It was two years later, and Darcy couldn't believe where everything had taken her. Things hadn't been all gumdrops and lollipops after she returned from Malibu. Her and Loki had a lot of issues to deal with. Everything from the fact that Loki had destroyed New York and caused the deaths of so many, to the fact that Darcy had left with the intention of getting together with Clint that night. But they both dealt with those issues and came out better for it.
Clint was another matter all together. For the longest time after they returned he had made himself scarce around the Tower, Darcy had even heard from Tony that he had been thinking about moving out. It had been Pepper and Jane's quick thinking and offer as babysitters for Carli that kept him there in the end.
It hurt Darcy that she had hurt him so much, and even to this day she felt the loss of what might have been. She was happy with her life, so very in love with Loki, but yet she did often wonder what would have happened if she had fallen in love with him.
Darcy smiled, over the past six months things had finally turned around for Clint. Fury had sent him on a mission to protect a woman that SHIELD wanted for an asset. She had….certain skills that Fury wanted. Unfortunately he wasn't the only one and Clint had been sent. Sometimes Darcy thought that Fury had a bit of matchmaker in him as a couple of months later Clint returned from his mission with Dyanna Carr, SHIELD's newest asset and Clint's new girlfriend.
Darcy liked Dy, the woman was older than her at thirty-one years, but she was sweet. And she knew how to deal with Clint's shit, and never failed to call him out on it. But the ultimate test was Carli. Dy and Carli got on like white on rice. Darcy really didn't think it would be long before Clint put a ring on her finger and a child in her belly.
As for what happened with Loki and SHIELD. At first he hadn't wanted anything to do with Fury, partly out of the awkwardness of it and partly because Loki had found out about Fury's plan. In the end, after months of waking up screaming from nightmares and the memories of the children in the hospital, Loki contacted Fury with his decision to help.
Though it also could have been because of a new over the top villain that had tried to take over New York, and had threatened both Darcy and Jane when they had been out shopping one afternoon.
Nevertheless, Darcy was under no illusions that since Loki had turned over a new leaf and had kicked the evil habit, that he had also stopped his trickster ways. The guy had to have at least one vice.
Of course allowing that vice had caused an all out prank war between him and Tony. They were still cleaning up the Tower several months after a truce was called.
Darcy breathed in the clean air around her. No, life might not have been rainbow puppies from the get go, but life now was sure close to it. And just to add to it was the fact that she was in Asgard.
A month ago The Warriors Three had shown up at the Tower to inform Thor and Loki that their presence was required, and that the Queen and requested they bring their Ladies with them.
Darcy had been shocked and yet pleased that Loki had been included in the invite and not as a side note. It had taken awhile, but once everything was settled with SHIELD the four of them had set out for Asgard.
They had been there for a week, and Darcy still couldn't believe it. It was a beautiful place, and Frigga, as the Queen had requested they call her, was the sweetest woman she had ever met. Odin on the other hand. She could easily see why Loki had problems with him. The man was insufferable! He was kind enough to them, but he had not really taken to his sons dating mortal women.
Thor had been in a constant fight with him since the day after they arrived. Both Thor and Loki had made their intentions to marry her and Jane known and Odin had refused. Frigga had just shook her head, gave Loki a look and left the room with an elegant huff.
Even from the garden in which Darcy now sat, she could hear as Odin and Thor argued over their right to marry whom they so choose.
A tap on her shoulder caused Darcy to turn around. Loki stood behind her, smile spread from ear to ear. He had been up to something.
"What did you do?" Darcy couldn't help the resigned note to her voice, she knew it wouldn't take him long before he got into mischief. She just hoped it wouldn't end up with him stitched up or something.
"What did I do? My Dear, it is as if you don't have any faith in me. A poor trait in my future bride indeed." Loki tsked and Darcy couldn't help but laugh. Even when he was being naughty she loved him, especially when he was naughty actually.
"Loki, really, you didn't do anything to Odin's eye patch again have you?" He shook his head and came to sit down beside her, his hands behind his back. She raised a brow and tried to look behind him, but he just kept turning so she couldn't make out anything.
"Come on, what is behind your back?" Loki laughed and leaned in enough to whisper into her ear.
"Guess." She giggled and shook her head. He was incorrigible.
"Loki!" He winked at her and settled in closer.
"Alright, ruin the fun. Still, you remember how Odin said that we couldn't marry you two because you're not immortal?" How could she forget? The man had actually said mortal like one would say puppy or kitten.
"Yes….." The smile on Loki's face became an evil little smirk as he pulled the object from behind his back and placed it in front of her face.
"Well, we will just have to make you immortal then." Darcy's eyes widened as she took in the large golden apple. Closer and closer he brought the fruit to her lips until they rested against her mouth.
Darcy looked over and saw the worry and doubt in his eyes and she didn't hesitate to open her mouth and bite into the juicy flesh.
"Forever and a day, my Love." Darcy's answer was to take another bite and another until nothing but the core was left. Loki reached behind him and pulled out another apple and nodded toward Jane a few yards away. Darcy's smile grew as large as his as she pulled him up and ran for Jane.
Sometimes his mischief paid off in big ways.
Author's Note: Gah, I can't believe I've finished it….ok, the main story at least. I have some missing scenes and future takes still.
Well, so ends my first Loki/Darcy. For those who wish to read more of my stuff, I do have another Loki/Darcy out "The Midsummer Lover" a humorous story based off of A Midsummer Night's Dream, it includes naked poetry! ;) Anyway, I will also soon have out another Loki/Darcy, it will be romance/drama/and a lot more fantasy. And I think of my non-Loki stories I'm going to put out the Darcy/Clint Romance/horror/thriller one.
Anyway, I'm off to do some more writing!
All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.