"Shit!" Seras snarled, throwing herself to the side and once again out of range of another explosion. What was with this vampire! There was faint hum and a ticking. Again the blond vampire ducked and ran, lunging away from the explosion to her right. Most vampires they fought turned some people to ghouls, shot some other people and spoke the usual random garbage about how they'd end up ruling the world... usually cut of suddenly by Alucards bullet in their face. "Bloody Vampires." She snarled continuing to dodge further explosions at her feet. "Couldn't be normal could we, noooo! God forbid we make life easy. Have to go and get bloody landmi…ah SHIT!" She realised her mistake to late, the ticking smothered by the previous bomb . It exploded in front of her, and she baily had time to hurl herself backwards, propelled by the explosion.

Ears ringing she shook her head violently. "Get up." She snapped. NOW. She did so, feet whirling and ready to leap at the last second. She froze….and then looked around, suddenly very pleased. She'd made it across the minefield and was feeling very chuffed with herself until…

"Oh bloody hell!" She span quickly and ran towards the large grey building which sat behind her.

She was to infiltrate the building through the back, illuminating any ghouls which may have made their way out there. Having done that she now needed to meet back with the Wild Geese who should have been doing the same-from the front. Assuming they both kept to their times, they should have been waiting inside.

Breaking through the front doors, gun raised she paused. Something…was not right. She sniffed the air and the heavy scent of blood swamped her, causing her to breath in heavily. Azure eyes transformed into a rich crimson and she shuddered, now was not the time to give in to temptation. Ignoring the smell as best she could, she proceeded along the dimly lit hallway, boots thudding being the only sound. Turning a corner she froze.

Blood, everywhere. Despite being a vampire she was still not use to these sites. Misshapen lumps of flesh caked in red, bodies lying like confetti across the floor. Red lining the floor like a carpet, dripping from the walls as if the building itself where bleeding. She gulped, her inner demon begging to lick clean these walls, her human side disgusted. The Geese. She ran. Boots barely touching the ground now as she made her way with inhuman speed through corridor after corridor, grey room after room until a noise abruptly pierced her ears. Shouts, orders being given. She changed her course, back the way she'd come and right, barrel charging through steel doors and throwing them from their hinges with piercing shrikes as the metal twisted abruptly.

Bodies lay deformed on the ground, a quick scan told her that none of the Geese's uniforms lay among the shredded clothing. A cry and Sears's head snapped up. There he was, green eyes fierce with anger staring back as the she-vampire suspended him in the air via his long braid, now red with blood.

"How cute." She gargled, black hair that hung down to her waist framing red eyes. "A mouse caught by a cat." In a flash she had raked her claws down his face and chest causing him to cry out further as crimson spray speckled her pale face. "And you know how cats like to play." She whispered, opening her mouth wide, closer, closer, clos…BAM.

Sera's fist collided with the side of the vampires face. There was sickening crack and Pip was dropped to the floor, Seras standing legs apart, back to him. Her gun was dropped, rage having filled her. She wanted to deal with this creature by was an outraged cry from the other women who turned on her heel, jaw hanging limply from one side of her mouth. She stopped when she saw Seras, ramming in back into place and holding it there momentarily whilst the skin grew back, reattaching it.

"You're…you're a vampire." She muttered. "You should be eating that snack." She spat, gesturing to Pip.

Seras said nothing and the women smirked. "Fine. I will then." She thought she could go through Seras, she thought if she ran hard enough she'd kill her instantly. She was wrong.

Stepping to the side Seras allowed the women to bypass her, grabbing her neck as she passed and with all her might ramming her back into the ground.

"You see that snack." Snarled Seras as she rose once again. "Think of it as mine. Think of these soldiers, and this prey, as mine."

The women rolled and dived out of the way of Sera's boot, which on contact, exploded the floor tiles beneath it. "And I." She growled, suddenly standing next to the women again. "Don't share."

A knee to the vampires right side caused it to implode and she screamed as she was sent hurling across the room. She healed quickly and dodged another one of Seras's attacks, this time sinking her own fangs deep into the blond vampires neck and tearing. A sharp elbow to the chin prevented her from fully tearing out skin and the fight continued. Punches exploding arms, fangs piercing skin and kicks smashing shins. There were merely blurs, eyes crimson, claws slicing skin, shredding organs, suffocating each other as lungs were punctured.

They stopped, standing off against one another, bodies covered in blood, patches of skin hanging limply. The women's eyes flickered behind Seras and back again, she grinned. Sera's eyes narrowed and she realised to late, the vampire was already past her. She turned, she needed to catch her.

One step, two step, the room was a blur, and all she could see and all she was focused on was the creature with long black hair in front of her running, running straight for Pip. Seras leapt, hand outstretched. She caught her ebony hair and pulled back. The other vampire stopped abruptly, turning, hand raised and ready to plunge into Sera's neck. But Seras was already moving, her leg swinging around her entire body. Her heel connected and continued, driving into the women…no…monster's head, and all Seras could do was grin manically as her head imploded and she turned to dust.