Crystals in the Dark

By Black Rookie

Chapter 1

The Past, Present and Future, Part 1

The Present

Black Rookie: Yo! My name is Black Rookie and this is my new story! it's about Lucy and her past life before fairy tail. All will be explained next chapter. Or the next one. Or the next one.

Lucy: BR! I'm ready for my performance!

BR: Kk, Lucy. Happy!

Happy: Aye, sir! Can I have some fish!

BR: uh...if you do the disclaimer!

Happy: AYE! BR doesnt own me, lushy, natsu, or any other FT member! some else does! she owns David, Ayumi, and Kitsuna though! she also doesn't own Orphan or any Orphan characters!

It was a lovely day, sunny and bright in the city of Magnolia. Lucy was walking to her guild, and usually, she would be enjoying the sunshine, and total, complete homey, normalness that was in the air, making her feel normal.

Not extraordinary, not exceptional, but normal. And she loved the idea of being normal for once in her crap life.

But today was not normal. And her usual happiness was replaced by sadness.

It was the one-year landmark. The day that had haunted her in her dreams. The anniversary of their deaths.

She sighed and fiddled with her mini skirt and shirt (Come on y'all, you know the one). She would leave the guild early and change into her old clothes, the ones that make her feel a lot more comfortable. But…they make her extraordinary. And she doesn't want to be like that. Exceptional…

She sighed and continued walking to the guild. She finally arrived at the gate and stared at the giant guild. It would make her smile, any other day, but today wasn't any day. She opened the door and was greeted by a fight between Natsu and Gray fighting. She could say hello but didn't feel like it.



"WHAT DID YOU SAY!?" Natsu shouted at Gray, foreheads touching as and angry aura surrounded them. Any other day she would have sweat dropped and giggled. But today was not any day, and instead, she ignored it and walked toward Mira. Her face looking grim.

Mira noticed and was starting to get worried. What was wrong with Lucy?

"Hey Lucy…why so glum?" the mentioned girl sat at a bar stool and sighed.

"Nothing Mira…I have to…uh…visit some people and I was wondering if you could, um, tell the master?" Mira was now very worried.

"Sure…but Lucy, where are you going?" Lucy didn't know what to say. 'my ex-best friend's grave'. No, people would want to know more and she just wanted to forget about that chapter in her life. What's done is done.

"…uh…T-that's not really important" she said getting up "thanks for your help Mira" She quickly turned on her heel and left the guild, and the minute she was gone, everyone noticed that she didn't greet them like usual.

"Guys" Mira said, her beautiful face contorted with worry. "Lucy just told me she was going to see some 'people' and refused to tell me where she was headed, only that she would be gone" Everyone looked at one another and it was Ezra that breaked the silence.

"Natsu go check on her and if necessary get us to come along" Ezra took another bite out of her cake.

Natsu nodded. He quickly left the guild in search of his best friend.


Lucy was at her house, pulling the windows curtains closed and locking it. She walked to her mirror and grimaced at her appearance.

Lucy walked to her closet and pushed aside the other things she wore. Reaching toward to back she felt what she was looking for.

Lucy pulled out a beautiful dress and pulled it on. It was sleeveless and was tight at the top and stopped at her stomach were it flowed out in gental ruffles. The dress was an light orange with black flowers and swirls decorating the outfit. She had also put on a black shawl with orange buttons. To complete the outfit she put on black gloves, making her look like a gothic sun. Next she moved to her hair.

She undid the bow and let her hair go free. Holding her hair in her hands she generated some magic and injected it in. Her hair started to grow and grow till it met her lower back. She put it in a pony tail and put a orange bow in it. Slipping on black ballet flats she smiled shyly at the outfit and suddenly felt like her old self.

Grabbing a black and white stripped bag she already packed she put her keys and belt in it and exited her apartment. Maybe this wouldn't be a bad day.

Actually, it was…


"LUCY!" Natsu called after her. She turned around and saw him look at her in confusion.

"uh…Luce what's with the outfit?" he stared at the outfit longer than necessary and blushed.

"Well it's a special occasion" she said turning toward the train station "I have to look good. Don't worry about me though, I'll be back, promise" she smiled gently poking him in the side. He was frowning and opened his mouth to tell her he was coming when she interrupted

"Natsu, I'm not trying to be rude but this is personal, and I have to do it on my own, understood?" her calm smile and gentle eyes were gone and replaced with seriousness he had never seen before. They argued for a while till the train stopped in front of her and she had to get on.

"Don't worry Natsu I'll be fine" she smiled and bordered the train, leaving behind a very frustrated and confused Natsu.


Lucy got off the train and looked around the Large, LARGE kingdom she had arrived at. It was a day journey and was 5:30 pm, the sun prepping to touch the hills, bathing the city in a gold light. It was just like she remembered, and she wondered if it remembered her blowing up half of it. Yes, the kingdom she was in was Geminate, a kingdom right outside Fiore that was on good terms with the magic land, but was not in any way under their foot.

She saw the person she was suppost to meet and a gentle smile was placed on her face. She walked toward him and touched his shoulder. He jumped and got into karate position and prepped to fight but then saw who it was and his eyes widened. He grinned like a maniac.

"Well, well, well, Lucky Lucy comes home after a long, long, time, eh?" he straightened to his full height and smiled down at his old friend.

"Yeah…I'm glad to see you again, Orphan"

Ohhh...Who's Orphan? watch Orphan and you'll know. He's a little OOC though. Hope you like it, I tried to make it very great! Tell me any ideas you have on the story and I'll try to incorporate it in, k?

Anyway, NEXT TIME: The Past, Present and Future, part 2

The Past

"I miss them so much, Kitsuna!"

"I know Lucky" said the beautiful girl

"don't worry Luce, their in a 'Better Place'"

"Hey everyone, what's that?" Natsu asked

"A device that lets you see into the past! Cool, huh?"

"Don't try to use that again, or else" This was the first time they saw her truly, and utterly pissed.