Thanks guys for your previous reviews! They really helpful in actually getting down and writing this, so I hope you enjoy it!
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Seras's first thought was, "oh dam, dead again." The second thought was, "why is deaf so un-comfy…wait a second?"
She opened her eyes and for a few seconds could only see a very close red blob. Suddenly she felt very sick as she had a good idea of what that red blob was, and as it swam into focus she cursed herself for being right. It was then Seras realised she was lying down, out of the corners of her eye she could see the wooden walls pinning her in, and on top of her, suspended by his arms only, was her master. The air got stuffy quickly, the fear of enclosure creeping in.
"Awake I see."
She glanced up to find he was watching her; his eyes narrowed in that way that said "I am not amused, and I am angry." The look which usually resulted in great pain.
Confusion was quickly pushed away as she remembered their fight, all she'd said and the explosion.
"Answer me."
Seras snorted, fighting to remain calm in the tight space. "No, I'm asleep."
It was sudden, a deep growl and a blur of red as he lashed forwards in the tight space. A small noise escaped her as Seras squeezed her eyes tight shut. Nothing. She opened them again to find his smirking face inches from hers. Turning her face to the side she stared determinedly at a notch in the wood.
"I'm not afraid of you."
He chuckled. "So why are you shaking my dear."
She swallowed. "Why are you in my coffin?"
"Actually you are in mine."
She refrained from rolling her eyes. "Ok, why am I in yours."
"To heal."
"Well I've healed." She said, rising slightly. "So I can go now." She stopped, realising he wasn't moving. Hands placed daintily on his chest she began to push slightly. His reaction was to growl, pushing down more. She grimaced as the space shrunk even further and she forced herself to breath normally, furious at her obvious shaking.
She let out a shaky breath. "What?"
"We need to talk."
"What about." She started wiggling her arms about.
"Your called me pathetic."
"And a dog." Silence." And told me to shoot you and…well altogether we can assume you have a certain hatred for me."
"No I…just. For god's sake if you're going to kill me do it."
He grimaced. "Don't start that bullshit again."
He was getting lower and she pushed back against him. "It's you who always pulls the gun out and for god's sake give me room to breathe!"
She was abruptly slammed into the bottom of the coffin, his body crushing her against it. "You don't need to breath." He hissed. Panic set in and Seras began pushing with all her might, twisting under him. "You're a vampire!"
"I HATE SMALL SPACES!" She screamed, tears fighting now. He stopped. She sobbed.
Hands still pushing against him she fought to control herself, but the walls kept on closing in.
"Please." She said through gritted teeth. "Just…just." He rose on his arms, allowing her to crawl onto her side.
He stared at her tiny fragile frame. It was true she'd come a long way from not wanting to shoot her first target, to shredding the freak with her bare hands. She was remarkable to watch, a beast of speed and power when angry, yet so week and shy moments later. He smirked. Although remembering their fight it appeared she was even growing out of that.
"I gave you a choice." He said. Her eyes flickered to him and he could sense her distress at repeating the conversation. "You act as if a second chance to live is handed out on a daily basis." Again nothing and he sighed.
"You will not become a monster if you drink blood. In fact by not drinking blood you are reducing yourself further to a monster."
Confusion showed in her eyes and he continued. "Your inner demon will eventually snap and feast on those near you if you starve yourself. By drinking you will regain control."
She paused. "But, the freaks…"
He snorted. "You are of my blood Seras, my power dwells in you. You cannot be so easily swayed by blood."
She frowned. "Well you didn't say that."
"I thought it was obvious." He dead panned.
"Even after the seventh time we talked about it." She snarled.
She herd him growl and closed her eyes waiting for him to lunge again…nothing. Opening them she saw he too was closing his eyes.
Don't hit her. Don't hit her. Don't hit her. Don't hit her. Don't hi…
"Master?" He opened them again. "Do you…do you hate me?"
He reframed from growling. He hated these conversations. Integra had tried once when she was young, talking about her farther. He had responded with a casual remark on how such a "good man" locked his arse away. He left the room with five bullets in his head.
"No." He eventually said. "You try my patience, and I would love to stamp on your head sometimes. But no."
He looked down and a slow smirk was spreading across her face. "Thanks…I think..."
Nothing was said and eventually she asked. "Can I leave yet?
He shook his head. "No. You were injured, it wasn't an easy fight ." Though it was entertaining. "And you haven't fully healed yet ."
She blushed expecting a lecture on blood, but he said nothing.
Time passed again and she spoke. "Aren't you getting tired like that?" She mumbled looking at his raised arms.
He frowned. "Tired?"
She laughed. "I suppose not. What with you being you."
He raised an eyebrow but received no explanation.
She closed her eyes. And then felt pressure on her back, forcing her forwards. All of a sudden he was there, body lying next to hers and red clad arm being pushed under her head, the other enveloping her and pulling her to his chest softly. Far softer than she could ever imagine him to be. Smiling gently she rested her head against him, content to simply lie there in the arms of her master.
He remembered her remark on not wanting him as a master. He was about to ask if she hated him, but being one and the same mind he already knew what she thought of him, and couldn't help but smile a little...and I mean a little…this was Alucard after all.
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Ok so this is basically meant to be the end! I'm kinda thinking about continuing it, but what do you guys think?! =D