Chapter 90

All good things must come to an end


"Leana...don't leave me...please."

"I am never leaving you Sandor...Never."

"Please Leana..."

"I am not leaving you, my love. I am watching over you."


"I will see my father, my mother, my uncle Ned, my uncle Tyrion... Bronn...and many more...I will watch over you Sandor, and our children, and grandchildren..."


"You are not done here Sandor. They still need you."

"I need you."

"I know, Sandor. I know...I will save you a sit next to me...always."

"Leana...please, don't leave me."

"Promise me...Make sure Helena find someone worthy of her, like you...someone strong, gentle and good to her...promise me, Sandor."

"I promise."

"And when you are done, I'll be waiting for you...I promise."

"You promise."

"Have I ever lie to you?"

"No, never."

"You are the love of my life Sandor Clegane. You gave me happiness and you kept me safe, just like you promised me when you married me..."

His wife died barely three days later. She died in his arms with a peaceful smile of her face. He mourned for her for one long year. He saw his Helena, his little bird married the heir of Blackhaven – walked her down the aisle himself. He was smiling like a donkey while Helena as a bride was looking at him – amused. That was when he stopped mourning for Leana. His job was finally done.

Xander was his heir, the boy had took over his duties long before his mother passed. He was the Lord of White Knife by name only. He couldn't function. Xander would come to him for questions but he run the keep and trained their men. The young man started managing the keep since he was seventeen, with his help.

Barristan resided at the South, despite of his disagreements, complaint and grumbling; he took over the South and rebuild the region. He was fucking proud of him. They were all damn proud of him, tis was no easy task.

Benjen was a Kingsguard – like him. He trained for many years under the best of old Ser Barristan Selmy before the old man retired. He was fucking proud of all his children.

White Knife defended the North and it was where all the Lords of Westeros sent their men to train.


One night, Xander had a drunken brawl. He was informed by Jon Snow – he was fucking furious, until he found out who he had a brawl with. It was James Dondarrion, who was courting his sister.

He snorted and left the drunken men who managed to thrash half of his fucking courtyard. Fuckwits, Leana would have been mad. The chucks were making lots of noises and in distress. He shouted at them that Leana would be fucking pissed if the chickens didn't laid eggs because of them.

He heard his daughter fierce angry voice, telling them off before she stormed away from them. Then he saw his daughter in law who was waiting for Xander, she looked fucking pissed off as well.

"Papa," he heard her. He looked up and saw her face peeked into his bedchamber; he was lying in bed, all lonesome with soot and Winter nestled around him.

"Little bird,"

"Did they wake you up, papa?" she sounded annoyed.

He shook his head with a sad smile.

His daughter approached him and kissed him, "I miss her too, papa. We will see her tomorrow, I promise." Every night without fail, she'd visited him in his bedchamber and tucked him in, she knew how lonely he was – her mother was everything to him. Leana was his whole life.

He went crazy berserk when he thought he lost Winter, no one had seen Leana's direwolf for a few days – no one dared told him...Aye he noticed the busy courtyard and saw Xander around looking angry and anxious, going around but when he found out that Winter was missing, all his anger, all his sadness for losing his wife was too much, he went berserk and thrash his chamber and his solar – Xander and some of the household guards tried to stop him, but it wasn't until his little bird cried flung herself at him that he finally stopped and he cried like a little girl in her arms. He missed Leana so much, he missed her so much his heart hurt.

Not long after, they found 'Winter' – the dire wolf was laying down by Leana's graveyard, he sat by her, stroked her thick fur and kissed her; They sat together...along the graveyard of Ser Barristan Selmy, Bronn, Benjen Stark and of course, his Leana – he always found solace there...Lately, he loved spending time there; he talked to all of them.


Helena Clegane

Every day, her father never failed to visit her mother's grave. He buried her next to her grandfather Stark. He often talked to her. It broke her heart to see him in such state. Very often she joined him and they would have conversation with her mother.

For four years, James Dondarrion courted her before he dared asked for her hands. He wanted to marry her but then her mama fell really sick and passed away and James waited for another year.

Helena Clegane thought her father would kick James Dondarrion out from solar when he asked his permission to marry her. She was in solar with him, just in case he decided to kill him – even Xander was there. James told her that was one of the benefits for having brothers.

But no! To her surprise and to her brother's surprised. Her father was actually very pleased. He looked at James for the longest time then he finally nodded. It's been too long since she saw her father that way. He looked happy and bloody relieved.

He placed a gold chain on her neck they day she was married; it was her mother's Hound necklace with diamond stones as its eyes. She cried like a little girl when she felt it on her. But her father only had smile that night.

Traditions called for her to be married in Blackhaven, but she told James and Lord Beric that she would like to be married in White Knife and he said yes. The next day she begged her new husband and told him that she couldn't leave her papa alone in White Knife, even though he wasn't alone. James and Lord Beric always said yes to whatever she wished, she ended up staying in White Knife for more than two moons, after she was wedded before she left for Blackhaven.

Her annoying brother Xander wasn't pleased that she didn't go to Blackhaven after she was married, he told her it was her duty; he even made comment about how she was dressed, still with her yellow three dogs sigils instead of Dondarrion's sigil. He got a kick from his wife, but it did nothing, the brute just looked at his wife and shrugged his shoulders – he continued hassling her.

Finally, It was her beloved papa who kissed her head and told her gently that she had to go to Blackhaven as she has duties there and she is to be lady of the holdfast. He told her that her sweet mother stuck by him all these years, since the beginning and supported him and she should do the same for James, and the old one stump old Lord Beric. She nodded and said yes to her father.

She saw her father looked at her new husband when people started talking about the bedding ceremony. She knew James, she would never let anyone touched her crudely. But her father voice boomed, "No one fucking dare touched my wife when I married her."

James and Lord Beric told her sweet papa that they do not need her dowry, her father said nothing but only when she reached Blackhaven and started unpacking she saw her mother's gold Lannister chest. James sheepishly told her that her papa told him that his daughter was not a pauper and she was to keep what should be hers.

She loved Blackhaven, she felt at home. Lord Beric who she called father loved her oh so dearly and spoilt her rotten as well, as Xander said repeatedly, – whatever she wished and wanted, she gets; because of his old age he didn't travelled as much and it was only proper for James to travel in his stead. She was so busy in Blackhaven, the keep was without a mistress for twenty five long years. Not once she felt lonely there, sure – she missed her family, but she was very happy there.

Her beloved father, the man who hold her when she cried, the man who protected her, the man who told her that she worth more than any gold in the world, passed away in his sleep two months after she left home...She should have known...she should have know when the last time she wept when she saw her papa's face was the last time she saw him alive.

He had never been happier when he sent her off the main gate of White Knife, along with Xander who was still amused with their father's behaviour. He told her that he thought he'd go mad when she left for Blackhaven...but no, the man was in great mood, they all thought he went daft.

Barely three months after her beloved papa passed, she found herself with child; James hugged her and didn't let go until she told him that he was suffocating her. Nine months later she birthed a little girl. She named her Leana Dondarrion.

Her father in law was sobbing like a girl, as he had her daughter in his arms, calling her Leana. It was a bitter sweet moment for the man, he loved her mother and it wasn't meant to be.

Lord Beric was in love and besotted with her little girl. The old man had a sudden zest in life; he made himself so busy with babe Leana that James made a comment that the only thing the man couldn't do was to breastfeed the babe. Xander who was visiting was very impressed that with his one hand and one stump of a hand he could bathe a babe.

Many times she glared at James who wanted to take their daughter from him, he argued that he hardly held his own newborn as he journey frequently and his Lord Father was always home therefore had his babe most of the time.

Her daughter was almost five years old when her grandfather passed; she also had a son who was two years old. Lord Beric told her that he had never been happier. If Xander thought that she was spoilt because she had her own mare she was four – worse, her daughter had a mare and a sworn shield the day she was born.


Xander Clegane.

His father passed barely a year after his mother passed. About two months after his sister Helena was married to James Dondarrion, his best friend. He was passed sixty five and he still looked fucking imposing at such age.

His thin long hair was no longer black, replaced by white long hair that made him looked somehow wise...still fucking quiet.

His father taught him everything he knew about swordplay and everything he knew about love. His mother passed and his father mourned for her until the day he died. Winter, her mother's dire wolf was reeling and often disappeared...he would panicked and try to search for the dire wolf before his father notice her disappearance, his old man would go berserk – he often found Winter asleep by his mother's grave – very often with his father, her fur kept his father warm and comfortable.

He was married for three months when his wife Allya found that she was with child, he was so damn happy when he had his newborn in his arms. His father taught him how to bathe his babe, it was nerve wrecking.

King Gendry Baratheon and his Aunt Arya attended both his mother's and father's funeral. The man mussed his hair and kissed his cheeks. The man said he often carried him when he was young.

He knew from his parents that the King was his father's squire and live there before they won the war. He knew his King Gendry well. His brother Barristan was at court with them.

Old Uncle Bronn passed away not long before their mother fell sick. The guard knocked at his door at the hour of the wolf; in front of him, the brothel owner was almost pissing in his breeches, shaking in fear, telling him that their uncle Bronn was found dead with two whores. He was in shock and quickly made his way to the brothel. He covered Bronn's eyes and sighed that he got what he wished for, dead with whores around him. He woke his father and told him the news, the man was very quiet and nodded, he saw Bronn's lifeless cold body, "Rest in peace, you fucking twat, you make me tell Leana you are gone."


Barristan Clegane

Most boys would have leaved their home when they were ten or younger to squire. His mother would have none of that and his father would give his mother whatever she wanted and agreed to her wishes. He left home for Blackhaven when he was eleven, followed by Blackhaven, Dorne and finally King's Landing when he fifteen.

The Clegane land in Casterly Rock belonged to their father, he visited the place with his father and Benjen, took what he deemed important and abolished the keep to the ground. The King told his father that he was to reside and took over the land in Casterly Rock and he could make it his own. The Lannister laird was deserted. In the beginning, he hated the idea of residing in the South, bloody Lannister; So far away from the North, about 45 days journey from White Knife, but everyone supported him and at the end he did it...The region was his.

Like his brother before him, he also squire for Lord Beric Dondarrion, his parents' friend. A Baratheon's bannerman. He was also shocked when he met Prince Robert squiring for Lord Stark in Winterfell. The prince told him that his father said in order to lead he must know how to follow.

He was a squire for the Baratheon King. But sometimes he would feel bad, because the King did not treated him like a squire. He ate together at their table and his Aunt Arya fussed over him like a mother hen.

As the warden of the North with many vassals, it was one hell of a position; He arrived with his father, King Gendry and Benjen; they resided there for more than two moons. His father said to him, "be ruthless but be fair," that was his only advice, oh apart from telling him nonchalantly to think with his brain not his cock. As his father walked along the garden and saw the ladies around, he snorted and kept on walking, they stepped away from him with fear. It hit him the day everyone left except him to be the Warden; but Benjen visited him often from the capital, by the order of the King and Queen he said; it was only two weeks ride.

One night he had the shock of his life when he received raven, his mother was ill.

That dawn he left Casterly Rock and made his way home. He stayed in White Knife until his mother passed. The King arrived barely a day before she passed.

He saw his father at his sister wedding, he looked healthy and happy. One year after his mother passed, he had the shock of his life when he was told that his father passed in his sleep. He had never seen that many people in his funeral.

He was actually happy for his father. He knew he was suffering since his mother left him. He whispered in the old man's ears, "I am happy for you father, you have mother now. Rest in peace father."


Benjen Clegane

He was the youngest of the Clegane's boys. The quietest, everyone said. There were Xander his oldest brother, followed by Barristan then him before they had a sister.

Long before parents passed, he was instructed by his Uncle, King Gendry to train under the Lord Commander. His bother Barristan was no longer a squire. He was ordained by the King to go to Casterly Rock and start rebuilding the keep – he knew their father was not interested. Barristan was made the Lord of Casterly Rock.

He trained with Lord Commander for many years before the Lord Commander on account of his health relinquished his title as The Lord Commander. His Uncle Gendry released the man from his duty.

He sent a raven to his father about the matter and one month later, his Lord Father arrived at King's Landing and told Ser Barristan Selmy that he still had his apartments in White Knife and his wife would have his head if he didn't return with him, and that Helena would nagged him to his death; to fucking please come home with him.

The aged man laughed, he could hardly walk - he embraced his father and left for White Kneife soon after. Ser Barristan died in his sleep barely two years later in White Knife.

All of his brothers and sister were there, even Lord Beric. He was almost in tears when Xander brought their father's Kingsguard's armour with him. Each of them: Xander, Barristan, Helena and his brother in law James Donadarrion helped him put on his chainmail and armour.

As a result, he was the only Kingsguard with different armour. They all knew who he was because of his beloved father. His brother brought their father's dog's helmet for him but he refused. His Long Sword was handed down to him from the Lord Commander.

At the end, their sister who was the bossiest of them all decided the helmet would stay in White Knife, mounted on the wall along with the swords and their father's black armour which she thought should be used by Xander.


All of them knew about their parents' history from King's Landing. How their mother was forced to marry their father who was the Hound, but they ended falling in love with each other and under their father's protection they lived.

Their father used to hate his House, but not since they lived in White Knife.

Xander and Barristan remembered when they were young and caused problem at the brothels over some whores and drunken hooligans. They should have known better, their father's spies were everywhere.

Their father arrived in the brothel, along with Bronn; and with one glower from him, people couldn't move away fast enough. Their Uncle Bronn just looked at them and shook his head, called them idiots. They got an earful from their father. There was nothing worse for teenagers than to be humiliated by having to clean the villages' healers' place and latrines.

What was worse? When they were home, their mother waited for them by the main door. They saw their mother's sad disappointed look on them – which made their father even angrier. One sure way to piss their father was to make their mother sad.

"I know you are young! You want to fuck whores. I fucking know! But don't you fucking dare caused shit because you think you are my sons. Sons of a fucking lord! I WILL FUCKING TANNED YOUR ARSE MYSELF AND HAVE YOU FLOGGED! You embarrassed your House. YOU ARE NOT FUCKING BULLIES! YOU ARE BETTER THAN THAT!" His voice got louder and louder and louder, at the end he was shouting at them.

They never got flogged; their father never touched them in anger. The worse he did was shouting. But at that moment they were truly scared of him. They never set foot in a whore house again when there were in White Knife.

The following morning, their mother and their pest little sister came to their chambers. She gently placed ointment on their cut faces, not a word said. They never felt worse.

Their little annoying sister looked at them and shook her head and tsk tsk tsk made condescending sound with her tongue before she smugly asked why did they like whoring so much? They wanted to kill her, she was so bloody annoying.

Barristan and Benjen thought that she was their father's favourite and he loved her the most. Their mother laughed when she heard it. She said it seemed that way because Helena was the youngest and she was a girl after all the sweet boys she birthed for their father.

Their Lord Father would call Helena 'his little bird', but she said she was no bird, she was his little dog.

Then their oldest brother Xander would smack their heads and called them fools. He told them that he was the oldest so he got to see how his father loved them. The man bathed them when they were infants and die for them in a heartbeat.

They know that both their father and mother worked damned hard to keep them safe and well. They worked hard to re build the House Clegane who was known as House of death because of their uncle Gregor.

Now, when people asked for their name, they could say their name with no shame. House Clegane was the protector of the North, Vassal to the Starks under their Uncle Robb.

Very often they would caught their parents could be anywhere in the keep. They've learn to knock because of it. Such love they had for each other. Her mother loved to touch his scarred face and she loved kissing him too.

Most of the time they travelled together, but sometimes he couldn't go with her. Old Uncle Bronn was her constant companion; and when their mother returned, their father would wait by the main gate and had only eyes for her. He'd approached her and lifted her from her stead and kissed her and hugged her before he let her feet touched the ground.

They had a happy childhood. Supper was always the noisiest.

Their Uncle Jon and Aunt Ygritte, along with their children; Maester Tarqin, Uncle Bronn and Ser Barristan Selmy was constant presence at supper.

Even though no one could rival their beloved mother...she could talk nonstop, while their father would look at her – just looking, contented. It was horrible for him after their mother's death, if not for their little sister who was coaxing him to eat. They did not think he'd survived without Helena's care.

Their mother's Hound necklace was always in their father's hand. Her gold band was in stringed with a crude leather band on his chest.

Their father lips did not touch water or food for one week. He lay in bed, alone. Later on, he barred his door. Uncle Jon told them to give him time. But when they called for him and heard no answer. Xander and Uncle Jon broke his door.

Their father was lying on his large bed, the chamber was dishevelled, smelly and dirty. He smelt worse than Soot and Winter, urine stained bed and blanket - it was very bad. Soot and Winter were on the bed as well. Uncle Jon asked them to leave before he started shouting at their father. He told him that his Leana would be most upset to see him that way.

Even Lord Beric stayed in their keep for almost a month when their mother passed.


Sandor Clegane

He felt it, he could felt it when Leana took her last breath, he held her close, so close to him as if he could live and breathe for her, but he only saw a smile on her.

It was the end of her life, his sweet wife, his rock, the love of his life. How he missed her, how he loved her how he couldn't wait to be with her again.

He looked at Lord Beric kissed his daughter Helena on the head and he knew that his friend would love his daughter as his own. His Little Bird was safe and happy. His duty was over. He could rest in peace, as a husband, father and grandfather...He smiled as he slept.


Fanfiction, written by NF.

It's been truly amazing to share this fanfic with you all.

THANK YOU for enjoying them with me.

"Some say fate is beyond our command, but I know better. Our destiny is within us. You just have to be brave enough to see it." Merida, Brave, DisneyPixar2012.


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