AN: Sorry for the lack of update on this story. This one wasn't speaking to me for quite some time and then a whole lot of real life got in the way of my writing. I hope that you enjoy this update and keep coming back for more

Here we go…

The Warlock's Bride Ch. 1

"Good morning Miss Anne."

Anne Redferne, daughter of the famous witch hunter Giles Redferne, gave a small smile as she waved to Charles the blacksmith. He was one of the few people in the village that didn't treat her with contempt and always gave her and her family a fair price for his services. Anne wished it was the same at all the shops but her appearance, coupled with the rumors surrounding her parent's union, gave people in the village reason to dislike her and her family. At least until they need needed her father's skills to keep the village safe.

Anne didn't understand what was so odd about the way she looked. Her long black hair with copper streaks was merely a combination of her parent's hair colors. She had her mother's green eyes, which was odd, but not that odd. Anne truly believed that the village's petty hatred of her and her family was due to the 'suspicious' way her parents came to be married and her own birth. According to her father, whom she never believed to be a liar, her mother had come to the future after he had been dragged there by a Warlock's spell.

Kassandra, her mother, had fallen in love with Giles in the short time he had been in her time and had searched for a way to join him in his time period. Luckily, she had found such a way and left her life to join Giles. So when she had appeared in the village searching for Giles, the village had been shocked. They wanted to know who she was and why she was searching for the witch hunter. Giles and Kassandra easily came up with a believable story and were soon wed. Still, the village was uneasy around Redferne's mysterious wife. So it didn't help matters when their firstborn, Anne, was born early and even worse, was born on All Hallow's Eve. The worst day to be born according to the Church, and the most suspicious.

Since the day of her birth, Anne and her family had been treated with polite disdain and veiled suspicions. So when Anne decided to pursue a path in the healing arts, she did it quietly and in secret. While a midwife was respected, an herb healer was not respected as much. It was too close to witchcraft as far as the Church was concerned. Luckily, the village's current midwife, Goody Moira Maxwell, was of both professions and eager to take on an apprentice. So as far as the village knew, Anne Redferne was becoming a midwife and nothing more.

So when she walked into the market and started grabbing bottles of opium, rag bundles and other medicinal supplies, no one gave her a second glance. Anne was trying to be quick since she still had to put the stuff away in Goody Maxwell's pantry before doing her herb collecting for the day. That, an she didn't want to get held up by the gossiping wives of the village Elders. She was trying to reach the huge bottle of Syrup of Poppy, cursing her short stature under her breath, when a hand reached over her, grabbed it and held it out to her.

Anne put it in with the rest of her purchases before turning to her 'savior' to thank him. The words died in her throat as she gazed upon him. The man before her was definitely new to the village as she had never seen him before. He was tall, his black boots not adding much to his height. His clothing was expensive, the soft blue shirt he wore would feed a village family for at least a year. He was fit, the clothing he wore molded to his body but not uncomfortably so. Anne moved her eyes from his body to his face. His long black hair was pulled back and piercing blue eyes flecked with silver and onyx stared back at her. As it was with most men, he wasn't clean shaven, but this man kept his face hair cut close to his face and neat. All in all, he was a very good-looking gentleman.

Anne shook herself out of her staring and said, "Thank you Sir. I do wish they kept this closer to the ground." The strange man chuckled as he said, "Indeed, it would make things easier for some. But then I wouldn't have been able to help such a beautiful woman. I am happy to be of assistance Goody…?" Anne blushed as she said, "It's Miss actually. Miss Anne Redferne and I thank you again Master…?" "Master Hathorne, but you may call me Erik if you wish Miss Anne." Anne blushed again as she asked, "Are you new to the village Master Hathorne? I do not believe I have seen you before."

Master Hathorne, slightly unhappy with her continued propriety said, "Indeed I am. I recently discovered that I inherited the old Remington estate and decided to repair it and take residence. Do you know of the property?" Anne nodded as they walked to the front and as she placed her purchases on the counter to pay she said, "Indeed. The midwife I'm apprenticing with has a cottage on the same lane. I always wondered if anyone would take possession. It is one of those estates that shouldn't remain empty of you know what I mean."

Their conversation was interrupted as the shopkeeper's wife said, "Master Hathorne, your wagon has been loaded up and is ready to go." She gave Anne a slight glare as she rang up her purchases, which made Anne merely roll her eyes. As if her presence was going to make Master Hathorne not return to the market. Anne gathered her supplies and walked away, Master Hathorne walking out right beside her. He had seen the look given to Anne, so she wasn't surprised when he asked, "What was that all about?" Anne sighed before saying, "To cut a long story short, the village 'fears' me because I happened to be born on the wrong day of the year. So I get odd looks and whispers whenever I come into Town."

Master Hathorne nodded before asking, "Do you require transportation to Goody Maxwell's cottage? Since I am heading back to my home, it would be easy for me to take you. It would also be my pleasure since I have enjoyed your company Miss Anne." Anne blushed and was about to kindly reject his offer when suddenly the sky darkened and rain began pouring down, drenching the ground and passersby in a matter of minutes. Dreading even the thought of walking to the cottage in that, Anne turned to Master Hathorne and said, "I will gladly take you up on that offer. Lead the way."

Hathorne smirked slightly before leading her to a rather large covered wagon. The seat itself was even covered, which would shield Anne and Hathorne from a majority of the rain. Hathorne helped Anne seat herself before sitting next to her, taking the reins and setting out to the cottage. The rain seemed to get worse as they left Town, causing Hathorne to set a slow pace and even making him stop completely when he couldn't see.

At one of their longer stopping points, Hathorne asked, "Miss Anne, what was the date of your birth?" Anne sighed and said, "I was born on All Hallow's Eve, a full month before I was expected to be born. Why do you ask?" Hathorne shook his head and said, "It amazes me that the people here hold to the foolish superstitious beliefs of the old world. Just because you were born on that day doesn't mean you're a witch or anything of that nature. You didn't choose the day you were born." Anne sighed and said, "I wish the village and the Elders saw it that way."

Not long after that, they safely made it to Goody Maxwell's cottage. Hathorne helped Anne down from the wagon and carried her purchases to the door. As he turned to leave, Hathorne asked, "Miss Anne, I know we just met and it may seem forward of me, but could I call on you?" Anne blushed and was silent for a few minutes before saying, "I would like that…Erik. My father will need to meet you first. He is free around mid-morning tomorrow."

Erik took her hand in his, kissed her palm and said, "Until tomorrow then. Stay safe and warm." He ran back to his wagon and slowly made his way up the lane to Remington Manor. He waved when he reached the house and Anne waved back before going inside. Anne placed her supplies on the table, removed her cloak and asked, "Moira, are you here?" Getting no reply, Anne shrugged and went to the enclosed herb garden to do her gathering for the day. It was quite a bit since she hadn't been able to do it the previous day. Just as she plucked the last herb, a soft voice behind her asked, "So, you have an admirer?"

Anne blushed and said, "I don't know about that Moira. He just offered me a lift her because of the rain. He was just being kind, which is rare enough in the village." Moira laughed softly before turning and saying, "Bring those herbs to the drying room when you're finished. I have a few orders that need doing and I want to see what you've learned." Anne nodded and plucked the last herb before standing, taking her basket and walking back inside.

Removing her gardening apron, she took the herbs to the drying room and began preparing them for storage. As she cut and stored, Anne thought about Master Hathorne. He seemed kind and thoughtful, but there was something mysterious about him. A darkness surrounded him, but not in a way that frightened her. It actually made her want to know more about him. Suppose it was a good thing she had accepted his request to call on her. Anne just hoped her father wouldn't refuse Master Hathorne.

Anne finished storing the herbs and then worked on the orders for medicine Moira had waiting to be mixed. As she worked, Anne felt Moira watching and observing how she did things. When she finished the last order, Moira said, "Good work. Now go and sit in the kitchen. We have to discuss a few things before you head home." Anne nodded and put the orders in the delivery basket before scrubbing her hands and going into the kitchen.

Moira was already seated, two cups of tea sitting in front of her. Anne took the seat across from her, took a sip of tea and asked, "What's wrong Moira?" The old woman sighed before saying, "You know my true calling and I have taught you. You know how to protect, defend and heal using that knowledge. Anne, I have Seen a darkness around your future. It is mysterious and the source is Hidden from me. So be on your guard and wear this always." She pushed a velvet pouch towards Anne."

Anne opened the pouch to find a Triple Moon Goddess pendant on a strong silver chain. The pendant was small and could easily be hidden under her clothes. She slipped the amber pendant over her head and tucked it under her collar before saying, "Thank you and I promise to wear it." Moira nodded and said, "There is nothing more to teach you. I gift you this as you begin you own journey as a healer." She lifted a sage green box onto the table and opened it. Inside was a supply of herbs and other things Anne would need. Moira then placed two leather bound books on top of it saying, "One is full of my recipes, the second is blank. Use it to write your own or as a journal, the choice is yours. Also, I have sent sacks of seeds and some herbs to your father's home so you can begin your own garden."

Anne gathered her gifts and said, "I thank you for your gifts Goody Maxwell. I hope to make you proud." Moira smiled and said, "I have no doubt you will Anne. Now go on home. If I have need of you, I will send word." Anne put her gifts in her basket, put her cloak on and began to leave. As she went to the door, Moira said, "There is another gift for you in the barn. Look in the first stall on the left."

Curious, Anne walked out to the barn and looked in the stall Moira had suggested. Inside, saddled with new tack and saddle, stood Moira's horse Hermes. Hermes was one of three horses Moira owned. It was common knowledge that midwives and healers needed a horse to travel. Some even bred their own. To be gifted a horse was a great honor. Anne whispered a quick thanks to Moira before putting her things in the saddlebags, tying her basket to the saddle and getting on the horse.

Grateful she had adopted Moira's practice of wearing breeches under her dress, Anne easily rode Hermes out of the barn and down the road towards home.