Eponine groaned as Marius sang behind her.

"In my life, she has burst like the music of angels. The light of the sun and my life seems to stop as if something is over and something has scarcely begun. Eponine," he said grabbing her hand & spinning her around ,"You're the friend who has brought me here. Thanks to you I am one with the gods and Heaven is near!"

Eponine laughed,"Marius you have to be quiet. Remember she told you, you have to be quiet. I get that your excited!"

"How can I not be Ponine! I've never felt this way before, I wish I could make you feel how I feel." He said smiling.

"Well I think we have made it to your destination," she said pointing towards the lush garden ahead, "I'll be around, so you don't get lost trying to find your way home," She said turning around to find her own little corner.

Eponine had been sitting for at least an hour waiting for Marius & Cosette to end what seemed to be the longest conversation in the world. She wondered what they were talking about, had he mentioned her? Had Cosette said anything about Enjolras? Did either of them remember her or think about her? Footstep caught her attention, she looked up to see her father.

"Ponine, where have you been? I've been looking all around Paris for you. Two days & not a single franc in my pocket," Thenardier sneered grabbing ahold of her arm.

Eponine let out a sharp hiss,"Papa! I have three days worth of francs in my pocket. If you would let me go I could give it to you!" She snapped trying to snatch her arm away from his grasp.

Thenardier let go of his daughters arm & snatched the money as soon as she got it out of her pocket.

"You've always been a good money maker Eponine," He said tossing the back into the air & then catching it.

"I've never had a choice, did I father?" she retorted.

"Watch your tone, Brat," he snapped slapping her across the face causing her to cry out in pain, "How dare ya speak to the man who keeps a roof over yo..."

"Who's there?" Eponine heard someone call out, before she was smashed into the wall.

Enjolras had been walking home from a late night at the library when he heard someone cry out in pain.

"Who's there," he called out into the darkness.

He began walking towards the sound. He noticed a figure leaning against a wall, it appeared to be a young woman.

"Excuse me, Mademoiselle are you…," The words leaving his mind the second blue eyes met brown.

"Eponine," he whispered as she stared at him in shock.

Eponine couldn't think of anything to say, nor could she move a muscle. Here was a ghost from her childhood standing in front of her. He looked so different, yet the same. He was definitely taller than the last time she'd seen him, his shoulders where broader, he was no longer the lanky boy she once knew, but his hair was still the wild curly mess it was from their childhood.

Enjolras gazed down at the face he thought he would never see again. What could he say to a girl he thought died. She was thin, her clothes tattered, but her eyes still shone with the same fire he witnessed from his youth. He kneeled down to her level as she continued to gawk at her. He gently took hold of her chin looking into her eyes.

"You're here, you're alive, you're here in Paris," he whispered.

"Alive? I'm not dead, I'm very much alive." she uttered back turning her head away.

There was a silence between them.

"Azelma?" he questioned noticing the flash of pain in her eyes. She looked up & nodded solemnly.

"She died," she whispered out,"three years after you & Cosette left. She got sick & there was nothing I could do to save her."

"I'm sorry," he whispered," I'm sorry I wasn't there"

She wiped the tears from her face before looking down & standing up," What could you have done? What could anyone have done? We don't choose who lives & dies. She's in a better place now, I'd rather her be at peace, then live with my father."

"Your father," he questioned causing her to freeze recalling what Cosette had told her.

"I… I… I have to go," she said before disappearing into the darkness.

"Eponine wait," he called out into the night, but she was gone.

_"Enjolras," said Combeferre waving his hand in front of his best friends face.

Enjolras let out a sigh running his hand through his hair.

"What's on your mind mon ami?" Combeferre asked sitting down next to his best friend .

"Have you ever felt like you have seen a ghost? I've spent years mourning someone who i thought died & to find out this person is alive. I don't know how I should feel," He said rubbing his temples.

"Enjolras, I haven't seen you distracted like this before. If this is someone important maybe you should try to seek them out," he paused before continuing ,"have you talked to Cosette about this?"

Combeferre is the only one who knew about Enjolras' family. The fact that he had a sister is something he chose not to tell people. The last thing he needed was for his friends to be bothering his sister.

"I don't if think I should talk to her about it. This is someone she knew, but she I never told her about the death."

"Isn't that good then? This person isn't dead &..."

"Someone still died, I don't want to cause her pain."

"Enj, you have to remember, Cosette isn't a little girl anymore. You should talk to her, especially if she's the only other person who could understand." he acknowledged.

"You're right," he replied.

After dinner Cosette had retreated to her room to prepare for bed. She heard a knock on the door as she began braiding her hair.

"Come in," she said continuing to braid

"I saw Eponine last night. "