OKAY! Deepfathom! What have you done to me?! XD Ever since I answered your question on which Kratt would win Wipeout, I...uh...can't get the idea out of my head, so...hope you and everyone else likes this story! 8D

DISCLAIMER! I don't own Wild Kratts or Wipeout. (But I will eventually muahahahahahaha!)

Snowflake1814; *grabs mic* Hello! And welcome to another episode of Wipeout. Now today, it'll be a little...shall we say... different than other episodes.

WildKrattsSuperFan1: (I'm just gonna be called Wk after this. :D) O_o Snow? What are we doing in this booth looking out to a huge...wet...awesome looking obstacle course?

DeepFathom: *walks up with mic* Because it's time for Wild Kratts Wipeout!

SilverWaterBombadil: Yes! We're gonna settle just once and for all who will win, and who will wipeout.

Wk: T_T That's the best you could come up with?

Sil: Yeah. *stucks out tongue at Wk* I know it's Wipeout Champion, but my punchline sounds cooler. Okay, here's how today's obstacle course will work.

DF: Well, since this will be based off of the first episode of Wipeout ever, the first set is the Qualifier. It's made of four obstacles. The Topple Towers, Sucker Punch...

Snow: That'll be fun to watch.

Wk: SHH!

DF: Anyway, then we have the Big Balls...

Wk: My personal favorite. X)

Snow: SHH!

DF: And finally...the Cookie Cutter.

Sil: Now, as we all know, since this is Wild Kratts Wipeout, there will not be twenty four contestants...well...I...are Zach, Donita, and Gourmand here?

Wk: No. Zach chickened out, Donita didn't want to get her outfit dirty, and we didn't even invite Gourmand.

Sil: Why?! D8

Wk: Why do you think?

Sil:...Oh yeah. okay! So...let's head over to Waterfall13 and Sakura Kamada that are down at the course!


Waterfall13: Okay everyone. Our first contestant onto the obstacle coarse is Aviva Corcovado.

Aviva: *calls behind her* Remember bros! I get winner! *starts off, but slips on her way down*

Snow: Aviva! It's already been one second and you're already down?!

Wk: Yeah...she is definitely not getting winner. XD Okay, she hasw made her way over the Topple Towers, let's see if she can ma-

*Wk is cut off as Aviva tries to jump onto the next stack of blocks, but slips and falls head over heels into the mud*

Wk: Whoops. Spoke too soon. X)


Sakura Kamada: Okay, which one of you in the booth added ice cubes?

Everyone in the booth: *glares at Snow*

Snow: O_o...what?

Wk: *slaps forehead*

Aviva: T_T I'll never understand why the bros love mud.

Wk: Then they'll love that obstacle. Okay, next up is the Sucker Punch. Let's at least see if she can make it out of that in one piece.

Snow: *grabs popcorn*

DF: Uh...are food and drink allowed in the building?

Sil: Remember, all she has to do is hang onto the rocks without getting punched into the water.

*everyone watches as Aviva hangs on, even though she just got punched right in the stomach, then the head, then she's down for the count*

DF: O_O Wow. That looked painful.

Snow: That was awesome!

Wk: O_O Tone it down a bit girl!

*turns on replay*

Sil: Yeah, probably did just a little. Right between the eyes.

Wk: Let's hope she doesn't sue us. XD

Df: Okay. The Big Balls!

Wk: Oh! *.* *grabs Snows popcorn from her hands*

Snow: Hey! D8 *tries to grab bowl back*

Sil: Looks like Aviva will have to jump like a frog on lilypads to get to the other side.

Wk: And what's the percentage of that not happening, and it's more like being a cushion as you fall into the water below?

Snow: 99%. X)

Aviva: Oh! Come on! I hate these things!

Wk: T_T Hey! It's a lot of fun to watch.

Aviva: *jumps on one, but then face plants before sliding into the water*

Wk: *laughs* Oh no! Face Smash! XD

Snow: Although, look at the replay it was pretty graceful. X)

DF: You know that's right. XD

Aviva: *swims to the Cookie Cutter*

Water: C'mon Aviva! You've battled harder things before in our stories.

Aviva: -.- Don't bring that up! EVER!

Df: Okay, now...all she has to do to stop the clock is swing on that rope into the cookie cutter man. Easy enough right?

Aviva: *swings and actually sticks the landing* YES! WHOO!

Wk: O_O XD

Snow: I think that was the first obstacle that she actually made across. XD

Sakura Kamada: Hey 'viva? Is there anything you'd like to say.

Aviva: *points to camera* Beat that Bros!

Wk: *sits back in her chair* O_o Wow. XD Don't go talking trash talk just yet! XD

Okay, after writing all this, I realize just how stupid it is...but I don't know, maybe some will like it. X) Hope you all enjoyed, and we'll see the rest of our contestants after these few messages.