Hey! So I've never written a funny fic before, but this one is just that! A light break from "The Necklace" that gives me my ObiTine fix :D It's just for laughs! Hope you like!

"So this was my plan - we throw him a surprise party!"

The pair looked to Satine in disbelief before they burst out laughing. The Duchess, however stubborn and determined she may be, scowled at them in disapproval.

"What?!" Satine said over the laughter, "It's not a bad idea!"

"No it's not, Satine. The idea itself seems rather practical and entertaining," Qui-Gon Jinn consoled the young woman sitting upon her throne gently, wiping tears from his eyes.

Tahl, who stood beside him in the grand throne room of the palace, couldn't help but chuckle along. "Master Jinn is right, you have the idea. But we all know how well that plan will work."

"Obi-Wan can't be surprised. He's unsurprisable."

"Liars." Satine folded her arms, "Anyone can be surprised -"

"Anyone but Obi!"

They both burst out laughing despite Satine's audible "humph!" of disagreement. What was a young Duchess to do? All she desired was to make the young Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi feel special on his birthday. He was always so melancholy, so boring - she wanted to do something fun for him, break him out of his stuffy shell! After all, whether she admitted or not, Satine did love him. She loved him and wanted this for him.

The Duchess sighed in upset, watching the two Jedi before her still laughing like a bunch of drunken Tatooinians. Of course they teased her. She knew that it would be difficult, but she was determined. I'll show them. Anyone can be surprised. Even my Obi.

"Well Masters, I thank you for your opinion on the matter." Satine stood and faked a smile, "I'll summon you if I need any further assistance."

Qui-Gon wrinkled his brows, "Wait, are you going to go through with this? Surely you're kidding!"

"It's a hopeless waste of time Satine," Tahl said bluntly, "You can't do it."

The Duchess smiled truly then, "Oh yes I can. And for that, I will."

The guards escorted them out, giving them each a donut for their time. Satine still smirked as she watched them go. She would show them.

After all, she thought, when a Duchess puts her mind to something, it gets done.