


Return to Konoha Arc.

Eternal Spiral.

Chapter 15: Time of Need.

November 5th;

Land of Vegetables:

The year after the twins turned one was probably even more hectic than the last, and it had a lot to due with the rigorous training Jiraiya had her doing. To make up for lost time, he said, which she'd thought she'd already been doing the first year of her children's life – though she had to evenly split the time as she was not going to neglect them even for training.

The good thing about Naru was she learned quickly enough, especially when she used the Kage Bunshin to its full capabilities. Of course she had to do everything that was a muscle memory herself, that included fūinjutsu, at least the calligraphy of it.

Lately though her training had slowed down, with the twins second birthday fast approaching.

She'd begun to suspect something lately, and if she was right, well it would come as a surprise but not an unwelcome one. It would slow her down for the next few months, though. On the other hand it would give her plenty of time for theory, and fūinjutsu, which didn't involve a lot of physical movement besides for her hands.

Later she'd practice using fūinjutsu in battle. She knew it was possible, Senju Uzumaki Mito had been known to use fūinjutsu during battles. The only problem was finding a way to do so.

"What are you thinking about, dobe?" an amused voice asked as a hand brushed through her long hair.

She stopped brushing her hair then, looking over at her boyfriend and smiling. This would be the first time they'd seen each other in about two months now, and it was early November.

He wasn't able to stay long this time, only a few days since he wanted to be with her, and the twins for their second birthday. Though a few years ago she wouldn't have been able to imagine Sasuke with kids, now it was only natural. He was a great father, even if he could only be around every few months for a week or two, sometimes less.

"Nothing," she said, biting her lip.

She didn't want to mention it until she was sure, and the only way to do so without drawing suspicion from him and Ero-sennin was to visit Kyuubi, who she'd been trying to get on friendly terms with for half a year now. It was harder than one might think, than again Kyuubi was a Bijū lord, and extremely stubborn.

Sasuke didn't look completely convinced but nodded, letting it go for now. Standing up, Naruto grabbed his arm and gently led him towards their bed. They were staying in a hotel in a village in the Land of Vegetables.

"Don't worry about it, Sasuke, I was just thinking of the twins' upcoming birthday. It's hard to believe they're nearly two," she said as she situated herself beside him on the bed.

Sasuke smiled softly as the blonde placed her head on his chest, and wrapped an arm around him as she laid at his side. He himself was surprised by just how quickly time had flown by, it seemed like it wasn't long ago the twins were born.

Kissing the crown of his girlfriend's head, he closed his eyes as well, and they both drifted into sleep. For Naruto it was different, instead of falling into dreams she was pulled into the seal, appearing in a familiar sewer.

"Kyuubi..." she began, but the glaring crimson eyes told her she had no need to wake him. "I have something I need to ask of you."

Kyuubi stood as best he could, though his cage hadn't shrunk in too much, not like last time, so he still had quite a bit of free room.

"I know what you want, brat," he said, sneering. "I was going to contact you if you hadn't shown up soon, I was beginning to think you were stupider than I once thought."

"So I am..."

"Pregnant?" Kyuubi finished for her, resting his head on one of his clawed hand-like paws. "Hmm, congratulations you just can't help but keep populating the world with that cursed Sharingan."

She rolled her eyes, she had a feeling there was something personal in the Kyuubi's past that made him detest the Sharingan and any Uchiha. Especially Sasuke, for some reason. He had mentioned him resembling an ancestor once, Madara, so she assumed it was part of the reason he didn't like Sasuke very much.

"Do you know how far, I have my suspicions but you seem to be able to detect it sooner," she said and the Kyuubi looked like he almost wanted to roll his eyes.

"Kami, you piss me off, kit," she heard him mutter, before speaking up. "You're in the beginning of your fourth month, end of your third."

She was a little surprised but not by much. It wasn't like she'd had many symptoms when she was pregnant with the twins either. She didn't get much morning sickness, if any at all until half ways through her pregnancy, and she hadn't started really showing until the end of the fourth month, beginning of the sixth month last time either.

"Thankfully it's just one this time, I couldn't handle the cramped space if it were more again," the red fox grumbled. "Now leave me, I want to rest and forget my bad luck of jailers."

Naruto stifled a chuckle before leaving, waking up momentarily before falling back into sleep.

She'd tell Sasuke in the morning, and then they'd have to let Jiraiya know.

That was bound to be amusing.




June 19th (Present Day);

Konohagakure no Sato:

She hadn't expected Sasuke to return right away, but she saw the way those closest to her acted as the days passed since the council meeting.

It had only been a week, and she already knew Sasuke had accomplished his goal, and was simply tying up loose ends. He was also bringing a few people with him, one who was apparently related to her. He'd sent her a message with one of his new summons, a hawk, which had surprised her.

She knew he wasn't overly fond of his snake contract, it connected him to a man he hated just as much as he did his brother (something of which she wished to fix if at all possible once he returned. She just hoped he took the revelations well). Recently he'd uncovered a summoning contract in one of Orochimaru's libraries in one of his bases.

She wasn't concerned, she knew he'd be able to take care of himself. She spent the last week becoming a part of Konoha once more. She'd run into Iruka, who was so shocked about her and Sasuke that she'd thought he'd gone into a stroke or seizure when he came to see her the day after Tsunade's announcement.

He'd taken one look at her children – Menma was down for a nap – and gone white as a ghost before stuttering his words out.

Iruka was a bit like an over protective father, or big brother, or even a Mother hen at times. Needless to say she'd endured a small lecture on safe sex and the dangers of having children as a Shinobi. He did congratulate her though, he being a Shinobi in his late twenties now understood that they tended to have families earlier.

It wasn't quite as common now, especially during times of peace, but it wasn't uncommon either. His own parents had him when they were just sixteen.

The Ichiraku's were some of the first to know, since to Sasuke's ire her love of Ramen was indeed passed on to their children (though Menma was too young yet to really know for sure or not).

Apparently she inherited it from her mother, who also frequented Ichiraku's years ago.

She'd had some villagers looking at her in a new light, a few actually bowed in the street to her, calling her 'Lady Uchiha' in some cases.

Others still glared at her as if she'd committed some grave sin, and she'd heard a few mutterings of her seducing the last Uchiha in order to control him. She wasn't at all surprised about the latter of the two. She did her best to shield the twins who were the only ones of her three children who'd probably understand to some extent what these mutterings were about.

Truthfully she wasn't too concerned, there would always be those who hated her for being the Kyūbi jinchūriki, or something else.


The young blonde stopped in her trek towards the Namikaze compound, and turned to find three newly made genin she knew well running towards her.

She hadn't seen Konohamaru, Udon or Moegi yet, they'd been busy with D-rank missions and the fact she'd laid low the first few weeks of being back until Tsunade's announcement. She had also heard they'd had their first C-rank not long after she'd returned.

"Mama, who's that?" Kiyoshi asked, tugging on the hand he held.

Nariko tugged on the skirt of her ankle length dark blue dress (it was very similar to the style of dress her mother wore while not on duty or when she was pregnant with Naru. Naruto's was dark blue with a thin long sleeved dark orange blouse underneath instead of the green and white one her mother wore. Her dress also had a long slit up both sides to her hips and short black shorts underneath in case she had to fight at a moments notice).

Menma was held securely to her chest in a sling, playing with strands of her bright hair. Naru smiled brightly at seeing the genin. They were all older now, though dressed basically the same. Konohamaru still had his red scarf, but the goggles and before that helmet were gone replaced by the hitai-ate of Konoha.

"Konohamaru, how are you," she asked and Konohamaru stopped in front of her breathing heavily.

"It's...it's true," Moegi panted, looking from the twins to Menma.

"Hm, oh I guess you haven't been introduced yet. Konohamaru, Udon, Moegi, these are my children; Kiyoshi, Nariko and Menma."

"Hi," Kiyoshi muttered, hiding behind his mother's leg and skirt.

Nariko was a bit more brasher, and waved with a fox-like grin, clearly inherited from her mother. The whisker marks on her cheeks added to the effect.

Moegi squealed lowly, coming forward and bending down slightly, being only about 4'8 herself, about a foot taller, give or take.

"It's nice to meet you both, you look so much like your mother..." she trailed off while her teammates simply blinked as they came to terms with the fact the rumors weren't rumors after all.

The small family had been in Konoha for a little over a month now, or close to it, and they couldn't help but wonder how they'd missed it. Despite all the missions they'd been busy with.

Naruto laughed lightly, and smiled.

She supposed Nariko and Menma might take after her a little more than Sasuke in some areas. Nariko's slightly tamer hair, eye shape and color, as well as her softer, rounder facial shape obviously came from her, along with the birthmarks.

"I guess they do, though I think the twins look a bit more like their father than me," she stated, though she was sure the same couldn't be said for Menma. He already looked too much like her, just male, with Sasuke's black hair, and no birthmarks.

The twins smiled in what could almost be called smug pride of this, they adored their father, especially Nariko who was a bit of a daddy's girl. She was a little sad about that at first but she got passed it, especially when Kiyoshi turned out to be a bit of a momma's boy.

She'd heard that there was bound to be one in every family, but she'd never put much stock in it, thinking it a bit cliché. She'd never had parents to get attached to though, she wasn't able to judge the whole thing.

"You're right about...that," Udon began, whipping his nose with his sleeve. "They do look like Uchiha-san."

Konohamaru just stared, not a glare but his eyes were narrowed as if in deep thought. Like he wasn't sure what to think. Finally he sighed, scuffing his feet at the dirt, and stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Darn, I guess that means I lost to him," he muttered, and then pouted as he continued, "And I was really going to step up my game as well!"

Naru blinked, tilting her head to the side slightly.


Moegi giggled behind her hand and Udon snickered.

"Kono-kun had a crush on you, boss," Moegi said, smirking over at her teammate in a way that reminded Naruto briefly of Sakura (though the only thing they had in common was unusual hair colors). "You should have seen him when Tsunade announced to the village you'd married Uchiha Sasuke."

Konohamaru had turned a new shade of red, looking away from the blonde who blinked and chuckled lightly, smiling softly.

"I had no idea, you're a good kid, Kono-kun, I'm sure you'll find a new crush to woo," she said, ruffling his spiky brown hair with her now free hand (seeing as Kiyoshi was clutching onto the skirt of her dress instead of her hand).

Konohamaru smiled halfheartedly, but nodded.

He hadn't expected Naru to return his crush in all honesty (he was only twelve, and even he knew subconsciously it was just a crush), but that didn't mean he wouldn't try, but he wasn't interested in getting between a Uchiha and his wife.

He'd heard stories of Uchiha who were pushed. Apparently Uchiha Izuna had quite the taste for Dango and he'd burned down part of the forest surrounding their old clan compound when Uchiha Madara (his brother) stole his Dango.

It was a story that was probably exaggerated a bit over the years, but he wouldn't chance it. To be honest, Sasuke sort of scared him, maybe it was how cold his eyes were, or the fact the last Uchiha had never smiled the times he'd been around him.


"Naru-neechan, can I hold the baby?" Moegi asked, looking up at the taller woman with wide eyes.

"Just be careful, and make sure to give him proper support..." Naruto trailed off as she leaned down and showed Moegi the proper way to hold Menma, who was staring widely around him.

Moegi stared opened mouthed at the dark haired child, who now that she got a better look at him did indeed look more like his mother. His eyes were a little narrower than his mothers, but just barely and other than having black hair like his father he had the bright electric irises of his mother.

"He's adorable," Moegi muttered, "He looks like you, boss."

Udon and Konohamaru nodded, even as a little baby they could see how much Menma resembled Naru.

"Mama, are we still getting BBQ with your friends?" Nariko asked, tugging on her skirt.

"Oh, right. I'm sorry you three I have to get home and get the kids ready to meet with the Rookie Nine today. If you want you can come with us to eat." Naruto took Menma back from Moegi.

"Thanks...boss but...we have training in a hour with Ebisu-sensei," Udon explained and Moegi and Konohamaru nodded with a little disappointment.

Naruto, and the twins said their goodbyes to the three genin and headed back on their way.




"For the last time, Karin, I'm not interested," an annoyed raven haired teenager snapped.

A flirtatious girl, around the same age, maybe a year younger, with shoulder blade length red hair, spiky on one side, and equally as red eyes hidden behind purple framed glasses, pouted a little beside him, having been pushed off his arm. He wondered why he bothered with Karin but there was part of her that reminded him of his wife.

Even some of her features were vaguely similar. Facial shape (Karin had a sharper chin though), even similar builds, the red hair which was only natural highlights in Naruto's sunny shade of blonde. But at the same time they were polar opposites. Then again, they were distant cousins, this wasn't unusual.

Karin was almost worse than Sakura had been during her die hard fan-girl phase. Sasuke had a feeling it was mostly a severe case of hero worship mixed with her being attracted to him. He did remember the girl from the chūnin exams, even if he hadn't truly cared to get her name or anything when he'd saved her life, her red hair was a bit hard to forget.

A lot like how Naruto's golden locks that looked a bit like a sunset with their natural red highlights were unforgettable. Unique only to her as far as he'd ever seen.

He'd have to break Karin of her fantasy though, or let Naru do it, and something told him that wouldn't be a good idea. The idea of the two Uzumaki women, two of the very last of their clan, made him want to shudder at the damage they could cause; collateral or otherwise.

Karin wasn't trained all that well, mostly a scientist and medic, along with a strong sensor type. He already knew his wife would send her cousin to the hospital within a few minutes if a fight were to break out.

No, this would have to stop.

"You're wasting your time, rubbing against him like a bitch in heat, Karin," Suigetsu began, smirking. "He has someone in Konoha who he'd rather do that."

Karin blinked, but quickly turned on the white haired boy, face red in anger.

"What did you call me!?" she yelled, nearly directly into Suigetsu's ear.

"You heard me, harpy."

"Uhhg, die you stupid water-boy!"

Sasuke sighed, but was relieved to not have to deal with Karin trying to seduce him, again. They'd only been traveling together now for a day, this being the second day, yet she hadn't missed a chance to try and get his attention like fangirls were prone to do.

"Stop it," he finally said, interrupting the attempted beat down Karin was giving Suigetsu, who just kept turning to water when her fist would collide. "Or I'll kill you both."

Jūgo watched silently at the antics of his new teammates or friends, whatever you wanted to call them. Karin and Suigetsu both stopped, and turned towards the frowning Uchiha, who was glaring in a bored fashion.

"Karin, Suigetsu is right about me having someone in Konoha. I'm married," he said, pulling the chain with the wedding band on it into plane view.

He'd wait until he was back in Konoha and found out what the Hokage would be doing in concern to his return and defection before he started wearing it. He mentally berated himself for not just telling Karin this fact before to get her off his back but he simply hadn't thought of it, having many other things on his mind instead.

Like getting back home for instance so he could see his wife and children. Planning how he would deal with Itachi in the future as currently he had no leads on his brother, and so on.

Karin went pale, and her jaw dropped, glasses falling down the bridge of her nose and nearly off her face completely.

"Ma-ma-married!?" she stammered out loudly, horrified.

"Hn," he uttered, continuing on his way passed the three.

Jūgo shrugged, not really caring but also sort of relieved the dark haired boy had someone. It proved that he wasn't as cold as he appeared or let on if he had a wife and was clearly not willing to have Karin on the side. He wasn't as naive as some might believe from his silent persona.

He knew some men, married or not, wouldn't care to turn down being seduced by someone like Karin, who wasn't unattractive. Just loud, pushy and violent...temperamental. He walked after Sasuke.

Suigetsu laughed as Karin's crushed look, before walking after the other two, Karin finally coming to her senses.

She adjusted her glasses and huffed. She honestly hadn't expected her crush and hero to be married. They were only eighteen or seventeen, depending on birthdate! Then again, she also knew that wasn't so uncommon,

she just didn't know where the Uchiha found the time being with Orochimaru for four years, give or take a few months. His wife obviously wasn't one of Orochimaru's army, so that left someone he knew before or someone he met along the way.

Shaking her head, and deciding she needed more time to think and wonder if she should cut her losses and move on, Karin hurried after the three boys.




Naru tried her best to smooth down Menma's hair, or what hair he had, but just like Kiyoshi's it had a mind of it's own. Kind of like her own when she kept it short as a child. Another reason she liked her hair long, it was mostly straight like her mother's when it was long.

Giving up on his raven colored hair, she straightened the dark orange onesie, which had a spiral on the stomach area of the cloth, and an Uchiha fan on the back.

Kiyoshi and Nariko stood a bit impatiently, shuffling on their feet. Kiyoshi wore a high wide collar black shirt with the Uchiha fan on the back, and white Uzumaki swirl on the right shoulder (similar to her old orange and blue jacket). A pair of dark blue shorts, and shinobi sandals.

His hair had been brushed but much like his father it simply laid like that, sticking up in the back almost like a ducks butt, but with bangs framing his face, though a little different from Sasuke's. As he grew older it amazed Naru just how much his hair looked like a mix of Sasuke's and Naru's own father.

Nariko wore a high collared top with sleeves that flared a little after her elbow. There was the same white spiral on her right shoulder and Uchiha fan on the back of the purple top. She wore a pair of black Capri's and shinobi sandals. She had relented when it came to their clothes since she knew this wasn't a very formal gathering.

She herself wore casual clothes, a dark green cheongsam top and a black skirt which went just below her knees. She still wore her shinobi shoes, but switched them out for a pair of sandals similar to the ones Hinata wore. Putting her diaper bag over one shoulder, her purse as well, she picked Menma up and turned to the twins.

"You two ready?" she asked, and they nodded, happy that they no longer had to stand still. "Alright we should go, remember to stay close to me."

Kiyoshi and Nariko nodded and the four of them left the house, heading to the BBQ place that truthfully wasn't that far from the compound. It was about a five minute walk to the restaurant, once inside they easily found the other Rookie 9 at one of the largest table in the place. Thankfully, this particular BBQ place was owned and run by Chōji's family, so she had no problem getting in. Chōza, Chōji's father, had been expecting her to arrive.

"Damn, they really do look like the emo-avenger," Kiba said, being one of the first to see her.

Kiyoshi and Nariko weren't sure exactly what the dog-like boy meant, but they knew he was talking about them and probably their father who many had already said they looked like. Not liking the name their father had been called, they turned to glaring at the boy, which made him flinch back.

"Shit, they even glare like him," he muttered, and Akamaru barked in agreement.

Naru sent a frigid glare of her own at Kiba. "Don't swear in front of my children, Kiba." She smiled sweetly, which everyone agreed was more frightening than her glare at that point. Motherhood had obviously changed their unpredictable ninja, though not in a bad way.

"I think she learned that from Iruka-sensei," Sakura said, and the others, including Naruto, laughed at her sort of joke. "Anyways, it's nice to see you again, Kiyo-chan, Nari-chan."

The twins lit up with big grins at the pink haired girl, coincidentally their seats were next to her, beside their mother. On her mother's other side was a booster chair of sorts for babies, which Menma was place in. the girls around the table couldn't help but coo and awe at the black haired, blue eyed baby.

"You have adorable children, Naru," Tenten said, smiling.

"I guess they got that from their mother," Kiba said, chuckling. "So how is Sasuke?"

Naruto sighed, knowing Kiba had never really gotten along with Sasuke and still held some of a grudge against him for what had happened during the rescue mission when he defected. Kiba was one of her oldest friends, he'd had a crush on her until she beat it out of him during the chūnin exams; leading him in Hinata's direction, knowing the Hyūga had a crush on the boy.

Naru herself had never had that kind of interest in Kiba so it was easy enough to play matchmaker for them, she was happy to see it had worked out as he and Hinata were sitting closer than teammates or friends would.

"He's fine, he contacted me let me know he'll be back in a day or two," she said, "I expect him any time now."

"Today?" Sakura asked, hope in her voice and eyes.

"He's really returning," Ino muttered, a bit of disbelief in her voice, though she'd already cut her loss years ago in concern to Sasuke. Her fan-girl days were long over.

Naruto smiled, nodding. "He really is."




"Excuse me...Uchiha-sama," a unfamiliar voice said, drawing the groups attention from their meal.

There was an ANBU, with a mask which seemed to portray a cat of some kind, a tiger or lion maybe.


"The Hokage has asked for you and Haruno Sakura to report to her office, it's urgent."

With a short look of surprise Naruto looked at her children for a short moment, and nodded. She would have to leave them with someone trustworthy, and she didn't have to look far because a man, about 5'10, with short white hair (with silver highlights) and red eyes appeared almost out of thin air beside her.

"Oh, Masahiro," she said, almost startled by his appearance. "Nice of you to make an appearance."

He was her third guard, and of course she'd known he was there. He was the most overprotective of her guardians, but also the most loyal. Something his clan always prized about everything was a loyalty and family. Naruto could respect that greatly as her own morals were similar.

"Lady Uchiha," Masahiro greeted. "I'll return with the children to the compound, if that's alright. We won't let harm come to them."

He was a bit on the formal and anti-social side, he didn't speak much and didn't like public settings. It might have been one reason Sasuke got along with him so well, surprising to her at the time since Sasuke didn't get along with many people.

"Alright," Naru said, and gently picked Menma up from his booster-like seat, and handing him over to Masahiro.

The twins looked like they understood that they probably wouldn't see their mother for a day or two, maybe longer. It was upsetting since they hadn't really been away from their mother for more than a few hours before, but they understood well enough that her job took her away at times.

Their mother and father had explained in such a way they could mostly understand when they questioned why their father didn't live with them. Most children their age wouldn't have understood and they didn't pretend to get it completely but they knew enough to understand.

With a sigh, but with faith in her three guards' ability to protect Kiyoshi, Nariko and Menma, Naru turned to Sakura and the two said their goodbyes to the others before leaving. There was an uproar in the streets as they moved to the Hokage's office, and Sakura and Naruto both exchanged inquiring looks as to why.

They didn't stop to asked, instead they continued on their way. Sakura knocked on the door, and the two entered. Kakashi-sensei was already there, surprisingly.

"Naruto, Sakura, good your here. What I'm about to tell you three is very...well it's not good news," Tsunade began, clasping her hands together in front of her. "I've gotten news from Sunagakure today. Akatsuki is on the move...they've taken the Kazekage, Sabaku no Gaara."

"What!" Naruto exclaimed, eyes wide and one of her hands clinched into a fist at her side. "How...Gaara's not exactly a push over. Not to mention they were on his territory, Suna is made of sand. He should have had the advantage."

Kakashi and Sakura both looked at the blonde in some surprise. They knew she was more intelligent than she'd let on in her early years as a genin, but she'd obviously grown in the last four years – give or take a month.

"True, but he also had to protect his village before himself. As is the duty of a Kage," Tsunade said, with a small sigh. "It didn't help that the one sent was known for his explosives."

"We've got to help him," Sakura said suddenly, tone determined. "If Suna is in trouble..."

"That's why you've been called here. I've set up a mission for Team Seven. You are to head to Suna, and rescue the Kazekage. Effective immediately."




Arriving in Konoha was like a dream, almost, for him. The guards at the front gate were so surprised by his presence they didn't do or say anything as he strolled through the front gates and into Konoha. The guards, who seemed oddly familiar, simply continued to gap after him and the others.

He was actually rather surprised that no one tried to detain him and his team, they simply stopped and gaped as if he were a ghost. Soon the village was in an uproar. His first stop was the Namikaze compound, where he found the main house, his father-in-law's childhood home. The compound reminded him vaguely of the Uchiha compound, but smaller and there was more wildlife.

"Wow, is this were you live?" Karin asked, one of the first times she'd spoken to him since he'd revealed his marital status.

"Hn, my wife's clan compound actually," he said, "On her father's side at least."

Karin looked rather somber at this, she could remember when he'd told her he knew some of her remaining family. Cousins, one from the main house and newest clan head. It was more recently he'd revealed that his wife was the same clan head he spoke of. Uzumaki Naruto (or Uchiha Naruto after her marriage).

Sasuke was only slightly surprised the children and Naru weren't home. She'd probably taken them out, knowing their friends (though he wasn't sure they could or would still see him as such after his defection) they'd probably gotten together. He noticed his companions looking around curiously, Karin was looking at the newest pictures set up next to older ones of his wife's maternal and paternal family.

Walking over he looked at the collection of pictures, noticing the newest were of him and his family. The older ones were as he suspected his wife's grandparents. One couple were redheads, the same shade as their children who stood with them in the portrait. One of which, the oldest, he recognized as his mother-in-law.

The other picture of a couple were of a sunny blonde haired man with green eyes and a lilac haired woman with the same shade of blue eyes as their son, and granddaughter.

"She's beautiful," Karin said, picking up one of the pictures of him, Naru and their three children.

It had been taken just after Menma was born. She laid in a hospital bed, Menma in her arms, him beside her and the twins on the bed on her opposite side, gazing in awe at their new little brother. Sasuke let loose a small smile, and nodded.

"I know," he said, before turning and walking towards the exit. "Stay here until I get back. Mamoru will stay with you, and let Naru and the others know about you when they return."

Suigetsu, Karin and Jūgolooked at each other in confusion.

"Who's Mamoru?" Suigetsu demanded, and a man slid from the shadows of the room.

Even Karin looked a bit surprised and with her sensor skills she'd never been surprised by someone before. His red hair, similar to her own, led her to believe it may have something to do with him being an Uzumaki. Sasuke had said there was another with Uzumaki blood, other than his wife. It would explain how he fooled her sensory, though she didn't know how that would be possible.

"I am," he said, nodding at them. "I'm Yukimura Uzumaki Mamoru, one of the Nanatsu Uzu Gādianzu (Seven Whirlpool Guardians)."

"Right, he mentioned that they were rebuilding Uzu," Karin said, before smiling at her distant relation. "It's nice to meet you, Mamoru. I'm Karin, Uzumaki Karin."

It felt kind of surreal introducing herself as Uzumaki Karin, she hadn't used her last name since before her parents died and she found her way to Kusagakure to settle as one of many orphans. She'd stopped using it because it was painful, and made her feel more alone than she already was. Now, knowing she wasn't as alone as once thought, she didn't mind introducing herself as an Uzumaki.

"I'll show you to a free house in the compound. You my have to clean a little, they've not been lived in for over a decade."

Suigetsu, Karin, and Jūgo all nodded, following him out of the house, and towards one of the houses in better condition in the compound.




"Hn, so Akatsuki's finally making their move."

Everyone in the room turned almost at once, and Naru grinned happily at the dark eyed man kneeling on the ledge of the smaller window in the office. Once inside the room, he was tackled on both sides by his wife and pink haired teammate. It was only because he half expected this that he was able to keep standing.

"Sasuke...you're back," Sakura muttered, smiling against his shoulder.

Soon though the small smile he had on his face, as he was actually happy to see the pink haired annoyance again, was wiped off when she pulled away from the hug, pulling Naru with her and her fist impacted with his gut.

"You...utter bastard!" she hissed, pulled her fist back, and Naru sighed at Sakura's temperament.

Still she wasn't all that surprised, just relieved she hadn't used much if any of her chakra enhanced strength. From the smirk just barely visible through Kakashi's mask, and the quiet laughter Tsunade tried to hide they were rather amused by the development.

"Uh, it's nice to see you too Sakura," Sasuke said, rising out of his half bent over position, rubbing the area she'd hit.

"Ahem, as nice as it is to see this reunion, we do have more serious matters to deal with," Tsunade reminded them.

Naru nodded, her expression becoming serious.

"Right, Gaara," she said. "We should head out immediately, Suna is a three day journey unless moving at a fast pace none-stop."

"Yes, you three should leave. The Uchiha will be staying here, receiving his unfortunately soft punishment," Tsunade said, and Sasuke's face actually twitched from it's rather stoic expression.

"Naru mentioned that...can it wait? I think saving the Kazekage warrants a pass, and you did assign Team Seven...last I checked I was a part of Team Seven...Hokage-sama."

"You defected, you forfeited your position then," Tsunade countered, and Sasuke narrowed his eyes.

"I don't know of any such rule. Once one is placed on a cell the only time they stopped being part of it is when they become chūnin. I never got promoted, and even if I had been genin teams usually stay together even after promotion, at least in Konoha's past history."

Tsunade twitched, knowing she was running out of excuses. Looking over at Naruto, the blonde still standing at his side, and skillfully ignoring the fact the Uchiha was playing with strands of her long hair behind her back – which was apparent to those paying attention, though he was obviously trying to be discreet – Tsunade rolled her eyes and sighed in exasperation.

"Fine, you win this one," she said. "No one's seen you yet...no one important in any case. If they ask I'll say you pulled your clan head card out of your ass..."

Naruto chuckled, realizing the Hokage was now mostly muttering to herself. Obviously she didn't like giving in to the Uchiha. Sasuke, was smirking, not caring what the Hokage said, just that he'd gotten his way.

"Are you alright, Tsunade-sama?" Sakura asked, and the blonde woman nodded, reaching into a draw and pulling out an emergency stash – hidden from Shizune who was prone to taking her alcohol away – of sake.

"Just go, the Kazekage won't save himself," she said, and poured the sake into the saucer. "I need a drink."

She didn't even bother noticing when the newly reunited Team Seven left her office.