Operation":


"Use of Russian/English speech or Japanese terms" (all other speech is assumed to be in Japanese)

Thoughts/Foreign terms (e.g Yamato Nadeshiko)

[Spell/Magical Artifact] (Incantations are in italics. e.g. Rastel Mascir Magister blah blah blah [Sagitta Magica, Series Lucis])

Translations at the end.

Disclaimer: I do not own Mahou Sensei Negima!, the works of Type-Moon, or any intellectual property related to either.

The Call

Dean Konoe sat in his office, his usual blank face sporting a slight frown as he conversed with someone over some sort of magical phone-like device.

"Of course not Lady Barthomelloi. Teacher Negi is a prime example of an educator despite his age, and has been able to do so without the use of magic." The Dean's frown deepened. "Preposterous! The boy is a college graduate along with being a rare prodigy. He has no need for hypnotism to teach his students." The voice on the other end grew steadier, more threatening. "Oh? And my I remind you, Lady Barthomelloi, that while it is the Clock Tower's job to handle such issues, Negi Springfield is a member of the Meridiana Academy and is currently on loan to the Kanto Magic Association. Frankly speaking he is out of your jurisdiction." Though he sounded confident, Dean Konoe was actually sweating and shaking in his boots. This was the woman who let Dead Apostles grow to full power before fighting them head on, after all. Thus he felt the need to calm the woman who now sounded more and more angry. "If you truly feel he is not trustworthy, then I will set up a little test for him. You know of Library Island, yes?" The old man waited for confirmation before continuing. "Well, a rumor here, a sealing spell there, a bit of hired help, and I'll have the perfect little test for our boy genius!" The Vice-Director on the other side gave the old man an affirmative and "hung up" the call. The Dean let out a sigh, dropping the practically unused implement onto the table.

"Why those old fashioned Westerners insist on not installing electricity in their god-forsaken tower, I will never know." Konoemon leaned back in his chair. "Now who to hire as help for this..."

The old man set about his malignant business.

The Plight

Alexei was having a good day. He once again woke up to Konoka's cooking, Asuna didn't bitch slap him today, and some of the girls actually said hi and thanked him instead of running away like they usually did! The icing on the cake was the game of 'Yakyuken' the girls played when Negi tried to get them to study for the end of term exams. Mmmm. Yue-chan's panties were those kinds with the strings... so provocative. Sadly, He had misjudged Asuna's nudity taboos when she still went to clobber him and break his camera despite her lack of a bra. He still wasn't sure why her kicks hurt more without her shoes on... or why they hurt at all for that matter... So now here he was on his own, whistling a tune while he waited for the Dean to finish his meeting with Negi, followed by his own meeting.

Negi walked out, his shoulders slumped and his staff trailing behind him with less gusto than usual.

"Hey Negs, what's got you down?" The younger boy looked up to the Russian and smiled.

"Well, as part on a final assignment, Dean Konoe told me that I had to make it so that 2-A wasn't in last place this year." The Russian bit back a laugh at the impossible task, while Negi rolled up his sleeve to show three bracelet like seals on his wrist. "Furthermore, he sealed my magecraft for three days to prevent me from cheating." Alexei whistled and patted Negi's shoulder.

"Don't worry moy brat. Living without your magecraft to buff yourself and help you out with daily life is an enriching experience." Negi glared up at him.

"I don't see you running to get your magiecraft sealed with me." Alexei shrugged.

"Meh. I got a meeting with the Dean now that you're done, so he might seal me up too." Not that there's much to seal. Both boys knew this but engaged in the debate anyways. "Now shoo. I think I saw Asuna-chan jumping for joy with some papers in her hand. Maybe she got some good grades." The older boy winked and nudged his companion's side. "You should go 'congratulate' her." The implications of the statement flew right over Negi's head.

"That's a good idea Alexei! Thanks!" The boy shouted while running off to find the orange haired harpy, significantly slower than usual. The pervert himself grinned and waltzed into the Dean's office. Catching sight of him, the aged man sat up from his work.

"Ah, Alexei! Come, have a seat, have a seat." The blonde sat down across from the Dean, the old man strangely lacking his usual hostile attitude, who slid a file folder over to him. "Have a look at this." Alexei skimmed over the files, his grin growing with each passing second. "Though I hate to rely on you for anything, you're the only one I can ask." Grabbing a piece of paper, the Russian quickly sketched a picture and wrote something out, handing it over to Konoemon, who raised an eyebrow.

"Get me all this and I'll do it for free."

The Expedition (Upper Library)

Negi Springfield was confused. Out of nowhere, Asuna and the other Baka Rangers, along with the Library Trio, burst into his room and shook him awake while screaming about an expedition to find a magic book. Before he knew it, still clad in his pajamas, the poor ten year old was dragged all the way to Library Island. Worse still, Alexei was out goofing off somewhere (again) so the Welsh boy had to endure this annoyance on his own. Any and all attempts to contact the older boy, purely technological because of the sealing, were unsuccessful. And so Negi found himself yawning and barely paying attention to the explanation of why they were all there in the first place.

"So this is Library Island, huh?" Yue, the diminutive girl with a blank look on her face, led the charge.

"Is this really okay? I heard that the lower levels are full of traps and stuff..." Makie's doubts were promptly ignored. Negi idly wondered why there would be traps inside of a Library. Surely there wasn't anything that valuable in Mahora City, right? The boy teacher's musings were interrupted by Asuna whispering in his ear.

"Hey Negi, you're up. Protect us with your magic, okay?" Negi prepared to respond in the affirmative when he remembered his meeting with the Dean. Slapping his hand into his palm, he whispered back.

"Actually Asuna-san, my magecraft is currently sealed as a sort of "final test" of my prowess as a teacher."

"WHAT?!" Asuna's outburst was met with a reprimanding look from the other members of the group, followed by an apology from the red head herself. Deciding to question her teacher later, the group began their expedition.

Moving past the main doorway, the party descended into what Yue called "the Largest Library in the World". The entire area was massive even at the entrance, dozens of stairways leading to unknown depths along with bookcases several meters high. These were arranged almost at random, and many with their own walkways built on top to facilitate reaching other bookcases. The library had never been fully explored and charted before, so there were not many signs listing what was in which section.

"And thus we, the Mahora Academy Library Expedition Club™, have been charged with exploring and charting every inch of the Library. We hope to finish within a period of five to ten years, though considering the scale of the Library itself that estimate is subject to change." The entire group listened in as Yue lectured on the finer points of the massive building. A look of absolute euphoria came across Negi as he walked into the halls, his scholar's sense tingling with excitement.

"Wow! Look Asuna-san, this book is really rare!" Without his enhanced senses, the boy never noticed the sound of an arrow shooting out or noise of the tall and quiet Kaede catching and breaking it. Thus he continued blissfully unaware as the girls quaked in their boots at the possibility of death.

"So Asuna-san, what is this magic book supposed to do?" If he knew, maybe he would be able to figure out which lost grimoire had made it down here.

"Well, it's supposed to make you smarter." Negi gave her an accusing stare. "D-don't look at me like that! If we don't do this, something really bad will happen you know!" Negi's look changed to one of gratitude as they group continued. No one present noticed that both parties were talking about completely separate 'bad things', Negi being concerned for his job and Asuna being concerned about her class being disbanded. The aforementioned general airheadedness was also the reason none of the girls and boy noticed a figure sneak up whilst they made plans over a map. Imagine their collective surprise at seeing a man wearing a shirt and trousers belonging in the Victorian era, along with a long black hooded trench coat. On his face sat an ominous mask that resembled a mechanical skull. The man stood with his back slightly hunched, his right shoulder facing slightly towards the unruly group and his head tilted slightly downwards.

Ku Fei, Kaede, and Asuna sprung into action immediately, putting themselves between the strange figure and the rest of their group. The man did not even flinch, and instead let out a warning with a distorted, mechanical voice.

"Leave this place. There is nothing for you here." The eyes of the fighting girls narrowed, and Negi briefly wondered where he had seen such a costume before. "The thing you seek is not meant to be held by mortal hands. If you continue-" The man punctuated his next statement by pulling out a strange butterfly knife like sword and twirling it with practiced ease. "-it won't end well." The masked figure threw down a smoke bomb, and when it cleared he was gone.

"I must say, I am quite impressed with his exit-de gozaru." Kaede nodded sagely. Negi, however, was less than impressed.

"S-should we do as he says? A magic book is great and all, but he looked serious." Asuna bonked the Brit on the head.

"Stupid Negi! We've already come too far to turn back now. Besides-" Asuna swept her arm in front of the other members of the expedition force. "-there's seven of us here, and three of us aren't push overs! We can take anything that guy throws at us." And so the Baka Rangers continued on, using their massive P.E. skills to thwart all of the agents of Murphy that came their way. Negi, as it turned out, was a completely normal ten year old in the physical strength department, and was actually using magic to reinforce himself all those times he managed to keep up with his students. With said magic sealed, Asuna found herself (to her chagrin) helping him climb and run through most of the RPG dungeon-esque library. Obviously this was a source of nonstop teasing from the rest of the group.

After traveling a fair distance, Haruna and Nodoka of the ground team called in a rest stop for lunch (strangely enough it was still night time outside...). As they ate, Negi seemed to perk up, his ears twitching, and leaned in towards Asuna.

"Psst, Asuna-san."

"Huh? What is it, Negi?"

"I feel some ambient prana in the area!" Asuna only gave the teacher a look of confusion, at which the young genius smacked almost facepalmed. "Prana is essentially magical energy. Magus' channel it to perform their spells, and there are two types-" Negi stopped. He didn't have the time to go into lecture mode. "Anyway, the point is I feel two sources of magical energy here, neither of which are familiar. This library definitely isn't normal." Before Asuna could question her teacher further, Makie and Konoka decided to rain on her parade.

"Ohoho! What are you two whispering about!"

"N-nothing like what you t-two are thinking!" Asuna stuttered as Konoka adopted a cat like grin.

"Ooooh? You and Negi-kun seem really close, you know? Negi-kun, you said she reminds you of your sister, right?"

"Yes! She looks a lot like her, and even has the same scent! It's a really nice sme-" The poor boy was cut off by Asuna stuffing a sandwich into his mouth.

"Stupid brat..." The girl trailed off with a noticeable blush on her face as the other girls teased her.

The party continued on through miles of the library, rappelling down bookcases that looked like cliff faces, wading through freezing rivers, and crawling through crevices with barely any space to move. Needless to say this was the most fucked up library in the history of... well history. It did, however, provide for some strangely erotic situations that our dear friend Alexei hated missing. But hey, he has a job to do so we'll ignore him some more.

Yue, with a strangely uncharacteristic look of excitement, looked over her map.

"It looks like the book is just ahead..." The other girls (and Negi) breathed a sigh of relief. "It's a testament to our physical abilities that we manged to make it so far." Soaked panties, dirty blazers, and ripped skirts. Apparently the only one smart enough to wear something comfortable was Ku Fei in her Kung Fu gear.

Coming up on a trap door like contraption, the girls pushed it open and piled into a large room with multiple Roman columns and two giant statues, one wielding a sword and the other wielding a hammer. Between them, on a pedestal, was a book that gave off an eerie light. At the sight of it, Negi gasped.

"That's... that's the legendary [Book of Melchizedek]!" Asuna was skeptical.

"Are you being serious? It's the real deal?"

"The real deal? THE REAL DEAL?! That's a magical grimoire of the highest level! It shouldn't even be here in Asia! It's true that reading it will make you smarter, but it's not that simple!" A familiar ominous voice rang out in agreement.

"You should listen to the boy. I told you not to come here, but you came anyway. While I applaud your bravery-" The man pulled out a small crossbow."-I must now make good on my promise." Stomping once on the ground, the two statues stepped forward, blocking the path to the book while wielding their gargantuan weapons in an implied threat. The man then flipped a switch on the book's stand, opening up multiple trap doors on the ceiling, from which 26 smaller golems wearing gakuran with letters on them dropped down wielding swords and staves. The girls and Negi crowded together, with Asuna, Kaede, and Ku Fei stepping forward in combat stances.

"You girls seem to have some combat ability, so let's play a game. Each of these golems has a letter of the English alphabet on its chest. I will call out words, and you have to strike the golem on the chest with the corresponding letter to spell out each word. The boy teacher is not allowed to directly tell you how to spell the words. Cheating-" A malicious aura seemed to briefly manifest behind him as he slid a bolt into the crossbow. "-is prohibited". The whole group shivered involuntarily because of the aura. Negi chose then to speak up and quell their fear.

"Don't worry everyone! Just think of this as a study game, and you'll be fine! Smaller golems aren't known to be particularly tough, and he never said anything about them fighting back!" The girls gained a second wind at their teacher's words, stepping up to face their foes.

"The first word is 'difficult'." The girls began scanning around the room for which golem had the letter 'd'. Asuna was the first to move

"Found it!" Dashing forward using her so-called baka power, the girl delivered a devastating side kick to the 'd' golem. We'll call him 'D-kun' for now. D-kun went flying into a pillar and collapsed onto the floor. What would on humans be called an aura of rage passed over the other 25 golems, who raised their weapons and charged. M-kun managed to get close enough to Negi to swing at him with his sword, which the fiery redhead managed to deflect as she picked up the Brit. "Dumbass Negi! You said they wouldn't fight back!" The other girls began to dodge and weave around the golems, Ku Fei and Kaede fairing better than the rest.

"I'm sorry Asuna-san! But we still need to complete this challenge or we'll never get the book!" Negi scanned the spontaneous battlefield. "Ku-san! The next letter is near you!"

"Okay Negi-bouzu!" The Chinese girl was currently dodging I-kun's, L-kun's, and P-kun's sloppy swings. Since she was, in fact, smart enough to know the difference between consonants and vowels, the martial artist hit I-kun in the chest with a palm strike that caused cracks to snake around his torso. Negi nodded and scanned the room once again, settling his gaze on the ninja girl who was currently engaging F-kun and Z-kun.

"Nagase-san! Remember that some words have double consonants!" Kaede, catching her teacher's drift, dodged under Z-kun's roundhouse kick and quickly punched F-kun twice in the chest, disengaging when he was pushed back a few meters.

And so the strangely fitting battle went on, with Negi calling out tips and tricks to the various girls, and each doing their best to figure out which golem to hit.


The girls continued to dodge and weave, their superior physical conditions allowing them to answer the questions.


Though their clothes became even more unkempt, they continued to fight on.


Though they were the dumbest in the class, they still spelled everything correctly.


But everyone knows that as the mind dulls, so does the body, and vice versa.


The toll of protecting the weaker members, namely Negi and Konoka, began to run its course.


And Murphy always takes his dues. So when the girls thought that they could truly See the Ending, it was all for naught. Battle craze and the feeling of conquering their foes had welled up in the excitable group. This led to Asuna and company mindlessly charging at poor H-kun-

"I got him!/He is mine-de gozaru/Victory is ours-aru!" And pulverizing his torso. Makie was the first to cheer.

"Yes! We did it! We beat this stupi-"

"BAHAHAHAHA! Wrong spelling you idiots! It's spelled 'D-i-s-h' not 'D-i-s-h-h-h'!" The now OOC masked man turned to the large golem with the hammer. "Let 'em have it!" The massive warrior lifted the hammer above his head exclaiming:

"FOR SCIENCE!" And proceeded to smash the hammer onto the floor, a practically visible 'Oh Crap' appearing above the heads of the Baka Rangers + 2.

"WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAAAAAAAN?!/ IYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!/ DAMNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!/YOU IDIOTS!/Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah." The strangely monotone (scream?) at the end confused man and golem alike, but was promptly forgotten as the two snickered in weirdly recognizable voices. Or maybe not so weirdly considering it was pretty obvious the girls were set up. Meh.

The Expedition (Deep Library)

Falling without his magic, Negi decided, was a wholly unpleasant experience. No runes, spells, or even basic self-reinforcement to break his fall. No staff to fly on. Was this how mundanes always felt, waving their arms in a futile attempt at emulating birds to stave off death just a little bit longer? Now he understood what Alexei meant when-

"NEGI! HOLD ON TO ME!" Asuna's soft embrace cut off his thoughts. As did the large body of water that their group crashed into. By all rights they should have broken every bone in their bodies, the impulse of striking the water too great to overcome the tensile strength of water and sink immediately upon impact. And yet their bodies were fine, albeit unconscious, and slowly floated to the shoreline where they stayed until morning.

And so when they woke up in the morning, the girls and Negi only felt a little sore, and any grogginess was quickly dissipated by the view before them.

"W-WHAT THE HELL IS ALL THIS?!" The redhead's yelling echoed for what seemed to be miles within the cave they found themselves in. As far as their eyes could see, there were trees- no, roots- that stood hundreds of feet tall, holding up an even higher endless ceiling. Bookcases and buildings, all in a dilapidated state, stood on land and within ponds formed by waterfalls than had no visible start. The entire cave was unnaturally bright, as if the group was above ground, and yet there was no identifiable light source. Makie took the first step and ran towards the water line.

"I-is this the Library Basement?" Yue seemed to be the most shocked of all, before she released an uncharacteristic (yell?).

"Could this be the Legendary 'Deep Library'?!" Konoka couldn't help but be puzzled.

"What's that, Yue?"

"Even though it's underground, it's filled with a gentle light, and overflowing with valuable items... For book lovers, the Library of Legends is a paradise. Of course-" The diminutive girl let out a creepy grin. "-no one has seen the library and returned in one piece to tell the tale." The declaration was followed by a creepy grin and large amounts of audible gasping. Negi, time to step up to the plate.

"D-don't worry everyone! I know that the situation seems bleak, but I'm sure that we'll be able to get out of here soon enough! In the meantime, the end of term exams are only two days away! Let's study while we wait!" The girls looked skeptical.


"Y-yes! I'm sure we'll be out soon, so let's just sit down and prepare ourselves for when that time comes!" The girls all nodded their assent. However, before Negi could begin some lessons, a collective cry for food was let out by the girl's stomachs, who bolted away leaving Negi to sigh in exasperation.

As the boy made to follow, he felt prana temporarily gather around his wrist before being expelled in a flash of light. Looking closer, Negi noticed that one of the three seals had disappeared.

"Since they unseal themselves at dawn, it must be Saturday morning. It's been a whole day since we came..." The boy trailed off as he made to follow the excitable bunch.

Elsewhere, the masked man sat on his perch on one of the massive tree branches, his body laying on a bed of porno mags and empty bags of chips, a telescope placed next to him along with an expensive camera. For the past day since the girls and Negi had fallen through the hole he had had nothing to do besides eat, sleep, read, repeat. Watching the group was no fun because all they had done was study and eat, though he had gotten about five minutes of fun when Konoka and Yue had switched their tops out for small towels. Taking a look at his watch, he noticed that another hour had passed in boredom. Deciding to look through the telescope for the hell of it, he spotted Makie looking anxious and sniffing her shirt before slipping off, not unnoticed. Jumping up in his seat, he began closely watching the actions of the other group members as they too went off, presumably to wash up.

"This is good. Ahuehuehuehue..." Looking again, he saw that Asuna had gone off on her own whilst Kaede, Makie, and Ku Fei had left off together. Negi ran after them, pausing briefly to look at his wrist as prana gathered around it before continuing his trek. Only one seal left.

"Hmmm. Asuna-chan or a group of three... But Negi'll be there so there won't be any good photo opportunities..." Moving the telescope indecisively between the two options, the still unidentified (lol) man felt his heart skip a beat when Asuna put her hair down. She really does look just like Nekane-neechan! This was the feather that broke the camel's back, apparently, as he immediately began to snap shots of the fiery girl in various states of undress. Watching her playfully swim and wash herself made an almost visible question mark appear above his head.

"So she has this side of her too... What a tsundere!" The man's theory was further confirmed by the timely entry of Negi. Was he peeping? I've taught him well! Needs to work on the stealth though... He continued to watch as the boy and girl talked, Asuna surprisingly not hitting him even once, instead gently chiding him for his "peeping". Negi then changed some of her bandages while she was, to reiterate, naked. This served to ignite a flame of rage within the man's heart. He watched as she then grew angry over something he said, and Negi became confused because of some kind of misunderstanding. Asuna leaned onto the boy while yelling at him, which set off all kinds of alarms in the masked man's head. I swear to Gaia and Alaya if she trips and fucking falls... Unfortunately, the First Law of Ecchi kicked in and she did just that.

"NEGI WILL NOT OVERTAKE ME!" Pressing a button on his watch caused the branch he was on to split apart, revealing the golem with the hammer hidden within. Hopping onto its shoulder, the man pointed at the now gathered group that was mercilessly teasing Asuna and Negi. Golem and Man shouted in unison.

""FOR GREAT JUSTICE!"" Landing in the midst of the group, the golem grabbed the first available girl to further its monstrous persona. Said body just so happened to be Makie.

"Gyaaaa! The giant and creepy guy are back!"

"I RESENT THAT!" In response to the new threat, the boy teacher did the first thing his instincts told him to do. He tried to cast a spell.

"Ras tel Ma Scir Magister! Coèuntes, sagittent inimicum meam! [Sagitta Magica, Series Lucis]!"Obviously, since his magecraft was sealed, he just looked like a kid playing pretend in the face of danger. Even the golem chuckled a bit before charging. The girls dodged as the stone behemoth swung wildly at them with its hammer. During the engagement, Yue, drinking pomegranite almond juice she got from God knows where, saw something vaguely book-shaped lodged in the golem's neck.

"Everyone, look at its neck! The book of Meru-whatever is stuck in there! Get that book!" The grins of the girls turned absolutely demonic as they charged to retrieve their only hope for getting smarter.

"Oh no you don't!" The masked man joined the fray, attempting to let lose a barrage of easily dodged punches at Ku Fei before being summarily launched at the golem's leg. The force of the crash loosened its grip on Makie, who Kaede then caught in a princess carry. The golem looked unconcerned, before it took a quick peak at the rescued damsel to see her sticking her tongue out at it whilst waving the [Book of Melchizedek] around in the air. The two landed running, followed by the rest of the group. Jumping back onto its shoulder, the masked man with his now cracked mask yelled at his companion.

"Chase after them you idiot!" The golem gave him an incredulous look.

"You just got your ass kicked and you're calling me an idiot?" The man grumbled as the giant lumbered after the group. All of the girls desperately searched for an exit while Negi barely managed to keep up with their pace.

"It's no use! You'll never find an exit in this maz-"

"There's an emergency exit behind this waterfall!" Golem and masked man simultaneously facepalmed. It is also worth noting that at some point during the mad scramble the girls managed to get their clothes back on. These clothes were now wet and sticking to them in wonderful ways. Asuna was the first to reach the door, only to see a plaque on it.

"What the hell?! Why is there a question on it?!" Makie shouted desperately at the red head.

"Who cares just read it off!" Ku Fei and Kaede were kicking back the golem with impressive leg strength as the other girls fumbled at the door.

"Umm... What is the past tense of 'to read'?" Ku Fei's ears perked up when she heard this. Grabbing the book for safe measure, she shouted ou the answer.

"I know this one-aru! It's 'read'-aru!" The door then flew open, the girls all piling in as they barely dodged the arm of the stone giant, who couldn't fit through the door. "It looks like just holding the book makes you smarter!" The girls excitement was completely ruined when they looked up.

"Why is there a giant spiral staircase?!" The other girls sprinted by a dumbfounded Asuna while screaming.

"Who cares just climb!"

"Though you may have blocked off my partner, I won't let you get away!" The masked man, whose mask was now broken off at the bottom to now only cover his eyes, sprinted after the escaping party. Said party was now held up by a wall with a math problem.

" 'What does X equal in this diagram?!" Kaede was the first to step up and grab the book.

"Hmmm... X equals 46-de gozaru." The wall slid away and the girls and Negi continued their run. As they ran, more and more random questions popped up pertaining to the subjects of English, Math, Japanese History, etc. It was a testament to their status as the class idiots that none of them noticed how weird that was. As they ran, with the masked man slowly gaining on them, though he was always just far enough away that he couldn't quite catch them. Asuna swore she saw a camera flash when Yue fell and revealed her lack of panties, but she just chalked that up to Alexei's disturbing influence. After answering over 30 questions, they spotted an elevator and forced themselves in. Their scramble to hit the up button was interrupted by a woman's voice.

"Notice: Overloaded." Asuna was the first to act.

"It's alright, it's just a bit overloaded! All we have to do is dump all of our clothes and throw them outside!" And so they did. And it didn't work, leaving them a crying, naked, nubile mess on the elevator floor. At this point, Negi would have steeled his resolve and covered his nosebleed to go off and fight the masked man, if the boy teacher hadn't heard a camera shutter going off. All of the people on the elevator slowly turned their heads to find the masked man standing there, his hood now on his shoulders and his mask completely gone, replaced on his face by an expensive camera. Imagine their surprise (read: righteous indignation) at seeing Alexei standing there in the clothes of their tormentor, taking pictures of their naked bodies. Asuna shook uncontrollably before snapping her gaze at the Russian with tears of rage in her eyes.

"Alexei, before you die, is there anything you'd like to say?" The boy lowered the camera, his eyes full of determination before he gave her a thumbs up.

"You'll all make fine wives someday." Asuna grabbed the nearest heavy object and chucked it at his face, knocking him and his camera off the ledge of the spiral staircase and into the abyss below. A cry of "TOTALLY WORTh it..." echoed across the cavern. Asuna sighed and turned to the other girls.

"Yes, I realize that was the book. I'm too mentally exhausted to care."

The Result

Tests were taken, hopes and dreams were crushed, inspiring speeches about friendship and teaching were made, and in the end, 2-A came out as the top class thanks to their ridiculous study method that was more like survival training. Alexei and Dean Konoe sat together once more in Konoemon's office. The elderly man slid a package toward the younger male.

"Hohoho. This is the Mystic Code you requested I have made in return for your services. Who would've thought there would be someone in that damnable tower willing to magically enhance a professional grade camera." Alexei gave the Dean a goofy grin.

"I honestly didn't think anyone would make it either. But this is soooo worth getting knocked down over 500 feet and landing without a cushion." The old man's look bordered on admiration.

"Yes, I do wonder how you managed that, considering your... unique condition."

"Oh shut up I know I suck at magecraft. I just got a little lucky I guess." The Dean didn't look convinced.

"Ohoho... You wouldn't be hiding something from me, would you?"

"Isn't that part of being a mage? Hiding your skill set from others?"

"Oh? And what possible skills does someone like you have to hide?" Alexei could feel himself being backed into a corner with every pervasive question. So, he did the sensible thing and ran like a bitch, not forgetting to grab his new toy on the way. My old camera broke on the fall, but this bad boy has none of the drawbacks of traditional cameras! I won't have to replace this unless a particularly powerful Dead Apostle comes along and smashes it! Right as the Russian thought he was in the clear, however, he felt a tugging at the back of his shirt that choked him mid jog. Turning to face his agressor, Alexei let out an angry squawk.

"Who the hell does tha-" Only to meet the livid face of Asuna cracking her knuckles.

"You didn't think I'd forgiven you, did I?" Alexei gulped.


Please Teach Us, Negi-sensei~! (Nasuverse Help Corner)

Curtains drew back to reveal a gaudy stage, and on it a man of about eighteen who bears a striking resemblance to our canon hero, Negi Springfield. The man was accompanied by a small girl who could pass for twelves with snow white hair and red eyes, her European features completely offset by the bloomers she was wearing.

"Hello, I am Negi Springfield of the future. Due to a combination of lazy writing and parallel worlds, I can break the fourth wall. Along with my student-"

"My name is Illyasviel von Einzbern~!"

"-I shall be teaching all those who have no prior or serious knowledge about the mechanics and world of the Nasuverse any and all pertinent information." The girl now had a reprimanding look on her face.

"Since our author is an indecisive idiot, he only started implementing Nasu elements in this chapter! Because he can't assume that you have all seen the entirety of the Fate franchise, Tsukihime, read Notes, played all of the related games, or just spent inordinate amounts of time browsing the Type-Moon wiki, we'll explain everything that's added into the story!"

"Along with what Illya-chan said, our author is a silly nob who decided that adding Nasu mechanics doesn't make this a crossover, so he hopes it's safe to assume this is necessary. Now, first thing on our agenda is The Clock Tower and the Mage's Association. These two groups are pretty much interchangeable, with the Tower being the physical place in London that the Association is stationed. They're an extremely brutal bunch who focus only on research and send out their Enforcers when someone reveals the existence of magecraft to mundanes." Future!Negi paused, letting Illya pick up where he left off.

"The Enforcers are a really scary bunch who don't just kill the magus who blabbed, but also everyone in their family, their close friends, and even their pets!" Future!Negi flipped through a little notebook before speaking again.

"The organization is primarily led by Lorelei Barthomelloi, the Vice-Director, as the Wizard Marshall and Director is usually goofing off in some parallel world." Illya pulled down a little chart with various graphs on it.

"The next topic is prana~! Prana, as little Negi explained in the chapter, is pretty much just magical energy. There are two types: Mana and Od. Mana is the kind the exists in the external environment in various quantities. It is possible to refine and channel it, however this method takes a long time so mages generally make use of the Od found within their bodies. Every magus has a set amount of Od they are able to channel which is directly proportional to the quality and quantity of their magic circuits! Magic circuits are like blood vessels for prana that are linked directly to the soul, and all mages are born with a set amount that is extremely difficult to increase as long as the made is human~!" Future!Negi nodded sagely as the excitable girl talked.

"That's all the time we have for now. The last few things we need to go over are Gaia, Alaya, and Dead Apostles, but those will be discussed when they actually become relevant. For now, good bye and await the time the author – eventually – gets off his rump and writes a new chapter."

"Bye bye!" And the curtains close.

End Chapter 7

A/N: So, what do y'all think? I hope the part at the end wasn't annoying at all but I felt it needed to be put in for the reasons stated. Other than that, I'm still debating which parts to leave in and which parts to summarize between this and the whole shebang with Evangeline. Nothing to translate today (surprisingly) so I'll just leave it here.

Ladies and Gentlemen, please R & R.