Author's notes:
YAY! First chapter of Part2.
Contains Lime near the end.
I have had these strange feelings about Bubblegum since we dated from long ago, I never forgot how she made me feel. Then we broke up because I had some insecurities and I just up and disappeared without a word of explanation.
I came back when Finn became the Hero of Ooo. Bonnie was upset with me and that's why we always fight. I've always kept my feelings for her ever since I left.
Then I heard she was dating Finn. I had some feelings, which have been developing over the past couple of months that I have been hanging out with him, for him as well.
These feelings for both of them have been broiling themselves into knots in my stomach for quite some time now. I had to get them out or I felt like I was going to explode.
So that's why I went to the Candy Kingdom and rang the doorbell. When Bonnie answered it, my mind went blank.
All the preparation that I had done on the way over here went straight down the drain. I had no idea what to do. I usually didn't do this kind of thing, to keep up my reputation.
So I just kissed her. Then I told her I Loved Her and she just stood there with an expressionless face.
I told her I wanted to continue our relationship from long ago too. She still just stood there, frozen.
"Bonnie?" I called to her, shyly.
"Marceline you know that I'm with Finn right?" She asked me.
"Yes I know and I have feelings for him as well." I told her.
Her face went white and she simply keeled over due to shock and just fainted. Luckily I caught her before she could hit her stone floor.
I just looked at her cute motionless body for a minute. I thought to myself ' Why did I run away from such an awesome relationship and beautiful girl that I love."
So I just took her to her room and laid her on her king-sized bed. "Hmm when did she get a bigger bed.' I thought to myself. I just dismissed the thought because it was really not important at the moment.
"Ice King, we have been waiting here for about an hour now, can we please go back to the Candy Kingdom because Bonnie must be worried-sick about me and plus we might even see Marceline on the way back." I told him.
"Oh ok but can we go look for something first." He asked.
"Sure, what is it?"
"Hambo, because if I remember correctly Marceline doesn't have it anymore."
"Yes, her ex-boyfriend, Ash, sold it to a witch."
"That son of a bitch, oh excuse my language."
"No problem, he is a son of a bitch, asshole jerk face, who deserves a pounding of a lifetime." I told him.
He just looked at me for a moment and then shrugged his shoulders. "Well will you help me locate Hambo for Marceline."
"I will because I know how happy it would make Marceline."
We located Ash and I got the honors to give him that pounding of a lifetime that he deserved and also pounded the information of who the witch was that he sold Hambo to.
We went to the witch and asked if we could have Hambo back but she wanted something in return. So we gave her the broken crown, which was now broken into 8 pieces and had no magic and was somewhat worthless.
We traded and left her house. We both had a smile on our faces because we couldn't wait to see the look on Marceline's face when we give her Hambo.
We walked back to the Candy Kingdom and we did not run into Marceline. When we got there and I opened the front door of the palace with the key that Bubblegum had given me a couple days ago, both Simon and I were surprised.
There, Marceline and Bonnie were sitting on one of the lounge couches in the living room with beverages and chatting and giggling. They looked as if they were enjoying each other's company.
*Cough* *Cough* I did on purpose to get their attention. They both looked at me and Simon.
"Si-Simon." Marceline said with teary eyes.
"Yes my child, it is me." He said also getting teary eyed.
"Marceline I just want to tell you that I am very sorry if I ever hurt my little girl." He told her.
"Finn and I also got you this." He said pulling out Hambo.
She fell to the floor crying her eyes out. I went over to her so did Bonnie and Simon. We all tried to cheer her up.
"I forgive you Simon, I love you." She told him as she walked up to him and planted a kiss on his cheek. He blushed a little and he hugged her and she hugged back for a while, just reminiscing their long ago friendship.
"And you Finn." She said pulling away from Simon, who was crying his eyes out. Bonnie was right there next to him trying to cheer him up. I smiled at the two.
Marceline came up to me and French kissed me. 'What the hell do I do, does she know that I am dating Bonnie.' I thought to myself, worrying but also enjoying the kiss especially the way her tongue was shaped and it was slithering around the inside of my mouth.
She stopped and now both Bonnie and Simon were looking at the two of us. Simon felt a little weird so he decided he wanted to go and left.
I never kept my eyes of Bonnie afraid of what she might say or do to me about kissing Marceline.
"Finn I want to ask you something?" Bonnie asked me.
I feared the worst possible scenario but I was surprised at what she wanted to ask.
"Finn, how do you feel about Marceline and tell me the truth and I promise you won't get in trouble because of what you say." She assured me.
"Ok if you say so, I like her a lot, she is a radical dame that likes to play games and she is very pretty and very sweet when she wants to be so I don't see why anybody wouldn't like her!" I said in one breathe.
Marceline was on the verge of tears again. "Is that really how you feel about me Finn." She asked.
"Of course Marceline." I assured her.
"Finn what would you think of if Marceline wanted to love us and join us?" Bonnie asked me.
"I think it would be awesome and only if you want it Bonnie." I told her.
"Yes Finn I would like that." She answered.
"Ok then it is settled, Welcome Marceline." I told her.
She was crying now.
"I'm sorry you guys that I'm crying so much but I can't help it, I just haven't ever felt this happy before." She said, sobbing.
"Marceline that is what makes you, you, so don't act tough and stuff around us if you don't want to because remember we love you the way you are!" Both Bonnie and I told her.
She was hugging Hambo. "Finn I can't describe how happy that I am that you and Simon found Hambo for me." She said, French kissing me again but this I allowed myself to melt into the kiss, knowing I wouldn't get into trouble for it by Bonnie.
"Finn when did you start calling Bonnibel, Bonnie, because that is what I used to call her." Marceline told me.
"I started calling her that when we first started dating, it just felt right." I told her and she just smiled.
Then she went over to Bonnie and gave her a French Kiss as well.
I was getting arouse but I did my best to hide it. They didn't notice and they stopped kissing. They were both blushing when they looked at me.
"Don't mind me." I told them.
They took that the wrong way and grabbed me with a smile on their faces and brought me into a big giant hug.
When we finished the giant hug, I had to ask them a question. "Hey guys, how did the two of you meet?" I asked them.
They just looked at me. "We will tell you in a little bit, ok Finn." They said in unison.
"Ok, so what do you guys want to do." I asked the two of them.
They smiled and looked at each other. "Make-out!" They also said in unison which was kind of creepy but I didn't mind. Before they did anything Bonnie made an announcement that all employees had yet another day off and that everyone should get out of the palace for the rest of the day and all day tomorrow, again. The palace was quickly deserted, it looked like a ghost town.
Then they both grabbed me and started kissing all of me but nowhere inappropriate though. They would sometimes kiss each other as well.
I didn't mind this at all, hell I was really, really liking this. That's when they noticed my aroused area and both smiled again. This was either going to be really, really bad or really, really good. I was hoping it would be a good thing and I was right.
They started stripping themselves and me as well. We were all in our bare necessities. Me in my boxer briefs and them in the bras and panties. I was enjoying the show of Marceline's body but don't get me wrong I was enjoying Bonnie's too but Marceline's body was new territory to me.
I didn't want to explore and conquer it yet because it was too early to do that because she just joined me and Bonnie. They were playing with themselves and with me.
Every once in a while I could feel Marceline trying to slip her hand under my boxer briefs. But if she really wanted it she would have to work a little more for it.
Then that's when things got real frisky and when I say frisky, I mean down right awesomeness. That when they starting removing the rest of their clothes. Now I'm the only one with clothes.
They changed that very quickly because actually I won't be putting those briefs back on any more, Marceline ripped them off of me.
I really didn't want to do this this early in the new relationship between the three of us but with two very strong woman, I really didn't have a choice so I just went with it knowing I was going to enjoy myself for the rest of the night and most of tomorrow.
Before we went any farther we moved this up into Bonnie's bedroom. We got there and laid on the bed and continued from where we left off.
Now we were all completely in the nude and were making out. Each of us caressing the others bodies.
I had to stop before going any further to ask them something. "Hey guys… Are you... sure you want… to go… through with this?" I asked them panting and sweating heavily.
"Yes!" They said in unison. Then they went back to doing what they were doing.
"Can I ask you guys another question?" They groaned in annoyance because I was constantly stopping their enjoyment time.
"Can I watch you guys make-out for a minute and stuff like that?" They were shocked by the question, thinking it was going to be something boring but were surprised as well.
They both smiled and turned toward each other. They started making out with each other. Then Marceline pushed Bonnie down on her back and straddled her. 'Oh man what a site to see' I thought to myself.
They were shaking the bed a lot. I could feel the vibrations of their movements...