Hi guys this is my new story for Naruto and Hinata I hope you like it. I got a bit of help from voodooprincess1331 with like grammar and tips on how to make the story better so visit her story; she has done an amazing NaruHina story. You should definitely check it out! Anyway, hope you like it.
Hi my name is Naruto Uzumaki. Im a junior at the Konoha High School. The schools football team is blessed to have me on there team otherwise they would never win even though they dont notice my coolness but ill show them. I have awesome friends, but unfortunately not a girlfriend yet, but then again I'm not really looking at the moment; Sakura has already been taken by Sasuke, so I just gave up.
It was a sunny day when I was on my way to football practice, I usually do on a Wednesday after school. As I was walking through the gloomy halls I saw a girl surrounded by three guys. She seemed quite shy. She didn't look to be in trouble, so I shook it off and went to practice. I entered the sweaty and smelly changing rooms to get changed and headed out to the field. As I came out of the changing room i saw the huge green field. I breathed in, and the scent of freshly cut grass filled my nose. The sun beam down on me and I looked up at the blue sky I saw white fluffy clouds dotted around with a few birds flying above me. My eyes turned towards the sun and it blinded me a bit, so I turned my eyes toward the field and I noticed that the rest of the team was already there. I walked over to them on the soft grass, some were sitting down and some were standing talking.
"Hey guys."
I waved to everybody. Everyone smiled at me, except for the emo guy, Sasuke, who just glared at me. That guy really gets on my nerves; he is the most popular person in school and all the girls love him. What does he have that I don't?
"Hey, where's Kakashi? Isn't he supposed to be here by now?"
Kiba turned to look at me with disbelief in his eyes. "You should know by now that he is always late, Naruto. He may be the coach, but it seems he always has something better to do," he giggled a bit.
"Speak of the devil," Shikamaru said with a slight chuckle
Kakashi walked up to us all, as usual, with that pervy book of his in his hands with a cheeky sparkle in his eyes.
"Hey guys, sorry I'm late,"
Kakashi said with his usual innocent tone.
All the guys turned towards him and Kiba spoke up.
"Why are you always late, anyway?"
All the guys around me moved closer to Kakashi, waiting for the answer.
"Umm... well... That's not important right now. We need to practice,"
he said while scratching the back of his head. I saw a couple of the guys pout as they walked over to their usual positions.
"Naruto, try not to get in my way this time,"
Sasuke called over to me with his usual emotionless face. I just ignored him.
The whistle blew and I ran towards the ball the other team had grabbed it first, I saw the ball heading towards me and I got ready to tackle. I kicked my leg out for the ball and got the ball from Shikamaru who didn't seem to care and I began dribbling the ball towards the goal. The sun was shining on the white painted metal rim and it burned my eyes a bit when I looked at it. I noticed Choji running towards me and he tried to get the ball, but I managed to keep it away from him by pretending to go one way but going the other. I was near the goal and I kicked the white and black leather ball towards the goal. Kiba tried to stop it, but he went head first into the grass and the ball flew into the goal.
"Yeah! In your face Sasuke!"
He just huffed and turned away
"Good work, Naruto."
I smiled back at Kakashi. We all practiced for a little longer until we were all sweaty and hot. Most of the guys went home, as well as Kakashi, and I was left to clear up.
"Stupid Kakashi, leaving me to clear all the balls and cones up."
It took me about thirty minutes to clear up because the field was so huge; I had to go to each corner to get the balls because the guys had kicked them over there just to make my job harder. After I was finished, I went into the smelly and wet changing rooms and got changed back into my uniform which didn't smell too nice from being in the smelly lockers, so i sprayed it with my deodorant.
"Oh I need to go get my books!"
After putting my bag on my back I made my way down the blue halls and headed towards my locker thats when I saw a purple haired girl collapsed in the floor. I ran up to her to see her and lifted her up a bit i saw her face covered with blood and her eyes swollen
"Hey are you okay? ...Wake up!"
When she didn't wake up, I knew I had to take her to the hospital. I picked her up bridal style and ran as fast as I could to the entrance.
'Umm I cant really take her on my bike 'I thought.
So I knew I would have to run. It was a bitterly cold day so I took my jacket off and wrapped it around her, she already looked pale enough. I ran as fast as I could towards the hospital the cold air went right through me and sent shivers up and down my body, and then it began to rain a bit. The hospital is a mile away from the school and it felt like forever before we got there.
When I got to the hospital the warmth engulfed me and the smell of disinfectant filled my nose. I looked for the desk when I spotted it I ran to it on the shiny tile floors. "Help! She won't wake up and it looks like she's taken quite a beating!"
"Follow me."
I followed the nurse down the yellow bare hall into a private room where she told me to put her down on the bed. "Do you know her name?"
" It's Hinata Hyuga; she's in my homeroom."
"Look after her for a moment while I go get a doctor and call her family."
I nodded and turned my attention to the pale girl lying on the bed.
"I hope she'll be okay. I wonder what happened to her. Oh no, what if it was those boys I saw surrounding her, what if it's my fault that she's hurt?" I thought to myself i began to feel really guilty.
Her eyes began to open and she looked right into my blue eyes. I smiled at her, and her eyes widened, her face went red.
"Hey, are you okay, Hinata?"
She looked around and looked at me, completely puzzled.
"...N-naruto, w-where am I?"
"You're at the hospital. I found you collapsed on the floor at school. what happened?" There was a long silence, and we just looked at each other.
"Umm.. well s-some boys w-were surrounding me a-and I d-didn't do w-what they wanted so they b-beat me." My face grew angry and I think she noticed how annoyed I was.
"Those scum... I'll get them, I swear!"
I tried to calm down for her sake; I think she's been through enough. "How are you feeling, Hinata?"
"I think I'm okay."
She got her legs out of the bed and tried to stand up, but her legs gave out. She fell, but I quickly got behind her and grabbed her before she fell to the ground. She was warm and her long hair flew in my face, and it smelt sweet - it was one of those smells that you can't describe. I placed her back on the plain white bed.
"I'm going to go see where the doctor is. It's been at least a half an hour since that woman left." I smiled at her.
"Thank you for bringing me here."
I smiled at her. "You're welcome. It's not like I could have just left you on the floor to die."
She smiled and I realized that she actually looked kind of cute; I never really noticed before.
As I walked down the barren halls I saw Hinata's family in the waiting area. They saw me and motioned me over to them.
"Naruto, what are you doing here?" Neji Hyuga asked.
"I'm the one who brought your cousin here, Neji."
"Thanks, Uzumaki," Neji said with a slight bit of gratitude in his tone. A woman with the same coloured hair as Hinata walked up to me and gave me a hug, which caught me off guard.
"Thank you so much for bringing my daughter here."
She seemed so gentle and caring, and it made me feel warm inside. I noticed some bruises and cuts on her arm, but I didn't think much of it. I saw a grumpy man standing behind Hinata's mum, so I held my hand out to him
"Hi. I assume your Hinata's dad? Nice to meet you."
He glared at me with cold eyes. "Step dad," he said it so coldly it sent shivers down my spine. He never shook my hand, so I just awkwardly put it down to my side.
Neji pulled me over to the side.
"Don't mind him too much. He doesn't really like any guy that knows Hinata"
I instantly thought that it was the whole father not wanting to lose his daughter thing.
"Ah I get it, no worries," I said to Neji, who just looked at me with a hint of worry in his eyes. I just assumed he was worrying about his cousin.
"Don't worry; she's fine. I was just with her."
I just remembered why I left the room in the first place. "I have to go now, bye Neji!" I waved as I ran on the squeaky floor to the desk. I walked up to the same woman, who had blond hair and bright blue eyes.
"Hi, I was just wondering when the doctor was going to be seeing Hinata Hyuga?" She looked up at me from her computer with a forced smile.
"There should be a doctor on his way now, so just be patient."
I thought I should get back to Hinata so she wasn't alone in the cold room. I walked slowly through the yellow hall with a few nurses and doctors walking about. I knocked on the door that Hinata was in and I heard a quiet
"come in." I opened the door to see that Hinata had been cleaned up, but still had quite a few bruises on her face. I walked in and that same sweet smell had filled the room. I smiled at her as I walked up to her bed.
Hinatas POV
The boy who I've loved for years was now walking towards me with a huge grin on his face, his wonderfully blue eyes glistening as a ray of sun peaked through the curtains and hit his face. My heart raced faster with every step he took towards me, and I felt my face heat up as he knelt down next to my bed.
" The lady at the desk said a doctor should be here soon." he said with softness coating his voice.
"thank you N-Naruto,"
I choked a little while speaking and it made me even more nervous around him. He was about to say something, but a knock on the door interrupted. The door creaked open and I felt a gust of cool wind flow in and through my hair. I saw the doctor enter my room.
I hope he doesn't notice. I thought to myself
"How are you feeling, Hinata?"
The doctor asked. I just nodded my head - I'm not good with new people.
"Let me have a look at your wounds." He reached his hand out and gently grabbed my arm and examined it. "Your injuries are not serious, but some of these wounds are quite old; has this happened before?" I started to panic. I knew what they were from, but I couldn't tell him
"Oh those are just from when I fell a while back." I smiled in hope that he would believe me.
"Okay, I'll go get a nurse to patch you up and then you can go home."
I nodded and thanked the doctor. I heard a sigh come from Naruto. "You okay N-Naruto?" I asked, and he looked up at me with a huge grin on his face.
"Never better. I'm just glad you're okay." When he said that, I felt my face heat up and I looked down at my hands. I gasped as I felt some bigger hands surround my small ones. My eyes slowly made there way to Naruto, who was now holding my hands. He was blushing a bit, but still managed to smile at me.
Well hope you guys liked it I will try to update soon. Tell me what you thought. Give me some ideas as well thanks.