A/N: This is my first Blue Bloods FanFiction so please bear with me, it's mostly centred on Jamie and my OC but of course the Reagan family will crop up from time to time. I hope you enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I own nothing apart from my OC.

Jamie Reagan sighed after another long day on shift. Placing his badge upon his belt along with his service weapon he pulled on his jacket before closing is locker door.

"Reagan," Renzulli's voice filled the locker room as he came in and stood in the doorway, "what are you still doing here?"

"Just finishing up Sarge," Jamie replied with a slight smile.

"Go home kid, you look like crap," Renzulli said before leaving.

Jamie gave a small chuckle before leaving the precinct, his hands in his pocket as he walked down the street. His gaze looked around, the streets still busy as always. He was taken out of his thoughts as his phone began ringing.

"Reagan," he said into the phone.

"Did you forget what day it is today?" his brother said.

"Why? What-" Jamie sighed pinching the bridge of his nose, "its Jack's birthday party."

"Yeah it is kid so where the hell are you?"

"Listen I'm coming alright," he said hearing some commotion down the street, "I'll. . ."

He trailed off, his eyes looking to the shop on the end of the street where the shouting was coming from and instinct made him walk towards it.

"Kid? Jamie? You there?"

"Yeah look I'm going to be late, I've got to go Danny," and with that he shut the phone on his brother before running towards the shop. He watched as two masked men exited the shop, holding a bag as they ran down the street.

"Hey get back here!" shouted another man, most likely the shop keeper as he ran out the shop.

Jamie ran past him, running after the two perps down the street.

"NYPD! Get back here!" he shouted to them as he jumped over the bin barrel they chucked back at him. They carried on running stumbling as they emerged into a busier street. Jamie dodged people the best he could, muttering apologies as he occasionally bumped into people. It wasn't until he saw one of the perps grab a civilian he stopped looking at them.

"Hey," Jamie said cautiously as he held his hands up in peace, "just let her go."

He looked to the young brunette, her blue eyes standing out in fear.

"Have her!" they shouted throwing the woman forward before running off.

Jamie moved forward, his hands coming around her waist as he held her up to stop her from walking.

"Hey!" Jamie sighed looking to perps who were now out of distance.

"I'm sorry."

He looked down to the sound of the young woman who frowned at him.

"There's nothing to be sorry for ma'am," he said with a small smile.

"You could've got them if it wasn't for me," she replied.

"Don't worry, perps like them don't get away for long, they'll be found," he said reassuring her.

She smiled looking at him, a silence for a split second between the two of them before she pulled away, standing on her own two feet as she straightened out her coat.

"Well I didn't expect this happen when I woke up this morning," she said with a nervous chuckle as she looked back to him.

He smiled, "Something to tell your friends," he said shrugging.

She laughed, her eyes glinting slightly as she did, "Oh if I was still in High School, yes I would but now I'll go home and tell my pet cat all about how a lovely officer saved me."

"I can imagine the cat will find it a good story," Jamie said laughing as he put his hands into his jean pockets.

She smiled, "Yes however what name shall I give this officer who saved me?"

"Jamie, Jamie Reagan," he replied smiling.

"Madison Lacy, but most people call me Maddy," she said with a smile.

Jamie was going to reply but the sound of his phone ringing interrupted the two.

"Sorry," he mumbled as he held the phone to his hear, "Reagan."

"Jamie goddamn Reagan, why did you put the phone down on me eh?"

"Danny I'm sorry, -I"

"I don't want to hear it kid, just get your ass home in time for him to cut the cake."

Jamie sighed as the next thing he heard was the dial tone.

"I'm sorry, I have to go," he said looking to Maddy.

She smiled, "it's fine, but maybe we could go out to lunch sometime or something, as a thank you of course," she quickly added.

Jamie shook his head, "No its fine, honestly, it's part of my job."

"Aw come on," she said playfully, "it's just lunch."

"I don't know," Jamie said looking at her as he chuckled.

She laughed as she handed him a card, "here's my number Officer Reagan, maybe when you do know you can call me."

He couldn't help but smile as he took it, "I might just do that."

"Good I'm glad," she said laughing, "now I best leave you to get where you need to go, goodnight Officer."

"Please call me Jamie."

She smiled, "Goodnight Jamie," she said before brushing past him just slightly before leaving.

He chuckled to himself, looking over his shoulder watching her go before remembering about Danny's phone call. Slipping her card into his pocket, he quickly began making his way home.

"Sorry I'm late," Jamie said slightly out of breath as he came in through the back into the kitchen.

He felt Danny's glare upon him as Linda smiled, "you're here now."

"Yeah," Jamie said as he walked over to Erin kissing her on the cheek, "hey sis, Danny," he said nodding to him.

"Enough with the looks, you can interrogate him later," Linda said as she finished lighting the last candle on the cake.

"We all set?" Danny asked as he stood in front of the cake.

"All set," Linda smiled.

"Careful," Erin muttered as she watched Danny pick up the cake.

"I do know," Danny replied with a duh tone as he turned around towards the living room giving his Dad a nod.

Frank Reagan smiled as he got up out of his seat and headed over towards the lights. He looked to see Sean and Jack playing with their great grandpa and Nikki before slowly turning the lights down.

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you," the family sang as they all followed behind Danny who placed the cake on the coffee table in front of Jack, "Happy Birthday dear Jack, Happy Birthday to you."

Jack's face was plastered with a grin as he blew out his candle earning cheers from his family.

"Happy Birthday son," Danny smiled as he ruffled his son's hair before placing kiss on his temple.

"Yeah Happy Birthday sweetie," Linda said also kissing him on the cheek.

"What did you wish for?" Jamie asked with a smile as he stood with his Dad and Erin.

"He can't tell you Uncle Jamie," Sean said matter-of-factly, "otherwise it doesn't come true."

"Yeah Uncle Jamie," Erin said laughing.

"Jeez now I know why none of my wishes came true," he replied earning a laugh from the family.

"So you going to tell me why you were so late?" Danny asked walking into the kitchen.

Jamie chuckled and shrugged as he finished washing the last of the cake plates, "I got held up."

"Oh yeah, by what?" Danny asked leaning against the counter with a beer in his hand.

"Or should we say by who?" Erin asked walking into the kitchen with a grin on her face.

Jamie turned around to see her with a card in her hand, Maddy's card.

"Hey, were you going through my jacket?" Jamie asked trying to change the subject.

"No," Erin replied, "I was simply moving it to the coat stand and this dropped out."

Danny grinned looking over to his sister, "Let me see," he said holding out his hand.

"No, wait," Jamie said trying to come between his siblings but failed as Danny gently pushed him away and took the card.

"Hm Madison Lacy, Marketing Manager eh?" Danny said toying with his brother as he gave him a grin.

"Yeah yeah, whatever she got in the way of two perps escaping-" Jamie began only to be interrupted by his brother.

"Aw and our very own knight in shining armour came to her rescue," he said grinning as he pointed to Jamie.

"Did you catch the perps?" Erin asked.

"No they got away," Jamie sighed.

"But hey on the plus side you got this chick's number," Danny said, "you going to call her?"

"I don't know," Jamie shrugged.

"You don't know?" Erin asked as if it was the most dumbest thing ever, "how can you not know?"

"She said we should have lunch or something as a thank you," Jamie explained.

"And?" Danny asked.

"And I told her I didn't know," Jamie said feeling his siblings eyes on him as he prepared himself for what they were about to say.

"You didn't know?" Erin asked in surprise.

"How this kid ever got girlfriends is beyond me," Danny said shaking his head.

"Was she nice?" Erin asked.

Jamie nodded, "yeah she was friendly."

"Was she good looking?" Danny asked.

"Was who good looking and should I be worried?" Linda asked raising as eyebrow as she walked into the kitchen.

Danny laughed giving her a brief kiss, "Nothing for you to worry about, but Jamie here is the one who should be worrying."

"Why?" Linda asked.

"Cus I'm going to set him up a date," Danny said with a smirk.

"Don't you dare," Jamie said realising the smirk on his brother's face, "give me the card."

Danny simply grinned, "Pop, where's the phone?" he called.

"Danny, just give me the card," Jamie said walking over to him only to see Danny run into the living room.

"Danny!" Jamie said hurrying after him.

"Boys eh?" Linda said laughing as she shook her head.

"Brothers," Erin corrected as she smiled.

A/N: So what did you think? Honesty is always the best policy :) Review please!