A/N. This is a brand new story that I came up with like yesterday. So I hope y'all enjoy it!

Disclaimer: Do I even look like Victor Hugo?

Sunlight filled the room as two pairs of tangled legs kick the blankets off of them. Eponine groans as she moves her head to her beloved's chest. "Morning." She yawns.

Jehan chuckles softly as her hair brushes against his nose. "Morning darling." He kisses her forehead. "We should get Hugh up for school."

She sighs and nods."My baby's all grown up."

Eponine swings her legs over the bed. Jehan hands her her shirt and she pulls on a pair of pants and slipped her slippers on. She walked down the hallway and sat on a car shaped bed. She put her hand through Hugh's unruly blond curls. "Hugh." She said softly.

Hugh groaned and opened his wide blue eyes. "Five more minutes mama."

Eponine chuckles. "Daddy's gonna make pancakes."

Hugh shot out of the bed and ran to the kitchen.

Eponine chuckles and follows him to the kitchen.

Eponine was stretched out over the couch. Her hand atop her sixth month swollen stomach.

"And pancakes!" She yells.

She hears a laugh. "Are you sure about this?"

"It's not my fault it's what our baby wants." She smirks.

Enjolras comes back out balancing strawberries, Doritos, chocolate and lemonade. "Our baby is odd."

"You are his father."

"I still think it's a girl."

Eponine rolls her eyes as she begins to eat. "You're gonna be pissed when I'm right."

Enjolras kisses her quickly. "More than likely."

She laughs as he goes back into the kitchen.

Eponine shook her head as the memory came flooding back into her mind. Enjolras hadn't left her mind in a few days and she was trying to figure out why.

"You okay mama?" Hugh asked as he looked Eponine. "You look like you saw a ghost."

She licked her lips. "I'm fine, darling." She said with a quick smile.

Jehan raised an eyebrow then slowly figured out what had happened. After all, he was the one that was there when it all happened.

It was a raining Saturday in June. His phone had rung for the eighth time. It was three weeks after Eponine had given birth to Hugh Anthony Enjolras.

"Hello?" Jehan's voice was rough and sleepy.

"Jehan…" Eponine's voice was scratchy and thick and hardly understandable.

"Eponine." He shot right up and started getting dressed. "What's wrong? Is Hugh okay?"

He heard her choke back a sob. "I-Enjolras…He and I got in a fight."

His heart and stomach dropped. Those two had fought more than they should. "Shit. Where are you?"

"The apartment."

He nods and pulls on his shoes. "I'll be-, where is he?"

"He left."

"He always comes back."

But he never did.

Eponine walked Hugh to his first day of kindergarten. Jehan had to go to work right away and she understood completely.

Hugh wrapped his arms around Eponine's neck. "Bye bye, Mama. I'll be fine."

Eponine smiles and hugs him back, kissing his forehead. "I'll pick you up, alright?"

He smiles and nods, his curls bobbing up and down.

Eponine slowly let him go and he walked into the classroom. She walks away from the school and down the street back to her apartment when she heard something familiar. A car engine.

But not any car engine. A 1965 Mustang.

"You're insane." Eponine yells out of her apartment window when Enjolras comes driving down the street. "That must have cost you a fortune! How will we afford a baby?"

Enjolras sits on his car. "It was my father's!"

"You hate your father!"

Enjolras laughs. "C'mon, 'Ponine. It's a good car. I promise."

She gives him the bird and he blows her a kiss.

Eponine doesn't even recall picking Hugh up.

"Mama!" He yelled.

She blinked a few times. A phone was attached to his ear.

"Papa is bringing us dinner."

Papa was Jean Valjean. He was the closest that Hugh would ever get to a grandfather.

Eponine nods as Hugh puts the phone down and takes a sip of his juice.

Thirty minutes later, someone was knocking on the door.

The knocking hadn't ceased for over five minutes. Eponine groaned. "Hugh, darling, can you get the door. I think Papa is here with dinner. "

He smiles and nods and dashes to the door, his blonde curls flying around. Eponine hears the door open as she refills her son's juice. "Mama! Its not Papa or Daddy."

She walks to the door in fear her father had found her. She dropped the cup that was In her hand, juice pooled the floor.

She stared at the man in front of her in disbelief.
