This is my first fanfiction. It would be great if you could review it. Hope you enjoy :)


Chapter 1

The rain comes down in a steady rhythm, obscuring my view. I wipe it out of my eyes as I continue to run. I force my legs to pump faster, I had to keep moving. I don't know how long I've been running or how far. I definitely don't know where I'm going. I really don't care. As long as I get away from him. The source of all my nightmares and cause of all my pain. The one who experiments on children and destroys all hope for them. My hand moves to my neck of it's own accord. Just thinking about him makes the stupid thing hurt. The ugly black mark sits upon my skin, a permanent reminder of his sick experiments. I have to stop soon before the pain becomes too much to bear.

I come to a stop in a large clearing surrounded by a dense forest. The only sound is the constant pitter-patter of the rain as it hits the ground and my ragged breathing. Ilean my back against a tree, the rough bark catching on my clothes as I slide into a sitting position. I look down at myself. My clothes are cover in bright crimson blood. It's not mine, at least I don't think it is. I can't feel any pain except for the curse mark. I hear a sound to my right. My eyes widen and I quickly get to my feet. As I do a wave of pain crashes through my body from the mark. The world around me starts spinning as I'm sucked into blackness.

It's dark. The kind of dark that swallows everything whole and houses the monsters of your worst nightmares. Laughter echoes all around me, dark and sinister. "Ssssso, you thought you could essssscape," came his malicious voice to my left. "You're a naughty little girl." Now it's to my right. I whip my head around desperately trying to find him, but all I see is that all encompassing darkness. "I have a ssspecial punishment for you, it seems that your sssharingan will become mine sssooner than expected!"

A blinding white light fills the room. My eyes take a second to adjust to the brightness, but when they do I wish the lights had stayed off. All around me around sharp instruments of torture gleam in the light. Right above me ishis gruesome, grinning face. My heart rate skyrockets as adrenaline pumps through me. I strain against my tight bonds, but it's no use. I can't break free and as I realize this a wave of terror goes through me. I strain against the bonds again, doubling my efforts.

"How about we begin? I'll explain the procccedure to you asss we go," his smile grew. "It'ss very sssimple. Firsssst, I'm going to ussse thisss," He holds up a suction type thing, "to sssuck your eyesss from their sssockets. Then I will use thisss," He places the suction thing down and picks up a serrated blade that glints wickedly in the light, "To sssever them from your head. Then I'm going to placcce them into a sssspecial ssssolution that will keep them 'alive'. After that, Kabuto will remove my eyesss in assssimilar fashion and replace them with yoursss. Any questions before we begin?"

"D-do I get a-an anest-sthetic?" I curse myself for how weak and scared my voice sounds.

"No," he says laughing.

"Why not?" I ask my voice coming out stronger.

"Becausssse," he says with a sly smile, "It'sss more fun to watch you ssssquirm in pain."

"You are one sick bastard, I hope you burn in Hell," I spat. He just chuckled and began moving towards my eyes with the suction. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of hearing me scream, but I couldn't help the ear-splitting screech that tore through my body. The suction got closer to my eye. 3 centimeters… 2…1… I braced myself for the pain.

I wake with a start to find myself in a hospital bed hooked up to beeping machines. My heart begins to race. He caught me! My eyes take stock of my surroundings and my heart instantly calms and my muscles relax. This isn't one of his labs, I'm not strapped down and the window to my left shows a beautiful view of a village. On a table to my right is a glass of water, but when I try to grab it my fingers slip right off.

The door creaks open to reveal a blond nurse. "Oh! You're up!" She exclaims and rushes to my bedside. "How do you feel? Do you need anything?"

"Water," I croak out. My throat feels like I swallowed a mouthful of sand. She grabs the glass from my bedside table and holds it to my cracked lips. I gulp it down greedily. "How long have I been out?"

"Three days," She says. "A team of shinobi returning from a mission found you unconscious in the forest just outside of the village. You were covered in black marks and blood so they brought you here to the hospital. I'll be right back, I need to go inform the Hokage that you've woken up." She rushes out of the room. The Hokage, which must mean I'm in Konoha. I'm home! I look out the window. It's still as beautiful as I remember.

I turn from the window as the Hokage enters the room. He looks exactly the same as he did when I was weary eyes study me as he steps in. "Hello." He says giving me a soft smile.

"Hi," I answer back uncertainly.

"I am the Hokage of this village and I was wondering if you would answer some questions for me?" He asks.

"I guess," I reply.

"Let's start off easy, what is your name?" Here it comes; he's bound to recognize me. I just hope he doesn't think that I helped my brother with the massacre.

"T-Tora…Uchiha," His eyes widen as soon as I say it.

"But how?" He asks. "I thought your brother killed everyone but Sasuke."

"Itachi… He took me with him to the Akatsuki. We were always close. Closer than anyone in our family. He was the only one who really loved me and he told me that while he could kill everyone else and leave Sasuke, he could never leave me behind." I explained.

"Start at the massacre and tell me everything," He demands.

"You might want to sit down this could take awhile." He takes a seat in a chair to my right and I launch into my story.

A younger me slowly makes her way down the streets of Konoha. I don't want to go home. Mommy only pays attention to Sasuke and Daddy doesn't think I'm good enough because I'm girl. Sasuke hates me because I'm stronger than him and big brother pays more attention to me. Itachi's the only one that loves me there. He's the only one that knows my secret, the secret that I got my Sharingan a few years ago. Even though no Uchiha woman has gotten it in a couple hundred years.

I turn the corner to the Uchiha compound and my eyes widen at the sight before me. There are bodies everywhere and the streets are bathed in blood. I tear my eyes from the bodies of my relatives and look up to see a dark figure silhouetted in the moonlight further into the compound. A smaller figure falls to the ground in from of him. As if feeling my gaze on him the figure looks up. All I catch is a flash of red eyes before the darkness swallows me.

When I wake up I'm surrounded by cloaked figures. I instantly close my eyes, hoping they didn't notice I was upand listen to the conversation. "You were supposed to come alone," says a deep voice.

"I figured she could be a good addition." Says the unmistakable voice of my brother.

"How could a runt like that possibly be of use to us?" Another voice sneered.

"She's almost as strong as me," My brother explains emotionlessly. "And she has the Sharingan. Which I might remind you that no Uchiha woman has had in hundreds of years."

"She can stay," Says the first voice. "But she works with you and Kisame."

Time to make myself known. I think I should play the small, confused little girl. "I-Itachi?" I ask, my voice coming out as barely a whisper. "W-Where are w-we?"

"Ah. I see you're up," he says in a monotone voice. "Tora this is the Akatsuki, an organization I joined. I decided to bring you with me."

"O-Okay," I say in a small voice.

"So cute!" I hear someone whisper. I have to force myself not to smirk.

I stand up and look around me. There are ten people, including my brother. "So, who exactly are all of you?" I ask.

"I am Pein, leader of the Akatsuki." Says and orange haired man with piercings all over his face and purple gray eyes with black rings in them. I recognize him as the owner of the first voice.

"I'm Konan," says a pretty woman with short blue hair.

"Kakuzu," a man with creepy green eyes and a mask that covers most of his head says.

"Hidan," says a guy with slicked back grey hair, and a large three bladed scythe also the owner of the second voice that called me a runt. I'll have to remember to get back at him sometime.

"Sasori," says a…puppet? I shudder. I hate puppets.

"I'm Deidara, un!" Says a guy; well at least I think it's a guy. His blonde hair is so long!

"Name's Kisame. I'll be working with you and your brother," says a blue guy with shark teeth and gills. I have to admit that's pretty awesome. He must be strong too, considering the big ass sword strapped to his back.

A man with pale skin and shoulder length black hair crouches down in front of me. His golden, purple rimmedsnake-like eyes glance over me before meeting mine. " I am Orochimaru and might I sssay what lovely eyesss you have?" I shudder as his cold hand touches my cheek. My brother's onyx eyes lock with my identical ones. The look on his face tells me that he wants me to stay away from this Orochimaru freak. Fine by me.

"Come on Tora, I'll show you to your room," says Itachi. Needless to say I was glad to be away from that creeper.

"I stayed with the Akatsuki until Orochimaru left. The night he left he injected me with something to cut off my chakra and knocked me out then took me with him. He wanted my Sharingan eyes. Well, originally he wanted to take Itachi's, but Itachi was too strong. A few days ago I broke out of his lair. I passed out while running and next thing I know I'm waking up here." The Hokage is silent after I finish my tale.

"What did Orochimaru do to you when you were with him?" He finally asks. The memories start to resurface, but I push them back because they're too painful.

"Please don't make me answer that. Those memories are still too painful," I say in a small voice.

"I won't make you answer anything you don't want to," he replies kindly.

"I can tell you this though. As a result of Orochimaru's experiments I have this weird… power. I have these… visions. Whenever someone touches me his or her entire life flashes before my eyes. I see their past. I've learned to control it most of the time and keep myself from doing it every time I touch someone, but whenever I come across someone with an extremely… sad past, I get sucked in. I guess you could say they have incredibly powerful pasts. Does that make any sense?" I ask.

"It's a little hard to understand, but I think I get the concept."

"Good, because it's even harder to explain."

"So, I have one more question. How would you like to become a shinobi here in Konoha?"

"I'd love to! But, can I have my own apartment? I don't want to go back to the Uchiha compound."

"Why not?" He asks curiously.

"Too many bad memories." I answer.

"Alright, I'll have it set up right away. And as soon as you get out of the hospital you can join your new team!"

"And what team would that be?"

He seems to think for a second, and then gives me a sly smile, like he knows something I don't. "Team 7!"