Special Delivery
Do you think it a good idea if I camped out at the Publishing house to ask for special rights to Harry Potter? If so let me know and I will not do it any way (~.-) Still I do not own these lovely characters, and I will do most anything to have at least .000000000000000001 percent of rights to Ms. Rowling's Wonderful World of Harry Potter.
here is Hermione and Lucius's last chapter with a very short epilogue (;_;) Alas this tale has come to an end. Hermione's secret is revealed though...Please don't kill me now! It was all Hermione Granger's idea! She wanted to be really really special (as if knowing karate and being the brightest witch of her age was not enough! Noo, the conceited witch had to go and be even more special!) and Harry chose to overreact! Lucius, as always, agreed with his precious Hermione and ordered me to do what she wanted! So please don't hang me by my toe nails! Please remember this is completely fictional!
HeArT*hEaRt*HeArT* T'was A Secret, A Secret That Kept Us Apart *hEaRt*HeArt*hEaRt
"Thank Merlin you are back!" Draco looked relieved. "I think he's hungry. I've tried singing and rubbing his stomach like you did. He doesn't need a diaper change. I don't know what's left besides eating!" Hermione sighed and prepared a bottle according to the directions.
"Is there somewhere we can talk alone?" Harry asked Hermione as he entered the kitchen.
"Let's go to my Father's study," Hermione said before Lucius could suggest to Draco that they vacate the room.
"Your Father's study?" Draco and Harry asked together. Hermione looked like a deer caught in headlights.
"I-I should rest first...I obviously need it," Hermione made to leave, but Lucius caught her arm.
"I think you have a bit of explaining to do yourself Hermione," Lucius said his eyes narrowed. Hermione sighed.
"Everyone in this room is important to me in one way or another, in more ways than one," she explained. "So I beg of you, let me rest before I begin to attempt to explain something this delicate." The three men had a mixture of worry about what Hermione had to explain and concern for her well-being. Lucius led her to his bedroom.
"Draco will keep an eye on Seeley," Lucius kissed her. "You just concentrate on getting better." He helped her upstairs into his bed and tucked her in, sitting beside her.
Hermione pulled his upper half down to her and held him, breathing in his scent of spice and chocolate, and looked straight into his steely grey eyes. "I love you Lucius," she whispered.
"I love you too," he whispered as he laid a soft kiss upon her lips and held her as she fell asleep in his arms. Lucius lay there thinking for hours, mostly about the first day he arrived in this home. Hermione knew quite a lot about this home, he realised looking at her curiously while she slept in his bed.
"It is rude to stare," Hermione mumbled as she stared sleepily up at him.
"I believe you have some explaining to do," Lucius said, masking his worry. 'What could Hermione possibly be hiding?' He caught the attention of Draco and Harry who were once again arguing as they entered his bedroom. Hermione sighed and made to stand up, but Lucius gently pushed her back down.
"I need to get up so I can show you," she said. "First I need the promise of everyone here not to ever speak of what about I am about to disclose."
"Of course Hermione," Harry promised, ever the loyal friend.
"You have my solemn word," Lucius swore, and looked at Draco who nodded, "and the word of my son." Hermione looked straight at Harry.
"This has to stay between us Harry. You cannot tell Ron, not Ginny, any of the Weasleys, not even a pebble laying in a public road," Hermione added the last part to show how serious she was.
Harry hesitated for a second, then relented, "You have my word 'Mione." Hermione made to stand up again. Lucius was reluctant to let her out of bed, but relented and allowed her to lead them to the small room that held the spiral staircase that led up to the roof. Hermione stopped at the doors to the Sky Room.
"Your father's study," Lucius stated flatly. Draco looked somewhat surprised, and Harry look confused. Hermione made a small incision in her palm with her wand, and pressed her palm to the wood.
Her blood ran along the cherry wood doors, outlining the hidden carvings on the once plain wood. Her blood outlined what appeared to be a ribbon, then stems with leaves, it outlined the ribbon tying the stems together. Her blood continued outlining the tops of the stems showing them to be the stems of roses tied together with the ribbon, and finally it outlined a crest, the roses and ribbon set inside tied to the centre of an elegant B. The door glowed a golden colour and they heard a click.
Hermione slid the doors open revealing a spacious office. Books completely covered every inch of the circular walls. Three tall steps toward the back lead up to a platform where a wide cherry wooden desk with the same crest and carvings and the edges of the desk covered in pictures, was situated on the platform. There was a tall fireplace with two rich purple winged-back arm chairs facing the unlit fireplace, and a painted oil portrait of the Bellamont Family hung over the mantel with a plaque that read:
Edward Charles
Melinda Elizabeth
Hermione Clarise
Bellamont Family
"The Bellamont Family?" Lucius asked.
"THE Bellamont Family?!" Harry asked, gaping at the picture of Hermione and her parents. Hermione led Lucius to the winged-back rolling chair behind the desk and motioned for Harry and Draco to take the two seats facing Lucius, and stood to the side of the desk trying to figure out where to begin. Harry seemed to know her small dilemma.
"It usually helps to start from the beginning," Harry offered, repeating the words of one Albus Dumbledore. Hermione gave him a small smile, took a deep breath and began.
"It all started with the Hogwarts letter," Hermione said simply. "Maybe a little before. You see my Father, as the next in line for the throne-"
"The throne?" Draco interrupted.
"As I was saying," she continued, pinning Draco with a look. "Early on my Father decided he wanted to keep our privacy. There are early pictures of us together in public, but they are scarce, and were taken before I was one year of age. That is when I did my first accidental magic," Hermione smiled wistfully.
"You did 'accidental' magic at one?!" Lucius asked, surprised. Hermione nodded.
"My cousin Arty took away my sippy cup, and I got mad and made the juice boil. The lid flew off from the pressure of the heat and smacked his forehead," Hermione gave a small nostalgic laugh. "After that Grandmama saw the need for our privacy and had my father's petition for privacy granted. The paparazzi would pay millions just for a snap shot of one of us," Hermione chuckled.
"What does your Grandmama do?" Draco asked, figuring her aunt was a barrister or something. Hermione looked at Draco.
"She is the Queen of England," Hermione answered simply. Draco and Lucius's eyes bulged, before they could mask their emotions. Hermione was quiet for the next few minutes. Lucius was about to speak up but Hermione started again.
"My parents kept up on current events in the wizarding world after my first...'performance'," Hermione laughed wistfully, "of accidental magic. After I received my letter it confirmed I would definitely be going to 'magic school', so our aliases were carefully set up. My Father became Robert, my mother Jean, I stayed Hermione but they decided I would be Hermione Jean Granger. We were, we are, as the wizarding world knows us, the Granger Family.
"To the muggle world our aliases are common, but our real identities would bring the two worlds clashing together for my family. The muggle-borns, some half-bloods, maybe one or two purebloods would know me...us. They would seek me out for status or money. Imagine if the Death Eaters knew Hermione Jean Granger was actually Hermione Clarise Bellamont, and had a direct line to the throne of England," Hermione shook her head sadly.
"I would not have been as safe as I was just being plain Hermione Granger, muggle-born, brightest witch of her age. I do not even want to add my other tittles to that," Hermione shook her head imagining what other horrors would have been in store for her had she not an alias. Harry stopped gaping at Hermione and snapped up from his seat.
"Your Highness," he bowed in respect.
"No Harry don't," Hermione said pushing him to stand up straight, but he kept his head bowed. Hermione grabbed his head and made him look up, but he looked frightened and scampered back, and bowed lower keeping his head down. Lucius and Draco looked on in slight amusement and mostly confusion. "STOP!" Hermione commanded him, Lucius and Draco slightly jumped at the commanding tone they never heard her use before.
Harry flinched back, but kept his position. Hermione sighed, "May the Lord bless you and your household. Do as you will," she courtesied.
Harry slightly relaxed, "Thank you your Highness."
"Speak openly," Hermione commanded with tear filled eyes. Harry nodded and allowed himself to completely relax. Lucius and Draco chose to stay quiet and observe the interaction.
"What must you think of me?" Harry asked suddenly. "Me, a lowly commoner, saddling you with my child. I shall take him off your hands immedia-"
"Silence!" Hermione commanded coldly. Harry flinched and became scared for speaking so openly. "You will do no such thing!" She hissed, and kneeled before Harry. Harry look down at her wide-eyed and threw himself off the chair to his knees, making himself lower than Hermione. "Get back in that chair!" She barked at him.
Harry was visibly shaking all over, but dared not disobey the princess. Hermione took a deep breath and looked at both Lucius and Draco. "This is what I have to deal with in court, at balls, in public. Any subject who disobeys is thrown in prison for treason.
"Imagine a royal in the wizarding world. Imagine what Voldemort would want to do with me," Hermione turned to Harry and grabbed his hands holding them tight, he tried to remove his hands from her, but she held them. "You know how it is in the wizarding world now that you are the Saviour, Harry, The Boy Who Lived Twice. People actually bowing to you in the streets, shaking your hand, thanking you." Harry winced at Hermione's words.
"I don't want that either Harry, and that is exactly what you are doing to me, your best friend, your sister." Harry paled. Hermione let her tears fall, "If you cannot treat me the same as before leave!" She commanded, and stood up. "But our son stays with me," she said before running from her father's study.
Draco clapped after a few moments, the sound echoing all round the circular room breaking the silence. "Way to go Potter!" He spat, and left to follow Hermione.
Lucius stayed and observed the changing emotions over Harry's face. Fright, betrayal, loneliness, resignation. "I will just ask you one question," Lucius spoke up, startling Harry. "Would you ever have approached Hermione had you known who she was?" He left the room, retreating to his own study to think.
Harry sat in his chair mulling over Lucius's question. Finally he also left the now empty study, retreating down the stairs, stopping in front of Hermione and Lucius's bedroom doors, and pacing for a few more minutes. He then retreated to the first floor and out the front doors, leaving the colonial home.
Hermione lay alone on the bed cradling Seeley, watching Harry's shadow pace in front of the bedroom doors, and walking away. A few moments later she heard the Crack of apparition. She broke down, burrowing her face in the pillow smothering her sobs. Seeley followed, letting out his shrill cries, sensing his new mother's melancholy state.
Lucius and Draco burst into the room figuring something might have happened to Hermione or Seeley with all his crying, and found an inconsolable woman cradling and rocking a newborn just as inconsolable as herself. She allowed Draco to take Seeley into another room, and Lucius gently rubbed circles into her back while she smothered her cries into his chest. Lucius had never known a broken heart, or witnessed one. So while this seemingly strong man held a broken woman in his arms, he allowed his own tears to fall for her heartache, wishing he could take the pain away, but knowing only time could heal her. Eventually Hermione's cries turned into quiet sobs and hiccups, and finally sleep.
hEaRt*HeArT*hEaRt* Special Delivery! *HeArT*hEaRt*HeArT
"Thank Merlin!" Draco exclaimed when Doctors Bennett and Weston flooed into the public parlour. "He has been crying for over an hour," he explained. "Hermione is in the same condition."
"He is sensing her emotions," Doctor Weston explained. "I don't usually prescribe this for infants," she said taking a phial with a light blue liquid from her pocket, "but he needs it. Just a small drop on his tongue will do." She then administered the drop for Draco, quieting the baby.
Seeley hiccuped from all his crying but fell straight to sleep after a few minutes. Doctor Weston then excused herself as soon as she was sure he would be fine.
"I'll have to ask what has them so upset," Doctor Bennett said clearly worried for the child and his mother.
"The war," Draco said, even though it was a partial lie. Doctor Bennett nodded in understanding, but waited for him to elaborate anyway. Draco sighed, "We lost a lot of people close to us, especially Hermione. She lost a father figure, close friends, and a best friend, who was like her brother," he elaborated. "I think she mostly came here to get away from it all. A breath of fresh air if you will, but it has caught up with her," he finished.
The doctor sighed, and handed him a phial with a darker blue liquid. "Calming draught. Just have her take three drops, and I'll need to see her before I leave. I don't want her upsetting her condition further." Draco led him to his Father's bedroom, knocking before entering. Hermione lay asleep in Lucius's arms.
"Doctor Bennett," Lucius said, clearly surprised.
"Your son called us for baby Seeley," the Doctor explained. "He was worried because he wouldn't stop crying for over an hour."
Lucius nodded, "Thank you for looking after him."
"I would like to look over Hermione, if I may," He said, not asked.
"Of course," Lucius said carefully removing himself from the bed.
Doctor Bennett ran his diagnostic spells over Hermione shaking his head all the while. "I do not want her getting up from this bed for anything except to use the bathroom. She has clearly upset her condition further. It is not as bad as the next morning after she left the hospital and you had to call me, but it is almost bad enough that I will admit her again if she becomes worse.
"She is to stay here for a whole week, and I will be checking on her daily. Use a sticking charm if you have to," The doctor smiled at that thought. "If she is still upset when she wakes, give her the three drops of the calming draught, and be sure to keep up with her other potions. Most of all just be there for her," the doctor finished softly. "She has lost people who were dear to her, just listen when she wants to talk."
Lucius nodded in understanding, "Thank you again Doctor." The blond resumed his position with Hermione after seeing the doctor out, and fell asleep holding her close. Hermione awoke hours later to the sun rising across the horizon, and Lucius holding her tightly with his leg thrown over her body possessively. She looked up into his peaceful face, committing every line and contour of his face to memory.
"It is rude to stare," Lucius said softly, smirking with his eyes still closed.
Hermione smiled playfully, "I just spotted a small wrinkle," she said just as softly. Lucius eyes snapped open in horror to see Hermione smirking playfully.
"You little vixen!" He growled, but still transfigured a mirror to check. Hermione laughed the whole five minutes he looked over himself. "You think that was funny?" He growled out, and rolled them over so he was above her, between her thighs, grounding himself against her. Hermione mewled.
Lucius kissed her lips softly at first, making the kiss deeper as they became more heated, he slid his tongue inside exploring every centimetre of her mouth. Then Seeley let out a cry. Lucius sighed, and removed himself.
"He must be hungry," Hermione said moving off the bed. Lucius pulled her back.
"No," he said softly. "I will make his bottle."
"You don't even know how," Hermione pointed out.
"Then a house elf will show me," he said, not saying he would just have the house elf make the bottle.
"No," Hermione said again. "I know you will just have the poor house elf make his bottle." Lucius pinned her down and kissed her deeply, smirking as she opened her eyes, catching her breath.
"I have explicit orders from Doctor Bennett not to let you up from this bed for anything," he said drawled. "Even if I have to use a sticking charm," he gave her his famous Malfoy smirk.
"You wouldn't dare!" Hermione exclaimed.
"Try me," he said suddenly serious, discreetly using a sticking charm on her bottom. Hermione moved to leave the bed but found herself stuck. "Lucius Malfoy, remove the charm this instant!" She hissed.
Lucius gave her his famous smirk, "No." He left the room quickly, leaving Hermione to attend to Seeley's soiled nappy. Hermione searched for her wand after changing Seeley's nappy and pyjamas.
"Looking for something?" Draco asked from the doorway, raising an eyebrow in inquiry.
"Unstuck me," Hermione said flatly.
Draco smirked, "Now why would I do that?"
Hermione sighed, "Unstuck me, please," she said not looking directly at him.
"There must be a reason father used the sticking charm on you," Draco said faking regret. "I just cannot undo his work without risking his wrath."
"Draco Lucius Malfoy unstuck me now!" Hermione raised her voice. Draco almost flinched, but kept his mask in place.
"Give me a good reason not to risk my Father's spleen." Hermione turned a light shade of pink from fury, but took a deep breath and spoke.
"I would like to use the bathroom." Draco didn't hide his amusement.
"I suppose that is a good reason. By the way, how do you know my full name?"
"Figure it out yourself," Hermione muttered before closing the door to the bathroom.
"You have one scary mother," Draco said to Seeley. Seeley pinned Draco with his bright green eyes and blessed him with a newborn smile. Draco's heart melted, and he picked up the baby cooing softly. Lucius entered the room to the sight of his son cooing softly to Seeley, he smiled at the sight.
"Where is Hermione?" He asked and handed Draco the baby's bottle. Draco pointed to the bathroom. Lucius was about the knock on the door when he heard Hermione's soft sobs. "Take Seeley to the Purple Room," Lucius said to Draco. Draco nodded and left.
Lucius let himself into the bathroom. "Hermione," he said gently, gathering her in his arms, carrying her to the bed, and summoning the calming draught. He continued to hold Hermione all morning, through breakfast, not even releasing her as he fed them lunch.
"I am not a baby Lucius," Hermione lightly complained.
Lucius chuckled, "No, you are not," he agreed. "But you are precious, Love," he kissed her, taking her breath away.
"Thank you," Hermione whispered into his neck.
Lucius's brows furrowed, "For what love?"
"For not running away," Hermione whispered. Lucius kissed her damp eyes.
"Only little boys run away."
"I suppose I am a little boy." Hermione's head whipped around.
"Harry," she cried, looking at him, but didn't jump up in her surprise at his arrival.
"I know you wanted to do this alone," Harry said. "But after yesterday I knew I needed to do this for you." He moved aside to reveal a woman with wheat brown curly hair and dark blue eyes, and a man with golden hair and honey brown eyes.
"Mum!" Hermione cried as she finally hopped off Lucius's lap and straight into her mother's arms. "Dad!" She grabbed him into a hug. Her parents kissed every inch of her face as they cried with her.
"There is so much I have to tell you," Hermione said softly. Her mother guided her family into the parlour room near the entry hall. Melinda shook her head.
"There is no need," she smiled. "Harry has explained everything that has happened," she smiled at Lucius standing uncomfortably in the entryway. "I am Melinda Bellamont," she put her hand before him and he gave her polite kiss. "Please treat my daughter well Lucius Malfoy," she said softly.
"Always," Lucius replied while smiling at Hermione. Hermione's father held his hand out for the blond to shake.
"Edward Bellamont," his strong commanding voice boomed throughout the parlour and entry hall. "Now," he smiled at the room. "Where is this grandson of mine?" He asked as Draco walked in holding a bottle and a whimpering Seeley.
"Oh he is so handsome!" Melinda exclaimed as she kissed a blushing Draco's cheek.
"I am Melinda Bellamont, but you will call me Meli," the woman smiled. "I have a feeling we are going to be family soon," she whispered conspiratorially to the young blond, and winked. Hemione blushed.
"Mother!" She hissed.
"Lucius is a beautiful creature," Melinda smirked at her daughter, and winked at the blushing male.
"Thank you Mrs. Bellamont," Lucius gave her a small tilt of his head and looked away.
"I have never seen my father that ruffled," Draco smirked at Hermione's mother. "Please continue doing so."
"Draco," Lucius said in his warning tone.
"May I?" Melinda motioned to the whimpering child in Draco's arms. He carefully handed her Seeley, and watched as she cooed over him and as Edward smiled down at the bundle in his wife's arms. "Oh he is a sweet little thing," Melinda kissed his face.
"You have given us a handsome grandson," Edward gently squeezed Harry's shoulder. Harry blushed. "I expect at least two more," he looked pointedly at Lucius. Draco chuckled when his usually composed father blushed even more.
"Thank you so much Harry," Hermione said softly as she pulled her best friend and brother into a hug.
"I would do anything for you Hermione," Harry lightly squeezed her before releasing her.
LoVe*lOvE*LoVe* Their Beginning-One Year Later *lOvE*LoVe*lOvE
"I cannot believe Grandmama made us go through with that!" Hermione ranted to her new family.
"Calm down love," Lucius soothed his bride as he gently pushed her down next to him a chaise. "It is all over now."
"That was so awesome!" Harry bounced on the tips of his toes, and Draco looked at him in amusement. "I want to ride in a carriage again!"
"Don't worry Harry," Hermione smirked at him. "Grandmama will make sure Ginny and you get screaming crowds too. You are her favourite grandson after all," she laughed at Harry's groan.
"I never thought I would regret being adopted," he held his head in his hands. "Instead of having a screaming witches chasing me, I have screaming witches and muggle women stalking me!" He groaned again at the thought.
"You call that horrible?" Draco smirked.
"You've had quite the full schedule Draco," Hermione hinted. "Did you have fun at that club two nights ago?" She asked innocently. Lucius laughed at his blushing son.
"At least I won't have to endure screaming wedding guests," Draco muttered.
"Don't say that Draco," Melinda smiled as herself and Edward entered their daughter's drawing room. "Grandmama and I will make sure you and Harry get just as big a wedding day as Hermione and your father," she laughed at their twin groans.
"At least you won't have to walk down the aisle with reporters shoving their cameras into your protruding belly," Hermione muttered as she rubbed circles into her swollen belly.
"Oh come now," Melinda smiled at Hermione. "You look beautiful at six months, and that beauty is now captured forever," she sighed wistfully. "I wish I looked that beautiful on my wedding day."
"You were stunning!" Edward exclaimed as he kissed his wife. "Just as you are dearest," he reassured his daughter.
"You are breath-taking," Lucius whispered quietly in his bride's ear, making her shiver as he held her. "I should get you to our rooms, you'll catch a cold," he said a little more loudly, as he rubbed warmth into her arms. He stood them up together and bid everyone a good night.
"You just wanted me alone," Hermione rolled her eyes, but smiled at her groom hovering above her in their wedding bed.
"Is that so wrong?" Lucius smirked. "Wanting to have my bride alone on our wedding night?" He nibbled her bottom lip before sliding his tongue into her mouth.
"Did you feel that?" Hermione excitedly asked. Lucius smiled as he placed his hand over her belly to feel his child kick again.
"Thank you," he smiled softly as he looked into his bride's honey eyes. "You have given me, you are giving me so much," he said softly.
"No," Hermione shook her head. "You are always giving to me also," she smiled up at him. "Thank you too," she whispered as she pulled him down for her own kiss.
LoVe*lOvE*LoVe* The Boy Who Gambled *lOvE*LoVe*lOvE
Harry and Draco rolled over the carpeted flooring groaning and holding their stomachs, as they tried not to be sick all over the persian rug. The women they escorted out the night before ordered platters full of fish, and now the two wizards were paying a hefty price for over indulging in the delicious battered catfish and salmon.
"I do hope it's not food poisoning," Lucius frowned as he led Madame Pomphrey and her fiancé Doctor, now Healer, Bennett into Draco's rooms. He grinned openly at the two fussing medi-wizard/witch and the two groaning young wizards as they attempted to refuse their medi-services, but were thwarted with every feeble attempt.
"I'll kill you myself Potter," Draco muttered as soon as they were stuck to his bed with a sticking charm. "Having those two stuck together like that is a nightmare I tell you!"
"You win," was all Harry could say before releasing the contents of his stomach into a bucket, courtesy of his mother Melinda, who cooed softly as she tried to comfort her sick boys.
Yes, I would like to say that is the end...but these kinds of endings are only the beginning. Though we will not explore that here. Lucius already forbade it, and Hermione was almost as quick to agree with him as he does with her :p
I really think Harry over reacted to Hermione being who she was also...but he insisted on being a butt-head that way...Lucius and Draco just thought it amusing and refused to let me change a thing! Arses...Hermione did have fun getting to be a princess for a while...