I thought of this all of a sudden and I thought I would see how well it goes, it's all about the Akatsuki and they are all getting interview and who knows what secrets we will learn…
Akatsuki Collection – Konan
"So here we have Konan of the Akatsuki!" Applause in the background.
"Oh thank you, please, thank you!" A bra gets flung from the audience and lands on Konan's lap "Oh a bra, I'll keep this one for later." Konan winks "Oooooh!" Shouts the audience.
"Now, now guys save some for me! So Konan what do you do on a day to day basis at the Akatsuki?"
"Well Jeremy first I get up, I go shower, I then go into Sassori's room and hide parts of his body round the hide out you know, like sometimes I'll put an arm or a leg in the fridge, or ill put his head next to Deidara and when he wakes up… Well every time I do it I think he dies a little inside!"
"Ha Konan you ball of fun! But there must be other things you do like cook and clean?"
"Hell no! If someone wants food they make it themselves and I don't clean up after the Akatsuki, I have something much more important… Make up! You see I have to paint all the Akatsuki members nails every day, I mean you just look at those nails they don't get that fine themselves, it takes a woman to get them that good." Konan smiles seductively at Jeremy and then the audience.
"Well Konan do you think you could paint my nails?"
"Well of course, what colour? Oh I have fifty shades of grey!"
"Konan I didn't know you were into that kind of stuff?" The audience giggle.
"Well of course, girl gotta keep herself entertained!"
"Ha Konan you… Any way I really do love your nail and I love you're…"
"Shaved pussy? You aint never getting snowball." Konan picks up a white cat.
"Swell Konan… just swell. So how did you first get into the Akatsuki?"
"Well Pain said to me `Konan you're the best, you just are so amazing… And… And dat ass! Damn girl!"
"Konan is that really what happened? Dat ass?"
"Yes Jeremy that is what happened, I really do have dat ass, I really do."
"Konan if only everyone was like you, the world would be a better place. But really who is the real Konan?"
"Well im the conflicted female Akatsuki member, my parents died when I was young, I then met two boys, Yahiko and Nagato, we live together while Jiraiya our sensei taught us and looked after us, but Yahiko formed the Akatsuki this led to his death by the hands of Hanzo the Salamander, now we work to chase and pursue peace to make it better for everyone." The crowd awe.
"Wow Konan that really is quite a harsh story, but you are okay now aren't you?"
"Yes Jeremy, with Nagato looking after us and the Akatsuki, I really think it's getting better."
"Konan that really is heart-warming, let's hear it for Konan!" The audience applauds.
"Konan it seems like we have learned a lot about you today but one more thing, where did you get that piercing? It's very pretty."
"Oh Jeremy you will love this. Yahiko gave it to me a few days before he died, at first I didn't want it, but then he died so put it in respect for him, I also got some sexy belly button piercings!"
"Konan that's amazing! I love sexy belly button Piercings, I have five LOL!" The audience remains silent "Well then…"
"Don't worry Jeremy I laughed."
"My new favourite person everybody! Konan!" The audience applaud. "Well that's it for today, I hope you enjoyed being here Konan and I know the audience enjoyed seeing you!"
"I did Jeremy, bye everyone!" She smiles as the audience applaud and she walks of.
"Join us next week were will see Pain!" The audience applaud one last time.