Hello there, this is my first story. I hope you like it. I decided to make this because there aren't enough Adventure time High School fanfics out there.

Finn POV:

"Come on Finn, wake up!" I heard my brother Jake yell.

"What?!" I asked tiredly back.

"Hurry up!, we start school today remember?" he asked.

"Uhhg", was all I could say back.

I got washed up then threw on my blue t-shirt and blue jeans. Then I headed downstairs to the kitchen. I saw my brother standing their making toast. He was wearing long blue jeans and a orange t-shirt. His short orange hair was sort of spiked up almost like he had put in hair jell or something.

"Uhhg, why do we have to go to school", I asked sleepily.

"So we can get good jobs and make money as we get older", he said surprisingly mature.

"Fine", I responded getting some toast.

"Now hurry up so we can leave", he said to me.

"Ok-ok", I said to him grabbing my white bear hat and green backpack.

We started walking to school and after about 5 Minutes of walking, we made it to our friends PB and PG's house.

"Hey guys", I heard PB said, making my legs feel like Jell-O.

"Hey Bubblegum" Jake said using her middle name like most people.

"Where's Gumball?" he asked talking about her brother.

"He's getting his car ready" she said. While we were waiting I couldn't help but look at bubblegum. She was wearing a light pink t-shirt and a knee long slightly darker pink skirt and she had her long pink hair tied up in a ponytail behind her head.

After what seamed like an eternity, Gumball finally came out of their garage inside his car. He was wearing a pink t-shirt and pink shorts and his pink hair( I know there names are bubblegum and gumball but I still don't get why just about everything they own is pink) was cleanly cut right at his shoulders.

"Sorry it took so long guys, I was a little behind this morning" he said.

"It's cool" Jake exclaimed kind of board.

"Well, we better get going" Bubblegum said happily.