Disclaimer: I don't own Pretty Little Liars.

Need you in my life

After their break-up, both Aria and Ezra felt really sad and empty. It was like all the joy and happiness had been removed from their life.

Spencer enter Aria's room.

"Aria, wanna follow me and Hanna to the movies?" says Spencer.

"No, not really. I'm so sad that I'll probably ruin all the fun for you girls, so...no thanks. Nice that you ask me though, Spencie." says Aria in a low sad tone as she look up from the book she's reading to answer her friend's question.

"I know that things feel very hard now, but it's gonna get better someday. There's nothing that a little Team Sparia magic can't deal with, remember?" says Spencer.

"You're sweet, but I gotta say...not even the power of Team Sparia can make me happy now. Only to feel love with Ezra can put a smile on my face today." says Aria.

"Okay, I gotta go find Hanna. If you need me, just give me a call. I'm always there for you and so is Hanna and Emily. See you later." says Spencer as she leave.

For the next five days Aria barely talk to her friends. Hanna try to cheer Aria up with some power-shopping at the mall, but Aria seem no more happy.

"Why is life so fuckin' unfair? I wish things could be different..." says Aria as she enter the Montgomery house.

She take off her leather jacket, throw it onto the floor and walk to her room.

Once safe in her own room, Aria begin to cry. She hug a purple stuffed animal that Ezra gave her a few months ago.

"Come on, Aria. You're a mature young woman, not a kid.. Be an adult and try to be strong." says Aria to herself.

Aria try to smile a little.

She turn on her computer and sees that she's got Emily and Paige on stand-by for a video-chat.

With some strength Aria force herself to stop crying for a while and then she activates the video-chat box.

"Aria, how do feel...? Spencer told me that you were an emotional wreck or something. Is there anything me and Paige can do to help?" says Emily in a soft friendly tone.

"I'm...fine, I guess..." says Aria, trying to act and sound cool. She's kinda sure that Emily can hear the sadness in her voice though. "Life without Ezra is not really a life. He's my everything. Or at least he was."

"Want us to come over for a while? I bought beer and corn-chips." says Paige. "We could have a little girl's night in and forget about all the bad stuff for a few hours."

"Usually I'd say that it would be fun, but I'm not really in the mood for that today. I'm grateful for the suggestion, but I gotta say no, guys." says Aria.

"Like nothing can shake some life back into you. Hanna, Spence and me have done almost everything and you just keep on being all sad and depressed." says Emily.

"Sorry. Ezra is the only one who can make me smile again." says Aria. "Em...please, let me be sad. I think I actually need to cry and such before I can become totally smiles and laughs once more, like I was during the good old days before Ali disappeared."

"Guess you don't wanna talk anymore, huh?" says Paige.

"Very true, Paige." says Aria. "Bye!"

"Bye, Aria!" says Emily and Paige.

Aria turn off her computer before she throw herself on the bed and begin to cry like a little kid.

The next day Aria and her mom are very surprised to meet each other at the Brew.

"Mom...? Did you also get a note from Emily to come here today?" says Aria.

"Not a note, but a phone call. She said that someone who needs me would be here today. I guess that's you." says Ella with a small smirk.

Emily walk up to the two Montgomery-ladies.

"I've got a table for you two over here. What can I get you? Maybe coffee and cupcakes?" says Emily with her sweet friendly voice.

"Emily, why did you bring me here to meet my mom? Tell me what's goin' on." says Aria in a hard clear tone as she look at Emily.

"Nothing special. Yes, Aria...I know that you're not a child anymore, but even older chicks needs their mommy at times. Ya may thank me later, girl. I'll be back in a few with coffee and strawberry-cupcakes." says Emily as she leave Aria and her mom to talk.

"Aria, is something wrong in your life? Don't be shy, you can talk to me. I'm your mother." says Ella.

"Ezra and I, we've...broken up." says Aria in a sad tone.

"Oh no! Why?" says Ella.

"Long story." is all that Aria can think of to say.

"Listen, sweetie. If you and Ezra are true soul-mates then fate will bring you back together again. There's a reason for everything, even if that doesn't always seem to be true." says Ella.

"You're right, mom. Still I don't know what to do without Ezra, cause he's the source of my strength, the reason I wake up every single day. He's my..." says Aria, who stop talking when Emily appear with coffee and fresh cupcakes.

"Coffee with cream and sweet strawberry-cupcakes." says Emily.

"How much?" says Ella as she open her purse.

"It's free for my friend and her mom. Emily's treat. After all I'm the one who made you both come here anyways." says Emily with a smile.

"Oh, thanks, Emily." says Aria. "You're a good friend."

"Yes I am." says Emily as she walk away.

"Hi there, Aria. Hi, Mrs Montgomery." says Toby as he walk past Aria and Ella's table.

"Toby...are you lookin' for Spencie?" says Aria.

"No, just home to grab some things before headin' back to work. Oh...speakin' about Spencer, if you see her, tell her that I'm gonna give her a romantic night tonight." says Toby.

"Yeah, sure. I'll tell her that if I see her." says Aria.

"Aria, do you still love Ezra?" says Ella.

"Yes, in every way, but it seems that we can't be together anymore." says Aria.

"I wish there was something I could do." says Ella.

"Yes, but there's nothing that anybody can do. Ezra and I have to deal with this the way we want to. Mom, thanks for wantin' to help...still you can't help me no matter how much you try." says Aria.

"Okay, but if you can think anything I can do, let me know." says Ella.

"Sure, mom." says Aria, actually with a small smile on her face.

"Good. I have to go now. The best of luck to you." says Ella.

Five minutes later Emily sit down with Aria for a moment.

"Talking to your mom, did it help?" says Emily.

"Not much, but a little bit, yes." says Aria. "I'm feelin' kinda stronger now."

"Nice. My little idea, gave some result. Not the grand super-result I wanted, but it's better than nothing." says Emily.

"Emily, you're such a true friend all the time. I like that side of you. That's like your own special power." says Aria.

"Awwww, thanks!" says Emily with a cute smile.