Chapter 1
Hiccup POV
"Uh, 'scuse me, sorry, uh, I guess I'll just scoot on through here...Hey, watch it buddy, that was my-never mind," This was Henry Haddock's usual dialogue as he made his way through Berk High School. It was a dingy overcrowded hub for pubescent teenagers with attitude problems. He was of the shortest of the ninth graders, which made him an easy target for those who thought he made wonderful locker interior. This awkward catchphrase was of the very few that he would say throughout the day.
His petite build and tendency to knock things over had earned him the affectionate nickname of "Hiccup," which he had given up on trying to change. Hiccup approached the fork in the hallway where everyone usually decided was a great place to stop and chat, and his heart instantly dropped down to his stomach.
There stood Jack Frost, the head swimmer on the school's team. He wore a blue hoodie, brown skinny pants, and black converse, his nearly bleach blonde hair swept slightly to the side and a stupid smirk on his face. His clear-as-glass blue eyes glittered as if he were looking at fresh meat.
Accompanying him was his two lackeys, the names of which Hiccup didn't know. They were always just there. They were too dense and flat faced to be on the swim team.
Hiccup put his head down, clutching his books. He prayed he wouldn't be seen and hardly looked anywhere, his auburn fringe swayed as he passed. Hiccup didn't really like him. Jack intimidated him. He was a senior, and a common topic among the girls and a few of the boys. Hiccup had almost been clear of the intimidating trio when a fat foot shot out of nowhere, Hiccup tripped, and fell to the floor with a yelp.
So close he thought bitterly.
"Oh no," said one of Jack's bread loafs; "I think you've dented the floor, Hic."
"Not likely," Hiccup said, recollecting his things. As Hiccup turned to glare at them all, he noticed a look of anguish on Jack's face. He thought perhaps he was just having period cramps.
Hiccup sighed as he sat down in wood shop. The familiar senses eased him only slightly as he watched the other students trickle from the crowd and sneeze at the dust in the air. Despite the fact that they probably all thought he was a loser, Hiccup always said bless you, just out of sheer habit and his polite demeanor.
By the end of class, Hiccup had finished his bird house.
"Nice one, Henry," Mr. Gobber said upon laying eyes on Hiccup's work;
"How you're able to create a two week long assignment in less than one class will forever be a mystery."
"I've been told I'm very handy." Hiccup only realized what he said when Gobber gave him an odd look; "Oh, I don't mean I-"
"Whatever you say, boy," Gobber sneered, trudging away on flat feet.
With a sigh Hiccup sat and looked at his bird house, no longer admiring it but simply looking at it because because of it, he would have nothing to do for the next couple weeks.
There was a collective gasp and then a silence fell over the room.
Hiccup didn't know if he was more surprised or outraged at the sight of
Jack standing at the threshold; He looked like he wanted to disappear, and for once, Hiccup could understand how he was feeling. As the chatter resumed, Hiccup went back to staring at his masterpiece and tried not to be noticed (he didn't think it would be too hard).
He felt the table shift to the opposite. He looked up to find Jack smirking at him behind a draping hood.
"Hi," he said; "I'm Jack." Hiccup chuckled sarcastically at Jack's audacity.
"I met you on my trip." he said.
A blush bloomed on Jack's fair-skinned face, but he said nothing.
"I'm in this class now," Jack went on, after a moment had passed; "I've been assigned as your partner."
"I figured," Hiccup said. Jack smirked, but again, didn't say anything, twirling the little wind mill adorning Hiccup's birdhouse. Hiccup moved it from him.
"Look, Jack," he said crossly; "I'm not in the mood to deal with you, okay? So find another partner."
"I'm afraid that's out of my control." Hiccup could see Jack's temper flaring; "What have I ever done to you?"
"It's what you haven't done." Jack stood then, glaring down at Hiccup.
"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked angrily.
"Why don't you ask your little gang?" Hiccup said, rising to meet him.
Then, making it quite apparent that he wasn't taking anyone's crap, Jack punched him.
Hiccup felt a sting in his cheek and his fingers came back red. This sparked his undying rage to such and extent that he didn't want to be passive anymore; With a growl Hiccup let his small fist fly, thinking if he could get Jack in his stupid blue eyes he might have a chance of taking him down. Before he could, though, Mr. Gobber had them both by the collar, carrying them out and down the hall. The students looked at them with disbelief.
"My face freaking hurts," Hiccup mumbled.
"It's killing me." Jack replied.
Gobber snapped, "Both of you, quiet."