Hey Guys, I know this is a short chapter, but I needed a time slot and I also had to get some stuff in and I wanted it to be short. Chapter 17 also might be coming tonight.

The tears in my eyes made everything glare, but I knew exactly what was going on. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. I was in utter shock. His chocolate orbs glistened and a smile raised upon his lips, "Kim, I know we are only juniors, and we are way to young to get married." He opened the tiny black box in his hand to reveal a silver band with a knot in the middle. But inside the knot a small diamond was secured inside. "Kim, this ring is a promise to you. A promise that I'll ask you to marry me. A promise one day I'll vow to spend the rest of my life with you."

I couldn't stop the tears from pouring down my face. I was laughing the softest laugh. Jack grabbed my right hand and placed the ring on my middle finger. "The promise ring goes on the middle finger because the other ones have another purpose." He smiled at me. "Kim, this ring is a promise that one day you'll be mine forever."

I still couldn't find the right words to say. I just sat there with the biggest smile on my face. I probably looked stupid as hell since I was crying, but I didn't care. I just grabbed Jack's face and pressed his sweet lips into mine. The rush of spearmint entered my breath.

Jack pulled away gasping for air. I was so caught up in the moment, I forgot how to breathe. I know how cheesy, but Jack just does that to me. I forget anything and everything. I forget all the worries and fear. He makes me feel like I'm the most precious and fragile thing on earth.

Jack and I cuddled, and made out I'm not going to lie, for about an hour before James stirred awake. I sadly got up from Jack and grabbed James from the corner of the room. I turned back around to see Jack gone. I walked over to the kitchen to see him warming up a bottle I had prepared earlier.

He tested the warmth and gave it to me. I sat down in a bean bag chair with the fussy baby in my arms, "Hold on babe, its right here." James realized the bottle was in front of his face, and began sucking away. It was about 11 o'clock when the rest of the house was downstairs. Addison was on the couch passed out, I'm guessing it was her nap time.

Dana came over and sat down next to me, she put her hands out ushering for me to give her James. I handed him over slowly. He started to cry a little since I took the bottle away, but once Dana had it in her hands and gave it to him he was totally fine.

Such a drama king, I thought to my self laughing. "Whats so funny?" Ricky walked in grabbed the sleeping toddler on the couch. "Just thinking about how James is such a drama king." I giggled a little. He chuckled a little, "Just wait until he's her age." He pointed at Addison and then took her upstairs to her room.

Jack walked into the room hanging up his phone, he looked at me with guilt in his eyes. "What's wrong Jack?" "Rudy asked me to come to the dojo, apparently we qualified for Nationals this in February," He smirked. I jumped up and ran into his arms, he spun me around. "Jack thats wonderful!" "I know, I feel bad for leaving you and James alone since I have no idea how long I'll be gone." "Its okay, I've got your mom and I'll ask Grace to come over." "Are you sure?" He asked sincerely, "Because if not I can tell Rudy I can't-." "Go," I interrupted him, "I'll be fine." I smiled reassuring him I'll be fine.

He ran upstairs to get changed into sweats. I did envy him a little. I missed doing karate, it was the only way I could vent and clear my head. I was the happiest while doing it, it was the thing I loved doing.

Jack came down stairs in a tank top and sweats. He had his bag over his left shoulder. He pulled me into him kissing me passionately on the lips. "I'll be back before you know it." And with that he ran out the door.

Grace came over for about an hour and hung out with James and I. Jack called about every 30 minutes, it was cute, but got very annoying.

It was about 9 o'clock when I crawled into bed. I got a call from Jack, but I honestly can't remember it all since I was half asleep. Once I hung up the phone darkness overtook me.

I suddenly felt arms wrap around my waist and I was pulled into a sweaty, muscular chest. I blinked my eyes and turned to see chocolate orbs staring at me with such affection. It was all very hazy since I was in a deep sleep, and to be honest I couldn't tell if I was dreaming or not.

I felt pepper kisses along my collar bone and jaw line which made me faintly giggle. "Good night Kimmy," was the last thing I heard before I crashed into a deep sleep.