A/N: I think this would be considered a crack-fic. Or something.

A series of one-shots that can be read together or separately. Not very heavy Doccubus-wise but I'll squeeze them in there.

The adrenaline from the finale previews are getting to me so I write you a domestic fic. However the season ends, I'm sticking to this story: Bo manages to save everybody, yay! Everybody sort of gets a happy ending. Well, my favorite people anyway.

"Lucyyyy, I'm hoooomeee," Kenzi said loudly as her boots stomped into the old club house. "Home sweet home," Kenzi said softly to herself as she stretched her arms over head. She smiled. This place, with its occasional vermin and odd smells was home.

"Hi, Kenzi," a voice said.

Kenzi's head quickly turned towards the kitchen, "Wassup, doc?"

"Just making dinner," Lauren said softly. That was when Kenzi noticed that Lauren was wearing an apron.

"Whatcha makin'?" Kenzi asked as she walked over to the table and leaned over the counter on her elbows.

"Hm, just some soup, I figured you needed something healthier than beer and greasy pizza once in a while," Lauren shrugged. She cut up cabbages and potatoes as Kenzi watched.


"Why, what?"

"Why do you need to change our menu? Take-out is fine," Kenzi said.

"I'm not changing your take-out diet, Kenzi, I'm just making something different. If you still want to eat pizza, go ahead," Lauren said reasonably. "I'm just making more options available to you."

"Hm, whatever," Kenzi shrugged. "I'm gonna take a nap upstairs."

Lauren rolled her eyes but continued her job of cutting up the vegetables with practiced skill. Her relationship with Kenzi was still prickly at best but they sometimes managed not to butt heads too much. They had one common interest that bound them together, after all: Bo.

As much as Kenzi wanted to resent the doctor and as much as Lauren wants to tell Kenzi off, they both knew how important the other was to Bo. And since Bo was important to each woman, they have an understanding not to play tug-of-war with the succubus because Bo wasn't known for making distinctive choices.

By the time Kenzi trudged back down the stairs, the house smelled heavenly and her mouth was watering.

"Is that," she asked with a quivering voice, "Borscht?"

Lauren nodded and pushed a steaming bowl in Kenzi's direction.

She scooped up a spoonful and was about to put it in her mouth, but stopped. "What are you up to?"

"What do you mean?" Lauren asked clearly puzzled. She wanted to see Kenzi's reaction to the recipe she wanted to try. There really wasn't anything more to it.

Okay, fine, she wanted to win over Bo's best friend.

It would certainly make things easier between all of them if Kenzi and Lauren got along. Food seemed to appease the younger girl more than anything and Lauren knew a thing or two about cooking so the doctor chose that route. What was that saying? 'The way into a rabid territorial best friend's heart is through her bottomless pit of a stomach?'

Kenzi looked at the older woman suspiciously but took a bite. And then moaned and had another spoonful. "This is so good!"

Lauren smiled, pleased. "Really?"

"Tastes like borscht from old country," Kenzi said with an exaggerated Russian accent. "Got any bread?"

Lauren passed her a basket of bread. Kenzi grabbed a small lump and tore into it like a starved hobo.

"Shit, dude, did you effing bake these yourself?" Kenzi asked, eyes wide, mouth full.

Lauren nodded.

"Is there nothing you can't do?" Kenzi asked rhetorically with a happy groan. She slurped her soup and ate her bread. It was like heaven. It tasted exactly like how her Babushka used to make. "It's like the taste of the food you make makes up for blandness of your personality."

"I'm gonna go wake up Tamsin and pretend I didn't hear that last sentence," Lauren dryly.

She leaned over the couch and gently rubbed the sleeping blonde's shoulder. "Tamsin."

The Valkyrie was a temporary settler of Bo's couch. After the shit that went down, Bo decided that she still owed the jaded blonde for taking a bullet for her. In all the chaos, nobody could prove what the Valkyrie had done even though investigations were definitely still on-going. Nobody but Bo and Tamsin knew what Tamsin's original purpose was and Bo could see that Tamsin was trying very hard not to be a bitch. And, Tamsin, for her part, begrudgingly had to accept that Bo was very much real as real can get.

Either way, Bo's couch was a step up from living in a truck and for that she was thankful.

The platinum blonde opened her eyes quickly and scowled, "What?"

"I thought that you might be hungry," Lauren said calmly, "And it's time for your medication."

Tamsin sat up with a groan, covering her bandaged side. She winced and held out her hand for the pills.

"No," Lauren said, "You have to have something to eat before I can give you anything for the pain."

"Fine," Tamsin said morosely.

Lauren walked to the kitchen and retrieved a bowl of soup and some bread for the Valkyrie.

"Why are you being so nice?" the Valkyrie gripped. "I know you hate me."

Lauren took a deep breath, "My personal feelings… can wait. You need to heal." She handed the Valkyrie the bowl and encouraged her to eat. "Eat."

Tamsin sighed and started eating. She met Lauren's eyes and gave a reluctant smile, "Thanks."

Lauren nodded and stood up, wiping her hands on her jeans. At least, Tamsin was less of a trouble-maker than Vex. Lauren shook her head and smiled, wondering what the Mesmer was up to. She had enjoyed the punch she once threw him. She knew he was also long overdue for a check-up.

Bo had a way of "collecting" people. Somehow she always managed to shatter people's preconceived notions about her, challenging their own beliefs and notions in the process. After seeing see how strong and beautiful, she was inside and out, it was natural that they were then drawn to the virtuous succubus.

Lauren loved that about her. She always saw the good in people.

The door opened again and this time it was Aife with Bo holding her hand. They weren't sure about the traumas the woman endured under Taft's "care" and were slowly working with other fae doctors to at least restore some of her lucidity and strength. Bo's constant presence seemed to reassure the older, confused succubus and Lauren was personally monitoring her progress closely.

"Hey, everybody," Bo greeted with a smile. She helped Aife take a seat by the kitchen island before giving Lauren a kiss.

"This smells good," Aife said as Lauren served her a helping. "I like you."

"Thank you, Aife," Lauren said, inwardly pleased, "Just tell me if you need anything, okay?"

"So, Mama, what have you been up today?" Kenzi asked the older succubus who smiled absently at her.

There was another knock on the door, this time it was Dyson.

"Just here to pick up Aife," Dyson said gruffly. He threw a quick glance at his recovering partner on the couch. Tamsin scowled but nodded her head in greeting.

Aife had been taken into Light custody but seeing as she wasn't mentally fit to face her charges, they were first working on making her better. The Elders had allowed Bo some leniency, Aife could leave the Light compound under certain conditions but would be closely monitored and tracked. Naturally, Dyson was assigned to the job.

"Why don't you have a bite to eat before you go?" Bo asked.

The wolf nodded eagerly, the food's smell had his stomach growling.

"Do you like it?" Kenzi asked with a wide grin.

Dyson nodded, taking another bite.

"Lauren made it," the spunky girl added with an evil smirk.

A thousand years as a warrior stopped Dyson from spitting out the food. It didn't, however, stop him from scowling.

"This is pretty good," Dyson said to his blonde rival. It was the truth. It just tasted bitter when he said it.

Lauren nodded at him levelly. While there was a truce between them, it was still a little difficult to adjust trying to one-up the other. Dyson was also still annoyed with Lauren for running off and Lauren still resented Dyson for being an ass.

Thankfully, Bo stepped in, placing an arm around Lauren and giving her a kiss on the cheek. "My domestic goddess," she beamed.

"You are so good at taking care of everybody," Bo said, giving Lauren a lingering kiss. It made Lauren's toes curl as she pulled Bo to her body as she finished fixing up the mess in the kitchen.

"Well," Lauren shrugged and cleared her throat. She felt shy of the compliment.

"What do you say about me taking care of you now?" Bo asked, sliding her hands to the small of Lauren's back. "I ran us a bubble bath."

"Oh, yes, please," Lauren whimpered. Her entire body was screaming for a massage.

"Babe," Bo started, absently soaping Lauren's arms.


"I've been thinking…"

"Yeah, Bo?" Lauren turned slightly to face the hesitant succubus.

"I was thinking of moving into a bigger place," Bo said.

"Oh?" Lauren said, trying to coax the words out of the succubus, "Did you talk about this with Kenzi?"

"She doesn't know yet but with Tamsin sleeping on the couch and my mom coming over a lot, I thought we could use the extra space," Bo shrugged.

"That does sound logical, and I know first hand how drafty and cold this place is in the winter," Lauren replied. "Not to mention, the dust and the asbestos.."

"I was wondering…" Bo continued unsurely.

"…Wondering?" Lauren encouraged.

"I was wondering if you'd like to move in with us," Bo said. "When we get a better place."

Lauren remained quiet for the longest time.

Bo began to panic and backpedal, "I mean, don't feel pressured or anything. I know you like having your own space when you're working and I know Kenzi and I can be a nuisance. Add Tamsin in the mix and..." Bo shrugged.

"Okay," Lauren said and smiled.

"Okay?" A slow, giddy smile began to form on Bo's face.

"Okay, Bo, I'll move in with you."

And later, when she rested back against Bo's bubbly bossom, Lauren thought that having to put up with Bo's cranky temporary housemates, a possessive best friend, and an even more possessive ex-boyfriend was worth it.

A/N: I will just post chapters randomly until I quit but this will be posted as complete as each chapter, though somewhat related, can stand on its own. 3

See you soon!