Upon hearing the Butler, the three servants carefully walked into the kitchen. When they arrived, Sebastian was nowhere to be found. Instead, there were three cups of Ceylon Tea, three slices of Apple and Raisin Deep Dish Pie and three sets of silverware to greet them.

"T-This must be a trap, yes it is!" Mey-Rin told the others. "Why would Sebastian, of all people, make US dessert? Especially after all the trouble we cost him?"

"Maybe it isn't for us!" Finnian said. "Maybe this is for the Young Master and his company."

"Nonsense, the Young Master hasn't even woken up yet! The last thing Sebastian would give him is cake for breakfast. Besides, he DID call us down here. He also left THREE cups of tea, THREE slices of pie, and THREE sets of silverware. So it must be for us! I mean even if this were for the Young Master, Sebastian would've put the dishes on a silver platter and served it to him." Bard explained.

"You're right! The Young Master doesn't eat in the kitchen. It is pretty obvious that Sebastian wanted us to have it!" Mey-Rin concluded.

"Can't argue with logic! C'mon let's eat!" Finnian laughed.

They went toward the table and sat down on the stools. None of them made any sudden movement. An awkward silence filled the room suspicions, and doubts run through their thick skulls.

Bard's POV

"Maybe Sebastian poisoned this because we disturbed his works. Why else would he leave us this? I think I'll wait for Mey-Rin and Finny to eat theirs. If they haven't knocked on heaven's door, then I'll eat.

End of Bard's POV

Mey-Rin POV

"Oh my, this looks rather delicious, yes it does! But why isn't Bard eating his cake and drinking his tea? Is he not hungry? Maybe he is waiting for Finnian and me to eat first! Why isn't he a sneaky rascal, yes he is! He knows Sebastian did something to this food, and he want to confirm his suspicious by using Finnian and me as guinea pigs! Well, I will show him! I won't eat until HE eats!

End of Mey-Rin's POV

As Bard and Mey-Rin stared each other down, Finnian was eating the cake and drinking his tea while watching them. The sight of him eating made Bard and Mey-Rin gasp. They stared at him for two solid minutes.

Finnian's POV

"Why is everyone looking at me? Cake is cake and tea is tea. Besides, Sebastian made it so it must be safe!"

End of Finnian's POV

After Finny had finished his tea and cake, Bard walked over to him and began examining him.

"W-What are you doing?" Finny asked.

"Tell me, are ya seeing angels or demons? Bard opened Finny's eyes and started examining it. "C'mon, boy, speak to me!"

"I-I-I'm fine!" Finnian moved Bard's hand from his face. "Sebastian made this, why are you guys so concerned? Sebastian never made a bad meal or dessert since he been here. You guys should have faith in him! He's a good man!"

"Y-You're right! Well, Bard, let's eat!" Mey-Rin proclaimed.

The chef and the maid began eating their share as Finnian put his dishes in the sink. Bites after bites, the cakes were disappearing.

"Drinking Ceylon Tea with the pie sure is delicious!" The maid thought to herself.

Everyone finally finished their dessert and decided to thank the Butler by helping him out with the chores.

"I'll open one of the cooking books and create a fantastic dish for the Young Master that even Sebastian will be in awe!" Bard said.

"The manor will be sparkly and shining for the Young Master once I'm done with it, yes it will!" Mey-Rin said.

"And I'll weed the garden and bathe Pluto!" Finnian proclaimed.

The servants raise their fists in the air and cheered. Then they parted ways so they can get started on their work. Mey-Rin headed down the hall towards the supply closet, Finnian head towards the garden, and Bard stayed behind to wash the dishes and prepare for the Young Master's lunch.

(Story Shifts and Follows the Gardener)

Finnian decided to bathe Pluto first before he started on the weeds.


Before he could finish, the gardener's stomach started to hurt him. The gardener fell to his knees while holding his stomach. He thought it was just a fart so he pushed as hard as he can to let it out. However, no gas was let out. Instead, his vision started to get hazy. He fell backwards was knock unconscious. Pluto walked up to where the gardener once was and began to sniff the pile of clothing that replaced the gardener.

(Story shift and follows Mey-Rin)

Mey-Rin was humming while polishing the rails on the stairs when Sebastian appeared from the top.

"Mey-Rin," he called out as he was walking down the stairs, "what on earth are you doing?"

"I'm polishing the railing, yes I am!" Mey-Rin chimes.

The Butler wiped his index finger on the rail. He inspected his index finger and noticed that it was black instead of the glossy transparent wax. "You do know that is shoe polish and not wax, correct?"

"Huh?" Mey-Rin looked at the butler and then back at the railing. "OH MY GOODNESS, I WILL CLEAN THIS UP RIGHT AWAY, YES I WILL!"

Mey-Rin started running down the stairs towards the bucket of soap. She got on her knees and dipped the cleaning towel in the soapy water. She began to feel dizzy as she got back on her legs. When she looked at the bucket of water, it seems to keep moving away from her in circles. She tried to catch the bucket so she can finish her work. Unfortunately, she fainted while tipping over the bucket spilling all of its contents.

"Mey-Rin are you alright? Mey-Rin? MEY-RIN!" The butler hurried to assist the maid. However once he made it down the stairs, all he saw was a pile of Mey-Rin's clothes and water everywhere.

"What on earth is going on?" He asked as he searched her clothes to find some clues to where she went.

(Story shift and follows Bard)

He finished cleaning up the mess Finnian, Mey-Rin and himself have made.

"Alright, now it is time to make the grub! Let's start with something easy yet elegant." He grabbed a cookbook and began flipping its pages. While he was skimming the pages, his vision began to bur. He put the book down and rubbed his eyes to see if that worked. Luckily, it did. He went back to skimming the pages of the cookbook until he found a recipe to his liking.

"Mackerel with berry sauce, Cottage Pie with Chicken and a side of scaled greens." He read. It wasn't the "thirty minutes or less" recipes he always did, but it sounded fancy. He walked over to the oven to preheat it then went back to the cookbook to read the ingredients. He began scavenging through cabinets and drawers for his supplies. One thing leads to another and all of the supplies scattered on the floor and the chef was on the ground gasping for air. He began coughing and tried to call for him but to no avail.

"Damn it," he grasps his shirt trying to remove the restriction on his lungs, "It feels like someone's suffocating me." He tried once more to call for help, but he passed out before he could finish his statement. All was left was a chef hat on top of a pile of clothing.

A/N: HEYY! Finally finished the second chapter! How y'all like it so far? Pretty good? Tell me about It in the reviews! Thank you so much for reading, and I hope to see y'all soon!