Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN R+V

Hey guys, Im new here and as you can see i've decided to start a fanfiction on R+V. The pairing i guess will be Inner Moka X Tsukune (;p sry i just like her more than outer)

first time with a fanfic. IT WILL VERY MOST LIKELY POSITIVELY BE BAD D: ye im not that good but i just wanted to put it out there for everyone.

Pleaase comment and Review. Please tell me if i should continue it and how much words should it be for it to be good if i am to continue this. Tell me how i can make it better and ye all that good stuff... WELL here it is a small section. Oh and I have this great scene plotted out in my head but...its in 1st person. Should i change this story into 1st person from Tsukune's point of view. I will most likely try it


Prologue: Dream


Tsukune turned around, his eyes darting; straining to see where he was, but to no avail. The darkness was everywhere. He felt like his eyes couldn't see more than a few feet in front of him, yet at the same time, he was sure his eyes could see far out into the vastness of where he was.

Suddenly, He felt like the ground he was standing on was pulled out from right under him. He was no longer standing, but he felt like he was falling, spiraling out of control. It was frightening and relaxing at the same time. It was a sensation he had never felt before, thrilling yet calm. He felt like he was drifting slowly downward, like a leaf from a tree in the fall. He closed his eyes.


His eyes opened suddenly looking around. He was surprised to find himself standing again. He felt that he somehow knew who was calling out to him. It was on the tip of his tongue.


He turned around and saw a vague figure not far from him. It stepped out of the darkness into what seemed to be a pale cascade of moonlight. It hit him like a hammer in the face. Red crimson eyes. Flowing silver hair. He was shocked. His brain couldn't seem to register the fact that Inner Moka was standing in front of him bathed in pale moonlight, and that she was calling his name.

She walked up to him slowly and the cascade of moonlight seemed to follow her.

"Tsukune…" She barely breathed in a seductive voice.

She was very close to Tsukune when she stopped. So close in fact, that they could smell each other's breath. Her breath smelled of fresh strawberries. He breathed in her smell as it spread throughout his whole body. It melted his heart and his legs felt like jelly. It took all his willpower not to step closer and wrap his arms around Inner Moka and envelop his entire body with the overwhelming scent that was coming from Inner Moka.

He was very surprised when she took another step closer and their foreheads almost collided with each other. He looked down to avoid looking at her face, and instead looked to the side as his face was flushed like a red tomato.

She tilted her head to the side and slowly bent her body forward. She took her arms and wrapped them around Tsukune's body. She leaned in closer.

U-u-umm…M-Mo-Moka?" Tsukune gasped.

"It's okay…" She said.

As she continued to lean in closer, he embraced her with his arms around her back, reassured that everything would be okay and entrusted himself to Inner Moka.

"Moka…" He whispered as he rested his head on her shoulder, exposing the side of his neck.

"Tsukune…" She said barely audible.

He felt a very quick sting and felt his blood being drained out. The scent of Inner Moka quickly enveloped him. It felt so good.

He was almost disappointed when she pulled away. She looked up at him, and their eyes locked. For the first time, Tsukune couldn't help but notice how beautiful Inner Moka was. Her Red crimson eyes seemed like they were drawing him in. He longed to stroke her hair and let his fingers graze her cheek. He let his eyes slip lower, to the rest of her body which he had seen many times, but which seemed entirely different now.

"I…love you, Tsukune." She said. Cheeks flushed.

It stunned him. He was incredulous. Inner Moka telling him she loved him. He opened his mouth and closed it. He was at a loss for words; he never imagined anything like this would happen. It was pure fantasy. He broke eye contact with her and looked to the side, blushing more than what seemed possible.

"W-w-what a-are you t-talking a-about?" He stuttered.

He took his arms in order to push her away but she caught his wrist and their eyes locked again.

"This…is what I am talking about." She breathed out. Her expression was intense, almost threatening.

She pulled him to her and their lips collided. It took Tsukune a moment to realize what was happening and he closed his eyes and using his hands on her back, tried to close what distance was left between them. He kissed her back when the barrier between them was broken. She slipped her tongue inside of his mouth and his in hers. Their tongue's fought for dominance, sliding back and forth, rubbing against each other. They both let out a moan. His tongue explored her mouth and that continued on for what seemed like eternity when he realized he was out of breath. They broke their kiss and started to gasp for air.

Tsukune was very surprised.

"I…will be waiting for you, Aono Tsukune." She smiled and tapped her finger lightly on his lips as she seemed to fade away into the darkness. He was left with a burning sensation on his lips. That was the last thing he remembered before the darkness completely enveloped him…

TADA Thats it, the prologue. I tried as much as possible to stretch it out...it was only 450 words before i stretched it out well. REVIEW PLEASE I BEG OF YOU TELL ME WHAT TO DO! Thanks guys