Music blasted from her speakers as Hermione danced around the kitchen making sure that everything was in order for dinner. It was Sunday night and when she was not out on a job Hermione did her best to ensure that Sunday dinners were a weekly occurrence. She invited hunters in the area, her brothers and other friends. Hermione had no secret inclinations to become a housewife however knowing that for a lot of her guests these dinners were their only taste of a 'Normal Life' made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Quite often due to the sporadic nature of the hunting lifestyle it ended up being just her and whichever angels she could rope into eating the veritable mountain of food she had prepared for consumption by starving hunters. So usually it was just her and Cas who, as it turned out, was quite susceptible to guilt trips.
" You need to take better care of Jimmy, Cas! He has given up control of his body and he lost his entire life to become your vessel, the least you could do is make sure he stays healthy!"
" Hermione, as the vessel of an angel of the lord nourishment is-"
"No Cas! He's human and humans need food and water to function, I know that there's some sort of holy power at work so that you don't need to eat, but what if you had to leave him suddenly and he hasn't had any solid food in months?"
In the end Cas decided that it was easier to simply follow her wishes and dutifully showed up at five every Sunday.
After getting back from a hunt in Maine early that morning Hermione was exhausted, Sam had fallen asleep over one of the books in her library and Dean was passed out on the couch. It was getting close to seven and Dean still hadn't awoken. Hermione was worried but Sam seemed entirely unconcerned simply suggested that she turn on some of the alleged 'eurocrap' he so despised and sure enough before the first chorus;
" Turn that off and put on some real music."
" I like it."
" Well I don't, do you have anything good?"
" And by that you mean 'do you have any AC DC?' I presume?"
" Hermione…"
" What is it you always say to Sam?"
" 'Driver picks the music, Shotgun shuts his cakehole.' " Sam supplied from the other room.
" This isn't a car Hermione!"
"The principle still applies, and if you have a problem with it you can either work out my passcode or get yourself an ipod!"
"It'd be a waste of money, the only time I'd use it would be here!"
A smirk twisted at the edge of Hermione's lips, " Like it's your own money anyway!"
" Excuse you, I work very hard to – Did you hear that?"
" It sounded like someone was knocking, who'd be visiting you? Everyone who's coming for dinner's already here, except Cas but he'd just poof in so..?"
" Hey, I do have friends you know."
" Yeah, Yeah, Just shush a moment would'ya?" Someone knocked at the door,
" Well? Are you going to get that? Actually no, it might not be a welcome guest."
" Not all of my friends are demons Dean." Hermione huffed and strode towards the door, " You've got blood on your chin, take care of that, I mean if it's not too much to ask of your highness."
After a few moments Hermione reentered the lounge. " It was my neighbor, she needs someone to look after Ben tomorrow night and send him to school in the morning."
" Kids aren't really my thing 'mione."
Hermione scoffed but let the subject drop with a quiet " And how would you know?"
Short chapter, I know but I JUST MOVED INTERSTATE TO UNI!
Also this is going to lead into another chapter that may or may not be next idk and I know I promised a couple of short chapters over Christmas/ New Year but I went to Africa and I had lots of jobs to do.
I totally didn't marathon 8 seasons of supernatural in 11 days.
I totally did.
But this was one of those chapters that I never got around to posting, sorry for the wait, most of them I don't like looking back on so you probably won't see those without a lot of work done on them.