A/N: Final chapter
Five years later
Cristina's pager beeped. She was told to go the Nurses' station on the 3rd floor. That was strange, she thought. But who was she to question that? Cristina was just a lowly intern at Seattle Grace Hospital – the lowest in the pecking order of the surgical department. All her friends were either fellows or attendings. George had left to join the army and was still in the army as a trauma surgeon. Alex was a peds fellow, while Izzie was an ob/gyn fellow. They were married, now and had a baby boy. Meredith was a general surgery attending, though there was a time she had toyed with the idea of going into neurosurgery, like her husband. When she completed her residency in a couple of years, Cristina, too, would join them but she had to get through it.
The last few years had been tough ones for the Hunt family. With Cristina at medical school and Owen at a full-time job with odd hours, they had become reliant on a babysitter and a housekeeper to help them with child care and housekeeping. Irene did as much as she could to help them, too. She was always willing to take the children, whenever the babysitter was not available and Owen and Cristina needed some time for themselves. Those times were few and far-between because with four growing children, school and work, they had little time to concentrate on each other. Their relationship had become strained at times because they were both so tired and so busy. Yet, their marriage and family survived.
When Cristina finally graduated from the University of Washington, they both breathed a sigh of relief. But, they knew it was just the first step. Residency loomed for the next five years. They were so happy that they had such great support from the babysitter, the housekeeper and Irene. They knew without them, they wouldn't be able to make it. The children were all doing well and they were grateful for that.
Iris was now 12 and a junior in high school. Owen had worried tremendously when the school told them at the age of 10, that maybe Iris would be able to flourish in a normal high school. After all, she was only 10 at the time and would be entering high school with 14- and 15-year olds. Still, Iris was a brave girl and was doing well. She was, of course, the most academically advanced of all the children in her classes. At first, the other children treated her like an anomaly but they finally got used to the presence of the little girl, whose feet still did not touch the ground, when she sat down at her desk. Iris was so cute and funny that she charmed a lot of people. No one could mess with the little girl with the long, curly hair and green eyes.
Laurel was also proving to be quite smart. She was not a genius like Iris but she was very bright. She was now ten and had entered first grade at the age of five, plus skipping Grade 3. She was now in Grade 6 and enjoyed it, tremendously. Owen and Cristina knew it was important to encourage Laurel and not to compare to her to Iris. She was shyer, quieter and more reserved. She was also more sensitive than her older sister. She was greatly aware of how super-smart Iris was and it affected her, sometimes, when people made comparisons. Owen and Cristina were quick to point out all of Laurel's attributes to anyone, who made such unfair remarks. She knew she was greatly loved by her parents.
The boys, Payton and Parker, were six years old and were very mischievous. They often tried to fool their parents in pretending one was the other. They pulled this prank on the babysitter, the housekeeper, their parents and their first grade teachers. They were both full of life and very happy little boys. They sometimes visited their parents at the hospital and sometimes caused a little bit of chaos. Yet, everyone knew that the Hunt twins were harmless, while they pulled their pranks. The boys, both with curly dark hair, were favorites of everyone in the hospital.
Cristina ran to the nurses' station. Maybe it was an awesome case that she was being called for. Being an intern meant you have to scramble for cases, sometimes. There was so much competition. She did get cases from Owen in the ER department. She liked working with him. It probably wasn't the field that she wanted to specialize in, but it was good to work with her husband. He was an excellent teacher and she was so proud of him.
She was interested in cardio and her attending was Preston Burke. He really was arrogant, Cristina thought. Brilliant but arrogant. She wondered if he had something against her because she was the Chief of Surgery's wife. It was well known that Burke had wanted the job but Owen was the one who got it. Still, he grudgingly taught her in the OR. He could see her talent and her skill and that won him over any misgivings he had because she was the spouse of the Chief of Surgery.
When Cristina got to the nurses' station, she asked the nurse on duty, "You paged me? Cristina Yang?"
The nurse looked extremely puzzled. "Me? No. I didn't page you."
Cristina was puzzled. "It was me who paged you," she heard a familiar voice say.
"Dr Hunt?" she said, turning around and smiling.
"Yes, Dr. Hunt," Owen said. "Come along, I have an interesting case for you to see." She followed him but it looked like he was not going to a patient's room but rather an on-call room. He gently pushed her inside the room while he locked the door.
"Dr. Hunt!" she said in mock horror. "What are we doing here? Where is this interesting case that you promised me?"
"There is no interesting case. I am sexually harassing my intern," he said, with a laugh. "Who else am I going to sexually harass but you?" She put her arms around his neck and he bent down to kiss her. He guided her to the bed, where they both continued kissing feverishly.
"Dr. Hunt, you know you can be reported for this," she said, even as she moaned.
"Of course," he said. "But somehow, I don't think that you will, especially since I am the one you would have to report it to, Dr. Hunt."
"Ah, yes, so I guess I have no other choice but to allow you to sexually harass me," she said, as she untied his scrub bottoms.
"No, you don't," he said, as he slipped off his shirt and his pants. He helped her remove her light blue scrubs. "We're going to have to be quick. I have a meeting in about 40 minutes. "
"Oh, you are just going to use me and leave me, Dr. Hunt," she said, giggling.
"I am afraid so, Dr. Hunt, but I am going to give you the time of your life," he said, as he went down on her. She closed her eyes and just reveled in the bliss.
The two doctors emerged from the on-call room about 30 minutes later, a bit disheveled and still tying on their scrub pants. Cristina's hair looked like it needed a brush. "That was an excellent discussion on that case, Dr. Hunt," Owen said.
"I do concur, Dr. Hunt," she said. "See you later." The two headed in different directions, with Cristina bumping into Meredith, who gave her a critical once-over.
"Oh, my God, you have sex hair," she said. "Have you and the Chief been loving it up?"
"Yes," Cristina said, between tightened lips. "Please don't talk about it."
"Aw, don't worry about it. Interns have been sleeping with attending doctors, since time immemorial. That's how Derek and I got together," Meredith said, referring to her Head of Neurosurgery husband, Derek Shepherd. "By the way, I have been looking for you. I have put you on my service."
"So what do we have?" Cristina asked. She really wasn't into general surgery but it was the foundation of everything else.
"Gall bladder removal and appendix removal," Meredith said. "I know general surgery is not really your thing but you must learn it all and you can't try getting on Burke's service all of the time. You are an intern and you have to learn everything."
"I know," Cristina said. "I am not complaining. Burke is doing a heart transplant tomorrow. I hope to get in on that, tomorrow."
The next day, Cristina did indeed find herself on Burke's service. The tall, dark-skinned surgeon peered down at her from over his glasses. "So Hunt, you're on my service, today. You are going to see something really exciting."
"Yes, Dr. Burke," she said. "I have already looked at the OR schedule. Surgery is scheduled for 10 a.m. in OR 1."
"Yes, I like an intern who is prepared," he said. "So scrub in and be there."
"Yes, Dr. Burke," she said. As he walked away, she pumped her fist in the air and did a little slide dance.
"Dr. Hunt," her husband said from behind her. "Are you dancing in the hallways?"
"Yes, Chief," she said. "I got in to Burke's heart transplant today. Of course, I won't be doing much but I will be in there. Take that, my fellow plebe interns."
"I am glad that you're happy," he said. "I will pass in the viewing gallery and check how you're doing."
"I will be the intern with the eager face, hoping to get a chance in the game," she said. "Even all I do is hold a clamp, that's fine. I will be up close to all of the action."
As it turned out, Dr. Burke allowed Cristina to do more than just hold the clamp. He had been observing the intern on many previous surgeries and knew she could probably do more than the average intern. Owen was there watching Burke teach Cristina. He was very proud of her.
At the end of the surgery, Burke told her. "Amazing work there, Hunt," he said. "You're back on my service, tomorrow." Her heart almost burst with joy.
When Owen paged her for them to meet in their favorite on-call room, he told her that he had seen her in the OR and that he was proud of her. She then went on to a five minute monologue about everything that happened in the OR, while he undressed her. All he did was smile. He had never seen so excited before.
Finally, he spoke. "I am happy that you are happy. Burke is teaching you well. That's the most important thing. You have real talent, Cristina. For an intern, your skills are far advanced than your fellow interns. Maybe it is genetic from your dad. I am so very proud of you."
"Thank you," she said. "I can use my talented hands for other things, too." She gave him a wicked grin as she slipped her hand around his member and began stroking him to hardness.
"Yes, that is real talent," he said. It was his turn to close his eyes and enjoy the immense skills of his wife's talented hands.
Six years later
Cristina and Owen were the proudest parents, as they dropped off Iris in Cambridge, so she could start medical school at Harvard. Iris was now 18. She had entered college at 14 and had graduated earlier that year. She had been accepted at five other medical schools but she chose Harvard because it was where her papa had gone to school.
Cristina, Owen, Laurel, Parker and Payton had made the trip to Cambridge. Everyone did their best to help to get Iris settled in her new apartment. Well, almost everyone, the 12-year-old twins were busy exploring the apartment building.
"Don't get lost," Cristina warned. "Come back here in half-an-hour. We're going across to Harvard so your dad can reminisce about the days when he was young and had no children. Now, that he has children who are getting him grey." Owen laughed. His strawberry blonde hair now had streaks of grey in between. Cristina's hair was still as dark and as lush as ever.
Sixteen year old Laurel, who was going to be a high school senior, emptied the last box of books and placed them on the shelves. "I think that is it, Iris."
"Thanks, Laurel. It's so good that everyone came to see me off," Iris said. There were tears in her eyes as she said it. She was going to miss her family so much.
"Aww, baby," Cristina said, hugging her oldest child. It was Iris' first time, living away from home. Everyone came together and hugged Iris, all of them crying a bit.
The twins came back to see them in their emotional huddle and wondered why was everyone so mopey. The hug was broken off and they wiped away their tears.
"Okay, I guess we can go over to Harvard, now," Owen said, his voice still a little bit shaky. It was going to be so hard to say goodbye to his oldest child. He and Iris always had a special bond from since she was four years old. He remembered how hard he tried to get her in a school for the gifted, then. He had always wanted the best for her and he could not be prouder that she was attending the same medical school that he did.
The Hunt family left the apartment and drove across to Harvard. Owen pointed out all of the places he used to frequent on the campus. Cristina looked at him with so much love. He was the best thing that ever happened to a widowed soldier's wife, she thought. She loved him so much and could never imagine living without him.
Owen saw the look in his wife's face and returned the look of love. "Oh, no," Iris said. "They are getting all lovey-dovey about each other."
The twins groaned. Their parents could get really embarrassing sometimes. "Oh, shut up, kids. I love your mother so much," Owen said. He took his wife in his arms and gave her a smack on the lips.
"Not in front of everybody," Laurel said. She covered her eyes in mock horror. But in reality, she didn't really mind it. She loved that her parents loved each other so much.
"So now that we have been given the tour by your father, I guess we can get dinner and then, we will back to Seattle tonight," Cristina said. "As a Cardio fellow, I have a lot of things to do this week. So does your dad. He has a mountain of paperwork." Owen glumly nodded.
It was great night, as the whole family was together. Owen knew that in the years to come, it would just be him and Cristina, as the children headed off to college. He looked over at his wife. She caught his glance and they stared at each other. All of the noise in the restaurant just disappeared. He reached over and kissed her hand. It was just the two of them in their own little cocoon.
"I love you, Owen," she whispered.
"I love you more," he said.
The End
A/N So we have to come the end of Army Wife, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please leave your final reviews. Thank you very much.