
Story Title: One Shot at Love

Rating: Strong M

Pairing(s): Aragorn/Legolas

Summary: Aragorn and Legolas met as children and became close friends. Through the years, they both develop feelings for each other, however, the young Elf Prince refuses to let his feelings get the better of him while the Human Prince does everything in his power to sway the Elf. Can they reach a compromise?

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. The characters in my story do not belong to me and are used in a fictional manner. They belong to their respective owners.


To get some things out of the way; this story has been completely rewritten. Revised down to the last detail. The story has mostly stayed the same with a few different, or altered, elements. With my lack of regular posting, I took my time to reread what I had already provided and I've become absolutely disgusted with myself that I allowed such horrible work be posted. I also recall a promise I made to my readers that I would revise all my works and what I've seen has truly made me realized that I need to work on my writing skills. So, I've cracked open my dictionary, thesaurus, and some grammar textbooks to hopefully improve my writing. I apologize to the readers who have been forced to endure my appalling literature. I hope that with my revisions, I will gain new readers as well as some old ones who couldn't stand my writing.

This story will be bit AU (Alternate Universe), due to the fact that I'm changing their ages to suit my story telling. In actuality, Legolas is much older than Aragorn, but for the sake of my story, I've modified it to fit my needs. Contents are strong sexual content with mild language and fantasy violence. Polls, in the future, will be post to change the element of the story as well as drastically alter it. My writings are quickly becoming reader dependent because it is what you want to read that matters the most to me.

Thank you for taking your time to read my preface and I hope you enjoy the remastered story.