Pauley: Okay, feels ahead, you have been warned!
"Okay Miss Swan, nearly there, one final push." I cry out, my hair plastered to my head as I push and finally a quiet cry is heard and the doctor smiles "It's a boy." I can't help my face breaking into a bright grin as I slump into the bed. The nurse wraps him in a blanket and places him on my chest. I wrap my arms around my baby, my perfect little baby boy, and let a quiet sob break through my lips. I know I don't have long, less than five minutes before the social worker appears to take my baby from me and give him away to a faceless stranger. I smile down at the little boy and stroke the top of his head, kissing it gently.
"I'd name you Thomas if you were truly mine. We'd be happy, you and me. You'd never have a life like mine, you'd have anything and everything you wanted my perfect little boy. Your Mommy loves you so much, please never forget that. I'll never forget you my beautiful baby." I draw him tighter to me, unable to stem my tears as he nuzzles sleepily into my chest.
"I hope you understand baby, Mommy has to give you away, so you can have the best life I can give you. Mommy's not a good person you see, so you can't stay with me, even though I want you to, so you're going to live with a lovely family who will take good care of you." I let out a choked sob as I hear the sharp footsteps of the social worker clacking down the hall.
"I love you so much baby, I never want to let you go, but I have to. It's time for you to go now, so you can be happy." I stroke his head carefully
"You're always gonna be happy little boy, because I know you're going with someone who loves you almost as much as I do." The door swings open and the social worker steps towards me.
"Come now Miss Swan, it's time for him to leave." Another sob breaks from my lips and I kiss the top of his head.
"I love you baby boy, you be good." I say quietly before gently handing him over, trying to make sure I can see him for as long as possible, burning his perfect face in my memory, because that's the only way I'll ever see him again. Just as the Social Worker carried him through the door and out of my sight for the first and final time, I mouth 'Goodbye'
Pauley: You were warned! I sobbed while writing this.
Please review! A feels shared makes everyone feel better!