The Amazing World of Gumball (K+ Fanfiction for Mild Language and Fantasy Violence)


I do not own the Amazing World of Gumball and The Land Before Time for the preview of the crossover fanfiction

The Surprise (Original Title: The Advice)

Main Characters: Leslie and Teri

Supporting Characters: Gumball, Penny, Carrie, and Molly

Setting: Not in any of the Episodes in this Fanfiction but some events in 'The Party' are mentioned

Summary: In this story, Leslie discovered himself that he has feelings for Teri. It all started when Teri picked him as her date on Rachel's Party. Now, Gumball, Penny, and the other must help Leslie to express his feelings to Teri. What will Teri say to Leslie if he has a crush on her, even their feminine personality may stop them?

Note: Leslie is Male and Teri is Female in the Canon Series. This Fanfiction does not contain GirlxGirl Relationship while it mildly contains GumballxPenny. I got the idea from 'The Party', as implied, and 'Diamonds Aren't the Only Ones' from The Land Before Time.

Act 6

-Elmore Junior High-

-School Entrance, 3:30PM-

After how Jamie pranked Teri on her thirteenth birthday, Leslie is determined to find her what happened after the prank. At the school entrance, the blue door opens as Leslie goes outside to find Teri because this is where she runs away. He looks around until he saw her who flatly collapsed on the ground at the end of the stairs

"Teri" Leslie called in shocked unison as he goes near her "Teri, are you okay?" He flips her body and Teri feels not-so-well mood because she suffered a fever

"L-Leslie, is that you?" Teri asked weakly, trying to recover her strength. She was breathing heavily because she didn't have air for the last 30 minutes ago

"Yes, it's me" Leslie answered hopefully and apologized "I just wanted to say... I'm sorry for hurting you, even on your birthday"

"It's okay, Leslie" Teri slowly forgave him, almost loss of words "I know you didn't mean it. It was Jamie..." he puts his leaf to her forehead and he felt a heat sense on her body

"You're having a fever" Leslie worriedly diagnosed to Teri and asked "Should I get help?"

"Don't worry, Leslie" Teri flatly comforted and said, using all of her remaining strength to communicate with him "Gumball and Penny are on the way, I know the nurse will help me" as she put down her consciousness, she passed out in hot temperature

"Teri!" Leslie desperately called her name as the blue door opens. it was Gumball, Penny, and the School's Nurse, ready to send Teri to the office. All she can see now is Leslie in his arms, putting her to Penny, and lastly, seeing the hallway before she can sleep

-Nurse's Office, 4:00PM-

At the School Nurse's Office, Gumball, Penny, Darwin, Molly and Leslie are gathered to see their dear friend about suffering High Fever, as diagnosed by the nurse. The possibility of High Fever is due to the rainwater from Carrie's House at 2:00PM, mud water from Jamie's prank, and combining the hot temperature in Elmore makes her suffer like that. They are worried about her because she'd never had a symptom worst than her earlier symptom in her life, ruining also the birthday in the process. The nurse removes the thermometer from her hand and she checks the temperature, it was 40 degrees Celsius

"Is Teri going to be okay, Nurse?" Leslie asked to the bandage Nurse while checking the thermometer "I was worried because she has a hot fever on her birthday"

"Oh no, Leslie" the Nurse diagnosed Teri while she was asleep "She suffered a High Fever that fast, not even she first suffered Fever. Luckily, she survived Heat Stroke. Thank her angel that she survived"

"Gumball and I found her lying down with my cousin when we saw them outside the school" Penny said to the Nurse briefly about Teri while she blacked out "Gumball and I was wondering if there's a treatment for High Fever"

"I suppose so" Nurse answered and informed to them "I can call her parents and I hope they can help her cool down her temperature. In the meantime, there's nothing I can do for now, even on her birthday" and she walks away from the kids as she tries to contact Teri's parents for her High Fever. After the nurse is gone, Teri slowly wakes up as Gumball, Leslie, Penny, Darwin, and Molly are worried about her symptom and feel bad because Teri's Birthday is going all wrong

"Teri" Penny apologized sadly to her "Gumball and I just wanted to say, we're sorry about your birthday being broken by Jamie"

"It's okay, Penny" Teri forgave the peanut girl and advised "You don't need a lot to throw a party for me. Just tell them, you can continue my birthday without me" and Molly and Darwin leave the office together for the news to the birthday attendants

"Do you need help, Leslie?" Gumball worriedly asked to him and he has one more help to the cat and the peanut

"I have" Leslie answered and requested to them "Can you give me a lonely time with her?" and Gumball and Penny do what he said as they walk away from Leslie and Teri, having themselves to be in the room in private. Teri doesn't know what Leslie is doing but her body feels hot and needs to check on her temperature

"Leslie" Teri asked to him "Can you check my temperature?"

"Sure, Teri" Leslie agreed and he gets the thermometer, he puts it in her hand and Teri holds it for 10 seconds. Teri noticed that Leslie frowned or felt worried of her. She asked to the flower "Is there something wrong?"

"I have something to tell you" Leslie nervously said while he massage his leaf in shyness

"What is it?" Teri asked as she lifts Leslie up to her hospital bed because the bed is too tall for him to see her

"When we first met at Elmore Junior High" Leslie started to explain his feelings to Teri "You were curious that I'm a girl, right?"

"No, Leslie" Teri answered normally "You're a boy, you're just look like a girl because I founded you are cute enough to join with me" her voice seems fixed because the cold temperature in the office cools down her hot temperature

"By the time we bump it and touch our hands" Leslie explained their lonely time in the hallway at 1:00PM "I noticed something about how romance movies are like. When you touch a girl's hand, you are fondled that you like someone who also touched you" she remember the time she and Leslie go into a romance movie together and it was great because of all about a boy loving a girl while keeping his secret to her

"Yes" Teri remembered "You told me when we watch a romance movie last week. You're good at giving relationship advice and giving boys a time to cheer a girl" she can actually sit down on her hospital bed because while her strength remains, she can partially sit to heat what Leslie can say to her

"I know. But now, I have something to confess" Leslie nervously and he finally told how he felt to her "I'm in love with you, Teri. From my birthday 'til today, I always hide my feelings to you. And I am the reason for sending you a love letter" and he drop his head down in embarrassment, hoping if Teri understand how he feels. Teri blushed because she didn't that her best friend has a crush on her. She has a crush on him too but this is now the time that she can tell to Leslie how she feels

"Leslie, that was nice" Teri expressed as she is understanding Leslie's feelings "But if I wish you were really a boy, I can tell that you're in love with me and I wanted you to be like what I wished. I also have a crush on you, Leslie, that's why I pick you as my date at Rachel's Party. I feel the same way as you do" and for the first time, Leslie and Teri hugged each other as they wrapped their arms together, feeling their relationship to bloom. For a few seconds, they stopped hugging and shortly look at each other's faces as they are happy that they are about to kiss

"Before I do something romantic to you" Leslie can hardly said to her "I love you, Teri" his three words to her, makes her smile and proud because she found out that her best friend loves her

"I love you too, Leslie" Teri said to Leslie proudly as she leans slowly to Leslie, and they kiss each other for the first time. Their kiss wasn't bad at all, it was passionate and calm. When Teri kissed Leslie, she thought that the kiss is, at first, disgusting but it turns out that it good and harmless. Leslie finally realized that he is a boy after kissing Teri because his gender makes him worried

For the entire time, Gumball and Penny are watching Leslie and Teri kissing lip-on-lip. They can't believe their eyes that their hardship is forgiven

"Uh, look" Gumball quietly said to Penny "He and Teri seems that you forgive each other"

"Gumball, I was wondering that" Penny then said to him "Would you make out with me with a defibrillator?" Gumball heard her word and he has a stupid plan

"Do you mind?" Gumball smirked as he sneaks his hand to grab the defibrillator "'Cause Darwin kissed you in my dream"

"No, wait" Penny said in shock and nervous as Gumball is about to make out, trying not to get shocked from his hand "That's not what I meant" and he jumps on her, knocking her down. They make out with a defibrillator for a short time. If physical, it cannot see them making out because it seems violent. Teri and Leslie notice the shock and they thought they are hurt from the shock

"I hope Penny and Gumball are okay" Teri wondered as the school nurse return back to her office for information

"Bad news, Teri" The nurse informed her "I can't get contact from your parents because they are on a short hibernation. Bears usually go on a hibernation but how about I let you stay in my office while they are asleep" Teri remembered a time that she sleep in the nurse's office once because of her headache. If she stay here all-night long, she would be anxious or worried because even the nurse provided her food and water, she can't sleep. So, she has another idea to make it better

"Actually, nurse" Teri then asked to her "May I stay with Leslie and Penny for tonight because they are having a sleepover later?"

"Of course, Teri" The nurse agreed and advised "You can stay with them. Make sure you sleep early after dinner" and before dusk, Leslie, Penny, and Gumball guide Teri to the Fitzgerald House as Penny throws a sleepover for her friends

-The Fitzgerald House, 8:45PM-

At the Fitzgerald House, Leslie and Teri are sleeping together at Penny's room with Gumball, Penny, Molly, and Carrie. Before they are going to sleep, they are actually playing great games of their childhood, going on a conversation together, playing a good game of truth or dare, and finally eating dinner before going to sleep. Mr. Fitzgerald apparently approves their permission to have a sleepover, even Teri because she still have Fever on the way home. Leslie can sleep like how flowers do while Teri feels her body good, degrading her High Fever to Fever

"Thanks for taking care of me, Leslie" Teri thanked him quietly, she was grateful for their feelings being told "Even more thankful when I'm beside you"

"You're welcome" Leslie appreciated and he realized something because he didn't give her the gift "I almost forgot. Here's your birthday gift" he gives Teri a bouquet of Paper Flowers. She is in ecstatic as Leslie gives her roses to her, even the rose is just an origami. She is fine with it because she is indeed made of paper

"Paper Flowers" Teri said in quiet ecstatic and thanked him for the special gift she deserves "You're so nice, Leslie" and she keeps her flowers on her side as she sleeps down flatly like her species

"Get well soon, Teri" Leslie replied to Teri as they slowly drifted themselves to sleep

The End

(FanBoy752: End of the Story, The Advice. The Story ends with Leslie and Teri sleeping together while she has High Fever which is now degraded to Fever. Next Chapter is the Filipino Version of The Advice, Ang Sorpresa. Same Story but Filipino Language. And now, here's the preview of The Amazing World of Dinopals, coming soon. Goodbye, see you soon)

The Amazing World of Dinopals Preview (Bold is Team Dinopals' Narration)

(FanBoy752: This preview shows deleted scenes of The Amazing World of Dinopals and will not show in any of the chapters except any instance with Furiza because of word limit around 3500-4500)

-Elmore Suburban, 10:00AM-


This is Elmore, this is a fictional city located almost beyond the west coast of U.S.A. Most people on Elmore would say that this is a very ordinary city until two of the best friends, Gumball and Darwin go on their misadventure.

At Elmore Suburban, the scene first shows Carmen, Masami, and Alan hanging out together at Principal Brown's House while he is mowing the grass with his lawnmower. Next, it shows Banana Joe and Tobias playing Frisbee at the Wilson House. The last scene then shows Gumball and Darwin who are playing Dodge or Dare at the Watterson House with their friends Penny and Carrie.


These boys are the best attraction at Elmore Junior High. Some thinks they are cool and confident. But there are those who never accept them to be friends.

-Elmore Junior High, 11:00AM-

-The Hallway-

(Scene is same as TAWoG 'The Skull')

Gumball and Darwin are walking the hallway with their awesome expressions. Gumball winked to Penny, she giggled in reaction because he was flirting her. And then a roar from Tina is heard as Anton is trying to protect himself by paying her a dollar from his allowance.

(Terra, OC)

And they have their ways to drive Gumball and Darwin away from school.

(Scenes are shortly listed from 'The Quest, The Sock, The Party, The Car, The Ape, The Flower, and The Bet')

Tina opens her eyes in awake as Gumball, Darwin, and Anais are trying to retrieve Daisy the Donkey Doll. A door from Mr. Small's office suddenly opens as he found fugitives in the office, the fugitives are smashing Mr. Small's steel drawers. Jamie said to everyone in Rachel's party that she is going to throw the Television out of the window. The Robinsons are ready to smash the Watterson car with the flaming background, saying "Here comes the Robinsons". A flashback from Nicole's wedding, Ms. Simian was taunting Nicole after marrying Richard "Nice Husband, Loser". Penny accidentally break the circle of pepper as Jealousy gets ready to get revenge on Team Gumball. Gumball and Darwin run away from Bobert in 'Slave Mode' as his command 'Bobert, Terminate Gumball' puts them in trouble


Unfortunately, Elmore is in hidden grave danger because there is an enemy out there. We need to travel to Elmore and find out who is the enemy and what he or she is doing.

-Butt Valley, 3:00PM-

"Too Late, Dinopals" an evil oviraptor evilly tempted and she turned to them, now she wears the Jealousy Mask, everyone got terrified because the mask is a creepypasta to them. It is a green-colored ghost covered in the mask "I have prepare myself to summon Jealousy" and the mask explodes from the oviraptor as she is blown away several meters from the heroes and the mask as the new enemy, Jealousy, appears right before their rights of saving the world.


We can't let the city be destroyed. We must form a new team, Team Gumball. That way, our team, Team Dinopals, and Team Gumball team up to the save the city of Elmore.

-The Rainbow Factory, 12:30PM-

At the roof of the Rainbow Factory, Littlefoot, Gumball, and Penny prepared their unnamed weapons (Littlefoot and Gumball equip the sword and Penny equips the bow and arrow) as the pharmacist, an unnamed oviraptor, and Jealousy are prepared for the battle for the good and the evil. The battle starts with Littlefoot charging to the pharmacist with his sword on his mouth, Penny shooting her arrows to Jealousy while he teleports commonly, and finally Gumball and the oviraptor jump together and they are about to finish the battle with a downward slash

The Amazing World of Gumball Season One: The Hero Arise

Main Characters




